Friday, December 23, 2011

How to Make Men Always Look Youthful

Like women, men are also often concerned about the aging process. However, more often men rarely make the effort to keep looking younger. Here's a trick that can be done so that the young man much longer.

Wanting to have a fair that always looks fresh, now he has to realize that taking care of themselves not only to delay aging, but also beneficial to health. And facial skin care products for men also have a lot so it is no longer a taboo if a man diligent in taking care of themselves.

Here are 10 ways he could do to stay young as long as quoted from AskMen, Friday (12/23/2011):

1. Have a weight-bearing exercise equipment 

When doing weight training, avoid doing it every day in a row. It aims to give time to improve and shape the muscles on the sidelines of weight training.
Regular exercise can improve the body's antioxidant defense system to fight free radicals due to aging.

2. Sunblock and sunglasses 

One way to slow the aging process or reducing the impact is to use sunblock and sunglasses every time you leave the house. Combination sunscreen and sunglasses will not magically get rid of all the wrinkles that have been owned. However, sunscreen and sunglasses can prevent skin damage that can occur due to sun exposure.

Use a sunblock back periodically throughout the day if you're spending a lot of time outdoors. People who have a pale skin color will require a sunblock with an SPF of 30 or more. Meanwhile, people who have very dark skin can use a product with SPF 15 or SPF 20.

3. Adequate bed 

Sleep is when your body repairs, which means that it only takes a few nights of poor sleep to get dark circles, red eyes, and a shabby appearance. To get quality sleep, it is necessary that adequate bed. Most people need between 7-9 hours of sleep.

4. Provide a water bottle that can be reused 

Dehydration can cause dry skin and wrinkles. In fact, if you ever see the fine lines around the eyes that can appear and disappear. This is a sign that not getting enough H2O. Intake of drinking enough to keep the skin cells stay young.
Putuh consume as much as 8 glasses of water a day is required for optimal cell function. Active men should drink more than that amount. To ensure getting your body needs to drink intake, then it can be to buy a bottle of water that can be reused.

5. Antioxidant moisturizer 

The more we age, the skin will get dry. Antioxidant-rich moisturizer that not only moisturize the upper layers of the epidermis with a hydrating tonic but also will pump nutritious ingredients into the skin cells. So that antioxidants can help skin retain its elasticity.
Look for moisturizers with high doses, such as resveratrol, vitamin A, C, and E. Using an antioxidant moisturizer twice a day, once in the morning and again before bedtime can help the skin retain its elasticity.

6. Eye cream 

Eye cream designed to moisturize and provide nutrients to the sensitive and thin skin around the eyes. Wrinkles first appear, often on the skin around the eyes.
Product eye creams can to minimize the appearance of fine lines or cell turnover to slow the formation of wrinkles on the skin around the eyes. Use an eye cream twice a day, once in the morning and again before bed.

7. Razors and shaving cream high quality 

Beard or mustache that has been colored white or gray, can make a person look older. By shaving his beard and mustache are white and gray, can make a person look younger.

8. Scrub face 

A facial scrub products can be to remove dead skin cells and helps clean the pores. Eliminates dead skin cells and cleanse pores, can help the growth of new cell layers. This allows a layer of the epidermis will look brighter and younger.
Skin cell turnover cycle takes about 28 days. So do not do scrubing more than about twice a month. When choosing a facial scrub product, look for products with fine grains because it will be too soft and will not scratch the skin.

9. Multivitamins 

Vitamins are micronutrients that your body can not produce itself. So must be obtained from outside sources. Micronutrients work from the inside out by feeding the cells, so the skin can be healthy if consumed in adequate amounts.
In addition, some vitamins can prevent and repair cell damage by neutralizing harmful free radicals, thereby slowing aging. The best way to get vitamins, of course, is to eat lots of fruits and vegetables fresh.

10. Revitalizer hair or prevent hair loss products 

The hair is black, thick, and shiny can signify vitality. Products designed to combat thinning hair can stimulate the scalp to promote hair growth or to improve the quality of the hair, so hair can appear a lot more.
The frequency of baldness treatments will vary from product to product. Almost certainly will require more than one use. Use of products to prevent and treat baldness must regularly to maintain the results.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

How to Stop Your Puppy Chewing Problem

Learning how to stop your puppy from chewing can become a difficult chore that will leave you frustrated, especially when they get ahold of your favorite pair of shoes, or they are constantly chewing on you.

If you want to stop your puppy from chewing, there are a few things that you need to understand about them before you just blame them for their behavior.

To begin with, chewing is a natural part of being a puppy. Rather than trying to stop them from this natural behavior, you should work towards redirecting the problem to another source. Get them chew toys and a bone thatthey are allowed to gnaw on to their hearts content.

It is much easier to redirect a problem than to try and stop it completely, especially when the problem is more of a human problem than a puppy one.

Another thing to consider is that certain behaviors tend to instigate chewing, especially when they are chewing on you. This can lead to dog aggression problems later on, so you need to nip it in the bud now rather than putting it off.

But, again, this is a human problem as much as a puppy problem. In order to stop your pupply from chewing on you, you need to pay attention to what you do that instigate it.

Certain sudden movements, or aggressive behavior towards your puppy (even in play) will push them into chewing. Also, when you are playing, if they start chewing on you, stop the activity.

Dogs can't distinguish between play time and not play time. Although they love to play, the habits that they will pick up then will transfer to other times.

You should never allow your dog to play aggressively and chewing is one of the easiest bad habits to break.

When they start chewing, redirect them to one of their play toys, and separate yourself from them.

If the chewing problem persists, you may need to keep them in a kennel until they learn to behave. Crate training can take some time, but is very beneficial in stopping a wide variety of puppy problems, including them wanting to chew on you.

Follow these tips to stop your puppy from chewing, and get them under control. It doesn't take much, but by paying attention to your behavior and redirecting their behavior to an appropriate toy will help you to get things under control.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Effect of sugar-sweetened beverages in Women

Drinking two glasses or more sugar-sweetened beverages per day can increase the risk of heart disease and diabetes in women. Nevertheless, the habit was not to gain weight.

