Sunday, December 21, 2008

Top 10 Holiday Dog Gift Ideas

Christmas day is fast approaching; the big question is, have you bought something for your dog? Are you still looking for that perfect Holiday dog gift to make your pet’s Christmas fun and exciting?

If you want to spoil your dog, here some holiday dog gift ideas for you:

1. Dog accessories such as dog training collar, dog leash, and pet jewelry are great Holiday dog gift ideas that you can buy for your pet this holiday season. Not only are they not costly, they are also stylish.

2. Purchase some gourmet treats for your dog from your local bakery stores and pet shops. If you have the time, cook homemade dog treats or bake healthy and tasty doggie cookies or cupcakes with no added preservatives or artificial ingredients.

3. If you want to have the cutest pooch on Christmas day, prep up your dog with a fashionable holiday dog costume, Santa-inspired sweater or jacket with a collar ruff. Attach some jingle bells too.

4. Pamper your dog and take him to a dog grooming shop where he can enjoy a nice bath, shampoo, massage and other services.

5. Make a personalized dog gift basket which contains fun dog toys, treats and anything inside.

6. Purchase an edible dog holiday card. This holiday dog gift is unique and cheap.

7. Build a nice wood dog house. During winter, your dog needs an insulated house where he can stay warm.

8. To provide your dog with comfortable eating experience this Christmas, buy him new elevated feeders or similar feeding bowls.

9. There's no better way to put your canine to sleep on Christmas eve than in a new stylish, comfortable dog bed.

10. Are you traveling with your dog this holiday season? Consider buying dog strollers to carry your pet more easily.

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Thursday, December 18, 2008

How To Prevent Cat Hairballs

Cat breeds with long fur tend to develop hairballs than those with short hair. Hairballs in cats shouldn't be taken for granted for it poses many serious problems if left untreated. If your furry friend cannot rid itself of a cat hairball through defecating or vomiting, she might suffer from a blockage in her digestive system. Severe cases of cat hairballs are life-threatening and need to be removed though surgery. Among the common signs if your cat has hairballs is the loss of appetite or if she is having erratic bowel movements. A cat with dreaded hairballs usually suffers from constipation.

Though there is no exact cat hairball treatment to cure common cat hairballs, there are many preventative ways that can be done before doing any costly surgery. Remember that the formation of hairballs in a cat's stomach is caused by a behavioral problem. Often times, cats that develop hairballs are either compulsive, bored or stressed out. You can prevent your cat from ingesting her fur by redirecting her energy and attention to fun activities such as playing in the park or giving her cat treats and toys.

Here are some simple cat hairball treatment tips to control or minimize the chance of getting cat hairballs:

1. Regular is an effective way to prevent cat hairballs. Comb your cat's fur as often as possible to get rid of dead hair. By doing this step, you will lessen the instances of too much ingestion of hair. After brushing, wipe your cat's fur using a moist, clean towel to remove excess dead fur.

2. If cat hairballs continue to bother your pet's life, use a special lubricant to help your cat digest the offending cat hairballs through her digestive system.

3. Buy special hairball treats for your feline friend. Nowadays, you can purchase a wide variety of edible cat treats with particular components that are designed to break up cat hairballs. Many of these cat treats consist of mineral oil.

4. If your feline shows problematic behaviors like retching or lack of bowel movements, bring her to the vet as soon as possible. She needs to undergo a thorough medical examination to determine the best possible treatment method to get rid of dreaded cat hairballs.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Best Dog Training Tips

Do you own a lethargic dog who barks a lot and doesn't obey you? If you're looking for the best dog training tips, read on. There are many dog training methods out there that you can implement depending on your goals or what you want to achieve. If you want to control your dog in public spaces such as parks and streets, then your dog needs to undergo dog leash training. This kind of dog obedience training scheme is highly recommended for all dog trainers.

Here are a few best dog training tips for you:

1. Positive reinforcement matters a lot. It's easier to train a dog if you do it in a positive manner rather than in a strict and punishment-based way. Reward your dog when necessary.

2. Patience is a virtue in any dog training method. Dogs, like humans, have different learning abilities. You must be able to adapt to your dog's learning pace. Some dogs tend to pick up commands than the others. If your dog is a slow-learner, you need to allot more time and attention for him to understand everything. Never rush things!

