Monday, September 28, 2015

Through a Squid-Eye Lens

Title: Through a Squid-Eye Lens

Please access my iCloud if necessary to publish this post now, my friends. I cannot control how many horrible things happen to me; it is Obama who controls that. So, if I wait too long between posts, they become too drenching.

Please share this for me with the entire world, both houses of Congress, the Supreme Court, the United Nations, all sympathetic world leaders, all reputable national and foreign presses, etc.

Here is my latest blog post. See life through my eyes. Look at life through a Squid-eye lens. You will see beauty through the pain. You will see elegance amid the persecution. You will see my world.

USA. It was my pleasure, my darling Speaker John Boehner, to have you as my Speaker of the House.

It was wonderful working with you since 2011. I wish you would stay, but our basic human right to self-determination is something I would never take away from you. Giggle.

Thank you, John, for everything.

My last blog post was finished at 8:06am on 26Sep2015 from my bedroom. After breakfast, I was at the Pico Branch Library among the Saturday morning Farmers' Market by 8:34am.

The first song my internet gnomes played for me that morning was my darling Mr. Eric Clapton's Wonderful Tonight which I have always believed was a song about my darling late George Harrison's wife.

My music that morning was particularly full of love and sexual tension. I tweeted my I-am-not-dead-yet selfies at 8:56am.

My not-human-trafficker nerds, please include here a verified and unedited recording with full audio and visuals of my taking my morning I-am-not-dead-yet selfies beginning when I let my hair down and ending when I tweeted the photos. And thank you.

After a local man asked me for free IT support, I agreed if he would buy me a cup of coffee. He, of course, disappeared after I fixed his computer and before he could pay me with coffee. What a jack(expletive)!

I left the Pico Branch Library at 12:05pm. Lunch was tasty yet uneventful, and so was dinner at 5pm. I napped in between. Obama's electrobeams had interrupted my sleep the previous night. I was on a bus to the Santa Monica 3rd Street Promenade by 5:19pm.

At 5:37pm, I found my darling MannedUp and my darling LightFoot in front of the Apple Store where they were waiting to play at 6pm. I zipped into the Sephora to check my makeup before waiting beside them.

At 5:59pm I gave a FaceTime call to my mother. She looked great. No one ever believes how old my mom really is. It is all genetics why I look so good for my age, too.

My fast-growing friend Lynn also joined me before the music started. She had just been to the ocean. It is wonderful having friends to talk to.

My present 2/3rds of my darlings Tentacle started their beautiful music at 6:18pm. I had just enough meditation before I sat down at 6:47pm. It was an off night for me, but the meditation was still there. Our connection was very strong that night, but my arms were heavy.

My darlings played until 7:59pm. Then they disassembled their equipment and staked out a new place to play for 10pm. They chose right in front of the Just-Redeemed Starbucks.

I ran into my buddy Shonn in the front of the Starbucks. He wanted to take me dancing and drinking all night that Saturday night, but I said, "Shonn, we're friends. Why not just buy me a cup of coffee, and we'll watch the guys play."

Between vigilant torture facility alarms, my present 2/3rds of my darlings Tentacle started their gorgeous rhythms at 10:23pm. I sat and watched. There was a small light show, nothing too spectacular.

Then I learned that Obama's war criminal terrorist conspiracy was libeling me by calling me my ugly, dumb, evil older sister Tara Tovarek. First of all, Tara is average IQ at the most. SHE IS DUMB.

Secondly, EVIL War Criminal Tovarek commits crimes, especially war crime cover ups, against me regularly. She would NEVER and could NEVER suffer as much as I suffer while doing my REAL job. She would and could never replace me.

EVIL Tara has no psychic powers, no light show, no talent, no intelligent mind, and no benevolence. She is EVIL.

Finally, Tara is ugly. Here is me with both of my sisters...

Left to right we are Tara, Tanya, and Tylia. There is ABSOLUTELY no way to mistake me for UGLY Tara. Look at her fat, ugly White nose!

Tara could never have enough money in one place to afford the surgeries that could make her look like me, and if she did, she would spend the money on drugs. Demand to test her hair and ask the world how many men she has slept with some time. Not only is Tara a slut who does drugs, she is incapable of doing my job anyway!

I preferred being called a fat man to being called War Criminal Tara Tovarek. My Powers of Attorney, press every libel and war crime coverup charge you can find against everyone whoever LIBELS me as my dumb, ugly, evil older sister.

My present 2/3rds of my darlings Tentacle kept me calm when I got the news of the latest libel campaign designed to destroy me by libeling me ugly, dumb, talentless, slutty, and evil Tara Tovarek.

