Monday, May 16, 2011

Stress Weaken Our Endurance

The research discusses the relationship of stress and the immune system known as the body's immune system is getting a lot done. Since the development of science of psychoneuroimmunology is a science that links the relationship between the science of psychology, neuroscience and immunology, the conditions associated with this has been more widely studied.

Psychoneuroimmunology emphasizes the proofs associated with the body's immune system and its relationship to stress that occurs in person. Mentioned, a lot of the impact of stress on the human body's immune system resulting in a person more susceptible to diseases associated with the body's immune system.
Some time ago, when the day of the second world congress of the International College of Psychosomatic Medicine in Seoul, South Korea, speaker Prof. Christopher Coe of the University of Wisconsin, the United States back on psychoneuroimmunology explains in his lecture entitled "All Roads Lead To psychoneuroimmunology"

In his lecture Prof. Coe said that is getting a lot of research and facts that illustrate the involvement of stress in influencing the human immune system. Some diseases are connecting it and emphasized during the lecture is on asthma and fibromyalgia.
Asthma we know as a disturbance of respiratory diseases involving inflammatory cells and immune system in the body. Incurable disease that is (can only be controlled) is strongly associated with the role of the immune system and stress that can trigger an attack.

Fibromyalgia itself is a disease that emphasizes fault conditions on the complaint of pain in various parts of the body and the atmosphere is uncomfortable feeling associated with this condition. Pain disorder is more widely available on these women have recently studied the effects associated with stress and the immune system.
Conditions related to the immune system in patients with fibromyalgia disorders associated with decreased levels of cells called Natural Killer (NK), and Interleukin Sitokon. These conditions are also found in patients with depression.

No wonder the symptoms of depression and anxiety also is one sign of the condition of fibromyalgia. Fibromyalgia itself is known once more to a collection of symptoms (syndrome) involving a variety of complaints. Syndrome conditions is also often overlap with other conditions such as somatoform disorders include (psychosomatic), pain disorder, depressive disorder and disruption of prolonged fatigue (chronic fatigue syndrome).

At the end of his lecture, Professor Coe says there are still many open fields of research in this field and will certainly still more and more knowledge to be gained by studying stress and its relationship to the human body's immune system.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Long-Term Stress Make Our Brain Shrink

Reputation of stress as a cause of guard cells in the body becomes sluggish security has long been known. However, the impact of stress to health does not stop there. Stress also causes the brain to shrink a long time.
There are many causes of stress, such as unhappy marriages, jobs less stressful, traumatic events, up to trivial issues such as congestion. If chronic stress is left then the impact is quite harmful to the brain.

When stressed the body releases chemicals. In the long run these chemicals will be toxic to brain tissue, it can even kill brain cells when chemicals called corticosteroids was abundant and long lasting.
Corticosteroids are actually required by the body to increase the speed of reaction to the threat or often called the fight or escape response (fight or flight), by suppressing the immune system and increase the amount of sugar in the blood circulation.

Hippocampus, a part of the brain responsible for memory formation, is the most vulnerable to stress. That's why experts consider stress is closely related to the occurrence of dementia.
The scientists found that smaller brain condition that when they did brain scans of patients suffering from post traumatic stress of 9 / 11 attacks. The smaller size of the hippocampus was almost equal to the size of the brains of elderly patients with dementia.

Even so, experts said the results of this study may be too early to conclude the effects of stress on the brain because the number of respondents is too small.
While some studies have found that war veterans suffering from post traumatic syndrome also suffer from a severe brain disorder.

The study also revealed that the stress experienced by middle age can increase the risk of Alzheimer's. They are often under stress and anxiety are also two times higher risk of suffering from dementia.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Antibiotics Is Not Super Drugs

Several studies have shown, tend to be excessive use of antibiotics and is commonly given to a disease or condition that does not require antibiotics.

Antibiotics are powerful drugs and has saved many lives. But the point is well known, antibiotics are not a cure for all kinds of diseases. Antibiotics can only cure the diseases caused by bacterial infection.
"Use antibiotics appropriately to prevent immune germs," ​​said Prof.. Prahasto Iwan, Professor of the University of Gajah Mada Farmakolgi in the workshop and briefing the media about drug prescribing patterns in Indonesia, especially antibiotics, Saturday (26 /3/2011) on campus University of Indonesia,  Depok,  West Java.

