Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Collars: Get Safer Ones For Your Cats

If you warmly welcome cats to be part of your life then it's time to offer them something that they can use throughout their existence. These special items appear so important because it adds to the unique look of your kitties while you take care of controlling their moves and behaviors. Buy or make cute collar for your dear kitty and make sure that it is safe. This is a type of accessories that any kitty can be proud of.

Today, there are different types of collars available in the market yet not all are equal in terms of quality and usefulness. Others are more specialized that they are only use for special cases like training kitties. There are those useful everyday for they are just simple and cute. Despite the variety of choices and more improved collar options, think only of your dear pets' safety whenever they need to use this thing. They won't tell you that they don't like that so it is up to you to determine what they really need. Will it be the breakaway type that opens quickly or the traditional type commonly use?

Give your cats' considerable amount of freedom when they are home or outside but never forget to have their collars attached in case they can't find a way home. With a collar attached, you get to easily identify your cat. You would hear a sound that if the collar has a sounding bell or you can be more confident that somebody will have it returned to you if the collar tells the name of the cat and where to return it in case he is lost. Truly, these items worn around their necks are the return tickets for lost kittens.

When getting good collars from a particular shop, you should think always of how safe they are? Do they have some unfamiliar features? Will they open quickly in case the cat pass was snagged in the fence, he can still get out and continuously go after the running mouse. Safe collar options are what cat owners should have on their lists. If they can't determine which is safer then they can always pause and look for help. Reviews are always readable. They might have things to say. A friend of yours who is a cat lover too can help you decide what to get. But, never fails to determine the size, breed, nature, and common activities of your kitties to make sure that you give right supplies.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Why Do Cats Urinate in the House?

There are many reasons why your cat might be peeing in the house, anything from cleanliness, change of territory and the scent of another cat. Let's look at why cats urinate in the house and what you can do to make it stop.

Making your cat stop urinating on the carpet is easier than it seems. Many cat owners cannot keep an eye on their pet 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, so it becomes difficult to see what they are doing, where and why they are doing it. I want to run through some real life situations that have happened to me, and how I stopped the constant urinating on carpets.

Why do cats urinate in the house, and what you can do to make it stop.

One of the many reasons cat owners find themselves in this predicament is down to health issues. A couple of years ago my male cat was starting to pee just outside his litter tray, and then over a few days, he spread to other rooms and before I knew it, the house was starting to smell of urine. He had never done this before, he was always clean and never missed the spot when it came to doing his business.

Over the next couple of days, I made more of an attempt to follow him, only to find he wasn't peeing as normal. The short story is, he had a urinary infection, and the vet mentioned that he might be associating the pain he felt when he urinated to his litter tray, and so he avoided going in. I don't want to scare you, but if this sounds like something that could be happening to your cat, then either give your local vet a call, or take him in for an examination.

If the above is not something you think is happening, then lets run through another couple of reasons of why cats urinate in the house.

A change of territory is also another reason for random urinating, as they are simply marking their new home with their smell. You may see this happen for only a couple of days, but if it continues, then there might be other issues to look at.

Cleanliness is something I must mention, because it has happened to me in the past. If you have an indoor cat which uses only a litter tray, then having a dirty box is something of a no go area for many cats. Daily cleaning is essential, and the urinating in carpets will start to fade within days. Make sure your cat has easy access to his tray when it is cleaned.

These simple steps above may sound obvious, but many people have busy lives and forget that the simple things are usually the problem. If you think your cat has health issues, then don't waste anytime in having the vet give him a health check.

Stop your Cat Peeing on the Carpet. This easy to read book, has helped me and thousands more around the world, simply click on the link to get your copy now. You will also find cleaning tips, and how to tell if your Cat is trying to tell you something.

About the Author:
My name is David Barratt Jackson. I have been working with Cats for the past 10 years, on everything from training to cleaning. If you are having a problem with your cat Peeing on your Carpet and not using their Litter Tray, then I can help.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Cats and Dogs Can Coexist

As animal lovers we have had an assortment of pets throughout the years but cats and dogs have been the primary choice when it came to our 4 legged children. Having deciding early on to only adopt rescue animals, we often had behavior issues to address before peace would reign.
When you are introducing new members to your home there are facts that must be considered. Dogs are territorial and will often be aggressive to any new addition to their home. Cats have the same tendencies and will fight to defend their territories and mark their spaces to show their dominance.

There Is Hope

It is a challenge to get dogs and cats to coexist but it can be done with time and patience. The usual process is to separate the two physically however this is not a practical long term solution. Though caging and closed rooms can be used in the beginning for safety, creating a plan of action for new behaviors can help you achieve harmony with time and practice.

The First Steps

Obedience in the most important factor when introducing your older pets to the newest member. Both cats and dogs can be taught basic commands and NO must be understood immediately. Chances are your new pet will understand the command by word or by tone but it can also be reemphasized with treats and affection.