3. Choose a training method that has worked to you before or someone you know. Consider the breed too for it is a also a big factor to consider in training.

4. All dog's behavior problems are acquired. Start training your dog when he's just a puppy. Most bad habits such as excessive barking, chewing and jumping can be controlled and stopped with a little foresight and consistent training.

5. The best dog training method must be a fun activity. Make your training session as lively as possible. Allot a schedule everyday for you and your dog to bond and play. Training your dog for 20-30 minutes will be good enough.

6. To further help you in training your dog, you can use training aids such as training collar system, remote trainer and many others. Make sure that every gadget you're using is proven to be safe and effective and is applicable to the age and size of your dog.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Pet Shampoo For K9s and Felines

A healthy state of being should be found both from inside and out. Same principle goes with proper hygiene. This fact is very important not only to humans but to household pets as well.

Given that pets have uncontrollable habits of playing around and sneaking into different places around the house, bacteria, germs, and other harmful elements may cling to them and bring about bad effects to both pets and owners. Hence, the introduction of pet care in the form of pet bath came about; specifically shampooing for K9 or feline pets.

Pet shampoo is a very important component to help wash pests out. Most of these infestations are free gliding through the air, waiting for a host. Although shampoos bring about a clean feel to your pet, it is also crucial to choose which one would really work.

Some products can be very harmful that instead of bringing good hygiene, they end up providing allergies and other illnesses. In this case, proper consultation and research on the ingredients of the pet shampoo you’re purchasing are important.

Water alone will not wash out those pests from your pets. So better get a good shampoo and let your K9 or feline buddy run around happily with a good mane and wellbeing.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Canine Lupus Treatment

Canine lupus is a disease that results to discoloration of a dog's nose. In rare instances, it can also affect other portions of dog's skin. Until now, the real cause of this health problem has not yet been determined by scientists. However, genetics may play a big role. There are specific dog breeds, usually big in size, that are usually affected by this health problem such as, to cite a few, Siberian Husky, German Shepherd, and Collie.

There are two kinds of canine lupus, namely Systemic Lupus Erythmatosus and Discoid Lupus. If not treated, canine lupus can result to other complications such as disease of the skin, kidneys, joints, blood and many other vital organs.

If you dog has lupus, you can observe the loss of pigment around his nose. Your dog may also be lethargic and weak because of muscle pains. Skin irritations like lesions and crusting can also be seen in your dog's skin. If it's not addressed immediately, your dog can develop scaling of nasal tissue and sores which are a bit painful and irritating for your canine.

The canine lupus treatment options vary depending on how advanced it is. Mild cases can be treated using a topical ointment. Severe cases, meanwhile, need corticosteroids.

It is also be useful to add some vitamin E in your dog's diet. Take note that dogs with canine lupus are highly susceptible to other bacterial infections so you need to boost his immune system. Herbal supplements and plant sterols are proven to be effective in making your dog healthy and in preventing other complication of canine lupus.

Veterinarians can also perform other canine lupus treatment therapy like gold salts or azathioprine to treat canine lupus. Since exposure to sunlight worsens skin lesions, vets recommend the application of sunblock or sunscreen on affected pets.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

How To Stop Your Dog From Jumping

A jumping dog who calls for your attention looks adorable at first. However, if this becomes a habit already, it can be both frustrating and irritating. The good news is, there are several methods to curtail this common dog's behavioral problem. Yes, you can totally stop your dog from jumping too much by using appropriate training techniques.

The primary key for successfully stopping your dog from excessive jumping is "consistency" in training. When your dog jumps up a lot, ignore him for a while. Don't reach down and fetch your dog from the ground. This kind of response will encourage your dog to continue from jumping.

For instance, if you've just arrive to your home after a tiring day from work, don't greet your canine and stay calm. If you act too lively and run to the house, your dog can get too excited that he might associate your hand gestures as signals that you want to play with him. Put a little bump with your leg and say "No!" or "Stop!" using a commanding voice.

Every time your dog jumps unnecessarily, do this kind of exercise again and again until he finally understands you. You must also hold your canine's training collar under his chin and pull it downwards. To make the training even more effective, give your dog some positive reinforcements whenever he obeys you and stays on the ground by rewarding him with dog toys and treats.

