Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Selecting Best Dog Names

If you are going to buy a new dog or just purchased a dog, now its time to think of an exclusive name for it. Considering of an exclusive name for your dog can be quite challenging but there are many ways to make the process easier. There are many methods by which you can get best dog names without much effort. When you choose a name, it's essential to choose an excellent one as that name will be with your dog for lifetime. You don't want to provide a big powerful men dog name or in the same way a men name to a sensitive women dog. To get those creative names easily, you have to make a research. Below are some tips which help you to select good and attractive dog names in less span of time.

The primary factor to consider when trying choosing exclusive dog names for your dog is whether your dog will be able to understand his or her name from your regular daily usage of the name. If you think about it for a second, calling your dog 'Joe' or 'Boe' may very well mix up your pet. Try and choose an exclusive name that is possible for your dog to understand easily from your voice. Usually one or two syllable terms are simpler especially when your dog gets difficult of listening to. Another factor to consider when selecting a name is whether you would experience calling your dog in the middle of your speech and the dog identifies it clearly and comes near you. Unique names may be audio attractive at first but can create you problems while calling as such names are not that much easy to pronounce if you want to call from long distance. As you have to call much louder, it makes somewhat difficult for you.

Waiting for few days after buying a new dog before selecting a name for it can make the procedure much simpler. By this you can make a good research to select excellent dog names. The purpose for this is that you may choose up on little features of your new dog that provides you with some motivation. Maybe your new dog is courageous and has the ability and personality of a lion; maybe 'Leo' would fit your new dog. Or else you can name it "Tiger" which is one of the most common names which most people uses for their dog.

Another excellent resource of exclusive dog names is from guides and tv. There are lots of ways to get best dog names other than this. The most popular method is to make an online research. You can get many websites providing better dog names which you can make use of. Selecting an exclusive dog name is something funny as it gives the dog with a new identification within your household. Take a little time to do a bit of analysis and you will easily get the ideal name for your new pet.

Friday, August 31, 2012

Picking The Right Chihuahua Teacup Puppies

Taking care of a puppy is a big commitment, and surprisingly, it doesn't get any smaller with the size of the dog. Chihuahua teacup puppies are adorable, tiny creatures that need all the things a bigger puppy does, and some specialized care based on their size.

Breeders use the term 'teacup' to mean an extremely small dog. However, it has no standardized meaning, so the definition can vary from breeder to breeder. Chihuahuas bred to the breed standard are very small to begin with, something that many people are not aware of because there are so many poorly-bred, larger ones around. The standard says this breed should not exceed 5 pounds.

Dogs that are too small cannot safely carry a litter. Depending on which breeder you ask, the lowest possible size is about 3 1/2 pounds. This means that larger females are required in order to keep creating tiny pups, who may have a tiny father. Sometimes a tiny pup appears in a litter from 'normal' sized (3-5 pound) dogs, as well.

Dogs are much closer in size when they are born than they are when they reach adulthood. This is why a Labrador can have ten pups, but a Chihuahua is usually limited to two or three. There are exceptions, but most litters will be less than five. Size at birth does not always translate to size at adulthood, though.

An experienced breeder can tell you about how big his or her pups get. He or she can also tell you about the sizes of dogs in the parents' background, and make an educated guess based on the size of the puppy at 8 weeks. However, no one will always be right. Don't choose size over health, because no one can guarantee the former and the latter is so very important.

Living with a tiny puppy requires some special care. One of the things that can afflict them that is not common in larger breeds is low blood sugar. This occurs when they do not eat often enough, and may require frequent feeding of special food for the first few weeks they live with you. Most dogs grow out of the problem.

Having a tiny bladder also means that Chihuahua teacup puppies find it harder to hold it when they have to go. Many people choose to potty-train using pads, paper, or a litter box, for this reason. Either way, frequent access to the potty spot is going to be required in order to house train them.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Cat Feeder and Your Cat

To have a cat is fun and a source of joy. However if you have a lazy cat, it is a real pain and if the cat happens to become fat or obese, you can imagine the trouble you are into. While for a Dog a walk in the morning could be a trip to heaven, for my cat Flossy, it is a real torture and she, makes no bones about it to make me understand. It required a superhuman effort on my part to make her stand from her seat of comfort. It requires a cup of milk and a lot of cajoling to make her take a short walk around the corner. If she is chased by a dog, I had to pick her up and she would stare at me with fiery eyes to get the message through "Why do you make me endure this unwanted torture. Cats are lazy creatures and often spend their time eating and sleeping. It creates a lot of problems, especially when they get older. Therefore to stop them from overeating, the best resort is to get a Cat feeder.

It is a device which is filled with food in the upper container and dispenses a measured amount of food in the lower bowl at certain intervals of time. There are different types of Cat feeder available in the market. While certain Cat feeder will require you to set the feeder, other is interactive and would require the cat to press certain lever so that the food is released.

It would be interesting to note that cat is carnivorous animals like their illustrious cousins Tigers, Lion and Panther. They have in their genes the hunting instincts and would like to stalk their prey, play with it and finally kill for their food. However we do not want our pets to run all over the house stalking a mice or lizards. By providing the cat with food in plenty effortlessly, we are actually making the cat lazy and different from its natural instincts. Therefore they become lethargic and fat.

It must be understood that carnivorous animals only hunt and eat when they are hungry. They are wee bit different than humans and do not have lunch, breakfast or dinner. Therefore do not over feed the cat. They just don't need it. The cat feeder is an excellent means to regulate the quantity of food which the cat is having. It will give only that much food which is essential for the cat's subsistence and you will have a fit and agile pet instead of a fat and obese cat which spends most of the time sleeping on the Sofa.

ForeverPetSupply ( is online retailer of products for the lifetime needs of pets including Cat Feeder, dogs, cats, small animals and horses. We specialize in the following products for pets: Cat Scratcher, Cat Feeder, Cat litter box, Flea and Tick Shampoo, Flea Collar, Dog Feeder, Dog crates, Pet Meds, Equine Supplies, Bark collar.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

The Greatest Place For Your Pets

Affordable pet boarding doesn't seem like it would be a very hard thing to find--as simply one of the many items on your to-do list before you head off for a much needed vacation, finding affordable pet boarding for your dogs and cats may understandably fall to a last minute arrangement. After all, finding a pet resort is not more important than finding the resort you want to stay at for your vacation!