According to Health Day News, soda and other sweetened beverages is a target in the fight against obesity. The problem, according to latest research results, the drink may not cause weight gain, but it triggers something more severe.

Middle-aged women who drank two glasses or more drinks in a day had a four times higher risk will increase blood fats called triglycerides.

In addition, these drinks also damage their blood sugar levels when compared with women who drank only one glass a day.

The good news, both groups were equally showed no weight gain. The findings were presented at the annual meeting of the American Hearth Association in Orlando, Florida, United States.

However, these cases do not occur in men. There is no explanation of why the group drink sweet things that do not affect men.

Possible causes are women require less energy for metabolism than men. Thus, two glasses of soda every day will not affect the condition of men. They need more servings in order to see its impact.

In the end, reduce or do not eat at all sweetened drinks are the easiest steps to avoid heart disease and diabetes. Is it not so?

Saturday, December 17, 2011

How To Keep Your Dog Cool In The Summer

Summer is a time for fun - swimming, picnics, baseball games, and playing with your dog in your newly mowed lawn. The only downside to summer is the heat! For us humans it's easy to keep a tall glass of lemonade around or crank the air conditioning up to keep us cool during these months.

But our pets don't often have it so easy. It can be miserable for your dog to be stuck in the heat for long periods of time with no way to keep cool. While it's obviously preferable to keep your best friend indoors when the weather gets hot, sometimes it's not practical.

If you absolutely have to keep your dog outside during these hot months, then there are a few simple things you can do to keep your dog safe and cool. You DON'T want to forget these tips - they are absolutely essential.

First off, make sure your dog has plenty of shade. You can build a simple pavilion out of scrap wood and a tarp if there is no other shade source. Shade can make a big difference!

Also, make sure your dog has lots of cool water. They make great water bowls now that can be hooked up to a hose and that continually refills the bowl when the water level drops below a certain point. It's great because your dog will never run out of cool water!

Another super way to keep your dog cool is to give him access to a kiddie pool filled with water, but this is only for dogs that like the water and are able to swim. Remember: safety first! Don't do this if you have a small, short-legged dog that could drown in the pool.

Finally, and one of the best ways to keep your pet cool during the summer, you can get your dog a cooling dog bed (also known as a dog cooling mat).

The cooling dog bed (or dog cooling mat) is a great way to make sure your dog stays comfortable in that blistering summer heat. And if you are looking for a cheap dog bed, a cooling dog bed or dog cooling mat usually don't cost too much and works great besides that. They require NO electricity but simply work by dispersing the water inside the dog cooling mat when they lay down, providing a cool, dry place to sleep. They're made out of a tough nylon material as well so that claws won't puncture when the dogwalks across them. Cooling dog beds are a great way to keep your favorite pet from suffering in the hot summer sun. These dog cooling mats are also great for dogs that have just gotten back from playing outside or taking a doggie walk.

Remember to always follow these tips when your dog is outside in the summer. In the end however, the best way to keep your dog cool is to keep him indoors when the heat is too much!

Learn more about cooling dog beds at You'll discover many different types of dog cooling mats and cooling dog beds for your pet.

Friday, November 11, 2011

You Are The Top Dog: Letting Your Wolf Dog Know You Are The Alpha

By Edye Marin, Breeder for Northern California’s Wolf Hybrid Ranch

Your Wolf Hybrid Dog needs to know that you are the leader of its pack, thus giving it the proper perspective of its place and yours in the world.

You may find this list of rules helpful to ensure your dog understands your mutual places.

If you own a wolf hybrid, you should consider heeding these rules. Canines need to have a clear understanding of their place in the pack. A wolfdog lacking that insight will not be happy or fulfilled. We are honored to share our insights from years of breeding and training at

Some wolfdog behaviors might not be what they seem. For example separation anxiety may seem like your wolf dog is destructive when you leave the house. When in reality it is nervous being left home alone. Wolves are social animals which live in packs, thus they do not do well being left alone for extended periods of time.

The primary way to communicate with your wolf dog that you are its pack leader is to take it for a walk. Now, don’t consider the typical walk most humans take with their dog, where the dog is actually taking the human for a walk. You are going on a pack walk where the wolf is made to heel beside or behind you. This is most important for all dogs, as in a canine's mind, the pack leader will always lead the way. A dog must not be allowed to sniff or eliminate anytime it wishes, but when you allow it. The dog should be concentrating on following you - the human pack leader. This pack type walk should be done daily. Not only will this release built up energy, but it will satisfy the dog's instinct to migrate, which all dogs possess. Dog's who have excess energy bottled up inside them and who do not have their migration instinct met will develop various instability issues that most people mistake for being breed traits.

All pack leaders eat first. When you give your wolfdog its food, eat a small snack first while it is watching, lay the snack near the wolf’s food so that it thinks you are eating out of its bowl. Remember, the leader always eats first. As it is eating push its face out of the food bowl and mix the food with your hand. That lets it know the food is yours but you are done and it can have the rest. It also leaves your scent on the food, making it yours.

Don’t feed table scraps to the wolves during a meal, as tempting as it may be. If there are leftovers you want to give it, put them in its bowl when you are through eating and ready to leave the table. That way the alphas have eaten first and it eats last.

Feedings must be at a scheduled time, as you determine when those in the pack eat.

You should not let the dog go through any doorway first. The leader of the pack always goes first. If the dog does not stay behind the humans, the dog must be told to "stay" and given the command to "come" after all humans have passed through. If the dog is allowed to go first it is then in the place of pack leader.

You should never go to the dog, it should always come to you.

A basic obedience command such as “Sit” or “Come” should be given before pleasurable interaction with the dog. The children should give the dogs commands at least once a day and reward with a treat when the command is followed. This builds a child’s position as the pack leader as well. A simple “Sit” will do. No treat should be awarded if the dog does not follow the command. Show your dog it does not get anything for free. Its food, water, treats, even praise/love have to be earned by doing something. Even something as little as sit or come. Make sure the dog takes the treat from your hands gently. Do not ever allow the dog to snatch the treat from your hand.