They were still playing music when I had to leave them at 11:30pm to catch the last bus of the night. It always rips the still-beating heart out of my chest when I have to leave them. I was curled up and asleep by 12:30am.

I woke up on Sunday, 27Sep2015, in time for breakfast. After eating, I was at the Pico Branch Library sipping coffee and working online by 8:37am.

My internet gnomes played me Rock'N'Roll Fantasy by Bad Company while I took my morning I-am-not-dead-yet selfies.

It was the start to a very productive morning. I worked online looking for national and world news online, and I did a great deal of writing all while streaming my music. I left the Pico Branch Library at 9:27am when my old friend Michael offered me a cup of coffee at my local Burger King.

At 9:44am, we were chatting it up on the patio of my local Burger King with coffee and breakfast burritos. Michael has become one of my better sources of conversation.

He left me at 10:28am. I stayed on the patio of the Burger King until 11:36am sipping coffee and working online. Lunch at noon was tasty yet uneventful. By 12:56pm, I was on a bus to downtown Santa Monica.

I perched at the Main Library for Santa Monica at 1:11pm. I streamed music there on the City of Santa Monica public wifi while reading a little poetry by Rumi until 3:31pm.

At 3:42pm, I found where my darling MannedUp and my darling LightFoot were waiting until 4pm to setup their equipment. I stopped in my local Sephora to check my makeup before walking back to wait by them.

My not-human-trafficker nerds, please circulate a verified and unedited recording on my trip to the Sephora on 27Sep2015. Begin the moment I crossed their threshold to enter and end the moment I left. And, thank you.

My present 2/3rds of my darlings Tentacle began their beautiful music at 4:18pm, and I took my time warming up. Sadly, I had to sit down and tweet just as I nudged our metaphorical door open. But we would still have all night.

5:23pm on 27Sep2015: #TortureFacilityAlarm! And some sort of intentionally fabricated false charge it looks like. Dude, they're criminally insane. #CounterCharges

I stayed sitting and checking my Twitter until my darlings stopped playing at 5:56pm. They packed up their equipment and staked out the place to play outside the Apple Store at 8pm.

I had a quick chat with Patricia before trying to stream the news. After a number of failed attempts, I told NBC I would stream the night's news on the following morning. By 7:38pm, I was waiting for my darlings to start their final set of the night.

And yes, my beloved present 2/3rds of my darlings Tentacle, MannedUp and LightFoot, began their gorgeous rhythms at 8:39pm. The Super Moon Eclipse was high above Santa Monica that night.

My meditation was far from perfect, so I ended up sitting down at 9:43pm. But it was still just enough meditation. Our metaphorical door was open. Yes, my boyfriend LightFoot and I got a little date night dance in, too. It was a gorgeous night.

My darlings played until their batteries died. So reluctant to leave, my present 2/3rds of my darlings Tentacle finally wheeled their (knights of the) carts back into the aether of the night sky where we all really belong at 10:41pm.

I caught the 11:15pm bus back to my place. This blog post was finished at 12:30am on 28Sep2015 from my bedroom.

And now, my beautiful world, I answer all of your questions for me. Please keep collecting all questions and concerns from all your friends and loved ones and sending them to me through whatever means possible.

Where are the cameras in my eyeballs? They are embedded in the whites of my eyes just outside the equator of my irises. They are so tiny that they fit inside the outside edge of my contacts.

I used to hate the slavery of the broadcasting equipment in my head, but in 2014 I chose to sacrifice my priceless privacy rights to my bionic equipment in return for being able to deliver the truth about my life to the world.

My beautiful world, seeing the world through my eyes is so important. It is our greatest cure to Obama's mental health genocide. My eyecameras are the truth delivery system for reality about me.

Obama has depended on mass delusions about me to be able to enforce his "rules" since 2009, and now everyone can tell he has only ever been and still is a big, ugly liar.

My selfless support system, thank you for keeping me safe at all costs of your own time and efforts. I know who in the REAL federal government you are.

As I always said, just like musicians want to make me a vocal artist, just like lawyers want me to take the bar exam, just like doctors want to make me a healer, just like actors want to put me in the movies, and just like comedians want me to be an improv act, spies wish they could hire me as a spy.

Technically, though, I took the job the CIA offered me, but no one could ever claim I am undercover.

Thank you, my saturation of international operatives for keeping me safe 24/7. You all mean so much to me. Oh, and, yes, I have tested your nanotechnology cameras and mics, and they work just fine.