Unfortunately, as most pet owners who have searched out affordable pet housing facilities in the past know, finding a pet boarding facility is not as easy as you'd think. Many facilities are outrageously priced, banking on those last minute travelers who have no choice but to pay for their procrastination, and not always even a place you'd like your pet to stay. While people are always looking for pet housing, finding a "cheap place" to stick your pet while you go on vacation often has horror story connotations. Pet resort nightmares are limitless, and myths percolate rampantly about the 'bad' places.

Pet resort horror stories include boarding a dog or cat at a location that turns out to have unsanitary conditions; a pet resort with insecure grounds (which is more than problematic for escape-prone pets); a pet resort unregulated vaccinations-- where a pet could contract fleas, kennel cough, or worse; a pet resort that keep pets caged all day; a pet resort that doesn't monitor playtime and allow for big, dangerous dogs to play with-- and potentially injure-- little dogs; and even pet resorts where females in heat are allowed to play with in-neutered male dogs, to name a few. Finding an affordable pet boarding facility that is still a quality operation is the ideal find for every pet owner, and we know that the "perfect place" is hard to find.

Every responsible pet owner wants to do everything they can to prevent unexpected pregnancies, escapes, and illnesses for their pets while they are away on vacation, so choosing a trustworthy, affordable pet boarding facility is paramount. Unfortunately, as previously mentioned, not all companies are very affordable and the good ones fill up fast. We are a pet boarding facility where boarding a dog or cat won't cost you an arm and a leg, but it is an affordable pet boarding facility where you can rest assured that your pet will be able to play, sleep, and eat in safety and enjoyment. Our pet boarding facility closely monitors the vaccination records of every pet allowed onto our premises, and female dogs in heat are carefully segregated in girls-only play groups.

At our affordable pet boarding facility, we have never had an unplanned pregnancy and escapes are extremely rare. Precautions at our pet resort for breakouts are extreme. Our affordable pet housing facility has a six foot chain link fence that is cemented into the ground and has a curved top that goes around the entire facility, making jumping over or digging out nearly impossible. Our pet resort includes a doggy swimming pool, indoor and outdoor play areas, spacious pet condos for sleeping, and the most sanitary facility in the Amarillo, Texas area.

In addition to our excellent boarding programs and clean, affordable pet boarding facilities, a couple of the most attractive qualities about our camp are that we have a large facility that can usually accommodate last minuteboarders, and we have a very affordable pet boarding program. Depending on the size of your animal, our nightly prices range from 18 to 30 dollars per night--more than 50% less than some of our competitors. For more information on affordable pet housing vacation rates, policies, and cat and dog programs available through us, please visit our website.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Prepare a Personal First Aid Kit for Pets

If you are like most pet owners, your pets are valued members of your family. It is a documented fact that many have risked life and limb to save their precious pets during a disaster. Statistically, however, it is more often small cuts and scrapes that occur that require immediate attention, rather than major disasters such as an earthquake or flood. For this reason, every pet owner should have easy access to a first aid kit specifically created for pets.

What would you need immediately if your puppy fell of the bed and started whimpering? You'd need a first aid kit for pets. Supposing your cat had an altercation with the neighbor's dog and the vet was twenty minutes away? You'd need a first aid kit for pets.

A well-stocked first aid kit for pets is not a substitute for veterinary care, but it could save your pet's life, or at least make him more comfortable, until you can get your pet to a veterinarian. The likelihood that your animals will survive an emergency depends largely on emergency planning done today. Therefore, a first aid kit for pets is a necessity.

What should a first aid kit for pets include? To some degree, that will depend upon the type of pet. However, the basics include the following:
2 - Paw Tip Bandage (Knuckle)
2 - Fingertip Bandage
1 - Tape Roll
1 - Trauma Pad (5 x9)
4 -Gauze Pad 4" x 4"
4 -Gauze Pad 2" x2"
1 -Gauze Roll 2"
2 -Examination Gloves
1 -Instant Cold Pack
1 - Tweezer
2- Antibiotic Ointment
10- Alcohol Pads
10 - Antiseptic Towelettes
1 - Bag
1 - Pet First Aid Guide
4 - Leg Splints/Tongue Depressors
10 - Cotton Tip Applicators
1 -Elastic Bandages 2" ("Ace" Type)
2 - Splinter Removers (Lancets)
3 -Sting Relief Pads

Assemble an emergency supply pack which includes the first aid kit for pets, pet food, water, medications, medical records, leashes, a well-fitting muzzle, ID tags and other appropriate supplies. Put this kit in a central location in your home. Remember to take this pack with you when going on an outing, or else prepare a second pack for the car.

The AVMA (American Veterinary Medical Association) offers information regarding managing urgent care situations such as car accidents, wounds, electrical shock, and eye, foot and ear injuries. Their website is aid. Additionally, the Red Cross offers a Pet First Aid booklet with suggestions on creating a first aid kit for pets.

What should you do to ensure your pet's survival and to avoid those feelings of panic when an accident or illness occurs? Plan, purchase, prepare and practice. Obtain a first aid kit for pets, and then review the materials it contains. It isn't sufficient to simply have the supplies; you must know how they are used. Learn the necessary skills so your actions become instinctive…even when you are under stress

Planning ahead is the key to keeping your pets safe when disaster strikes.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

First Aid Tips on Dogs

If you have a dog, then you would know how their curiosity and activeness can get them into trouble. Sometimes, they even get hurt because of their misadventures. Knowing how to apply basic first aid on dogs can not only help it cope with the pain, it could even just save their life. Thousands of dogs get into accidents, get injured or get sick every day, and walking away without helping just sounds too inhuman. Below is a step by step guide on how you can help you furry little friend.

