Friday, August 20, 2010

Making Healthy Foods Fun for Our Children

How do our kids know that food is good for them? It seems that they can uncannily pick out the most nutritious item on their plates to turn up their noses at. That is especially true at our house! Whatever it is that gives them the inside scoop, as parents we need to find ways to counteract it.

While their may be kids who love their veggies, they seem to be few and far between… at least, none of them live at my house. Instead, we try to make things interesting enough so the kids will eat more of what is good for them and less of what isn't.

After many years of fighting with our kids about eating, sneaking vegetables into something where they wouldn't be noticed, and just about pulling my hair out, I have come to a couple of conclusions. Are you ready? Presentation is important. Yes, it's true. Kids like to see something nice on their plates. I don't mean to arrange food like you'd get at a high end restaurant… I mean it should be colorful and preferably bite size. This is why the original concept of fruit cocktail got the reputation of being great for kids… it was bite size and full of color and different shapes.

Japan seems to have it . Do a search for "bento boxes" and you will be amazed at the artistry and color in these little lunch boxes. Does it look fun to eat? You bet! Who wouldn't want to eat a boiled egg molded to look like a teddy bear and rice shaped into one of the Mario Brothers? While you certainly don't have to go this far, you can learn a lot from looking at bento box presentations.

The basic concept is colorful food cut into small pieces and arranged to look appealing. Add a small pick or chopsticks and the food is a challenging game as well. Include some sauce or dip in a small container that they can dip the pieces in. Dipping rates highly with my five year old. He freely admits he'll eat almost anything if he can dip it.

Here are some simple recipes. Make sure your child does not have any food allergies before trying.

Ants on a Log
This one is so simple that my kids love. All you need is a little celery, peanut butter and raisins. The picture in this article makes it self explanatory. My youngest son is allergic to peanut butter so we have to keep him away, but my oldest son loves it. He likes the taste and the crunchyness.

Finger Omelets
Omelets are different in bento boxes. The eggs are made very flat, and then rolled into something that can easily be handled by chopsticks or fingers. They don't add fillings like we do here, but you could put a thin layer of cheese and maybe a little spinach in there before rolling. Call them Finger Omelets and you'll have a new taste sensation your kids will love.

The other major concept that I realized is that kids like to be involved with their food. This can be taken care of by letting them help prepare their food, making the food creative so they can interact with it while they eat, or by making it a fun surprise.

Kids are fascinated with learning new skills. If it is time for them to learn how to spread something on bread or peel a carrot, all the better. Even if what you are preparing is beyond their skill levels, encourage them to watch and ask questions. You may be amazed at some of the questions they will come up with. Let them taste a bite or two as things are being prepared.

Sandwich Paintings
One way to let them play with their food while eating it is to let them create pictures with it. Start with a pancake or a piece of bread. This can be spread with peanut butter or fruit spread to keep the smaller pieces in place. Let them use raisins, sunflower seeds, dried cranberries and other small foods to make pictures.
Serving food that packs a surprise is always fun. This is another trick we discovered while studying Japan. We modified it to suit our family's preferences. In Japan they make a rice ball called onigiri (oh-nih-gee-ree). They use sticky sushi rice for this dish. Sometimes they flavor it with dried fish flakes or other Japanese seasonings or add a filling.

At our house, we use the leftover sticky rice (which we love anyway) to make onigiri. You can blend it with the seasonings of your choice. We usually add a little garlic, salt and pepper. Sometimes we may add soy sauce to it. Mix up the rice well. Cover your hand with a plastic bag so the rice doesn't stick to you. Form the rice into a ball using the palm of your hand or get special molds from Asian markets. Fill the center with something especially tasty. This can be leftover barbecued chicken, salmon or steamed vegetables. Close up the rice ball. Refrigerate for at least an hour or more. This is a convenient on the go snack that kids can eat while out playing or that can be easily taken in the car. You could do something similar with leftover mashed potatoes, but you'd probably want to serve it on a plate.

