Thursday, October 21, 2010

Myths About Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is a scourge that is very scary. Understandably, in world this cancer became the number two killer of women after cervical cancer (cervical cancer). In fact, according to World Health Organization (WHO), breast cancer each year claimed 519 lives worldwide.

Exact cause is unclear until now. Even so, a number of studies show early detection and healthy lifestyle can prevent breast cancer. Because every woman at risk of developing breast cancer, we need to recognize and understand this disease. Here are some myths and facts about breast cancer.

Myth: Lump = Signs Cancer
Fact: 80 percent of breast lumps are benign and not cancerous. However, if you find a lump in the breast, you should consult a doctor and do the mammogram if your doctor recommends. To be safe, nor fair lump in the breast is considered cancer until proven not.

Myth: A Disease Heredity
Fact: According to the oncologist who is also founder of, women with a family history of breast cancer risk is greater. That is why it is important to know the history of breast cancer from the father or mother. However, other factors, such as alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, and diet can also affect the likelihood of a woman suffering from this cancer.

Myth: Young Women More at Risk

Fact: Although the start was found in women age 18 years. Women aged 40-50 years over the greatest risk of this cancer.

Myth: Fatal Impact
Fact: The breast cancer itself is not fatal, but if the cancer spreads to other body parts until the node spleen, lungs, bones and even blood, it can increase the risk of death. So important is early detection and treatment for cancer has not spread.

Myth: Mastectomy is the best way to cure breast cancer
Fact: Very few women who are diagnosed with breast cancer have a mastectomy (removal of one or both breasts). In fact, most women who do not need a mastectomy. The reason, 75 percent of women with breast cancer, each year will only depend on chemotherapy, radiation, and lumpectomy (surgical removal of clot from the affected breast cancer).

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