Move Closer

You need to move close to the dog to see the damage. Walk towards it slowly, keeping eye contact and speak in a slow, reassuring tone. If it barks or growls at you, step back. Try to find some food and use it to gain its trust. Don't touch it yet until it shows that it trusts you. Its facial expressions should give you signs if it will allow you to touch it.

Secure the Dog

Pet your dog and give him or her the reassurance that things are going to be OK and that you're doing something about the pain. Tie a leash around its neck. If you don't have one, use a tie, a belt, a rope, anything that you can use to make a make-shift leash. This will let you handle it better. Muzzle it to top it from biting you. Slowly and carefully lift the dog up and take it to a safe area.

If you Can, Know why the Dog Got Into the Situation

It's best to figure out why the dog got hurt to start with. This lets you pinpoint possible areas that also could have been damaged. Even if the dog does not have cuts or bruises, it could have gotten injured from the inside. If the dog has an illness that causes it to become partially paralyzed or unable to move, like degenerative myelopathy or arthritis, its best to check if it can still move of feel its legs. It could have gotten hurt because of sudden loss of control over their lower limbs.

Apply First Aid

Stop blood from open cuts by placing clean cloth over it and securing it to place. Run your hands though the dog's body and check when it reacts to pain. Dogs who are paralyzed or have degenerative myelopathy may not feel the pain since their nerves are not working properly, but be watchful for any reactions.

Take it to the vet

Carefully carry the dog to the car and take it to the veterinarian. If you don't have a way of transportation, you can call the vet or a veterinary ambulance to pick the dog up. Many animal hospitals have emergency rooms where they can run tests like x-rays to check internal damage.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Tips on Caring for Disabled Dogs

Dog disabilities could be a result of illness, physical injury or accidents. Just because your dog is disabled, it should not stop you from enjoying its company. As a dog owner, it is your responsibility to help the dog live a normal life and cope with the situation. Below are a few tips to keep your dog happy and healthy even with their disability.

Assist their movements

Dogs who suffer from mobility problems, such as hip dysplasia, arthritis, spinal disorders, DM in dogs, or other medical problems that affects their hind legs will need plenty of help moving around. To make things easier for you and the dog, you can buy a special leash that supports their torso and back legs. There are also other tools that assist in mobility problems, such as dog wheelchairs that can be strapped to their backs. If you are going to take the dog out to the vet, you will need to carry it into the car since it might have a hard time getting in. You can also use a small and improvised ramp that will help them walk into the car.

Watch their weight

Like humans, over weight dogs have a higher chance of getting stick compared to dogs that stay within their ideal weight. Exercise and a balanced diet are the only things you really need to worry about when it comes to your dog's weight. Make sure they get the right amount of exercise by taking them out for walks or jogs. You can also let them run around in an open area like you back yard, front lawn or the nearest park. Never over feed or underfeed your dogs. Use a good dog food mix or you can feed them meat that you prepared. Check with your vet about your dog's ideal weight and the best type of diet you can give it.

Regular visits to the doctor

Visiting the vet regularly helps you and your dog's doctor track the dog's condition and see if it's improving or not. By going to the vet, you can detect any problems and stop them before they develop even further. The vet can also advise you on medical procedures and other remedies that can help or cure your dog. They can also offer medical screening for some genetic illnesses like DM in dogs.

Talk to your dog

Taking to your dog is actually a form of therapy for the both of you. Massage and gently rub its fur and spend some time with it. Sometimes, human touch works better and is more calming and relaxing compared to any other type of medication.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Cats Vs Dogs: Which Make the Better Pets?

The Cats Vs Dogs controversy has gone on for thousands of years, ever since they were domesticated. Which makes the best pet? The answer depends largely on the owner's personality and requirements for animal companionship. We have owned both and have made a few observations based on our experiences.

Dogs are intensely loyal to the people who feed them. They can be hostile to perceived "invaders," and a goodly number of them have shown a willingness to put their own lives on the line to protect their owners. The downside to this behavior is that they demand lots of attention. An owner can sit and scratch a dog's ears for hours and still receive a hurt look from the animal when it's time to do something else. Cats, although also attention seekers, seem much more aloof and independent. Just don't expect them to be there for you if a burglar breaks in. An intelligent, well trained dog makes a great hiking companion. Cats couldn't care less. This is why the owner's preferences are an important part of the Cats Vs Dogs debate.

Cats are complete carnivores, and can digest only meat. (You may have seen a cat eating green grass, but that was probably because its stomach was already upset by something else.) Dogs, like people, are omnivores able to metabolize a variety of foods. The difference is in the body chemistry of the two species. The bottom line when considering Cats Vs Dogs is this: although some dogs may develop a taste for some cat foods, the two types of food are not interchangeable.

The biggest factor in choosing between Cats Vs Dogs may be the environment of the prospective owner. Do not try to keep a large dog in a small apartment, even if the landlord allows it. You will all be miserable as a result. Cat urine smells worse than dog urine, is more likely to occur indoors and must be dealt with. Dogs are not adept at hunting mice, so rodent control is generally left up to cats, who will also catch lizards, birds and young rabbits. In a rural setting, however, be aware that cats are susceptible to being picked off by owls (yes, owls) and other predators.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Indoor vs. Outdoor Cats

There's another great debate about the feline as a pet besides the declawing issue covered in another article. This great debate concerns allowing the feline to roam outdoors vs. living indoors. As usual, there are two sides to this debate. Should you allow your cat to roam outdoors? Let's find out.

The Outdoor Feline

Cats are essentially wild creatures, and they have always loved the outdoors. What feline owner hasn't watched their cat loll in a patch of sunshine on a winter day, or roll contentedly in the dirt in their own backyard? Cats do love the sunshine, the outdoors, and the fresh air. However, outdoor cats are susceptible to more diseases, more injuries, and more health problems. Outdoor cats may tussle with other cats, catch parasites or other diseases, or be hit by a car or caught by other predators. They can also be poisoned by pesticides, or by sadistic neighbors. They can cause problems with neighbors by using their yards as a cat box. Outdoor cats simply aren't as safe as indoor cats, period.