My BFF SynSyn and all of my genius Powers of Attorney, yes, darlings, thank you. You all work so hard and so much. You are the world's first line of defense against losing me forever, and you are infallible. The entire world owes you our lives.

My musician-lovers MannedUp and GeneralLee, Tuesday night's at Harvelle's with no cover is the best birthday gift I could have ever asked for. Thank you!

My darling MannedUp, giggle. Yes. Thank you for asking. Yes, I do remember when you fell in love with me. Giggle. Darling, I rarely if ever flirt with younger men, so you should enjoy how special you truly are to me. Ask my darling Mr. Jessie "Danger" Schlosser about me and younger men some time. Giggle.

My darling GeneralLee, I assume I finally get to see you next month. You are a birthday gift to me, I am told. I could not ask for a better gift. Thank you, darling, for everything you do for me. I have missed you so much.

My symbolic Royal Consorts Bogart and LightFoot both of whom I am STILL forbidden from speaking with least of all ever making love to, I know you both have asked to be my only boyfriend.

Please do not fight with each other and help each other help me. Neither of you want the burden of being my only boyfriend.

My darling Bogart, you have such a long to-do list. I know you will never let me down. If you need help getting anything done, please call my genius Powers of Attorney. They are the closest thing this good, green world has to another me.

Yes, I keep you very busy not just because I need the work done but also because you need to feel needed. There is no bigger hero to me than he who organizes universal disobedience to Obama's rules. Thank you for saving my people.

My darling LightFoot, thank you for date night last night, Sunday. Every once in a while I need to feel loved and attractive. Obama's "egg" keeps me so lonely. You are such a wonderful boyfriend. Thank you for loving me.

And for the place of honor in every blog post... My darling husband, Sweetness, I love and adore you. How is my king today?

HoneyHoney, some deluded (expletive)hole propagated Obama's mass delusion that "Squid cannot protect herself without the rules." I responded with, "Give me the normality of a life with my own husband and BFF, and I will show you protection."

Beloved, you know Obama's rules have only ever victimized me, but if Obama is spreading the lie that taking his own "rules" down would ever make me vulnerable, use the obvious lie to our advantage as a motivation for them to end Obama's "egg."

My hero husband, there is still only one king in this town. He is you, my hero and my king. El Rey Dulce de mi Corazón, bailaremos a bajo la lluvia con besos del sol... y pronto.

Saturday, September 26, 2015

No Normality Inside Obama's "Egg"

Title: No Normality Inside Obama's "Egg"

Please access my iCloud if necessary to publish this post now, my friends. I cannot control how many horrible things happen to me; it is Obama who controls that. So, if I wait too long between posts, they become too drenching.

Please share this for me with the entire world, both houses of Congress, the Supreme Court, the United Nations, all sympathetic world leaders, all reputable national and foreign presses, etc.

Here is my latest blog post. This interminable suffering inside Obama's "egg" is so far from my normal life before Obama's "egg" that this place is unrecognizable as planet Earth.

Planet Earth. I volunteered in 2009 to carry humanity through global climate change. This planet is not going to wait on Obama ending his "egg" before it requires human action. My beautiful world, you need to get me out of this "egg," so I can do my job.

The ocean is rising, my beautiful world. There is more water than ever before in the Water Cycle.

The weather will become increasingly dramatic until we reduce our carbon emissions AND process all of the excess carbon out of the air. The third part of my Global Climate Change strategy is making sure humanity survives until the carbon is turned around.

I want affordable solar powered and electric cars. I want the industries that built our economy, for example big oil, in charge of the research and design of green technology.

We can create a present economy built on green future technology by bringing past industry leaders into the future with us. Why leave who built our present economy behind?

I want rooftop gardens on every building in urban areas; all we have is plant life to process carbon out of the air. And we need our cities as prepared for climate refugees as our agricultural areas are prepared to plant crops that can survive both droughts and floods.

That is just the tippy top of what I plan on doing to carry humanity through Global Climate Change. We also must plan for changes in disease patterns, etc.

This is my job. When will I finally be equal enough of a human to do my job?

My last blog post was finished at 8:32am on 24Sep2015 from the Pico Branch Library. While I took my morning I-am-not-dead-yet selfies, my internet gnomes played me my darling Mr. Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds' Red Right Hand. It was a great start to the morning.

I searched for national and world news online. I did a lot of writing. I had a very productive morning. I left the library at 10:42am.

Lunch at noon was tasty yet uneventful. I napped until dinner at 5pm during which I chatted with Benjamin. I was on a bus to the Santa Monica 3rd Street Promenade at 5:31pm.