You should not lay on the floor to watch TV when the dog is around and no one should roll around the floor playing with the wolfdogs, as a human should never put himself in an equal or lesser height position than the wolf.

You are the one who greets newcomers first, your wolf-hybrid is the last who gets attention (the pack leader is the one who greets newcomers and lets the rest know when it is safe to greet the newcomer)

If your wolfdog is laying in your path, do not walk around the wolf, make it move.

During the time you are establishing your higher pack position, no hugs should be given to the dog by you, as a dominant dog may consider this a challenge of power.

If you establish eye contact with the wolfdog, the wolf must avert its gaze first. If the human averts first, the wolf will feel like it has a higher power position. Tell the children not to have staring contest with the wolf, as if they avert or blink first, it will only reinforce, in the wolfdog’s mind, that it is pack leader.

Ideally, wolfdogs should not sleep in your bed. In the wolf world, the most comfortable place to sleep is reserved for the higher members of the pack. If a wolfdog is allowed to sleep on the bed, the dog must be invited up and not be allowed to push the humans out of their way. Making them sleep at the foot of the bed rather than, for example, on your pillow, is best. The wolf-hybrid should never be invited to get on the bed before the human.

Wolfdogs must never be allowed to mouth or bite anyone at any time, including in play.

Any attention given to the wolfdog, including petting should be given when the human decides attention is to be given (absolutely no petting when the wolf nudges or paws you or your hand. This would be letting the dog decide and reinforcing, in his mind, that he is higher on the scale than the human.)

You, not the wolf, must start and finish all games of fetch or play with toys.

Wolfdogs should not be allowed to lie on your furniture, except by invitation of the leader of the pack who always gets the most comfortable spot. Dogs belong on the floor. If you do decide to allow your dog on the furniture, you must be the one who decides when it is allowed up and you must be the one who decides when it is to get off, by inviting it up and telling it to get down.

No tug-of-war, as this is a game of power and you may lose the game giving the wolf a reinforcement (in its mind) of pack leader (not all trainers agree on this).

Wolves need to be taught a “Drop it” or release command. Any objects the wolfdog has in its possession should be able to be taken away by all humans.

Wolves own no possessions, everything belongs to you. They are all on "loan" from the human family. You should be able to handle or remove any item at all times from the wolfdog with no problems from the animal. Even if you are taking a chicken bone out of the wolfdog's mouth.

Wolfdogs should not be allowed to pull on the leash. When they do this they are leading the way and it is your job to lead the way and show that you are higher up in the pack order. (In the wild, the leader of the pack always leads the way; the pack leader leads the hunt.)

When you put its food dish down, it must wait until you give the "OK" to eat. Place its food on the ground and tell it to wait. If it darts at the food, block it with your body. You can point at it and tell it, "No, Wait" They read each other’s energy by reading body language, and your dog can read yours. Yes, your dog can read your emotions. So stand tall and think "Big" and stay confident. Do not be nervous, your wolfdog will sense this and assume you are weak. It is this weakness that triggers a wolf to try and take over (for the good of the pack, the pack needs a strong leader). Give the wolf-hybrid a previously taught command before giving them their food. If a wolfdog does not follow the command (i.e. to sit), he does not eat. When he does respond to the command, you invite him to eat his food.
Wolfdogs should never be left unsupervised with children or anyone who cannot maintain leadership over the dog. Sometimes family members also need to be trained.

Last but certainly not least... when you are around your wolfdog avoid emotions such as fear, anxiety, harshness or nervousness. Your wolf can sense these emotions and will see you as weak. This will escalate your problem as your wolf feels an even stronger need to be your leader. Think Big and Powerful and be calm, assertive, and consistent. Remember, there is no hiding your emotions from your wolfdog. They can in a sense, read our minds, in reading our body language. Picture yourself, in your own mind as big, powerful and very sure of yourself. Pull your shoulders back and stand up straight. This is your number one resource when it comes to communicating with your wolfdog. Your wolf-hybrid will be happy and secure knowing he has a strong pack leader to care for him or her.

For more information, visit You can reach Edye Marin at Northern California Wolf Ranch at 530-990-2308 or P.O. Box 93, Etna, CA 96027

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Amazing Functions Of Cat Collars

Most cat owners fail to realize the many additional benefits cat collars provide. First and foremost they are use for identification purposes and aesthetic value, however they can also be used as a resource to improve the health and behavior of your cat too. Choosing and purchasing a collar for your feline friend can be one of the kindest things you can do for your cat.

There are two types of collar that improve safety for your cat; these are called break-away and reflective. Break-away collars are used if you're the collar gets stuck on something, such as a branch. If this happens then the collar simply breaks when enough force is applied. This helps to prevent neck injuries or asphyxiation of your cat. To improve the safety of your cat, you can use two types of collars, break-away and reflective. Reflective collars are used to reflect streetlights and car lights at night. Unfortunately thousands of cats are hit and killed by cars every single year. A reflective collar makes your cat that much more visible to motorists, which could potentially save its life.

If you have a pet kitten or cat you will be well aware of the flea problems they often bring home. Cats can catch fleas from other animals, from the ground or even from your own home if your cat has had a previous infestation. Fleas are amazingly tolerant animals, and their eggs can remain in furniture or the carpet for weeks. Fleas can have serious health affects on your pet. An untreated flea infestation can cause serious skin conditions for your cat, but also fleas transmit a tapeworm that can infect your cat's digestive system.

This is where collars once again come in useful as a weapon against fleas. Flea collars emit a toxic substance that kills any fleas that have taking up residence in your pets fur. This type of collar is an excellent defense, however it should be used in addition to other methods when ridding your pet of fleas. If you do decide to get a flea collar then it is important to research which brands are safe for your pet. Your vet will recommend a safe and effective flea collar for your cat.
Finally collars can be used to alter the negative behaviors in your pet. Erratic or aggressive behavior can be a sign of stress or fear in your cat. Great methods to relax your cat are pheromone collars. These collars make your cat feel calm and at ease. Again you should research carefully which collar is the most suitable for your pet.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Cat Urination Behavior

Most people who are talking about or inquiring about cat urination behavior are having some undesirable issues at home. No one really discusses this when their kitty is using the litter box as they should. It's when they start doing their business right outside the litter box, on the couch or on your laundry in the bottom of the closet that it becomes a concern.