Indoor Cats

Indoor cats live longer, healthier lives - period. Studies prove it and common sense dictates it. Indoor cats have many advantages outdoor cats can't hope to have. Outdoor cats live on an average of 3 to 5 years, while indoor cats live an average of 12 years or more. My last indoor cats lived to be 19 and nearly 21. Indoor cats enjoy in safety and comfort. They are safe from diseases that feral cats may carry and outdoor cats pick up. They are safe from cat fights, cars, and predators. And, indoor cats won't harm other wildlife, such as birds and small animals.


There are many alternatives to the outdoor lifestyle. When kittens first come home, they should be kept indoors. If your cats miss their outdoor excursions, you might try to train them to wear a harness and walk on a leash. They will still be able to enjoy the outdoors, but much more safely. Another alternative is to create a safe outdoor area or run where the cats can go outside but cannot escape the area. There are many outdoor runs available now that connect to a cat door and allow the cat access to a run on a patio or in a backyard. You can also allow the cat outdoors on a patio or deck when you are outdoors, and only for a short time. Or, you can use a carrier to take your kitty for walks in the sunshine.

Keeping kitty indoors will keep kitty healthy, happy, and free of infectious diseases she might catch outside. Each pet owner is responsible for their own pet's health and well being. Keeping kitty inside is the choice that makes sense.

Friday, April 20, 2012

How to Choose a Pet: Dogs vs Cats

If you decided to purchase a pet, you must be responsible and reasonable. This may seem very easy: that`s enough to visit a pet store or bird market and to buy what you liked. However, in reality it is not so simple - in fact each animal requires a certain care and must be suitable to the owner`s temperament and lifestyle. If you plan to buy a pet for a long time, but not for a month or so, read a few useful tips.

Dog is one of the most popular pets. Faithful, loyal, affectionate, loving, ready to do anything for its owner. If you want to get a dog, be prepared to walk it several times a day, to do its training, to perceive this animal as a full and equal family member. Pay attention not only on the appearance of a dog of any breed, but also by other characteristics: features of care, living conditions, the nature, purpose (dog fighting, hunting, house, etc.). Evaluate your desires and possibilities, give yourself the answer to the question will the dog feel comfortable with you, and you.

Regardless of their breed dogs have one common point - they require greater attention, communication and love. Dogs are like children: time-consuming and are offended if they are ignored. So the dog is well suited for people who prefer active way of life, mostly young and active, single people who want to find a faithful friend, as well as those who own a sufficient amount of time to practice with the dog. Do not get a dog if you have young children.

Independent, proud, proud, capricious, tied to the house more than to its owners. The cat is not less popular pet than its eternal rival and antithesis - the dog. As is in the case with dogs, a lot depends on the choice of breed. Cat`s characters resemble to characters of the people - so it's important to choose a cat breed that matches to your temperament and lifestyle.

Despite the fact that cats are not amenable to training, pay attention to their education. It is necessary to teach a cat to use the toilet at the appropriate place, to scratch its claws only in specifically designated rug and to make it clear where in the house has "forbidden" zones.
Cats are recommended to creative and independent people; however, they must be willing to tolerate cat's willfulness.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Size Really Does Matter In Training Dogs

We've all experienced it, that instant "aww" factor when you see an adorable puppy. Bonham is a German Shepherd puppy and you couldn't resist taking him home with you. When you saw Bonham's face it was love at first site; his puppy fluff engulfing his face, gave him the appearance of a brown dust bunny.

When dogs are puppies people can't get enough of them. We love stroking their puppy fur and have no problem approaching them and nuzzling our faces against their warm puppy bellies. Now that Bonham is full grown he no longer attracts attention from people who meet him. His large stature and strong German Shepherd features lead people to believe that he is vicious. Mothers grab their children close when Bonham trots down the street wagging his bushy tail. Under this rough exterior however lurks the heart of a lover.

You were smart and took Bonham to simple puppy training when he was young, leaving him a very well behaved pooch. He now has no problem being around children, babies, cats or even other dogs, it's people that seem to have the problem with him. In today's society people have a tendency to take things at face value. This is very frustrating when your sister's Yorkie Shelby receives all the adulation when in fact she's the vicious one. Shelby proves that evil things can also come in small packages.

Shelby is a little dog with a nasty disposition. Under the angelic mask of her Yorkie face is one of the meanest dogs one would ever have the displeasure of meeting. Shelby spends her days as a pampered lap dog who barks and snaps at anyone who looks at her the wrong way. Yes, this is a dog we're talking about.

She clearly has an attitude problem yet people seem drawn to her cuteness factor. They constantly fawn over her adorable fuzzy face only to be greeted by the quick snap of her jaws. Shelby was never trained because she was small and easily maneuverable. For years people continued to buy into the fact that smaller dogs don't need training because lets be honest, most are purchased because of their cute pint sized bodies and inherent ability to fit in a trendy handbag. Buying into the fallacy that small dogs can be controlled by the confines of such a handbag results in a very ill mannered pooch. But who cares? She's so cute, right? Wrong, the cuteness factor should never outweigh a dog's nasty behavior.

Too Big to Ignore

It's a reality that a smaller dog's bad behavior is easier to ignore than that of larger dogs like Bonham. The fact that Shelby constantly snaps at people is seen as cute or not that big of a deal. If Bonham snaps at someone however, you could have a lawsuit on your hands. For Shelby, her bark is usually worse than her bite. However, this is not so in the case of a German Shepherd. It's obvious that smaller dogs are able get away with their bad behavior more than their larger counterparts. Bad behaviors such as jumping up on someone, growling or barking at other dogs seems less menacing coming from a 5-pound Yorkie than from an 80-pound German Shepherd. Still bad behavior from a pet is never OK, no matter the size.

Refusing to send small dogs to a trainer allows them to develop habits like biting young children, defecating where they please and being an overall ill-mannered, overprotective nuisance. Because small dogs are often not trained, many gain the reputation for being loud obnoxious yappers who might bite at you if you get too close. In essence small pet owners are perpetuating this yapper stereotype by neglecting to train their dogs.