Another trick you can use is to make a fun name for a food. Instead of hamburgers on the kids' menu, a local restaurant used to call them "hangerbers" and "cheeburgers." Sounds a lot more fun, doesn't it? When I was a kid, my family made lefse on holidays. This is a type of flat potato bread from Scandinavia. It is cooked on a flat pan similar to tortillas. Like tortillas, they are white with browned spots on them. Once my grandparents started calling lefse "dirty napkins" all of us kids couldn't wait to eat it.

So, to make food fun for kids, be creative. Surprise them. Share with them a funny name or some new skills. You'll be surprised how much more interested your kids will become with healthy foods.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Dog Playpens: Why Should You Use Them?

Your dog or puppy needs a safe space where he can play, exercise and roam around. One way of ensuring the safety of your pooch while he's outside your home is by using a dog playpen.

Most playpens for pets are easy to mount and assemble. Some are made of light materials, which allow you to move it from one place to another whenever necessary.

Dog playpens come in a wide array of sizes, designs and models. The type of playpen you choose should match the size of your dog. Ideally, the height of the structure must be about 2 meters higher than the height of your dog or puppy. This will prevent your dog from jumping over the playpen and escape.

Various benefits can be acquired from using dog playpens. One primary benefit is that it provides your canine a spacious area for exercise. It can serve both as a safe shelter or a spacious play area for your dog. Your dog will get all the necessary physical activity and exercise while he's staying inside the pen. Dogs, like any animals, need to move and run around. Playpens can provide a comfortable and airy space for your doggy to roam when you don't have time to take him for a walk.

A playpen can act as a protected zone of containment. So even if you leave your dog in the yard alone, you don't have to worry about his safety and the possible dangers in the surroundings. It'll prevent your doggy from crashing through your neighbor's lawn or getting attacked by wild animals.

Another benefit of using dog exercise pens is that it can be an effective tool when teaching your dog the proper way of urinating or pooping. With the use of a playpen, you can train your puppy to hold his urge to defecate until he is outside of the enclosed area.

Moreover, a dog that is kept in an enclosure usually has a well-mannered behavior. Boredom and the inability to get out and follow natural instincts are the usual causes of dog behavioral problems. Since you can carry the playpen anywhere you go, your dog will be able to run and run around and feel that he's part of the family. Most dogs who enjoy spending time in these dog playpens tend to have fewer behavioral problems such as excessive barking or chewing.

So whether you need a safe place for your dog or simply prefer a spacious area in which you'll be able to leave your pooch while finishing off an important task outside, then buying a playpen is the way to go!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Teaching Our Children Healthy Eating Habits

The best way to do that is by setting a good example. There is the old adage, "Do as I say, not as I do…" but our children like to emulate us. Whether we want to admit it or not, they are more likely to do what they see us doing then they are to do what we tell them to do. With school starting and the current debate going on about health care… now is the time for all of us to step back and re-educate ourselves and our children on healthy eating.

Nutritionists have stated that in order for a child to try a new food they need to see it four or five times, possibly even 10 times. This means that just because the avoided the broccoli at dinner tonight, doesn't mean that in a week or two they won't try it if you keep showing it to them at meals. This also means that you shouldn't take the first, "bluck!" as an "I will never eat this again." You can also try making a rule, similar to what we have in our home, and that is called the "No Thank You Bite."

Everyone at the table has to have one bite of everything on their plate. If they don't try it how will then ever know if they like it? Knowing that kids prefer the sweeter things in life, try introducing them to the sweeter healthy foods such as corn, tomatoes, sweet peas, mandarin oranges, cherries and strawberries. You can also mix these sweeter foods with other healthy foods that may be less appealing such as brussel sprouts and broccoli. Make an apple and brussel sprout side salad… or tomatoes, whole wheat pasta and corn. Get creative and make it fun, give the dishes you create names that kids will think are funny.

