Sunday, November 21, 2010

Stress is The Trigger of Brain Nutritions Depleting

There are times when stress is needed to spur achievement. But do not regard lightly repetitive stress, because it would be like a storm drain brain nutrition and raises a variety of physical ailments.

Choose which, running from the fire apparatus that use real bullets during demonstrations, or face total traffic jam for two hours because of the demonstration? Maybe you will quickly say, "Not at all."But if required to choose, usually people tend to choose the traffic jams.

Both situations will indeed cause the same reaction in our physical and psychic. That stress, and the blood and adrenaline flowing. Even better hungry tiger chased than facing traffic congestion. How it can?

The reason is running from the fire apparatus or from the pursuit of tigers will only bring stress that short even if it appears more daunting, while our bodies are designed to be able to deal with such situations. Another case of the old stress, repeatedly, and chronic, our bodies are not prepared for it and consequently can damage the brain.

Stress or circumstances that push physical and psychological, is often regarded as a 'friend'. Called a friend, because there are times when the situation was actually able to produce press performance and productivity. Therefore, the psychologists used to advice, stress does not need to be avoided or resisted, but manageable.

Unfortunately, not everyone is able to manage stress, so many diseases (physical) exposures. Starting from the ulcer, liver, heart, stroke, cancer and so forth. Because of that slogan in a healthy body there is a healthy soul, no longer appropriate. The science shows, in a healthier life there is a healthy body.

Shaping Memory
Feelings of disappointment and loss that occur in everyday life, stress different every day, all make an impact.

More importantly, there is a small part of the brain called the hippothalamus, will send a message to the pituitary gland for hormone corticotrophin drain into the blood. In turn, this hormone prompts the adrenal glands to release more stress hormones (glucocorticoids). This hormone tells the body to flood the blood with sugar, to immediately have the energy to run away from danger.

Stress hormones appear particularly 'shocking' for part of the brain called the hippocampus. These sections play an important role in shaping memory.

Recurring Stress
Sometimes people experience repetitive stress, and consequently will flood the brain glucocorticoids. Over time the benefits of stress hormones is lost, so the memory will get worse, the energy level down, and health problems arise.

Traumatic stress as it occurs in children victims of sexual violence, veterans and victims of war, of course more likely to damage the brain. The average of American Veteran right brain hippocampal decreases of 8%. Child victims of sexual violence in the brains of left hippocampal size decreased 12%.

Another study carried out intensively for four years against a group of women known, they are often elevated stress hormones, on brain hippocampal decreases of 14%. From the examination of patients with depression are known, it reduced hippocampal size of 19% compared to healthy people. Seeing a very bad result, the only way to keep us healthy is as much as possible to manage stress.

How To Manage Stress
1. Take regular vacations.
2. Eat healthy everyday.
3. Avoid caffeine, alcohol and tobacco.
4. Do exercise regularly.
5. Practice some relaxation techniques like yoga, meditation, breathing exercises.
6. Face the problems that occur in work and relationships (relationship), and solve.
7. Learn to recognize your own stress threshold, and do not push yourself to go beyond it.
8. Consider having a pet, because it can help you become relaxed.
9. Discuss your problem with an expert. Professional counselors can help see the problem objectively, and put the matter in proper perspective.

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