If This Sounds Like You

If you own a dog, regardless of size, he or she must get trained. It's not cute when dogs bite and whether the teeth are small or large, they can hurt. Even if your "Shelby" never bites someone, there are myriad other extremely unattractive behaviors that are the consequence of not training that even you won't want to live with. Hey, maybe you have a sibling like Bonham's owner who would be happy to share how Bonham became such a well-mannered dog.

Puppy City has been around for over 50 years, we pride ourselves in being the home for quality puppies for sale in Brooklyn, New York. We also have all of the supplies you will ever need, from dog food, to wee wee pads, to all the treats you will ever need in a lifetime. Visit us at

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Fun Facts about Dogs

Let's talk about the top twelve fun science facts that surround dogs, the most loyal and the most reliable pet companions for people.

Here are the twelve facts that you must know about your furry domestic pet:

1. There are a total of roughly around four hundred million dogs and hundreds of different dog breeds in the world.

2. Dogs can perform many tasks to assist humans. They can guard, hunt, do farm work, and aid people with disabilities. They can help the blind. They can also be trained to compete in breed shows which display their amazing agility. There are obedience contests, sled pulling, and racing that are meant for dogs.

3. The domestication of dogs, which naturally live in the wild, happened around 15,000 years ago.

4. Dogs have the same digestive systems as wolves and foxes - their counterparts in the wild. Thus, you are making it hard for them to digest pellet-based, plant-based, and processed dog foods. Dogs are meant to subsist on raw meat and bones.

5. Domestic dogs may eat plant-based foods, but it is not necessarily good for them. Foods that are plant-based will tax their pancreas and shorten their life spans.

6. Dogs have a spectacular sense of smell. They can differentiate odors in concentrations of around 100 million times lower than what humans can!

7. The hearing of dogs is also much more superior to that of humans. They can hear sounds at four times the distance!

8. According to the number of registered ownership, the most popular dog breed in the world is the Labrador. They are usually used as guide dogs and as police dogs. Labradors are extremely intelligent, obedient, gentle, and tireless.

9. Dogs live up to ten to fourteen years. They live longer if they are fed with unprocessed and uncooked meat and bones.

10. Dog breeders call young dogs less than one year of age as "puppies," a group of dog offspring as "litter," male dogs as "dogs," and female dogs as "bitches."

11. Dogs tend to pant a lot because they don't have any sweat glands on their body. Their sweat glands are only at their paws!

12. Dogs have a total of three eyelids. The third lid is called a nictitating membrane or haw; it keeps their eyes protected and fully lubricated.

Get the latest science scoop and trivia, plus fun facts and games, to enrich your mind. How to make science fun is easy! Visit Easy Science Fun.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Collars: Get Safer Ones For Your Cats

If you warmly welcome cats to be part of your life then it's time to offer them something that they can use throughout their existence. These special items appear so important because it adds to the unique look of your kitties while you take care of controlling their moves and behaviors. Buy or make cute collar for your dear kitty and make sure that it is safe. This is a type of accessories that any kitty can be proud of.

Today, there are different types of collars available in the market yet not all are equal in terms of quality and usefulness. Others are more specialized that they are only use for special cases like training kitties. There are those useful everyday for they are just simple and cute. Despite the variety of choices and more improved collar options, think only of your dear pets' safety whenever they need to use this thing. They won't tell you that they don't like that so it is up to you to determine what they really need. Will it be the breakaway type that opens quickly or the traditional type commonly use?

Give your cats' considerable amount of freedom when they are home or outside but never forget to have their collars attached in case they can't find a way home. With a collar attached, you get to easily identify your cat. You would hear a sound that if the collar has a sounding bell or you can be more confident that somebody will have it returned to you if the collar tells the name of the cat and where to return it in case he is lost. Truly, these items worn around their necks are the return tickets for lost kittens.

When getting good collars from a particular shop, you should think always of how safe they are? Do they have some unfamiliar features? Will they open quickly in case the cat pass was snagged in the fence, he can still get out and continuously go after the running mouse. Safe collar options are what cat owners should have on their lists. If they can't determine which is safer then they can always pause and look for help. Reviews are always readable. They might have things to say. A friend of yours who is a cat lover too can help you decide what to get. But, never fails to determine the size, breed, nature, and common activities of your kitties to make sure that you give right supplies.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Why Do Cats Urinate in the House?

There are many reasons why your cat might be peeing in the house, anything from cleanliness, change of territory and the scent of another cat. Let's look at why cats urinate in the house and what you can do to make it stop.

Making your cat stop urinating on the carpet is easier than it seems. Many cat owners cannot keep an eye on their pet 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, so it becomes difficult to see what they are doing, where and why they are doing it. I want to run through some real life situations that have happened to me, and how I stopped the constant urinating on carpets.

Why do cats urinate in the house, and what you can do to make it stop.

One of the many reasons cat owners find themselves in this predicament is down to health issues. A couple of years ago my male cat was starting to pee just outside his litter tray, and then over a few days, he spread to other rooms and before I knew it, the house was starting to smell of urine. He had never done this before, he was always clean and never missed the spot when it came to doing his business.

Over the next couple of days, I made more of an attempt to follow him, only to find he wasn't peeing as normal. The short story is, he had a urinary infection, and the vet mentioned that he might be associating the pain he felt when he urinated to his litter tray, and so he avoided going in. I don't want to scare you, but if this sounds like something that could be happening to your cat, then either give your local vet a call, or take him in for an examination.

If the above is not something you think is happening, then lets run through another couple of reasons of why cats urinate in the house.

A change of territory is also another reason for random urinating, as they are simply marking their new home with their smell. You may see this happen for only a couple of days, but if it continues, then there might be other issues to look at.

Cleanliness is something I must mention, because it has happened to me in the past. If you have an indoor cat which uses only a litter tray, then having a dirty box is something of a no go area for many cats. Daily cleaning is essential, and the urinating in carpets will start to fade within days. Make sure your cat has easy access to his tray when it is cleaned.