Believe it or not, if you are troubled with house-soiling, you are certainly not alone. This is the most common behavioral problem that cat owners have to deal with. Interestingly, many people think that it's for revenge. Well, contrary to popular belief, it's not all about you! It could be completely coincidental that your cat urinated on the carpet at the same time you decided to go away for a few days. Then again, maybe the neighbor you had watching him forgot to give him his treats!

In all truthfulness, experts say that cats do not have cognitive abilities to calculate such revenge. It's also important to understand that your cat would have to think that relieving himself is a negative act if revenge was the case when really, it's only their human owners who view these acts this way.

Litter Box Issues

It is quite common for cats to avoid their litter box for one reason or another. Their behavior could be the result of:

• Changing Litter - Some litter irritates certain cats. This could be due to texture or even going from non-scented to scented. Some even make an unpleasant dust cloud that your cat may not care for.

• Dirty - Would you want to step over your own soiled areas to relieve yourself? Well, neither does your cat. Sometimes even felines who were fine with their litter box being cleaned once a day get a little more fussy as they age and need it cleaned more often.

• Location - Have you moved the litter box? If not, have you moved something close to it like suitcases, sporting equipment, etc.? Cats can be very sensitive to changes in their surroundings.

Medical Issues

Many people get so caught up in thinking that their cat is being vindictive that they fail to realize that there could be health concerns. Urinary tract infections are often to blame which can cause frequent urination. In this case, it's often hard for the cat to get to the litter box in time.
Also, liver, thyroid and kidney diseases, intestinal tract tumors or parasites and rectum or colon inflammation can be to blame as well. It's also important to understand that as cats get older, age-related issues like muscular disease, disorders of the nervous system and arthritis can all make getting in and out of the litter box a challenge.

Additional Cat

Have you brought in another cat or could another cat you already have be getting old and a little bossier? Even a sweet feline who has always shared her litter box may be scared to use it if her older brother is having some territorial issues. Quite often, adding a second litter box in a different location will often help with this cat urination behavior.

To learn more about cat urination problems and solutions, go to Visit for more topics and tips about cat behaviors including scratching, biting, vocalizing and more.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Is Your Dog Too Bored to Behave?

In our modern world it seems as though the media is full to capacity with dog owners wanting to find the answers to cure their pet's behaviour. Everybody appears to live within the confined boundaries of their family's busy and hectic life. Breakfast is rushed, the commute, the school run, shopping trips, social activities and yet more and more households still wish to own a trusted companion.

When people think of living their perfect lifestyle, there is always the picture in their minds of the family group, made complete by the adorable dog sitting by their side.

Problems occur today when the puppy matures into an adult dog. So often once a dog has been house trained, people assume the animal will be capable of staying alone for a few hours every day. Here is where the difference between modern life in today's world stands in comparison with the households of yesteryear. Just a few years ago the average house had someone at home for most of the time and the family dog was rarely left unattended.

However there is nothing wrong with today's family household owning a dog, but judging by the amount of searches made daily on the internet for obedience training, then obviously some changes have to take place in order to satisfy your pet's needs.

The problems with what the owners are classifying as disobedient stems from pure boredom on the dog's behalf. Try to imagine being stuck indoors, restless wanting to exercise and run but cannot. Suddenly anything that is close at hand, pillows, rugs, shoes provide a challenge, something that they could chew and play with. If left indoors for too long then accidental puddles will occur, not for one to blame the dog for. But there are many ways that you can help your dog to settle into a new routine, which would still include time spent alone at home.

It is vitally important that you exercise your dog before you leave him alone and this has the added benefit that you can gain an extra fitness routine. Take a look around your local pet store, there are many toys available today that are designed for dogs to enjoy when you leave the house. Several items resemble balls and objects that contain treats within; the dog is then occupied trying to work out how to release the snack.

After working on these types of projects it is quite natural for the dog to nap afterwards. If you have reason to believe that your dog cannot wait to relieve itself before you return, then training him to use paper or puppy pads left by the door should alleviate this problem.

In our busy occupied lives it is so easy to actually forget the dog is there when you are at home. How often have you spent time working at the computer or watching television, completely unaware that your dog is curled up in some corner of the house feeling left out of the family group. Try to include your dog in as many household activities as possible. Call him and stroke his head as you relax after work.

Ensure that you allow plenty of time for an evening walk, dogs do like routine and knowing that following a meal he can then look forward to a game in the park. Pets enjoy regularity, try to keep each day to the same schedule for him and you will notice how much calmer your dog will be.

For more information, check out

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Pet Waste At Dog Parks Can Make Your Pet Sick

Visiting a dog park or other community area is a great way to give your pet the exercise and socialization she needs to be happy and healthy. Unfortunately these places can become contaminated with deadly microorganisms found in dog waste and other bodily fluids. These are the facts about 4 common diseases spread in contaminated pet feces.


Background: Parvovirus appeared in the 1970s. Since then it has spread around the globe and is considered ubiquitous (potentially everywhere) in the environment. This virus’s rapid proliferation was due in part to its hardy nature. Parvo is often fatal so any dog that has symptoms that suggest infection should receive immediate medical care.

Symptoms: Rapid dehydration, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, high or low temperature, lethargy and/or muscle weakness, loss of appetite, pale mucous membranes in mouth. Infected animals become sick 3 to 7 days after exposure.

How It Spreads: Parvovirus is primarily spread through infected dog feces so be careful to avoid it. However other bodily fluids including urine, saliva and vomit can also spread Parvovirus. Once this pathogen gets into soil it can remain active for months and freezing temperatures don’t kill it. Parvovirus survives best in shady, cool, moist areas so the dirt near things like trees, bushes or playground equipment are favored spots for this virus.

