Friday, December 23, 2011

How to Make Men Always Look Youthful

Like women, men are also often concerned about the aging process. However, more often men rarely make the effort to keep looking younger. Here's a trick that can be done so that the young man much longer.

Wanting to have a fair that always looks fresh, now he has to realize that taking care of themselves not only to delay aging, but also beneficial to health. And facial skin care products for men also have a lot so it is no longer a taboo if a man diligent in taking care of themselves.

Here are 10 ways he could do to stay young as long as quoted from AskMen, Friday (12/23/2011):

1. Have a weight-bearing exercise equipment 

When doing weight training, avoid doing it every day in a row. It aims to give time to improve and shape the muscles on the sidelines of weight training.
Regular exercise can improve the body's antioxidant defense system to fight free radicals due to aging.

2. Sunblock and sunglasses 

One way to slow the aging process or reducing the impact is to use sunblock and sunglasses every time you leave the house. Combination sunscreen and sunglasses will not magically get rid of all the wrinkles that have been owned. However, sunscreen and sunglasses can prevent skin damage that can occur due to sun exposure.

Use a sunblock back periodically throughout the day if you're spending a lot of time outdoors. People who have a pale skin color will require a sunblock with an SPF of 30 or more. Meanwhile, people who have very dark skin can use a product with SPF 15 or SPF 20.

3. Adequate bed 

Sleep is when your body repairs, which means that it only takes a few nights of poor sleep to get dark circles, red eyes, and a shabby appearance. To get quality sleep, it is necessary that adequate bed. Most people need between 7-9 hours of sleep.

4. Provide a water bottle that can be reused 

Dehydration can cause dry skin and wrinkles. In fact, if you ever see the fine lines around the eyes that can appear and disappear. This is a sign that not getting enough H2O. Intake of drinking enough to keep the skin cells stay young.
Putuh consume as much as 8 glasses of water a day is required for optimal cell function. Active men should drink more than that amount. To ensure getting your body needs to drink intake, then it can be to buy a bottle of water that can be reused.

5. Antioxidant moisturizer 

The more we age, the skin will get dry. Antioxidant-rich moisturizer that not only moisturize the upper layers of the epidermis with a hydrating tonic but also will pump nutritious ingredients into the skin cells. So that antioxidants can help skin retain its elasticity.
Look for moisturizers with high doses, such as resveratrol, vitamin A, C, and E. Using an antioxidant moisturizer twice a day, once in the morning and again before bedtime can help the skin retain its elasticity.

6. Eye cream 

Eye cream designed to moisturize and provide nutrients to the sensitive and thin skin around the eyes. Wrinkles first appear, often on the skin around the eyes.
Product eye creams can to minimize the appearance of fine lines or cell turnover to slow the formation of wrinkles on the skin around the eyes. Use an eye cream twice a day, once in the morning and again before bed.

7. Razors and shaving cream high quality 

Beard or mustache that has been colored white or gray, can make a person look older. By shaving his beard and mustache are white and gray, can make a person look younger.

8. Scrub face 

A facial scrub products can be to remove dead skin cells and helps clean the pores. Eliminates dead skin cells and cleanse pores, can help the growth of new cell layers. This allows a layer of the epidermis will look brighter and younger.
Skin cell turnover cycle takes about 28 days. So do not do scrubing more than about twice a month. When choosing a facial scrub product, look for products with fine grains because it will be too soft and will not scratch the skin.

9. Multivitamins 

Vitamins are micronutrients that your body can not produce itself. So must be obtained from outside sources. Micronutrients work from the inside out by feeding the cells, so the skin can be healthy if consumed in adequate amounts.
In addition, some vitamins can prevent and repair cell damage by neutralizing harmful free radicals, thereby slowing aging. The best way to get vitamins, of course, is to eat lots of fruits and vegetables fresh.

10. Revitalizer hair or prevent hair loss products 

The hair is black, thick, and shiny can signify vitality. Products designed to combat thinning hair can stimulate the scalp to promote hair growth or to improve the quality of the hair, so hair can appear a lot more.
The frequency of baldness treatments will vary from product to product. Almost certainly will require more than one use. Use of products to prevent and treat baldness must regularly to maintain the results.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

How to Stop Your Puppy Chewing Problem

Learning how to stop your puppy from chewing can become a difficult chore that will leave you frustrated, especially when they get ahold of your favorite pair of shoes, or they are constantly chewing on you.

If you want to stop your puppy from chewing, there are a few things that you need to understand about them before you just blame them for their behavior.

To begin with, chewing is a natural part of being a puppy. Rather than trying to stop them from this natural behavior, you should work towards redirecting the problem to another source. Get them chew toys and a bone thatthey are allowed to gnaw on to their hearts content.