While the older pets are contained, allow the new pet to slowly acclimatize themselves to the new surroundings and smells. By letting them wander on their own for short periods, they can scatter their own scent within the home which allows the other to become familiar to the new scent.
Once the new pet is secured, allow the older pet to investigate and aquaint themselves to the new scents and reward them positively for acceptable behavior. This stage may take some time for both cats and dogs to adjust but the more they feel safe the faster the process.

The Introduction

Once you see signs of acceptance you can introduce physical contact. With each pet being held securely and only when they are calm in each other's presence, you can allow them to sniff each other. Be ready to correct negative behavior and offer protection from aggression swiftly.
By repeating this process often and increasing the time in each other's company, they will begin to learn to adapt to the new situation.

Dogs are pack animals and are happy to be with their families and though cats are aloof, they too enjoy affection from their owners. In time you will begin to see that your dog and cat can coexist peacefully without fear or aggression.

You may find they become the best of friends and they may agree to give each other a wide berth. Whatever the case, you can teach both dogs and cats to be comfortable in their new home safely.

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Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Glucosamine for Dog Arthritis: The Safer Alternative

In this article we will discuss how glucosamine can be used to treat arthritic disease in canines safely and effectively. Almost everyone who owns an older canine will encounter the problem of dog arthritis in the animal at some point in their lives. Generally, this joint disease only becomes noticeable in the dog's later years of life. This form is usually called osteoarthritis in canines. When an owner suspects their pet may be suffering the effects of this degenerative disease, they should take their animal to the veterinarian for a complete diagnosis to determine if arthritis is the problem.

First of all, arthritis is a degenerating disease which affects the cartilage within the joints of the dog. This disease is identical to the one that attacks humans in their later years of life also. It should be noted that there are no cures for the disease itself. All pet owners can do is to mitigate the symptoms and ease the pain and suffering the animal experiences as much as possible. Glucosamine is an all-natural supplement that many vets are now suggesting animal suffering from joint arthritis should begin taking. Unlike many of the prescription medications that are on the market to treat the disease, glucosamine has virtually no side effects and is a completely natural supplementation which helps many dogs counter the effects of arthritis.

Many of the prescribed medicines available to treat osteoarthritis simply mask or hide the pain which the disease creates. They in no way help in alleviating the actual problem that the disease is causing. In other words, the degeneration of the cartilage tissue within the joints is not stopped. All that is happening with these prescribed medications is simply easing the pain that this degenerative disease is causing the animal. Glucosamine, on the other hand, actually assists the animal in rebuilding and regenerating the damaged tissues caused by the arthritic disease. Glucosamine contains the building blocks which the body uses to build the protective tissues within the joints. Therefore, when these necessary components of the cartilage are added to the canine's diet they are better able to rebuild and reproduce the destroyed tissues inside the joints caused by the joint disease.

In addition to being much less expensive than prescribed alternatives, liquid glucosamine is also much easier to give since it often comes in a liquid form. All the pet owner must do is measure out required dosage for the animal and pour it over the dog's food at meal time. The prescription drugs almost always come in the form of pills and tablets and these are quite difficult for some people to give their pets. The liquid version of glucosamine is also thought to be absorbed easier by the bodies of dogs for a more rapid intake.

It should be noted however, they glucosamine can require several weeks to several months of daily dosages before any positive benefits are experienced by the diseased animal. It totally depends on the dog himself and how for the disease's progress as to how long it will take before any helpful benefits are seen with in a given animal. One of the most important things that dog owners must realize is that giving up on the supplementation using glucosamine too soon may forfeit their ability to help their animals in the long run. This is one reason that prescribed medications are so popular since they offer almost immediate benefits to the animal who is in pain.

In summary, when your dog is diagnosed as having joint osteoarthritis disease, be sure to ask the veterinarian about the options of using liquid glucosamine in place of prescribed medications to help treat the problem. The vet may have in stock their own versions of glucosamine which can be purchased directly or there are other online retail stores specializing in glucosamine supplementation products for dogs.

Friday, February 10, 2012

How To Train a Pheasant Dog

If you've never done it before, the hunting dog training process will probably teach you more about yourself that it will about your dog. You'll learn about the dog's temperament and attention span just as you will discover your own threshold for patience. Your approach to hunting dog training should begin with realistic goals; What do you expect out of your dog? How much time are you willing to devote? What do you already know about training and what advice should you try to get from someone with more experience?

Hunting Dog Starting Points

Almost every dog trainer agrees that the "come," "heel" and "whoa" commands commands are among the most important. "Whoa" basically means "Stay here until I tell you to move." It's important for a dog to hold tight for a number of reasons, but especially for safety. You don't want an unleashed dog running out in traffic, nor do you want him breaking just as you raise your gun to fire at a flushed bird.