You can also let your children help in the process of preparing meals, buying groceries and picking foods, let them come up with their own recipes. I can tell you that my son's biggest joy in life is telling everyone about the recipes he has created and the great names he has given them… such as "Turds" and "Turds on Toilet Paper." While the names are, well, disgusting… the recipe is actually pretty impressive and good.

If your kids are apprehensive about trying the healthier foods consider playing food tricks, hide them in the food. This is my favorite thing to do more on my husband then our kids. Chopping veggies and fruits finely and mixing them in their favorite dishes will help. Carrots can be chopped finely and mixed in with your favorite spaghetti sauce and so can spinach and broccoli. If burgers are a favorite in your house, finely chop or puree veggies and mix them into the burger meat when you patty the burgers. Use turkey or ground sirloin as healthier alternatives to hamburger.

Casseroles can also be a fun new dish. Casseroles are fun because you can throw whatever you want in there for a really healthy and tasty meal. Other healthy eating options for kids can include making fruit breads, such as banana and apple. Use real fruit, even if you buy a premixed box, you can still add real fruits to enhance flavor and nutritional value.

The sooner you can start practicing healthy eating habits for the family the better, but know that it is never too late to start. Making healthy eating choices can help the entire family get in shape, trim down and decrease the risk of many diseases.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Food allergies in children

What is food allergy?

It is a reaction by your immune system to a normal amount of a particular food. This reaction happens every time that food is eaten.
Although food allergies are rare, they are most common in children under the age of four.
The most frequent food allergies are to:
  • milk
  • eggs
  • fish
  • nuts
  • citrus fruit
  • tomatoes.

What are the symptoms?

Children with food allergies often have several different symptoms. These include:
  • severe  skin rash
  • vomitting and diarrhoea for no apparent reason
  • asthmatic bronchitis or asthma
  • allergic cold (itchy, streaming eyes and nose).

How do food allergies begin?

A hypersensitive reaction towards food is usually a type 1 allergic reaction to something in the diet.
This means your child's immune system produces a class of antibodies called IgE in response to a particular food. These antibodies cause the allergic symptoms.
Almost one third of the population omit certain foods from their diet or their children's diet because they believe they cause an allergic reaction.
In fact, only about 3 per cent of children suffer allergic reactions towards food, and most will outgrow them before they reach the age of three.

Who's at risk?

Type 1 allergic diseases are to some extent inherited. For this reason you may want to talk to your GP or allergy specialist before you get pregnant if there is a family history of allergy, hay fever, eczema or asthma.

What should I do if I suspect my child has a food allergy?

  • Contact your doctor first.
  • Do not put your child on a strange restricted diet that could result in malnutrition.
  • A change in your child's bowel movements is not a sign of food allergy.
  • It is completely normal for a child's bowel movements to change if their diet is changed.
  • Most importantly: relax. Don't assume that your child is suffering from a food allergy until this has been confirmed by an allergy specialist.

How are food allergies treated?

A diet that eliminates the food is the main treatment for this type of allergy.
In rare cases, eating even a small amount of the food can cause anaphylactic shock (severe difficulty breathing and heart malfunction), leading to collapse.
Anaphylactic shock needs immediate treatment with adrenaline, so seek medical help straight away if your child suddenly begins to have difficulty breathing.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors

Cardiovascular risk factors
There are many risk factors associated with coronary heart disease and stroke. The major risk factors, tobacco use, alcohol use, high blood pressure (hypertension), high cholesterol, obesity, physical inactivity, unhealthy diets, have a high prevalence across the world.

Of particular significance in developing countries is the fact that while they are grappling with increasing rates of cardiovascular disease, they still face the scourges of poor nutrition and infectious disease.  Nevertheless, with the exception of sub-Saharan Africa, cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the developing world.

You will not necessarily develop cardiovascular disease if you have a risk factor.  But the more risk factors you have the greater is the likelihood that you will, unless you take action to modify your risk factors and work to prevent them compromising your heart health.