It is much easier to redirect a problem than to try and stop it completely, especially when the problem is more of a human problem than a puppy one.

Another thing to consider is that certain behaviors tend to instigate chewing, especially when they are chewing on you. This can lead to dog aggression problems later on, so you need to nip it in the bud now rather than putting it off.

But, again, this is a human problem as much as a puppy problem. In order to stop your pupply from chewing on you, you need to pay attention to what you do that instigate it.

Certain sudden movements, or aggressive behavior towards your puppy (even in play) will push them into chewing. Also, when you are playing, if they start chewing on you, stop the activity.

Dogs can't distinguish between play time and not play time. Although they love to play, the habits that they will pick up then will transfer to other times.

You should never allow your dog to play aggressively and chewing is one of the easiest bad habits to break.

When they start chewing, redirect them to one of their play toys, and separate yourself from them.

If the chewing problem persists, you may need to keep them in a kennel until they learn to behave. Crate training can take some time, but is very beneficial in stopping a wide variety of puppy problems, including them wanting to chew on you.

Follow these tips to stop your puppy from chewing, and get them under control. It doesn't take much, but by paying attention to your behavior and redirecting their behavior to an appropriate toy will help you to get things under control.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Effect of sugar-sweetened beverages in Women

Drinking two glasses or more sugar-sweetened beverages per day can increase the risk of heart disease and diabetes in women. Nevertheless, the habit was not to gain weight.

According to Health Day News, soda and other sweetened beverages is a target in the fight against obesity. The problem, according to latest research results, the drink may not cause weight gain, but it triggers something more severe.

Middle-aged women who drank two glasses or more drinks in a day had a four times higher risk will increase blood fats called triglycerides.

In addition, these drinks also damage their blood sugar levels when compared with women who drank only one glass a day.

The good news, both groups were equally showed no weight gain. The findings were presented at the annual meeting of the American Hearth Association in Orlando, Florida, United States.

However, these cases do not occur in men. There is no explanation of why the group drink sweet things that do not affect men.

Possible causes are women require less energy for metabolism than men. Thus, two glasses of soda every day will not affect the condition of men. They need more servings in order to see its impact.

In the end, reduce or do not eat at all sweetened drinks are the easiest steps to avoid heart disease and diabetes. Is it not so?

Saturday, December 17, 2011

How To Keep Your Dog Cool In The Summer

Summer is a time for fun - swimming, picnics, baseball games, and playing with your dog in your newly mowed lawn. The only downside to summer is the heat! For us humans it's easy to keep a tall glass of lemonade around or crank the air conditioning up to keep us cool during these months.

But our pets don't often have it so easy. It can be miserable for your dog to be stuck in the heat for long periods of time with no way to keep cool. While it's obviously preferable to keep your best friend indoors when the weather gets hot, sometimes it's not practical.

If you absolutely have to keep your dog outside during these hot months, then there are a few simple things you can do to keep your dog safe and cool. You DON'T want to forget these tips - they are absolutely essential.

First off, make sure your dog has plenty of shade. You can build a simple pavilion out of scrap wood and a tarp if there is no other shade source. Shade can make a big difference!

Also, make sure your dog has lots of cool water. They make great water bowls now that can be hooked up to a hose and that continually refills the bowl when the water level drops below a certain point. It's great because your dog will never run out of cool water!

Another super way to keep your dog cool is to give him access to a kiddie pool filled with water, but this is only for dogs that like the water and are able to swim. Remember: safety first! Don't do this if you have a small, short-legged dog that could drown in the pool.

Finally, and one of the best ways to keep your pet cool during the summer, you can get your dog a cooling dog bed (also known as a dog cooling mat).

The cooling dog bed (or dog cooling mat) is a great way to make sure your dog stays comfortable in that blistering summer heat. And if you are looking for a cheap dog bed, a cooling dog bed or dog cooling mat usually don't cost too much and works great besides that. They require NO electricity but simply work by dispersing the water inside the dog cooling mat when they lay down, providing a cool, dry place to sleep. They're made out of a tough nylon material as well so that claws won't puncture when the dogwalks across them. Cooling dog beds are a great way to keep your favorite pet from suffering in the hot summer sun. These dog cooling mats are also great for dogs that have just gotten back from playing outside or taking a doggie walk.

Remember to always follow these tips when your dog is outside in the summer. In the end however, the best way to keep your dog cool is to keep him indoors when the heat is too much!

Learn more about cooling dog beds at You'll discover many different types of dog cooling mats and cooling dog beds for your pet.