Puppies of just about any breed can be expected to be pretty frisky and not want to give you their undivided attention for very long, so plan on spending no more than fifteen minutes for early training sessions, but shoot for 2-3 per day, rather than just one to ensure the experiences remain fresh in a pup's mind.

During training periods, as well as anytime a command is directed toward the dog, the trainer should be deliberate and firm, showing he or she is in control of the situation. Remain positive throughout the session and avoid scolding to ensure the puppy will look forward to obeying you each time.

Remember that you shouldn't expect much out of a pup during his first year. Even if he has demonstrated obedience with the "come," "heel" and "whoa" commands, he'll still need experience afield to get used to real hunting situations. The good news is that dogs bred for pheasant hunting have amazing natural instincts to track down and point at birds -- and you won't have to teach a good dog much beyond obedience, once his instincts come alive. If you hunt 10-20 days each year, it's possible for your hunting dog to reach maximum potential by the middle of his second season.

Backyard Drills for Pheasant Hunting

One of the easiest and best drills you can do to reinforce the "whoa" command is to simply throw a dummy into tall weeds or brush while the dog is holding tight. While he's expecting to hear his release command at any moment (usually the dog's name) try calling out other names to make sure you're dog doesn't break. You can even run toward the dummy yourself to makes sure he doesn't follow you.

Pheasant hunting dogs that perform the best usually cover ground in an efficient, orderly manner. Here's a great tip for training your dog to anticipate which way you'll turn as you walk through a field; First, attach a 25-foot check cord to the dog's collar using a D-ring so you can walk on the left or right of the dog. In a field or other large space, walk about thirty feet straight ahead with the dog in front of you before making a 45-degree turn to the right and giving a quick tug on the check cord. Do the same thing turning left, alternating back and forth. The dog should figure out when and which way you're going to turn, and after incorporating this drill into your daily routine for a week or so you'll be able to take him off leash and start using a shock collar set on low, or a whistle.

The best general tip for hunting dog training can be summed up in one word: exposure. Make sure your dog is exposed to natural wilderness settings and birds as often as possible, even if he has to be taken to a pheasant farm. The more he smells and sees live birds, the more excited he will get to hunt them.

If you've never done it before, the hunting dog training process will probably teach you more about yourself that it will about your dog. You'll learn about the dog's temperament and attention span just as you will discover your own threshold for patience.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Canine Rheumatoid Arthritis and its Signs

In literal conditions, joint disease indicates mutual swelling. It is just a widespread ailment inside human beings along with creatures likewise. The inflammation of the joints doesn't get relieved because of crash with the human being disease fighting capability throughout osteo-arthritis. This may lead to even more damage of even the other wholesome parts of the body such as the tissues and also your bones.

You can educate your pet will be being affected by puppy osteo-arthritis when you discover specific changes in your animal's overall motions along with routines. Normally, your dog will retain how heavy it is from the hind lower limbs. What's more, it efforts to prevent motion of the along with the producing soreness. If the pain is actually unbearable, your puppy may well lifeless, as well as after that start barking hurting whilst getting upward or performing additional common moves.

Rheumatoid arthritis within pet dogs usually takes place from a young age should they be significant bred. This is because of how big body their limbs must hold. His or her bones as well undergoes any degenerative course of action from a young age in comparison with additional breeds. In the event of tiny type, the particular approximate age when a dog evolves arthritis is normally more effective in order to 8. Besides pounds, there are additional brings about such as problems for navicular bone, dropped shared, bad nutrition, and the like, bringing about canine joint disease. Innate aspect too has a crucial role in cases like this.

How you can Deal with Joint disease

Your above-mentioned details tend not to imply that a new genuine bred pet or a modest canine will be the answer to canine rheumatoid arthritis. What issues many could be the potential as well as preparedness to keep the fitness of your puppy. Typical trips with a veterinary can be a ought to. Even small issues that you notice occasionally such as the rigidity of the important joints or discomfort to advance should be resolved instantly. For those who have your pet dog containing already designed joint disease, you need to look to that who's gets a proper diet. Also be sure that it's linked to this kind of low-impact exercises such as walking along with going swimming. Regardless, over-the-counter drugs should be used with required research. The most frequent supplement employed is actually plus for canines.

You can also browse through a variety of goods online to have an idea of the actual hospital treatment that is available with regard to puppy joint disease. Flexpet is one this sort of product that continues to be acquiring encouraging feedback looking at the buyers. It concentrates on the treatment of the sickness and will not possess unwanted side effects. Rather than just lowering the pain, that efforts to heal irritation by way of anti-inflammatory remedy. Produced from an organic chemical substance regarding herbal treatments, this particular medication may be consumed since foods product orally.