Prevention And Treatment: Puppies receive their initial vaccination at 6 to 8 weeks of age followed by a booster shot a few weeks later. Adult dogs receive a yearly booster shot. Parvovirus can be killed with bleach on nonporous surfaces like plastic, metal or cement however it is not possible to completely disinfect porous surfaces like soil. If infection occurs veterinarians can offer supportive care until the body is strong enough to mount a successful response to clear the virus.


Background: Roundworms are the most common worm parasite that infects dogs. Adult Roundworms live in the stomach and intestines of a host and shed their eggs into the environment through the host’s feces. These parasites are several inches long and look like thin, white or light brown worms in feces. Nearly all dogs will become infected with Roundworms during the course of their lives. Infestation in puppies can lead to serious illness or even death. Dogs older than 6 months develop a natural resistance to this parasite and usually don’t suffer from severe infestations or show symptoms of infection. Roundworms can infect humans and cause serious illness in children.

Symptoms: Diarrhea, vomiting, lethargy, stunted growth, dull coat and hair loss.

How It Spreads: Roundworm eggs are shed into the environment through the host’s feces and become infectious approximately 3 to 4 weeks later. These eggs have a tough outer shell and can remain active in dirt or sand for years. If your dog or child ingests contaminated soil or sand infection can occur. In addition if your dog eats a dead animal that is infected with Roundworms it can become infected. These parasites can also be spread to puppies before they are born or through their mother’s milk during nursing.

Prevention And Treatment: There is no known way to prevent Roundworm infection. Veterinarians can prescribe worming medicine that treats Roundworm in puppies and adult dogs.


Background: Whipworm is a common species of parasitic worm that infects dogs. They are extremely small and difficult to detect in the feces of infected dogs. Whipworms burrow into the walls of the large intestine and appendix, suck blood and lay eggs that are shed in the dog’s feces.

Symptoms: Mild infection may not produce symptoms but severe infection can cause abdominal pain, bloody diarrhea and in rare cases death. Symptoms may not begin for a month or more after exposure.

How It Spreads: The only way to become infected with whipworms is to ingest a Whipworm egg. Unfortunately this is very easy for your pet to do. A dog can become infected if it eats contaminated feces, soil or grass. In addition if a dog rolls in contaminated soil it can become infected when it cleans it’s fur and ingests the eggs. Whipworm eggs have a thick outer shell that protects the core and allows them to survive for years in the environment. These eggs are best adapted to cool, moist, well shaded soil and they can survive freezing temperatures. Sun and heat can destroy Whipworm eggs by drying them out.

Prevention And Treatment: Like Roundworm there is no known way to prevent infection with Whipworms. Veterinarians can prescribe worming medicine for puppies and adult dogs.


Background: Campylobacteriosis is a common gastrointestinal disease caused by bacterial infection. Up to half of all dogs carry the bacterium that causes Campylobacteriosis but few show any symptoms. This disease is most dangerous in puppies younger than 6 months of age and adult dogs with compromised immune systems. Occasionally this disease is mistaken for Parvo because the symptoms can be similar. However unlike Parvo most cases of Campylobacteriosis run their course in 1 to 3 weeks and this disease is rarely fatal if prompt medical care is administered. Humans are susceptible to this infection so care must be taken around dog waste.
Symptoms: Mild to severe diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain, fever, lethargy, lack of appetite. Symptoms start within 48 hours of exposure.

How It Spreads: Campylobacter is not a hardy germ. It can only survive for a few days at room temperature and can’t efficiently reproduce unless it’s inside a digestive tract. Unfortunately exposure to less than a thousand Campylobacter can trigger illness. At a park the major mode of transmission for this bacterium is fresh dog waste. Campylobacter can also spread through infected food or water.

Prevention And Treatment: Antibiotics can treat this disease. A veterinarian may provide other supportive care as needed.

When you visit a dog park or other community area the number one way to protect your pet is to keep her away from strange dog feces. If your community doesn’t clean up dog waste consider having a pet waste removal company do the work. Most cities have companies that offer this service. If you suspect that your pet has become sick with any of these diseases take your dog to a veterinarian immediately. Clean or dispose of any old toys, bones and bedding to reduce the chance of reinfection and to protect other healthy pets. Exercise and socialization are important for your pet’s health and well being. So watch out for landmines and keep your trips safe and fun!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Schooling Dogs: An Effective & Useful Guide To Your Dog’s Health

If you want to maintain your dogs overall health, then in that case Schooling Dogs guide can be the best possible alternative. It can be the ideal solution if you want to train your dog in the most appropriate manner according to your liking. With the help from Schooling Dogs training manual, you can easily train your dog the most useful manners and etiquettes. In this way, your dog will certainly behave quite adequately as per your training. This website has a very unique compilation of useful videos, tips and other well written articles that can be of great help to pet owners.

How to train your dogs?

This question can be easily answered with useful guidance offered by Schooling Dogs. On the other hand, you can also train and look after the puppies in the most thorough manner with the advices and other tips that are written in Schooling Dogs guide. Users can easily have immediate access to secrets to dog training, do's and don'ts, eBooks, well written articles, blogs and several other details that can be of massive help while training your pet. Learn how to train dogs in the most immaculate technique with useful suggestions and other tips provided by Schooling Dogs guide.Your dog will certainly behave and respond appropriately and decently in front of your guests as per your liking. Users can have immediate access to unique dog behavior courses through this training manual. You can easily get to know about the dog's behavior through Schooling Dogs guide.

Not just that, extraordinarily for this avenue - the information accessible is absolutely dependable. Certainly, that's correct - this book is the latest kettle of fish. It is written by an experienced dog instructor, you can unwind in the details that all the suggestions and steps offered are tried and thoroughly examined.How to train your dogs? There's a rather noteworthy collection of facts written in this guide and all your queries shall be easily answered. However, it is not just the difficulty behaviors that are included: the ebook starts with new-owner direction.

Learn how to train dogs details can be easily acquired by visiting the site Alternatively, if you want to know about dog behavior courses, then you can get the information on Global Dog Obedience Training Center, 3894 Roger Street, Oyster River, BC V9W 5N0, CANADA.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Cat Vocalization – What Are They Really Saying?

