Monday, September 12, 2011

Make like Baby Skin Firmness

Your face has begun to reveal fine wrinkles on the forehead, exposure to sunlight makes your face red like acne scars, sagging skin began to pull down the corner of your eye. Hm ... here it is, the signs of aging. So that your face will be free from premature aging, improve the way you treat the skin, how to eat, and your lifestyle.
1. Wash your face before bed. Sometimes we have been very sleepy and lazy to wash the face. If you sleep with your makeup on the face, the actual make-up can make the skin irritated, clogged pores and dirt covered face. Finally, the skin is prone skin. Wash your face with lather and massage for 10-15 minutes. Clean your face at least 2 times a day. This method can reduce the excess oil on the face, as well as preventing wrinkles and dryness in the face.
2. Protect your face from UV rays. We who live in tropical areas should ideally use a cream with sun protection between SPF 20 and 30. Use every day, if you want to get younger skin. Every 10 minutes, exposure to sunlight (UVA) can make us dull face, wrinkles more easily, and add black spots within 12 weeks. If you do not reach the facial moisturizer SPF 30, then make sure to use sun block that has the formulas anti-UVA and UVB.
3. Control stress. If you type an emotional, should control your emotions from now. Because they are not trying to control his emotions tend to have skin look 5 years older than actual age.
Amy Wechsler, MD, a dermatologist who is also the author of The Mind Beauty Connection, says that the feeling of anger and overwhelming can increase the hormone cortisol which causes swelling and decreased collagen. The skin also decreased its malleability, and then arise redness and pimples on the face. To block the swelling, use foods that contain high antioxidants, such as oranges and asparagus.
4. Use of vitamin A (retinoids). Research shows that vitamin A could improve the growth of collagen which makes the face remained resilient, growing new skin cells, and eliminate fine lines and dark spots. Use a scrub that contains vitamin A to remove layers of dead skin before bedtime, 3 times a week. See the difference 3 months later.
5. Make a habit of regular skin care. Each facial treatment process will not provide instant results. Maximum results can only be seen 6-12 months later. If we use a product regularly, so be sure not to overdo it. Skin can also become resistant to various treatments that are too frequent.
6. Eating a diet rich in omega-3. Omega-3 is a good fat contained in foods such as salmon, seaweed, and nuts. Consumption of foods rich in omega-3 will make the skin supple and toned.
7. Exercise or exercise regularly. Various studies suggest that women who diligently exercise have a more toned skin than those who seldom exercise. The reason, the exercise will help the skin to get a new oxygen turnover and helps the production of collagen. Do exercise at least 30 minutes per week to get healthy skin and body.

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