In society, antibiotics are often purchased without a prescription and explanation. Communities often purchased with a prescription antibiotic that had previously gained, taking antibiotics for coughs, fevers and colds.

Furthermore, Iwan explained that the inappropriate use of antibiotics could endanger public health. As a result of bacteria that can be generated is mutated so that it becomes resistant (immune) to antibiotics. Bacteria that are resistant or immune to these difficult attenuated by the usual antibiotics.

Iwan admitted, information about the antibiotic so far has not been evenly distributed to medical personnel. "The unavailability of adequate information about drugs that are neutral is also one big problem for medical practitioners. Meanwhile, the information conveyed directly by the pharmaceutical industry through his envoys is often misleading or misleading," he added.

Dr. Sharad Adhikary, representatives from WHO, confirmed, treatment of infections caused by antibiotic resistant bacteria that normally would be very expensive. This is because what is needed is an antibiotic that is more up to date with the possibility of drug side effects is greater, and longer duration of treatment.
According to Sharad, the problem of antibiotic resistance is not a new problem, but more and more alarming and dangerous. "We can go back to the era before antibiotics," he said.

Why the bacteria can become resistant to antibiotics? Every time someone taking antibiotics, the bacteria that are sensitive will be killed. But the resistant bacteria will continue to live, grow and reproduce.

The use of antibiotics over and over again and not appropriate is a major cause of increasing number of drug-resistant bacteria. So, for those of you who have a cough, flu and fever does not need to consume antibiotics. Because, often taking antibiotics will not make you more healthy, and will not make you better.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Why Does Our Works Make Us Stress?

If you feel unhappy with the work undertaken, you are not alone. At least a quarter of workers around the world feel their jobs have taken away the joy of living. Stress is accumulated over time turned into a depression that is not realized.

In a survey of 1,200 employees in the United States known to only 12 percent who felt optimistic about the job.

Experts say the main cause of the employee's depression is an unstable economy. "The pressure to succeed and achieve higher targets created the concept of avoiding mistakes than the pursuit of success, the report of a survey conducted by management consulting firm.

To understand why the work environment creates a negative mindset, consider the general situation that is often experienced in the workplace.

1. Too results-oriented

The workers feel happy when they are productive and can not feel bad if otherwise. But with such a high target current employees often feel unhappy. Although even the lure of corporate giving rewards to employees whose performance is good but it can not be a source of motivation.

Motivation of employees should be driven by internal satisfaction as a positive reward and social support. Many workers complained they are required to not make the slightest mistake, but rarely get the appreciation for the excellent work already done.

2. Motivated by fear

Difficult economic situation and lack of employment make many employees are afraid to make mistakes and motivated by the fear of being fired if performance is bad.

3. There is no satisfaction

When asked if that makes you stay at work even though salaries are given a small, mostly answering to develop career opportunities, challenging work and exciting, as well as opportunities to improve skills through appropriate training.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

WHO Worried about Antibiotic Misuse

World Health Organization (WHO) warned, drug resistance is partly fueled by irrational use of antibiotics has killed hundreds of thousands of people every year. Therefore, the necessary treatment immediately to resolve the issue.

"We really see the evolution of rapidly increasing in the spread of this problem and the point is faster than solving the problem," said WHO's assistant director general Keiji Fukuda, Thursday (07/04/2011).

Health experts noted, few saj anegara who has a plan to handle the problem of drug resistance, which rose on increased consumption of antibiotics.

"In most countries, there is no plan, no budget, no line of accountability for this very serious problem. The surveillance system is weak, the system did not exist in many places," said Mario Raviglione, WHO officials who led the campaign against of tuberculosis. He added that the quality of antibiotics is questionable in some countries. "Optimal dose is not really a trigger mechanism that develop drug resistance. The use of antibiotics is often not feasible, we call it irrational. It allows the creation of resistance to drugs," he explained. In addition, the use of antibiotics in livestock - in order to promote growth and prevent disease and treat sick animals - also contributes to drug resistance. Any microbes that are resistant to the drugs develops in cattle can move on to humans through the food chain.

Because the microbes will always try to be resistant to the drugs, "this problem will never disappear," Fukuda said.

WHO expose the problem of antibiotic use as a major issue in memeringati World Health Day this year. WHO wants all governments, civil society and the pharmaceutical industry copes with a variety of strategies to deal with drug resistance.