Modifiable risk factors
Hypertension is the single biggest risk factor for stroke. It also plays a significant role in heart attacks. It can be prevented and successfully treated but only if you have it diagnosed and stick to your recommended management plan.

Abnormal blood lipid levels, that is high total cholesterol, high levels of triglycerides, high levels of low-density lipoprotein or low levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol all increase the risk of heart disease and stroke. Changing to a healthy diet, exercise and medication can modify your blood lipid profile.

Tobacco use, whether it is smoking or chewing tobacco, increases risks of cardiovascular disease.  The risk is especially high if you started smoking when young, smoke heavily or are a woman. Passive smoking is also a risk factor for cardiovascular disease.  Stopping tobacco use can reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease significantly, no matter how long you have smoked.

Physical inactivity increases the risk of heart disease and stroke by 50%.  Obesity is a major risk for cardiovascular disease and predisposes you to diabetes. Diabetes is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease

Type 2 diabetes is a major risk factor for coronary heart disease and stroke. Having diabetes makes you twice as likely as someone who does not to develop cardiovascular disease. If you do not control diabetes then you are more likely to develop cardiovascular disease at an earlier age than other people and it will be more devastating. If you are a pre-menopausal woman, your diabetes cancels out the protective effect of estrogen and your risk of heart disease rises significantly.

A diet high in saturated fat increases the risk of heart disease and stroke.  It is estimated to cause about 31% of coronary heart disease and 11% of stroke worldwide.

Being poor, no matter where in the globe, increases your risk of heart disease and stroke. A chronically stressful life, social isolation, anxiety and depression increase the risk of heart disease and stroke.

Having one to two alcohol drinks a day may lead to a 30% reduction in heart disease, but above this level alcohol consumption will damage the heart muscle.

Certain medicines may increase the risk of heart disease such as the contraceptive pill and hormone replacement therapy (HRT).
Left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) is a risk factor for cardiovascular mortality.

Non-modifiable risk factors
Simply getting old is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease; risk of stroke doubles every decade after age 55.

Your family’s history of cardiovascular disease indicates your risk. If a first-degree blood relative has had coronary heart disease or stroke before the age of 55 years (for a male relative) or 65 years (for a female relative) your risk increases.

Your gender is significant: as a man you are at greater risk of heart disease than a pre-menopausal woman.  But once past the menopause, a woman’s risk is similar to a man’s. Risk of stroke is similar for men and women.

Your ethnic origin plays a role.  People with African or Asian ancestry are at higher risks of developing cardiovascular disease than other racial groups.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Tips to Get Healthy Nutritions Every Day

No doubt, many things we do in life without us timethink about it . All this was done automatically and flow just like that, so that it becomes routine and habit. Activities eat and drink everyday for example, must be done continuously because we need the nutrients to the body.

But unfortunately, we often do not have great attention on this one activity. What often happens, eat or drink it just becomes a formality. As a result, bad habits also appear to affect the quality of nutritional intake. In fact, eating or drinking obviously very important to growth, maintain health and fitness.

Although you can not change those bad habits at once, you can start doing the little things that would be beneficial for your health. Here are important
tips to do if you want to get healthy nutrients every day.

- Do not delay meal, planned to eat on a regular basis three times a day
- Get used to reading food labels, you will know and be aware of the food intake in your body.
- Plan to bring a healthy snack to the place of work.
- In between lunch and dinner, get used to eating five servings of fruits and vegetables.
- Stop your habit of adding salt to food.
- Do not eat anything after 8 pm
- Try to eat a new food every week. It helps you identify the variety of food
- Eat less meat to reduce fat and cholesterol
- Make sure the bread, cereal, pasta, and crackers are made from wheat
- Choose one from the list and combine these tips with your healthy habits. Write, and do within 30 days.  

-  Do not try to change more than one habit at the same time.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

10 Simple Steps to Healthy Heart

1. Healthy food intake - Eat at least 5 servings of fruit and vegetables a day and avoid saturated fat. Beware of processed foods, which often contain high levels of salt.

