Saturday, July 9, 2011

Dreaming Able to Remove Traumatic Memories

According to recent studies dreaming is the body's natural mechanism to erase memories of unpleasant events or even traumatic.

Several studies have linked that 20 percent of our sleeping dream containing also called REM sleep. Dreams are something that is important in the functioning of human memory.

In a brain scan on the 35 participants revealed that people who sleep with a good quality to have brain activity of the amygdala is lower. Amygdala is associated with emotion, while the forebrain associated with rational thought.

Before the sleep study participants were shown 150 images designed to provoke an emotional response. Then half the participants were allowed to sleep soundly tonight. Apparently they are not sleeping too well remember the horror pictures ever.

Scientists think that chemical changes in the brain when a person is in REM sleep (dreaming) effect on memory.

"During REM sleep there is a decrease norepinephrine, brain chemicals associated with stress," said Dr.Matthew Walker, who conducted this research.

He added, when the brain reprocess the emotional experience, but in conditions of low norephinephrine substance, then the next day we'll wake up in the emotion that is lighter on the incidence of previous unpleasant.

"So we will feel more comfortable and able to face the unpleasant experience it," he said.

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