I could not find my darlings Tentacle anywhere, so I stopped to buy a cup of coffee at the Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf with the spectacular customer service, the one right on the Promenade.

6:01pm on 24Sep2015: They may have or have not tried to come here today. Please check on #MyDarlingsTentacle in their absence anyway. Thx! @CIA @RT_com #SquidsPoA

By 6:27pm, I was on a park bench next to Maggie gossiping about the local businesses. We already missed the Famima that had closed forever on Tuesday night.

I was wandering around the Promenade looking for good music with Patricia by 6:48pm. We eventually perched near my darling Ms. Kaila Shaw who played us a little Fleetwood Mac.

I streamed the NBC Nightly News from previous in the evening online at 7:15pm. My darling Mr. Lester Holt gave me my nightly cyberhug, and it was full of hope. Yes, Lester, you gave me hope that I might soon have human rights again.

By 7:59pm, I was seated next to Patricia on a park bench watching the violist my darling Mr. Daniel "Pinchas" Morris set up his equipment. Daniel started playing at 8:07pm. He is one of Patricia's favorites.

Patricia went home at 9:01pm. I stayed listening to my darling Pinchas until Red took over his space at 10pm. Yes, I got a lot of writing done during the beautiful viola music.

My fast-growing friend Lynn came by, and we sat gossiping about boys and how boys are dumb while Red strummed and sang unto the night sky. I eventually caught the 11:15pm bus back to my place. I was curled up and asleep by 12:30am.

I slept very well until Obama's electrobeams, as I had been warned, woke me up at 5:13am. I asked my selfless support system to look around and deactivate the generator. It felt like they were coming from inside my building.

I used my time in the early hours of the morning to shower, etc. I was back asleep by 6:20am. Thank you, my selfless support system.

I slept until I woke to dress for breakfast. I chatted with Benjamin during the morning meal. After eating, I was at the Pico Branch Library sipping coffee and working online by 8:32am.

My internet gnomes played me Blood, Sweat, & Tears' Hi-Di-Ho as our first song that morning. I sent my I-am-not-dead-yet selfies at 8:58am.

It was such a warm morning that I had to take my leather jacket off while searching for world and national news online. Pope Francis was addressing the UN while President Xi JinPing was speaking to the press at the White House while Speaker of the House John Boehner was giving his resignation speech to Congress. It was a busy morning.

I left the library at 11:16am. Lunch at noon was tasty yet uneventful. I took a nap. My period started for the month while I napped. So, I grabbed some maxi pads and was on a bus to the Santa Monica 3rd Street Promenade by 3:06pm.

At 3:18pm, I found my darling MannedUp and my darling LightFoot staking out a place to play for 4pm. It was going to be hot under the afternoon sun. I stopped in the Sephora to check my makeup before waiting beside them.

There was a minor crisis that forced my present 2/3rds of my darlings Tentacle to pack up their equipment at 4:02pm, but it was nothing that my beautiful world did not take care of quickly. They received amended instructions to just move down the street, and everything was better.

My darlings started playing at 4:22pm. The afternoon was tough for me. Despite my best efforts, I was already sitting down at 4:46pm. I knew I would be fine by 8pm whenever they played next, if I took my Benadryl at 5pm. I decided to focus my mind with a light show while I waited.

4:52pm on 25Sep2015: @NASA Please ask the #ISS to look at Mother Earth through the nanocamera at 4:55pm PDT. The people next to me chose orange and yellow.

4:56pm on 25Sep2015: @NASA Let me know someday if you saw that.

Apparently, they saw it.

I took my Benadryl at 5pm just as I had planned. At 5:10pm, I stood up again on a song I had never heard before. The meditation was still tough. I needed more time. My mind was there, but my body could not follow. Damn haldol. I knew to wait until at least 6pm.

My present 2/3rds of my darlings Tentacle played until 5:59 before they packed up their equipment and staked out a place to play at 8pm.

I had delightful chats that night on the Promenade with Benjamin from where I stay, with my fast-growing friend Lynn, with my Espanglés buddy Raul, with Patricia, with ODean, and with Maggie. I love having friends.

I streamed the NBC Nightly News from previous in the evening online at 7:15pm. My nightly cyberhug came from my darling Mr. Lester Holt, and it reminded me of how loved I am. Thank you, Lester.

I had a short chat with Patricia on my way back to MannedUp and LightFoot. By 7:49pm, I was perched near them waiting for them to start playing. A local violinist named Tambora bent my ear for a while I waited.