Meanwhile, if you don't want your dog to disturb your visitors, you can put him a dog leash. Also train him to follow the Sit command. When your dog barks and jumps, advise your visitors to just ignore him. If your pet tries to jump up, tell him to �sit�. Don't shout at him for it will only excite him more.

These training methods, however, can only be successful if all the members of your household follow the same rules. Avoid giving mixed signals. Make sure the same training method is employed all family members to totally curtail your dog's jumping problems.

Monday, December 1, 2008

How To Treat Dog Ringworm

Ringworm in dogs is a contagious skin illness caused by fungi affecting various parts of a dog such as the scalp, body and feet. This fungal infection can be transmitted by direct contact between infected and non-infected dogs.

Contrary to popular beliefs, ringworm does not having anything to do with a worm. The term "ring worm" originated from the red ring that can be seen in the dog's skin.

Depending on how severe the infection is, there are a number of treatment options that you can do to treat dog ringworm. One way is by bathing your canine with anti-fungal soap or shampoo and rubbing neem oil onto the dog skin. A pet bath must be done 3 times a week or every other day.

Veterinarians also recommend griseofulvin. This medicine is given daily to an infected dog for about 30 days. Topical anti-fungal medicines may also be applied to your dog's skin to kill the fungi. The area around the lesions may be also carefully clipped down close to the skin. Be cautious when doing this in order to prevent skin irritation and infection. Another dog ringworm treatment method that is proven to be effective is a lime sulfur dip. This procedure is usually initiated twice a week for the first 2 weeks, and once weekly for 4-6 weeks.

These treatments, however, do not make immediate results. During the first few days of treatment, you will observe a sudden increase in your dog's hair loss. In the next weeks, the hair loss should stop. If not, have your dog checked again by a veterinarian for further diagnosis.

Still, the best way to prevent dog ringworm is to keep your surroundings clean at all times and to groom your canine regularly. Bad hygiene and dirty environment are the main sources of fungi that cause ringworm in dogs.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Dog Ticks Treatment & Removal

Dog ticks are quite a common pet infestation among dogs. They can get these parasites anywhere, be it inside your house or when you roam around the park. There are various dog ticks treatment options that you can do to eradicate these nasty fleas from your dog's fur and skin.

One popular dog ticks treatment is the use of herbs and creams. You can also use anti-tick powders and oils especially made for canines suffering from ticks. However, though creams and lotions can kill ticks, they don't have the capacity to totally eradicate them. In fact, dead fleas end up still attached to your dog's fur.

Never attempt to remove dog ticks using tweezers. This is such a bad ticks removal practice that can cause infections and worsen the problem. Tweezers may burst the tick's body, poisoning your dog even more. If you're not aware of, there are specific dog ticks that can cause blood poisoning.

The safest dog ticks removal method to get rid of these parasites is by using your own hands. When you're doing that, remember not to put too much pressure on the ticks as their body could suddenly burst. You must do it carefully. The process of dog ticks removal might be a little painful for your pet. Once the dog ticks are out, you can dispose them by crushing them using newspapers. You can also put the ticks on a bowl filled with shampoo or bleach and flush them in the toilet bowl.

You can also opt for natural dog ticks treatment options. There are natural dog tick repellents that are proven to be effective in removing parasites that you can buy in the market today. You also can use garlic and vinegar to kill ticks. Simply add these natural ingredients in your pet's drinking water.

For severe cases of dog tick infestation, veterinarians usually recommend topical and oral medicines and antibiotics to administer your k9.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Benefits of Dog Parks

Dog parks are not a peculiar thing to see at any state. To date, there have been quite a lot of parks suitable for your K9 buddies that are built to promote a healthier living and lifestyle. Aside from the basic purpose of established dog parks, what else can one benefit from taking your dogs to a simple walk in the park?

Since health is the number one priority, dogs and even cats need some time to breathe some fresh air and get their joints moving. Humans are not the only ones that need a jog or brisk walk at the park. Exercise is crucial among pets especially with the growing number of diseases that both dogs and cats encounter.

Safety wise and talking about comfort, taking your pets on a simple stroll down the neighborhood can be the easiest thing to do but not the safest. We can’t neglect the fact that cars or bikes may bring about accidents both to neighbors or your own pets. Among anything else, not all neighborhood pets are friendly.