These simple steps above may sound obvious, but many people have busy lives and forget that the simple things are usually the problem. If you think your cat has health issues, then don't waste anytime in having the vet give him a health check.

Stop your Cat Peeing on the Carpet. This easy to read book, has helped me and thousands more around the world, simply click on the link to get your copy now. You will also find cleaning tips, and how to tell if your Cat is trying to tell you something.

About the Author:
My name is David Barratt Jackson. I have been working with Cats for the past 10 years, on everything from training to cleaning. If you are having a problem with your cat Peeing on your Carpet and not using their Litter Tray, then I can help.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Cats and Dogs Can Coexist

As animal lovers we have had an assortment of pets throughout the years but cats and dogs have been the primary choice when it came to our 4 legged children. Having deciding early on to only adopt rescue animals, we often had behavior issues to address before peace would reign.
When you are introducing new members to your home there are facts that must be considered. Dogs are territorial and will often be aggressive to any new addition to their home. Cats have the same tendencies and will fight to defend their territories and mark their spaces to show their dominance.

There Is Hope

It is a challenge to get dogs and cats to coexist but it can be done with time and patience. The usual process is to separate the two physically however this is not a practical long term solution. Though caging and closed rooms can be used in the beginning for safety, creating a plan of action for new behaviors can help you achieve harmony with time and practice.

The First Steps

Obedience in the most important factor when introducing your older pets to the newest member. Both cats and dogs can be taught basic commands and NO must be understood immediately. Chances are your new pet will understand the command by word or by tone but it can also be reemphasized with treats and affection.

While the older pets are contained, allow the new pet to slowly acclimatize themselves to the new surroundings and smells. By letting them wander on their own for short periods, they can scatter their own scent within the home which allows the other to become familiar to the new scent.
Once the new pet is secured, allow the older pet to investigate and aquaint themselves to the new scents and reward them positively for acceptable behavior. This stage may take some time for both cats and dogs to adjust but the more they feel safe the faster the process.

The Introduction

Once you see signs of acceptance you can introduce physical contact. With each pet being held securely and only when they are calm in each other's presence, you can allow them to sniff each other. Be ready to correct negative behavior and offer protection from aggression swiftly.
By repeating this process often and increasing the time in each other's company, they will begin to learn to adapt to the new situation.

Dogs are pack animals and are happy to be with their families and though cats are aloof, they too enjoy affection from their owners. In time you will begin to see that your dog and cat can coexist peacefully without fear or aggression.

You may find they become the best of friends and they may agree to give each other a wide berth. Whatever the case, you can teach both dogs and cats to be comfortable in their new home safely.

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Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Glucosamine for Dog Arthritis: The Safer Alternative

In this article we will discuss how glucosamine can be used to treat arthritic disease in canines safely and effectively. Almost everyone who owns an older canine will encounter the problem of dog arthritis in the animal at some point in their lives. Generally, this joint disease only becomes noticeable in the dog's later years of life. This form is usually called osteoarthritis in canines. When an owner suspects their pet may be suffering the effects of this degenerative disease, they should take their animal to the veterinarian for a complete diagnosis to determine if arthritis is the problem.

First of all, arthritis is a degenerating disease which affects the cartilage within the joints of the dog. This disease is identical to the one that attacks humans in their later years of life also. It should be noted that there are no cures for the disease itself. All pet owners can do is to mitigate the symptoms and ease the pain and suffering the animal experiences as much as possible. Glucosamine is an all-natural supplement that many vets are now suggesting animal suffering from joint arthritis should begin taking. Unlike many of the prescription medications that are on the market to treat the disease, glucosamine has virtually no side effects and is a completely natural supplementation which helps many dogs counter the effects of arthritis.

Many of the prescribed medicines available to treat osteoarthritis simply mask or hide the pain which the disease creates. They in no way help in alleviating the actual problem that the disease is causing. In other words, the degeneration of the cartilage tissue within the joints is not stopped. All that is happening with these prescribed medications is simply easing the pain that this degenerative disease is causing the animal. Glucosamine, on the other hand, actually assists the animal in rebuilding and regenerating the damaged tissues caused by the arthritic disease. Glucosamine contains the building blocks which the body uses to build the protective tissues within the joints. Therefore, when these necessary components of the cartilage are added to the canine's diet they are better able to rebuild and reproduce the destroyed tissues inside the joints caused by the joint disease.

In addition to being much less expensive than prescribed alternatives, liquid glucosamine is also much easier to give since it often comes in a liquid form. All the pet owner must do is measure out required dosage for the animal and pour it over the dog's food at meal time. The prescription drugs almost always come in the form of pills and tablets and these are quite difficult for some people to give their pets. The liquid version of glucosamine is also thought to be absorbed easier by the bodies of dogs for a more rapid intake.

It should be noted however, they glucosamine can require several weeks to several months of daily dosages before any positive benefits are experienced by the diseased animal. It totally depends on the dog himself and how for the disease's progress as to how long it will take before any helpful benefits are seen with in a given animal. One of the most important things that dog owners must realize is that giving up on the supplementation using glucosamine too soon may forfeit their ability to help their animals in the long run. This is one reason that prescribed medications are so popular since they offer almost immediate benefits to the animal who is in pain.

In summary, when your dog is diagnosed as having joint osteoarthritis disease, be sure to ask the veterinarian about the options of using liquid glucosamine in place of prescribed medications to help treat the problem. The vet may have in stock their own versions of glucosamine which can be purchased directly or there are other online retail stores specializing in glucosamine supplementation products for dogs.

Friday, February 10, 2012

How To Train a Pheasant Dog

If you've never done it before, the hunting dog training process will probably teach you more about yourself that it will about your dog. You'll learn about the dog's temperament and attention span just as you will discover your own threshold for patience. Your approach to hunting dog training should begin with realistic goals; What do you expect out of your dog? How much time are you willing to devote? What do you already know about training and what advice should you try to get from someone with more experience?

