Wednesday, December 3, 2008

How To Stop Your Dog From Jumping

A jumping dog who calls for your attention looks adorable at first. However, if this becomes a habit already, it can be both frustrating and irritating. The good news is, there are several methods to curtail this common dog's behavioral problem. Yes, you can totally stop your dog from jumping too much by using appropriate training techniques.

The primary key for successfully stopping your dog from excessive jumping is "consistency" in training. When your dog jumps up a lot, ignore him for a while. Don't reach down and fetch your dog from the ground. This kind of response will encourage your dog to continue from jumping.

For instance, if you've just arrive to your home after a tiring day from work, don't greet your canine and stay calm. If you act too lively and run to the house, your dog can get too excited that he might associate your hand gestures as signals that you want to play with him. Put a little bump with your leg and say "No!" or "Stop!" using a commanding voice.

Every time your dog jumps unnecessarily, do this kind of exercise again and again until he finally understands you. You must also hold your canine's training collar under his chin and pull it downwards. To make the training even more effective, give your dog some positive reinforcements whenever he obeys you and stays on the ground by rewarding him with dog toys and treats.

Meanwhile, if you don't want your dog to disturb your visitors, you can put him a dog leash. Also train him to follow the Sit command. When your dog barks and jumps, advise your visitors to just ignore him. If your pet tries to jump up, tell him to �sit�. Don't shout at him for it will only excite him more.

These training methods, however, can only be successful if all the members of your household follow the same rules. Avoid giving mixed signals. Make sure the same training method is employed all family members to totally curtail your dog's jumping problems.

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