It really is beneficial to go to dog parks or pet parks not only for your pet but also for other pet owners. Most of the time, interaction with fellow pet owners start here wherein they can talk about taking care of their pets, what to do on some cases concerning the health of pets, and others. Funny as it may sound, you may be building new friends of your own while your own pet does the same thing too.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Canine Acne Treatment

Dogs, similar to human beings, can get acne too. It is a common infection among dogs that is caused by bacteria or allergic reactions to food, medicine, chemicals and other elements. Normally, it can be seen as bumps on a dog's chin. A dog suffering from canine acne has swellings and scabs on his skin. Dog breeds that are usually affected by this disease are short-coated canines such as bulldog, boxers and doberman pinschers.

Although canine acne is just a minor problem, this disease can develop into severe infections. Acne in dogs cannot be totally be eradicated, but rather controlled. Here are some canine acne treatment methods that you can do:

To control the formation of acne in your dog's skin, you need to determine some predisposing factors such as underlying dog allergies. Different dog breeds react to certain kinds of food and product, so you better avoid them.

Another effective canine acne treatment is regular cleaning. You can use anti-acne solutions such as Benzoyl Peroxide or mild anti-seborrheic soap or shampoo to minimize the bacterial load of the skin and eradicate cellular debris that block the pores of your dog. Proper dog grooming is an effective way to control canine acne. Hair should be removed with scissors to allow discharges to distributed further in your dog's skin.

For severe cases of canine acne, take your dog to the vet for proper medication. Usually, your dog will need to take antibiotics for 3-4 weeks. If your dog scratches his face a lot, an anti-inflammatory medicine will help alleviate the discomfort.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Tips On Caring For Older Dogs & Cats

Older dogs and cats, just like humans, need special care. Paying courtesy to their needs will prolong their life. By giving him or her a little extra attention, your senior companions can be with you for a very long time. Aging of pets can be a major challenge for all pet owners but there are a few ways that you can do to make the life of your older pets safer and comfortable.

You know your pet better than anyone else. If you observe any indications of pain or changes in behavior, consult your vet immediately. Here are some tips on how to take good care of adult and aging cats and dogs:

1. If your dog has arthritis, you need to set up a safety gate across stairways to spare aching joints. Buying elevated feeders is also also a good idea so that your dog doesn't have to bend down to drink or eat. Put him or her also in a comfortable and soft bed.

2. Feed your old dogs and cats with "senior" pet foods. In this way, you can ensure that your pet gets the right nutrition. Your pet might also need some specialty diets. Select a diet that is low in calories but high in fiber.

3. Groom your pet occasionally. When brushing and grooming your senior dog or cat, check for any lumps, sores, and ear discharges. If you see anything unusual, bring him or her to the veterinarian.

4. Older pets are more susceptible to illnesses. Keep up to date on your pet's vaccinations.

5. Don't take for granted even the simplest indications potential medical conditions. Weight loss and change in their bowel movement, for example, indicate that something wrong to your senior pets.

6. To keep your pet healthy, give him or her multivitamins or supplements that are proven effective and safe for pets.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Dog Fences: Types and Benefits

There are various reasons why you should put up a dog fence. Besides the flair it can add to your yard, a pet fence, be it in the form of wood, vinyl, chain or metal, is beneficial for safety and security purposes. But whichever fencing system you choose, there are certain types that will best harmonize with your garden or landscape. By installing the right dog-proof fence, you will be assured that your k9 stays safe all the time even if you're not around to monitor him.

Below are a few common types of dog fences and their benefits:

Wood Dog Fence
This kind of fencing system is traditionally used as a decorative fence to provide privacy and set boundaries for your dogs. You can paint it in whatever colors you desire.

Chain Link Fence
This is one of the cheapest types of dog enclosure. You can buy long rolls of chain link fences at a very low price these days.

Vinyl Dog Fence
Vinyl dog fence is a new and maintenance-free type of fencing. It can usually be bought in forms similar to both wood and rail fencing. Vinyl fences will not fade even during the harshest weather condition.

Electronic Dog Fence
This is a good choice who wants a pet containment without any visible sign of a fence. An electronic dog fence comes with a boundary wire, a transmitter and a dog collar. You can form the fence into shapes you want. As compared to wood fences, an underground fence is less expensive and easier to install!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Dog Constipation Treatment

It's easy to determine if your beloved dog is suffering from constipation. If you observe that your k9 is having a hard time and looks in pain when trying to pass feces, he might be suffering from this illness. The presence of hard and dry stools is a also sign of dog constipation. Just like in humans, constipation in dogs is commonly due to dietary issues. The lack of fibers in the diet is among them. Ingested solid objects such as bones can also disrupt your k9's digestive system, resulting to constipation.