Hunting Dog Starting Points

Almost every dog trainer agrees that the "come," "heel" and "whoa" commands commands are among the most important. "Whoa" basically means "Stay here until I tell you to move." It's important for a dog to hold tight for a number of reasons, but especially for safety. You don't want an unleashed dog running out in traffic, nor do you want him breaking just as you raise your gun to fire at a flushed bird.

Puppies of just about any breed can be expected to be pretty frisky and not want to give you their undivided attention for very long, so plan on spending no more than fifteen minutes for early training sessions, but shoot for 2-3 per day, rather than just one to ensure the experiences remain fresh in a pup's mind.

During training periods, as well as anytime a command is directed toward the dog, the trainer should be deliberate and firm, showing he or she is in control of the situation. Remain positive throughout the session and avoid scolding to ensure the puppy will look forward to obeying you each time.

Remember that you shouldn't expect much out of a pup during his first year. Even if he has demonstrated obedience with the "come," "heel" and "whoa" commands, he'll still need experience afield to get used to real hunting situations. The good news is that dogs bred for pheasant hunting have amazing natural instincts to track down and point at birds -- and you won't have to teach a good dog much beyond obedience, once his instincts come alive. If you hunt 10-20 days each year, it's possible for your hunting dog to reach maximum potential by the middle of his second season.

Backyard Drills for Pheasant Hunting

One of the easiest and best drills you can do to reinforce the "whoa" command is to simply throw a dummy into tall weeds or brush while the dog is holding tight. While he's expecting to hear his release command at any moment (usually the dog's name) try calling out other names to make sure you're dog doesn't break. You can even run toward the dummy yourself to makes sure he doesn't follow you.

Pheasant hunting dogs that perform the best usually cover ground in an efficient, orderly manner. Here's a great tip for training your dog to anticipate which way you'll turn as you walk through a field; First, attach a 25-foot check cord to the dog's collar using a D-ring so you can walk on the left or right of the dog. In a field or other large space, walk about thirty feet straight ahead with the dog in front of you before making a 45-degree turn to the right and giving a quick tug on the check cord. Do the same thing turning left, alternating back and forth. The dog should figure out when and which way you're going to turn, and after incorporating this drill into your daily routine for a week or so you'll be able to take him off leash and start using a shock collar set on low, or a whistle.

The best general tip for hunting dog training can be summed up in one word: exposure. Make sure your dog is exposed to natural wilderness settings and birds as often as possible, even if he has to be taken to a pheasant farm. The more he smells and sees live birds, the more excited he will get to hunt them.

If you've never done it before, the hunting dog training process will probably teach you more about yourself that it will about your dog. You'll learn about the dog's temperament and attention span just as you will discover your own threshold for patience.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Canine Rheumatoid Arthritis and its Signs

In literal conditions, joint disease indicates mutual swelling. It is just a widespread ailment inside human beings along with creatures likewise. The inflammation of the joints doesn't get relieved because of crash with the human being disease fighting capability throughout osteo-arthritis. This may lead to even more damage of even the other wholesome parts of the body such as the tissues and also your bones.

You can educate your pet will be being affected by puppy osteo-arthritis when you discover specific changes in your animal's overall motions along with routines. Normally, your dog will retain how heavy it is from the hind lower limbs. What's more, it efforts to prevent motion of the along with the producing soreness. If the pain is actually unbearable, your puppy may well lifeless, as well as after that start barking hurting whilst getting upward or performing additional common moves.

Rheumatoid arthritis within pet dogs usually takes place from a young age should they be significant bred. This is because of how big body their limbs must hold. His or her bones as well undergoes any degenerative course of action from a young age in comparison with additional breeds. In the event of tiny type, the particular approximate age when a dog evolves arthritis is normally more effective in order to 8. Besides pounds, there are additional brings about such as problems for navicular bone, dropped shared, bad nutrition, and the like, bringing about canine joint disease. Innate aspect too has a crucial role in cases like this.

How you can Deal with Joint disease

Your above-mentioned details tend not to imply that a new genuine bred pet or a modest canine will be the answer to canine rheumatoid arthritis. What issues many could be the potential as well as preparedness to keep the fitness of your puppy. Typical trips with a veterinary can be a ought to. Even small issues that you notice occasionally such as the rigidity of the important joints or discomfort to advance should be resolved instantly. For those who have your pet dog containing already designed joint disease, you need to look to that who's gets a proper diet. Also be sure that it's linked to this kind of low-impact exercises such as walking along with going swimming. Regardless, over-the-counter drugs should be used with required research. The most frequent supplement employed is actually plus for canines.

You can also browse through a variety of goods online to have an idea of the actual hospital treatment that is available with regard to puppy joint disease. Flexpet is one this sort of product that continues to be acquiring encouraging feedback looking at the buyers. It concentrates on the treatment of the sickness and will not possess unwanted side effects. Rather than just lowering the pain, that efforts to heal irritation by way of anti-inflammatory remedy. Produced from an organic chemical substance regarding herbal treatments, this particular medication may be consumed since foods product orally.

Monday, January 30, 2012

A Survey Of Common Dog Health Problems

Canine health can be just as demanding and difficult to maintain as human wellness. Keeping your canine companion in top form requires more than just knowing how to feed him and care for him: you need to understand the warning signs for the most common forms of dog illness.

Lyme Disease
Transmitted by ticks, this disease is common to humans and canines both. In canines, it is often difficult to spot it until some of the most overt signs surface. Initial symptoms include lack of energy and lack of appetite, but are rarely more specific. Lameness or difficulty moving is a much more common and definitive symptom.

Ear Infection
Many different situations can cause canine ear infections. Infections can arise due to ear mites, bacterial infection elsewhere, allergic reaction, or poor ear care. The signs of an ear infection are easy to recognize. A canine with an ear infection will constantly scratch at its ears. It may react negatively when touched near the ears, or shake its head in an attempt to relieve the discomfort.

As more canines live longer, this dog illness becomes more prevalent. It now develops in 50% of canines over 10 years old. The symptoms are highly varied and depend heavily on what kind of cancer the animal is suffering from and other dog health problems they may have. In general, look for fatigue, restlessness, or general sudden change in mood. Also examine your pet for tumors, a telltale sign of cancer.