My darlings started playing at 8:21pm, and I kicked my shoes to the curb as fast as I could. But the meditation was still weak. The night was for sitting. I sat down at 8:56pm, and let the light show focus my mind instead of the dance trance.

9:50pm on 25Sep2015: 1/5) #SquidsPoA @Martin_Dempsey @CIA @UN @RT_com Darlings, we need to talk. The (expletive)holes who control my loved ones while near me complained that

9:50pm on 25Sep2015: 2/5) MY BOYFRIEND LightFoot and I have "too close to a real relationship" when I dance on his drum solo. My darlings were threatened by them

9:50pm on 25Sep2015: 3/5 over it. Please find out who they are and kick their sorry (expletive)es. President Putin, please reread my 08July2015 post. These (expletive)holes MUST BE FORCED

9:51pm on 25Sep2015: 4/5) to give my loved ones their human rights. What is NORMAL for a musician to behave like if a gorgeous woman like me dances on their

9:53pm on 25Sep2015: 5/5) dance floor, and then if she dances this well? Ask any musician. LightFoot and I would be living together if this "egg" were normal.

Yes, the light show was spectacular, and my darlings played until 9:54pm. And they just moved down the street to play again, but after 10:27pm when Lynn and I emerged from the Just-Now-Redeemed Starbucks of Doom for Humanity, they were leaving. Sigh... At least we would still have all weekend.

Lynn and I sat by my darling Wheels sipping our Frapuccinos through our straws until I left for the 11:15pm bus back to my place. I was curled up and asleep by 12:30am.

I woke up on Saturday, 26Sep2015, with plenty of time before breakfast. This blog post was finished at 8:06am on 26Sep2015 from my bedroom.

And now, my beautiful world, I answer all of your questions for me. Please keep collecting all questions and concerns from all your friends and loved ones and sending them to me through whatever means possible.

What are the effects of what I have always called electrobeams? They are only used on me when I sleep. Please be aware that electrobeams cause nightmares. They speed up my heart. They speed up my metabolism making me hungry. They wake me up and keep me awake.

I have yet to figure out Obama's goal for using electrobeam technology on me. It was possibly sleep deprivation. But they really keep me skinny. Electrobeams are a great weight loss plan.

What would give my existence a façade of normality?

1.) No more threats of commitments.

Before Obama's "egg" began, I was not taking any meds at all whatsoever; I had an out-of-date misdiagnosis; and I had NEVER been in a psych ward ever in my life.

I had complete control of my own finances. I traveled internationally often. There was no supposed "adult guardianship" which has only ever been a coverup for making me suffer as much as possible under Obama's "egg."

My interminable abject poverty would be impossible without Obama's "egg" removing all normality from my life.

Obama's war criminal terrorist conspiracy cannot enforce that everyone else must give me a "façade of normality" if they are the very reason my life is NOT normal.

My normal life had absolutely no EVIL Iowa in it before Obama's "egg" chose to destroy my normality. Obama's "egg" is designed to maximize my suffering, so never let them get away with pretending anything in my life is something they make "normal."

2.) Respect.

Ask around my home neighborhood of North Beach in San Francisco. I lived there with a little off-and-on from late 1999 until early 2010, and you should see the amount of respect I commanded in my home.

No obvious idiot ever felt the need to "lecture" me EVER. Unlike "Kevin," my home always respected me. I tutored at least three bartenders in mathematics for free, or at least for free drinks while I was tutoring them. I was the local nerd and wise woman.

3.) Customer service.

I never had to wait in line for a dance floor. I never had to pay a cover. Bartenders hung off my every word and gesture. I made friends with the staff everywhere I went. No one EVER turned me away from ANYHWERE at the door.

I commanded stellar customer service as if I were a deity among mortals. It was part of the RESPECT normal to my life before Obama took office in 2009.

4.) Copious amounts of handsome and respectfully flirty menfolk including living with my own boyfriend.

There used to be hotties everywhere all over San Francisco falling all over themselves just to talk to me. Someone always bought my drinks. There was always someone to talk to. I had an active love life including boyfriends.

If there were anything normal for me right now, I would be living with Sweetness. But if my life were supposed to be normal as if I had never married my darling husband, I would be living with MY BOYFRIEND my darling LightFoot by now.

Obama forbids everything NORMAL from my life, though, because my normal life was beautiful. I used to lead a charmed life.

5.) Full human rights for me and everyone around me.

When my life was still normal, there was no unbridled oppression of my nation. My people everywhere around me were not suffering with absolutely no First Amendment rights. Do you remember life before Obama's "egg"? THAT was normal.