Having said that, the best dog constipation treatment is to change your dog's diet. Feed him with nutritious foods that are natural and high in fiber. Increase your dog's fiber consumption can help in fighting constipation. Try adding some oat bran on top of his dog food. Anywhere from half a teaspoon to 2 tablespoons is good enough depending on the size and weight of your dog.

You can also give him two teaspoons of canned pumpkin every day or a tablespoon of mineral oil to help make his bowel movements more regular. A fresh supply of water can also solve dog constipation.

Another dog constipation treatment which can help soften his dog poop is by adding psyllium to the dog's diet. Half a teaspoon of this medicine 2x day, plus plenty of water, will be very helpful. You can also buy some herbal supplements that are invented to cure dog constipation. Among the components found in these herbal medicines include aloe ferox, psyllium husk, and natrium mariaticum.

Besides making some changes in your dog's diet, you must also increase the amount of exercise your dog gets. Regular dog exercise helps a lot in keeping the bowels more regular. Dogs need to be walked twice a day while maintaining a well-balance, high-fiber diet.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Doggy Hair Day: Preventing The Shedding

Dogs have been a reliable household buddy for ages and almost every family in town has one. Perhaps one of the reasons why the few others who resist in keeping dogs as pets is hair shedding that has been a common concern among pet owners. Though common, this does not really impose any threat to the family, unless they are very particular about tidiness around the home or members of the pack with allergies.

Setting aside these concerns and focusing on how to treat hair shedding among dogs, it can all be taken care of. By simply using proper tools to brush your dog’s hair makes it all better. It is advised that you really shouldn’t start to this healthy grooming habit as soon as you see some pile of shedding hair on the carpet, sofa, or rug… you can start early. Preventing shedding is a much better practice that keeping it off your dog’s hair. The mars rake is one particular dog brush that can help you up with the task.

When taking your dog for a bath, it is always best to apply shampoo but not just any type of shampoo. The shampoo manufactured in markets for human use has a different PH balance which can be harmful for your K9 buddy thus allowing moderate to excessive shedding. Buy the ones that are really meant for dogs. Talking about the bathing water, hot and cold does no good so use tepid temperature water.

After giving your pet some pet bath, don’t just let ‘em run around wet. Dry your dog at air temperature. There are blowers for dog parlors but these gadgets do not use any heat. Let the hair dry and the air flow at the direction opposite the growth flow of your pet’s hair to get rid of some of the loose ones.

If excessive shedding still occurs, check on your dog’s diet and food intake as these can also contribute to your dog’s hair condition.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

How To Treat Dog Diarrhea

Diarrhea in dogs is a disease that should not be taken for granted for it can be very fatal and can cause dehydration and loss of fluids. It should be given the proper treatment so as not to worsen the condition of your pet.

There are various causes of dog diarrhea. The most common of all is when your dog eats foods that are contaminated or contain harmful bacteria. So everytime you give something to your dog, make sure that what he’s getting is clean and cooked well.

Parasites such as worms can also be a cause of dog diarrhea. In such a case, giving him enough water will help you to flush the parasites out of his system. Give your dog water during the first 24 hours you noticed the problem. By so doing, you will be able to clean the stomach and eradicate the bacteria, parasites, or even viruses that may be present in there. Water treatment can also counter the dehydration caused by the canine diarrhea.

You can also treat the disease by feeding your dog with a bland diet. This kind of diet means that you will only feed you k9 with boiled rice and skinless chicken. All the foods should be free from oil, preservatives, and salt.

If you see there is blood in your dog’s poop, you should take your dog to the vet immediately for tests. More often than not, it could be an indication of a severe case of diarrhea or something else. The veterinarian can address the problem and prescribe certain antibiotics.

So how will you know if your dog is suffering from diarrhea? Well, the symptoms are pretty simple to determine. If you notice that your dog has watery stool and you rarely see solids in his dog poop, chances are he is enduring diarrhea. You will also notice a sudden change in his appetite and he might act lethargic.