This chronic condition can quickly become one of the more life threatening dog health problems. Signs of canine illness include disinterest in food and inability to settle comfortably. A distended stomach is also present, but may not be able to be detected outside of a vet's office.

Spread by bites from other infected animals, rabies is easy to prevent: you can curtail all related dog health problems by simply vaccinating your canine companion in the first place. Otherwise, rabies can be potentially life threatening to you and to your canine.

This dangerous disease can be fatal, especially in puppies or older canines. The first signs will be a running nose, accompanied by heavy vomiting and diarrhea. As the disease progresses, additional symptoms may include dehydration, breathing problems, refusal of food, and increasing weight loss. Neurological signs such as muscle twitching or seizures are vitally important telltale symptoms. Thickening of the footpads is difficult to observe without medical training, but is also a distinctive sign.

Although technically a parasite, heartworm is still a significant factor in dog illness. Heartworm itself is transmitted by a simple mosquito bite, which then places the parasite within the canine's body. Dog health problems begin six months or more after infection. Before this, the parasite is small and not yet having a major impact on the body. Signs include coughing and a lack of energy with predisposition to exhaustion. If left untreated, fainting, coughing of blood, and weight loss will eventually progress to become congestive heart failure and death.

These common dog health problems can all be serious for your pet's health and comfort. If you have even the slightest suspicion that one of them might be present, don't delay - take your pet to the vet quickly.

For more information about Dog health problems, please visit

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The Secret Way to Make The Waist Slim

As we get older and less mobile lifestyle, waist size was gradually widened as a result of fat. For those of you who want to get rid of fat around the waist, slight changes in daily activities was a big influence on the size of the waist.

They are more often rose from his seat, about 1258 times in a week rose from the seat, has a size of pants two times smaller than their more sedentary, which is about 99 times pause to sit in the same period.

"The size of a smaller waist means less belly fat, and this pile is a good indication for the heart," said Genevieve Healy, researchers from Australia who did the study population health.

He explained, when we stand up, big muscles in the legs and back sequentially will contract to maintain the posture. However, when sitting or lying down, it's muscle groups become inactive.

"For a moment, got up from sitting, about 1-2 minutes, is enough to make these big muscles to contract," said the researchers who published their study in the journal European Heart Journal.

In his research, Healy and his team examined 4757 people aged 20 years and over who participated in the U.S. National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. All the participants wore an accelerometer at the hip right tool for 7 days when they were awake.

This tool will measure the amount and intensity of physical activity every minute participants. When very low levels of activity, the researchers suspected participants were sedentary.

On average the participants were seated approximately 1.8 hours to 21.2 hours a day. Meanwhile, the amount of time taken to get up around 4.12 minutes.

The researchers found that those who spend lots of time to sit down but do pause and rose from his seat has a more slender waistline. In addition, levels of C-reactive protein (an indicator of inflammation in the body) is also lower.

Keeping Your Dog Safe During The Holidays

With the holidays here, we are all in the mood for some festivities. We plan parties and cook for celebrations, but what do our pups do? They are still the same clever, curious rascal they ever were. Something that the holiday season does bring some puppy hazards. Everyone wants to enjoy the holidays without a single hiccup, so make sure that you make your home holiday safe for dogs.

Seasonal decorations

The holidays bring about a variety of color and light that make the atmosphere look quite magnificent. But, beware of nosy pups with mischief on the mind. Power cords can be very dangerous for a pup that likes to chew. Make sure they are hidden out of reach so no one gets hurt. Besides lighting, we often decorate our homes with pretty plants such as miseltoe, poinsettia, and holly. Unfortunately, all these plants are actually very toxic- especially for dogs. Consider going with a synthetic likeness that looks just as pretty (and you can use it again next year- save some $$). Besides the house decorations, presents often get decorated, too.
Wrapping paper is fun- for both man and dog, but we don't usually eat it. A pup may find it quite tasty, but will likely just end up with a belly-ache.

Hot dog

Candles make the house look and smell nice, but there is a bit of a hazard to this. A happy tail or a nosy snout can knock a candle over and burn your pup or catch something on fire. If you have candles, keep them up high and never leave the home without making sure they're out. Another concern is the fireplace. Those flickering flames can intrigue a curious pup, so make sure you use a fireplace protector or screen to keep any noses from being singed.

Time for eats!

The festivities and food are going to be almost every dog's weakness. Honestly, who can resist a tasty piece of what's cooking? Items on the table top left unattended can make a likely target for an eagar pup, so keep things out of reach- and no paws on the table. Unfortunately, dogs aren't always the culprit, sometimes they're just the victim of some sneaky hands that tossed them a spoonful off their plate. Make sure that everyone knows not to feed the pup, and if you don't want to take any chances, put your pup somewhere where they won't be tempted. Don't forget to give them their own snacks and toys to enjoy.

The table top isn't the only place a sneaky snout might wander. After all is cooked and eaten, there's likely to be a few leftovers. And where do some leftovers end up? After scraping plates clean, we often end up with some scraps in the garbage can. So make sure to bag it and toss it before anyone gets any ideas.

Now, table scraps might not sound to concerning for some folks, but keep in mind that there are several dinner items that can make a pup a little- or even extremely sick.

Raisins and grapes are notorious for upsetting a pup's belly and often make it to a countertop fruit ornamentation basket. Onions add flavor to a meal, but they aren't any better for a pup. And chocolate is one of the worst, but possibly the most popular for the season. Make sure and keep any and all of these foods out of your pup's reach, and inform visitors not to feed them these specific things.

Along that topic comes the "merry" part of the holidays. We should all eat, drink, and be merry, but pups shouldn't be doing any drinking (even if they aren't driving). Beer and other alcoholic beverages are dangerous to pups bodies. They don't experience it the way we do, and organs such as their liver and kidneys can be damaged very easily by alcohol.

Holidays are supposed to be fun, and you can make them as fun as you want. Just be sure that you keep your pup safe and out of harm's way so you can both enjoy the season festivities.

"Porch Potty - A Dog Owner's Dream Come True,"