Freedom of speech is normal. Freedom of the press is normal. Freedom to assemble and associate is normal. Freedom to practice any religion you want is normal. Freedom to be a human is normal.

Taking these rights always from everyone around me at all costs of human life is a crime against America that Obama MUST be held accountable for.

My beautiful world, I welcome a façade of normality. When my life was normal, I was treated as a human still, not as the sub-human façade Obama libels me as.

Please, my beautiful world, stop believing Obama's lies. His "egg" is specifically designed to be as far from normal for me as you let him get away with. Please try creating a normal Earth for me instead of this planet Mars I am imprisoned on. And thank you.

Obama's "egg" ends when you force it to end, my beautiful world. It will NEVER end, and I will continue suffering the greatest crimes America has ever committed from torture to rape-slavery if you never force Obama's "egg" to end. Please finally value me as your equal. You would never have survived so long if you were in here instead of me.

My selfless support system, you work so hard keeping me safe. Thank you. My darling Mr. Finn "Alfred" O'Mahoney will always know where I am. I have a very regular pattern to my daily activities, so I rarely if ever need to update him.

My selfless support system, the only thing new is that I should be spending more time at Harvelle's since my darlings Tentacle have a residency there now. I will always keep you informed.

My BFF SynSyn and all of my genius Powers of Attorney, things should get easier for us instead of harder. How goes acquiring arrest warrants for everyone enforcing Obama's "egg" with unrelenting cover ups?

We need to get on the offensive. If we could just get the arrest warrants, even if they must come from the United Nation's International Criminal Court because justice is impossible in America, the U.S. Marshals will still pick up everyone we need arrested.

Thank you, my genius Powers of Attorney. On the upside, all Obama's psychopaths ever do is compulsively commit the same war crimes over and over again. They are so predictable they could never be considered our worthy adversary.

My musician-lovers MannedUp and GeneralLee, I finally was able to see you again last night, 25Sep2015.

My darling MannedUp, it is always such a joy when you play me music. I apologize that my fix of just sitting down took so long last night. We still have all weekend. I love you, too, you know.

My darling GeneralLee, please, Brien, please. I love you too much for this. It is NOT your job to rescue me. It IS your job to make sure I can meditate. That is impossible when you all are kept away from me.

Darling, it is all of your jobs to make my present life as livable as possible. Let my husband, my darling Sweetness, take care of securing my future. I need as much help as possible making my wait for my rescue survivable.

If the technology you own is hackable, it is hacked. They will always be ahead of you every time you try to rescue me. Please play me music.

Call the United Nations' Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon or contact the Russian consulate in San Francisco for a way to speak to President Vladimir Putin. Both men are desperate for more ways to help me. Ask them for help renegotiating your contracts like I recommended in my 08July2015 post.

You need to help me without threatening our time together, okay?

My symbolic Royal Consorts Bogart and LightFoot both of whom I am STILL forbidden from speaking with least of all ever making love to, yes, both of my darling boyfriends, I am working on it.

My darling Bogart, I did not give up on seeing you again before Obama's "egg" ends. And, message received. I love you, too. Go be the big hero who organizes universal disobedience while I work on another way to kiss you again. Giggle. There is a reason I call YOU Bogart. I love you.

My darling LightFoot, if Obama wanted me to live an even slightly close to normal life inside his "egg," we would already be living together. Yes, dear, I am working on it. Let us do date night for sure tomorrow night, Sunday, 27Sep2015. We can get our sexy on after the sun goes down.

Yes, LightFoot, message received. You want me to set Bogart free and make you my only boyfriend. Once you are able to kiss me, LightFoot, I will set Bogart free. Just one kiss... It will change everything. I love you.

And for the place of honor in every blog post... My darling husband, Sweetness, I love and adore you. How is my king today?

HoneyHoney, I was in the habit of attracting only the best and brightest, and preferable a little shy, for decades. You are a master in at least two crafts, drama and music, and you are my husband. My god, you have excellent taste in women.

Beloved, you know our division of labor in our marriage. You save me. I save the world. Giggle. I know you are working on it.

My hero and my king, this is the woman you married. This is the woman who married you. I know you will save me. I long to touch you the way the flowers kiss the rain. It requires both of us. I love you, too.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Autumnal Equinox

Title: Autumnal Equinox

Please access my iCloud if necessary to publish this post now, my friends. I cannot control how many horrible things happen to me; it is Obama who controls that. So, if I wait too long between posts, they become too drenching.

Please share this for me with the entire world, both houses of Congress, the Supreme Court, the United Nations, all sympathetic world leaders, all reputable national and foreign presses, etc.