Some say that if humans could understand cat vocalization, they may either be a little more scared or intrigued by their feline friends. After all, does anyone really know what they're thinking as they sit there watching you sleep? They really do have quite a large vocabulary but who knows if they are telling you off, telling you that they love you or letting you know that the vacuum sucked up their favorite toy?

Expert suggests that cats are so complex that they communicate with you, other felines and other animals in very unique ways. Of course, in addition to their vocalization skills, they also communicate through a broad range of body postures as well. These are often easier to interpret than their meows are.


Nearly everyone who has had the privilege of hearing a cat purr knows that it generally translates to something good. However, contrary to what you may have been taught to believe, purrs are not always positive. This sounds that warms your heart is made when the feline breathes in and out with quick pauses occurring between breaths. The purr is created by a separation in the vocal folds caused by built up pressure. It is actually a very complex process and you should feel special if a cat directs this type of communication in your direction.
Although purring is typically perceived as a sign of happiness or contentment, cats in pain will often purr when they are stressed as well, an act that remains a mystery.


It's no secret that hissing is a warning that you should take seriously; cat bites are not fun to deal with. (If you want to correct your cat's biting behavior, here's an excellent resource:

There are different variations of hisses as well. If you startle or upset a cat, you will often be faced with a mouth open hiss. This is common if you invade their space.

If a cat is extremely distraught or fearful, a scream is often released along with the hiss. When you hear cats fighting outside and low-pitched angry growls are present, this is another form of hiss.


Now for the most confusing vocalization of them all; the meow! No one will ever know what every meow means but if you are really in tune with your feline friend, you'll begin to notice a pattern which will help you understand their needs.

Cats don't have only one generic meow. If you pay attention, you will discover that your cat will make a different sound for food, attention, boredom, if he wants outside, etc. Cats are highly intelligent creatures; they are trying to teach you what they want if you are observant. Just as humans train dogs through consistent repetition, cats train humans with their communication…not all people pick up on their daily lessons though.

It is also interesting to note that cats rarely meow to one another; meows are reserved for their human companions! If you take the time to really get to know your cat, you will learn what exactly they are asking for, when they're happy and when they are just plain frustrated.

Friday, October 21, 2011

When You Get Your New Wolf-Hybrid Puppy

By Edye Marin, Northern California Wolf Hybrid Ranch Breeder

Before you pick up your pup examine your house and yard. Check for poisonous plants and shrubs. (like Oleander - a complete list can be found at ) Also check your perimeter fence for holes where your pup could escape. If there is an opening the puppy’s head would fit through, they can escape. Your wolf pup will probably want to dig, as most pups. You can either set aside an area where they are allowed to dig or stay with them when they are outside and teach them not to dig. I encourage all new wolf hybrid owners to give their wolf a place to dig, as it is innate in their nature. Part of the reason they dig is to get to cooler dirt when they are hot. I have always kept either a kiddy pool or a large water trough for them to get into and cool off.

Next check your house and look for wires or other items they can chew. Either remove them or cover them. We have lost hundreds of dollars worth of satellite cable and hoses to wolf pups raised near the house, plus phone chargers and speakers where the wires were in their reach.

In the best case scenario you would come to pick up your pup here at the ranch. When you do it is important that you let us hand him/her to the new primary care giver/alpha of your puppy. That gives them the understanding of ownership passing to the new owner. The new owner should allow the pup to lick their face, if the puppy desires, as this indicates it sees you as the alpha. It is best if two people come to pick up the young cub so that one can drive and the other hold the pup on your lap and reassure it on the way to its new home. The first car ride is usually a scary experience for young pups. Also bring and old towel or puppy pad (large size) to protect your lap as they frequently get car sick on their first ride. It helps if you don’t allow them to look out the window as the moving scenery can accelerate the onset of car sickness.

Home at last. You have arrived in territory that is familiar and comfortable for you - not your wolfdog. Your puppy however has left his or her siblings, mom, and people he or she knows. They are now in a totally unfamiliar environment. That’s why it is not only important but necessary to have a few days, or possibly a week, to spend with your puppy. This is the time they bond with you and learn to trust you. In this time your wolfdog learns to see you as its provider and pack leader. You will be given, at the time of pick up, a stuffed toy with the scent of the litter and mom on it. Give this to them when they get fussy or at nap time so they won’t feel so lost and alone. This will also help with “separation anxiety”. This is a condition where the separation causes them to feel sick enough to stop eating or to get diarrhea. If they get diarrhea, cook them some hamburger and rice and when that cools mix mashed banana in it. Feed the rice, hamburger, banana mix for 2 days and then gradually start mixing in their dry food.

Feeding: Your puppy should be fed a quality puppy food that does not contain corn, wheat, or soy and has a minimum of 28% protein to start. Later, your wolf-hybrid will need more protein. I start them on Kirkland puppy chow and, finances permitting, I switch them over gradually to Evo which has 42% protein. Otherwise they can stay on the puppy chow and supplement with raw meat and bones to chew. Do not give them milk, unless you like cleaning up runny poop. Wolves are lactose intolerant. For the first week I would recommend feeding them three times (3X) per day, as much as they can eat. Then put the food up and wait for the next mealtime. This will help your wolf see you as its “top dog.” A wolf-hybrids’ provider decides when it eats. This also helps with house breaking as your wolf-hybrid won’t have food constantly moving through its digestive system, thus establishing a routine doing its “business” at about the same time every day. Once house broken and bonded, consider keeping food in front of them all the time. This will help to keep them from getting food aggressive.

Housetraining: The method that has worked best for me is “crate training.”

This doesn’t have to be an actual crate. Anything that will give them a small area to be in when they are napping is fine. When they wake up, they will sniff around the small area and usually decide to wait to go out to do their “business.” Frequently they will cry to let you know they need to go out. When they are loose in the house, watch for them sniffing around on the floor as that’s what they do prior to doing their business.