2. Get active & take heart - Even 30 minutes of activity can help to prevent heart attacks and strokes and your work will benefit too.

3. Say no to tobacco - Your risk of coronary heart disease will be halved within a year and will return to a normal level over time.

4. Maintain a healthy weight - Weight loss, especially together with lower ed salt intake, leads to lower blood pressure. High blood pressure is the number one risk factor for stroke and a major factor for approximately half of all heart disease and stroke.

5. Know your numbers - Visit a healthcare professional who can measure your blood pressure, cholesterol and glucose levels, together with waist-to-hip ratio and body mass index (bmi). Once you know your overall risk,you can develop a specific plan of action to improve your heart health.

6. Limit your alcohol intake - Restrict the amount of alcoholic drinks that you consume. Excessive alcohol intake can cause your blood pressure to rise and your weight to increase.

7. Insist on a smoke-free environmentDemand a tobacco ban - ensure your workplace is 100% smoke-free
Support the adoption of smoking - cessation services encourage your employer to provide help to those wanting to quit tobacco

8. Bring exercise to the workplace - Include physical activity in your working schedule - cycle to work if this is possible, take the stairs, exercise or go for a walk during your lunch breaks, and encourage others to do so too

9. Choose healthy food options- Ask for healthy food at your work canteen, or find nearby cafes or restaurants that serve healthy meals

10. Encourage stress-free moments -whilst stress has not been shown to be a direct risk fact or for heart disease and stroke, it is related to smoking, excessive drinking and unhealthy eating, which are risk factors for heart disease.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The Most Necessary Nutrients

More than 75% of women are not adequate daily needs of vitamins or minerals. Consuming a multivitamin is fine, but it still will not replace the real nutrition. Raw foods contain vitamins and minerals will help reduce the risk of various diseases such as cancer and heart attacks. Below you can see what types of vitamins and minerals that you need:

Vitamin D
Why needed: Vitamin D helps you maintain strong bones, boosting immunity, and prevent cancer cells grow. A panel of experts stated that women under age 50 require 10 times more than the recommended every day.

How to get it: Drink two glasses of milk with vitamin D every day. In addition, bask under the UV light also triggers the skin to produce vitamin D. Sit up to 15 minutes in the open air between 11.00-14.00 o'clock twice a week. Use a sun cream with SPF 8 or below, but do not over do it, especially if your family has a history of skin cancer.

Why needed: Low magnesium levels can cause menstrual migraines, and headaches when under stress, and increase the risk of diabetes.

How to get it: For starters, eating alone as usual. In the latter study, adults who always breakfast, lunch, dinner, and two snacks, more potential to meet the recommended dietary limits (recommended dietary allowance, or RDA) for magnesium. The amount of magnesium in the diet is not much, so eating more would increase the difference. The most recommended food ingredients: nuts. A ounce of nuts of any kind to offer 20% RDA (320 mg for women over 30 years).

Why needed: Lack of iron levels can increase the risk of anemia and lead to fatigue and hair loss.

How to get it: Hold a barbecue! Three ounces of beef provides 20% RDA (18 mg for women under 50 years). Similarly, if you eat soy, tofu, spinach, although iron from plant materials are not easily absorbed by the body. Add the tomato salad or a piece of orange into a vegetarian menu. Vitamin C it will help your body utilize iron.

Why needed: Calcium is often referred to as a bone builder, but these minerals also reduce symptoms of PMS, such as mood changes and abdominal cramps, about half way. People who consume enough calcium to have a lower risk (31%) of premenopausal breast cancer, as well as reduce the risk by 11% to high blood pressure.

How to get it: Complete your breakfast with cereal or milk, then you already meet your calcium needs by 51% than who skip breakfast or eat other foods. Choose a cereal with 10% or more of the RDA (1,000 mg), eating one or two foods made from milk every day, and consumption of multivitamins that contain calcium.