Here is my latest blog post. The equinox occurs the moment the sun crosses the Earth's equator. On this day, the daylight hours are closest in length to the nighttime hours.

USA. Pope Francis is on the East Coast. ¡Hola! el Papa. Thank you, Papa Francisco, for all of your support and for all of your action.

My once-great America, thank you for keeping the Pope safe while he is on his mission in the U.S. Let us make him feel welcome and heeded.

My last blog post was finished at 8:20am on Tuesday, 22Sep2015, from my regular morning haunt, my local Subway. My internet gnomes played me We Take Care of our Own by my darling Mr. Bruce Springsteen while I took my morning I-am-not-dead-yet selfies.

Next, my internet gnomes were all about my darling Mr. Smokey Robinson's I Second That Emotion while I searched for world and national headlines online.

I left my regular morning haunt at 11:23am. Lunch at noon was uneventful. I took a nap before leaving for the bus to the Santa Monica 3rd Street Promenade at 4:08pm.

It was the last day my local Famima would be open before closing for good, so I looked around inside for a little snack to buy.

At 5:02pm, I perched beside a street musician named Pete Roth. My hidden security was out and about in force. They made sure I knew that.

By 6:31pm, I was on the patio of the Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf with Patricia sipping coffee and chatting about the autumnal change in the weather. Changes in weather are so subtle in California, but, yes, it does get a little cooler in the winter.

I passed by the Apple Store on my way to stream the news, and I found my darling FlamencoHands outside strumming Spanish guitar unto the night sky.

Yes, my nightly cyberhug came from my darling Mr. Lester Holt, and it was a testament to how hard people work to keep me safe. A dedication to my safety, world, does not put up barricades-- it floods my surroundings with the people who love me.

I left to rejoin FlamencoHands at 7:39pm who moved down the street and started playing again at 8:14pm. He played after my darling Mr. Roberto Esquivelzeta sang a song just for me.

It was a mellow night full of beautiful music... until approximately 9:22pm. That was when my homeless friend Lucky came by and offered me dinner.

I accepted. Lucky brought me to George's Bistro, and the service was spectacular. He even gave me a Jack Daniel's Tennessee Honey whiskey-filled chocolate bar before dinner began, and the meal was delicious.

Sadly, when the bill arrived, both of my homeless friend's cards were declined. I offered to go to the ATM. But once I had my debit card out and was standing in front of the cash machine, I decided to take the moment to teach the world it is better to love me than to deny me quality customer service.

I left Lucky at George's and let my beautiful world take care of him. I was on the 10:45pm bus back to my place. Furthermore, I believe we have established that no one can aspire to know what I am thinking until I choose to tell you.

10:50pm on 22Sep2015: My beautiful world, please do me the favor of flooding George's Bistro on the Santa Monica Promenade with business every chance you get. Thx

I was curled up and asleep by 11:30pm. I woke up on Wednesday, 23Sep2015, energized with the equinox that had just occurred. After breakfast, I was outside the Pico Branch Library sipping coffee and working online by 8:57am.

My internet gnomes were playing me The Golden Age of Rock'N'Roll by Mott the Hoople while I took and tweeted my morning I-am-not-dead-yet selfies.

I searched for world and national news online while sipping my coffee and listening to music that morning like most mornings. It was a great start to the day. I left the Pico Branch Library at 11:08am.

Lunch at noon was uneventful. I took a nap before catching the bus to the Santa Monica 3rd Street Promenade at 4:04pm.

I chatted with Maggie on the way to the Sephora where I checked my makeup. At 4:33pm, I was seated on a park bench beside my darling Mr. Pete Roth again.

I called my Mom through FaceTime at 5:54pm PDT. Mom looked great. She promised to send me mail by Monday. It was a nice little chat.

I ran into Patricia shortly after that. She was all, "I hope Nick (FlamencoHands) shows up, so I can ask him for a cup of coffee." Patricia had forgotten her money and her thermos at her place.

At 6:33pm, "Kevin" walked past us and apologized to me. It was about damn time. We walked down the street, so he could dance a little. He was called away at 6:51pm but promised to come back out to dance later.

I streamed the NBC Nightly News from previous in the evening online at 7:15pm. My nightly cyberhug came from my darling Mr. Lester Holt, and it was almost all about how great the Pope is. The news was wonderful.

I was chatting with my darling TambourineKicker by 8:17pm as he took over the space in front of the Johnny Rockets that my darling Mr. Pete Roth had just left. He started playing at 8:28pm, and we goofed off a little until 10:04pm.