What to chew? Chewing is a problem with most puppies and no less with this breed. They chew to cut teeth and to develop jaw strength. I have found they enjoy chewing on pine fire wood. At eight weeks, a stick two (2) inches in diameter is about right. As they get bigger, the stick needs to get fatter. They like pine because it is soft and their teeth actually sink into it. They will chew the end off and leave pine slivers on the floor but hey it beats having them chew on the leg of the dining room table. Do not give them old shoes or old socks to chew on, as they don’t know the difference between the lovely smell of your old shoes and your new ones. Additionally, bones are good chew toys. The bottom line is, don’t allow them to do anything you don’t want a 100-pound-dog doing.

If picking up your pup at the ranch is not an option for you, and your wolfdog must be flown to you, they will be very nervous due to the flight and confined in a crate for possibly eight-plus hours. Don’t take them out of their carrier at the airport. Wait until you are in what will be their safe environment to take them out preferable in a small bedroom or bathroom where they can’t get too far away. Sit on the floor and wait for them to unwind a bit and come to you. Have some treats handy, at first they will be too nervous to eat. As they calm down they will come to you for the treat. If the flight comes in late at night, your wolf-hybrid may not take to you until the next morning. Our pups are well socialized, so they will be very friendly as soon as the nervousness wears off.

If you have paid to have your pup personally delivered to you by our Ranch Family, they will not be that nervous, even though they have had a long ride in the car. They have been in the car with people they know and trust. They will need help becoming accustomed to their new surroundings, but just keep them close for the first week or so. Your puppy will be fine.

Your wolf-hybrid will have had his or her first shots before you get your pup, so don’t rush out and get them more shots. You will receive a shot record so you will know when the next shots are due.

For more information, visit You can reach Edye Marin at Northern California Wolf Ranch at 530-990-2308 or or P.O. Box 93, Etna, CA 96027

Monday, October 17, 2011

Find Safe and Fun Dog Toys For Your Special Pup

Some of the greatest gifts you can give to your pet are safe, fun dog toys. These come in all shapes, sizes and materials and are loved by dogs of all ages, from puppy stage to full grown and older canines. Why do dogs love toys? They bring out the "playful" side in your pet, allowing you to play and train simultaneously without it seeming to be a dreaded task. Teach your dog to fetch, sit, shake, etc. with his favorite item. Toys make a great substitute for edible treats once he has completed his initial behavioral and "tricks" training.

It's also believed that toys bring a since of comfort to a dog when he's home alone, in his crate or even outdoors in his doghouse. Just like we become attached to certain "security" items (blankets, pillows, stuffed animals, etc.) as children, dogs can also develop an attachment to certain toys. Many new owners will put a toy in puppy pens for added security.

So Many to Choose From

When choosing dog or puppy toys, you'll want to look for the higher quality brands. Why? Dogs love to chew and paw at the toys during play. They'll even grab them in their mouth and sling them back and forth in an effort to "rip it to shreds!" So it's a good idea to look for high quality toys that will last a while. You might pay a few dollars more up front, but will save a great deal for the long run. Also, dog toys that are durable can prevent choking hazards in case your pet has a tendency to eat items that are not food. The more durable products can be left in dog cages while you're away without worry.

Soft or Hard Toys?

Soft dog toys are recommended for puppies but can also be given to older dogs for playtime. These are great for playing or as a security toy. Hard toys work better for dogs that have obsessive chewing habits. For soft toys, find those that have strong material that's braided tightly for strength. Stretchy, flexible weave material is best for tug-of-war type games. There are even weaves that can floss your dog's teeth while playing! These stuffed play items come in a variety of characters too.

Chewing Toys

Some dog toys are more for chewing and dental health, such as the Dura Chew bone, a flavored bone that works great for dogs with aggressive chewing habits. Find a bone that meets the level of your dog's chewing habits and strength. There are also puppy chew bones and teething toys to help your puppy get through the teething stage without fuss. Chewing bones and toys come in a variety of shapes and sizes, including rubber bones, bones with bells, rubber hot dogs, scruffer toys, and dental sticks.

Balls for Fun!

Another popular type of dog or puppy toy is the ball! Balls are available in various sizes and with unique features that make your pet's playtime even more interesting. There are glow-in-the-dark balls that jingle, balls that blink, and treat-filled or dog food-filled balls. The Babble Ball is a popular dog toy that makes more than 20 different real sounding animal sounds, such as coyote howling, bird sounds, barking dogs, rooster sounds, cow, goat, cat meows, lions, frogs, etc. Some even make wisecrack jokes during play! These come in various sizes and are made with a durable construction for long lasting enjoyment.

Consider shopping online for the best deals for high quality dog toys, dog food, leads, training collars, dog cages and more. You can have a great time with your pet without worry when choosing the right toys!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Simple Tips For Moving With Pets

There are questions that you should ask yourself when your moving preparations get underway. You need not leave your pets behind, right? But how are you going to approach it? Well, start with the health condition of your pets. It's important that you ensure your pet is in good health before you get out as you may find it hard at times when it comes to transporting a sick pet. Also; consider the behavior of your pet. There are those who are too aggressive hence cannot make good travelers. This will enable you put in place the right mechanisms that will enable you restrain your pet in the right way. Especially when it comes to moving with Melrose moving company, you need to let the mover know of it since this will enable them arrange for specialized transport means. Furthermore getting to know whether or not your pets will be welcome in your new destination is important considerations that will enable you know whether or not you can move with your pet.

You have to ensure that your pets gets used to travels before the actual day of moving out. It's imperative that you carry your pets more frequently in your car before you hand them over to the Melrose moving company for the specialized move. But if you are of the opinion that your pets cannot be transported as a result of their aggression, you may consider getting air ticket for a specialized move. Air transport is better since it's a smooth move that may not be as bumpy as other transport means.

However, before traveling, it's important that you get your rabies certificate ready since all animals transported by air and sea must have such certificates. This is more important if you are traveling across territorial borders since immigration offices will demand to see the rabies certificate.Furthermore,for an international move with the Melrose moving company, this certificate will still; form a major requirement that you will be asked for. This certificate should be obtained within 2 weeks before your actual day of moving out.

Your veterinary doctor should ensure that your pet gets the required treatment of any ailment that may be suffering from. You can have the pets deformed and also given some preventive injections to enable them resist any infection that may strike at their new environment. Any other injection that may be advised by your veterinarian should be administered in the right dose.

