Saturday, September 4, 2010

Green Tea Not Just for Slimming

Do you realize, that the various menus of food and cosmetic ingredients are now fortified with green tea? If you've enjoyed the Green Tea Frappuccino, or massage with cream green tea that is fragrant, you certainly will instantly remember.

Many manufacturers of food and beverages and cosmetics that are now increasingly aware of the benefits of green tea for humans. In the past you might only know him as a slimming drink. But green tea turned out to store a variety of benefits to other health. If you may not know it, or even to have forgotten, this article can be a reminder.

1. Reducing cancer risk
The content of polyphenols, antioxidant ingredients in green tea helps keep cancer cells do not remain in the body. The way to prevent their growth, and combating the production of new blood vessels that tumors need to grow. Various studies have found that people who drink green tea regularly will reduce the risk of breast cancer, colon, prostate, stomach, and esophagus.

2. Soothes skin
If your skin is scratched or scuffed, take the rest of your green tea. Dip a cotton bud or a little cotton in green tea, then apply to the wound. Tea is a natural antiseptic ingredients that will relieve itching or swelling. Try also in the inflamed skin, sunburn, or swollen eyelids.

3. Protecting skin from sun exposure

You started to see green tea used as cosmetic ingredients such as sunscreens, moisturizers, and creams to body scrubs or creambath? Results of laboratory tests indeed proved that green tea applied directly to the skin (or consumed) may help prevent skin cancer caused by exposure to sunlight.

4. Being a blood pressure remained normal
Blood pressure is normal or healthy is in the range of 120/80 or below. To keep it in the normal range, make it a habit to drink green tea (a half cup of course) to reduce the risk of hypertension by 50 percent. Materials that have benefits for it is the polyphenols (especially those known as ECGC). Polyphenols help keep blood vessels to contract and raise blood pressure.

5. Protect memory
Another benefit of green tea is to maintain brain health. Adults who regularly eat two cups of green tea a day will reduce the risk of cognitive problems in half, rather than who consume less. As has been known earlier, tea has a high content of antioxidants that will fight against the destruction of brain neurons from free radicals. This destruction resulted in neurological diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.

6. Stay young
The younger and healthier arteries, you are also getting healthier and younger. Prevent for plaque did not grow up in your blood vessels. If left unchecked, plaque will increase the risk of heart disease and stroke, leading to premature aging, and sucking your energy. For that you need to consume about 280 grams of green tea a day, which also will hinder the body's absorption of fat-clogged arteries and cholesterol.

7. Lose weight
Green tea will work to accelerate the process of burning calories in your body. Is not this the benefits of green tea are most desirable?

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