Folic Acid
Why needed: Usually, we just heard that folic acid is needed by pregnant women. Research shows that folic acid deficiency increases the risk of heart attacks and colon cancer.

How to get it: Consumption of salads. Women who eat a salad every day will meet the RDA of folic acid was 41% (400 mcg). If you are pregnant, taking folic acid supplements with 100% RDA

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Tips of Fulfilling Nutritions for Brain and Heart

Food is good for the heart, is also good for the brain. Many tips to get the best nutritional benefits to both organs is important in our lives.

1. Limiting the number of calories
Excess body fat increases the risk of disease, like diabetes and high blood pressure. Both degenerative disease was a mild risk of causing strokes in the brain that can make your memory loss, dementia and even Alzheimer's suffers.

2. Eat more good fats
Essential fatty acids that we found in fish help prevent heart vessel blockage. These fatty acids are also found in nuts, avocados, canola oil, olive oil.

3. Choose lean meat
Such as chicken without skin and meat tenderloin. Meat is rich in saturated fats such as beef burgers are the causes of heart vessel blockage.

4. The concentration of the complex carbohydrates

Such as fruits, vegetables, beans, and wheat. These foods beneficial to good cholesterol guard our heart health. In addition, the type of carbohydrate also maintain appetite and help burn fat. Vegetables and fruits are also brightly colored antioxidants brain health carers.

5. Add turmeric
Yellow color on the cuisine that comes from the turmeric in addition to tasty food, is also beneficial to health because the content of curcumin in it. Curcumin is the active ingredient in turmeric that are useful as substance antipembengkakan and antioxidants.

6. Drinking green tea and black
Make tea without sugar because both types of tea is free of calories and rich in antioxidants.

7. Drinking wine
Of course as long as you do not have health impediments to drink this style. A glass of wine a day can help protect the brain from decline. Red wine also contains antioxidants known.

8. Avoid junk food
Especially snacks that contain high sugar and processed foods. Both cause inflammation in the body and increase blood glucose levels in our

Preventing and Reducing Allergies in Children

Why are allergies on the rise in children?

Ironically enough, it may be the cleanliness of our lifestyles that are causing the rise of some allergies. If children are underexposed to minor environmental threats early in life, their immune systems do not develop properly and can overreact to perceived threats. This doesn’t mean you need to deliberately expose your children to dangerous viruses and bacteria. Simple childhood activities like playing in the dirt, building roads in a sandbox, rolling in the grass, and living with a pet can strengthen your children’s immune systems and help protect them from allergies.

Dealing with respiratory allergies in children

Of course, not all allergies can be prevented. Some children are just born with a greater tendency to develop allergies, especially if their parents have allergies. If your child already has allergies, there are a number of ways you can reduce the severity of their attacks:
  • Wash bedding and stuffed animals regularly in hot water to remove dust mites.
  • Use impermeable mattress pads on all beds.
  • Use a vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter to trap small particles other vacuum cleaners miss.
  • Clean heating ducts regularly
  • Clean or replace furnace and air conditioning filters every month.
  • Keep pets groomed and shampooed. Do not allow pets on the furniture.
  • Use a dehumidifier in the winter and an air conditioner in the summer to keep air dry and prevent mold from forming.
  • Give your child more oily fish, bananas and apple juice, which studies have linked to reduced allergies and asthma symptoms.
  • Keep them indoors in the late morning and early afternoon, when pollen production is highest.
  • Choose hard flooring, such as wood or tile, instead of carpet. Also choose wooden shutters instead of curtains.
Of course, many over-the-counter medicines and natural remedies are available to help treat allergies. Before trying any over-the-counter meds always check with your physician, especially in small children. You should definitely see a doctor or seek immediate medical attention if your child 
  • Has difficulty breathing
  • Suddenly develops hives or swelling around the face and lips
  • Has a cough or cold that lasts more than a week
  • Has allergy symptoms that get worse for no apparent reason