If you are not very sure if you will find your pets diet in your new station, it's imperative that you pack it and hand it over with your other stuff to the Melrose moving company. This is important as it will enable you avoid digestive setups that your pet may experience. You can also consider packing your pet's medicines and equipment for grooming an s this will make it easy for you at your new destination.

Melrose moving company can help offer you the necessary advice that's necessary to enable you move your pets well. By following it, you will make your life easier!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Reduce Wrinkles with Vitamin C High concentrated

After examining the cell biology work together for 7 years, Kiehl's, a manufacturer of pharmaceutical-based cosmetics from America, and Harvard Medical School (HMS), found other effects of vitamin C, which makes the skin more beautiful.

Kiehl's along a row of well-known dermatologist and skin expert, developed a new skin care formula that is believed to reduce the effects of aging, especially wrinkles and dull colors on the face. This formula was given the name of Dermatologists Solution Powerful-Strength Line-Reducing Concentrate.

Formula consisting of pure vitamin C concentration in high numbers, 10.5 percent, if applied to the skin, is believed to help improve skin texture, skin color, and restore elasticity of the wrinkles that exist on the lines of facial expression.

According to the researchers, pure vitamin C in a highly concentrated form that is in a stable and high doses can rejuvenate facial skin. Mixture of vitamins C and glycerin is promising the ability to give effect to the progressive and significant to reduce the depth of wrinkles around the mouth (laugh lines), wrinkles around the eyes (crow's feet), and other areas of the face, as well as add the good skin texture, color, and suppleness. Simply applied in the morning and evening, before moisturizer, for beginners, it will feel slightly warm sensation that supposedly means the concentrate was reacting.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

The Importance of Doggy Daycare

When you work all day it is hard to know what to do with your dog. You could leave him in a crate or enclosed in a room in your house but is this really fair on the dog. The majority of people work nine till five or longer, therefore your dog is left for at least eight hours on its own. This can cause boredom, isolation, behavioural problems and even depression, not to mention that they can't hold the toilet for that amount of time. This means you will come home to a lot of mess in your house and also this is extremely uncomfortable for your dog and could cause bladder problems.

The best solution for your dog if you are out at work all day is doggy daycare, this is a new phenomenon where people are opening up their homes to look after other peoples dogs when they are out at work. The following points prove just how important doggy daycare is.

1. Your dog will get to interact with lots of other dogs which is vitally important for pack integration. This is even more important if your dog is a puppy as many of the behavioural problems that we see in dogs occur because they are poorly socialised when they are young.

2. Dogs that integrate just with their owners and no other dogs or people can suffer from anxiety and fear biting. This can also cause separation anxiety and cause the dog to be a nervous wreck when it does eventually for some reason have to be apart from its owners. This is very unfair on the dog as it will be suffering all sorts of negative emotions which are unnatural and wouldn't be apparent in the wild.

3. Dogs love it! They get to go to doggy daycare on a regular basis so they make friends with the other dogs and look forward to going every time. What would you prefer staying at home on your own all day or meeting up with your friends and having fun, it's the same for your dog!

4. Protect your home - if your dog is at doggy daycare having a great time, he won't be at your home, bored, causing him to chew and destroy the furniture and toileting around your home.

5. At doggy daycare your dog will get walked at least once a day where they will play with the other dogs and have a great time.

6. On the dog walks at doggy daycare your dog will get basic dog training to work on his recall, use of commands and walking on the lead. If you are in the process of puppy training this will help to reinforce that training on a regular basis.

Doggy daycare is obviously more expensive than leaving your dog on its own but is worth every penny as you will return home from work to a happy and content dog and not feel stressed and worried that it's on its own. Also it will teach your dog to be well socialised and fully integrated with other dogs and stop separation anxiety and aggression to other dogs.

4 Paws in the park is a premium dog walking and pet service, based in a family home in East Sheen, London, providing a modern and preferred alternative to kennels.4 Paws in the park is owned by Brodie Ellis. For more information please visit:

Monday, September 19, 2011

Good Doggy Behavior Tutorial

For most people, the number one and most essential thing you would carry out with a new doggie is place them in canine behavior training. That coaching would make them learn the way to conduct themselves in particular situations that they will certainly face someday in their lifetime. Then again, some house owners either can't find the funds for obedience instructions or decide they will perform it themselves as an alternative. That being said, this is the brief run down regarding what you might gain via that training that will help determine if your puppy dog could reap the benefits of it.

The Key Benefits Of Dog Obedience Tutorial

To start with, canines in behavior lessons rapidly figure out how to react to precise, properly delivered orders. That also suggests you will learn how to render those commands. Plenty of people disregard their side of the deal in pet ownership. They feel like the burden lies with their canine, but not themselves. Picture canine training to be a two way highway and it definitely will be alot more effective. On this page are various examples.

Leadership - During coaching, you are going to learn methods to assert your alpha role on your doggy to show them that you're the leader every time and that your dogs must listen to you. Should these types of patterns are repeated in your house, the dog can have a substantially better time following your lead. Alpha dog leadership is definitely the basis of every high-quality training.

No Gnawing or Woofing - Two of the largest complaints that a puppy can have are biting and too much barking. Different amounts of puppy coaching could address these individual behaviours as well as make certain that the puppy won't be disobedient. Biting in particular will have to be sorted out at the junior age.

Walking - Sick and tired of having your doggy pull you downtown? Through a outstanding instruction class, you'll quickly learn how to manage your puppy's motions, stop them from running around on you and subsequently show them to sit and stay when desired at road sides and when other pets wander by.

Doggy tuition is necessary in several aspects since it grants the basis for each of the concerns that may possibly occur inside your home. When a dog is still under 12 months old or simply couldn't behave correctly, give thought to a course to make it easier to progress.

Don't forget that your pets can only achieve what it is trained to do. It's essential to stay consistent, encouraging as well as good at maintaining the commands you issue. The minute you start having trouble making up your mind or forgetting to re-assert your instructions, your dog will begin to return back to the initial behaviours that you previously worked so hard to educate them out of.