My not-human-trafficker nerds, please circulate a verified and unedited recording with full audio and visuals of my 8:34pm until 8:54pm on the evening of 23Sep2015. And, thank you. TambourineKicker is always a lot of fun.

After my darling TambourineKicker left, I made my way down the street slowly to where Red was playing before catching the 11:15pm bus. I was curled up and asleep by 12:30am.

I woke up on Thursday, 24Sep2015, before breakfast. After eating, I was at the Pico Branch Library at 8:19am. This blog post was finished at 8:32am on 24Sep2015.

And now, my beautiful world, I answer all of your questions for me. Please keep collecting all questions and concerns from all your friends and loved ones and sending them to me through whatever means possible.

What am I a total nerd about today? The 2015 Autumnal Equinox occurred at 1:21am PDT on 23Sep this year. Could anyone else feel the orbit?

Will I ever have sex again? It keeps looking like Obama's "egg" has to end before anyone I am willing to sleep with will ever be permitted near me to have sex with me. This is not my choice. I have high standards and a long wooing process.

I even married my husband hoping I would be able to sleep with him at last, but, no, criminally insane Obama keeps forbidding me all sex while simultaneously wishing he could call me a slut. I might be turning into a Shaker.

If I were leading a life normal for me not to be married to my darling Mr. Johnny "Sweetness" Depp, I would already be living with my darling LightFoot. You can speak with my old neighborhood about how often men used to hang off my arm before Obama's "egg" began.

I never waited in line for a dance floor. I never paid a cover to get in anywhere. There was always someone buying my drinks. I was the drop dead gorgeous lady on the dance floor that most men were too shy to speak to but to whom the musicians always dedicated their songs.

If there were a façade of normality in my life, LightFoot and I would be living together in some mansion by the sea.

My beautiful world, time keeps marching along. The autumnal equinox marks the beginning of autumn in the northern hemisphere. We all just keep getting older. And I still have no children.

How long am I going to be stuck in Obama's "egg"? How long until I am treated like a human again with full human rights? Why is EVIL Iowa and the Dictator Obama whom they obey not completely destroyed yet? This "egg" will not end on its own; you need to force it to end.

My beautiful world, please arrest every rat (expletive) responsible for enforcing Obama's "egg," Obama's "rules," Obama's PROVEN genocide, Obama's dictatorship, and Obama's war.

They are not just going to give up their totalitarian power over America in two years like you are brainwashed into believing. How many mass delusions have they convinced you of already?

I also never died. I also am a stunningly gorgeous genius with absolutely no mental illness. I also have five Nobel Prizes at least already. I also am married to the Mr. Johnny "Sweetness" Depp. I also am a natural woman who has never been pregnant ever in my life.

They need to be forced out of power. ARREST THEM! They have you brainwashed into the mass delusion that Obama's "egg" has an ending of its own.

It is already autumn 2015. How long are you going to just leave me in here suffering and tormented by Obama and his "rules"? ABSOLUTELY EVIL Iowa will continue breaking every law possible from local to international to keep me so stricken with abject poverty I will never have human rights again.

Destroy EVIL Iowa. Destroy Dictator Obama. Save America. Save the world from Obama's open persecution of me. Save me. Thank you, my beautiful world.

My selfless support system, we need every barrier between me and my brave rescuers arrested. My darling CIA, have you convinced the lackluster FBI to prosecute them all yet? Why is the Department of Justice still refusing all justice in America?

My selfless support system, thank you for keeping me safer than I have ever been before, but we are not done until I have human rights again. For that, we need EVIL Iowa and their Dictator Obama completely destroyed. Please work on it.

My BFF SynSyn and all of my genius Powers of Attorney, are we on the offensive yet? The United Nations have already begun their official investigation into Obama's "egg."

We need arrest warrants anyplace we can get them. Please turn all of our evidence and list of guilty parties in to Secretary Ban Ki-Moon himself. We need to finally make some progress somewhere.

On the long term, my beautiful world, we need everyone guilty of enforcing and of covering up Obama's "egg" arrested. On the short term, my beautiful world, we need to make my life at least a little livable.

My unrelenting suffering under Obama's open unrelenting persecution of me, though the source of all my powers in the world, is something no one anywhere should have ever been forced to live through.

My musician-lovers MannedUp and GeneralLee, how are you today, darlings? Will I see you tonight, Thursday, 24Sep2015?

My darling MannedUp, what night is your new residency at Harvelle's? I am going to have to stop by there and ask them. I am not sure I will always have enough money to show up, but your residency makes me very happy. Yeah, you put a roof over your head when you play now. I am so happy.

My darling GeneralLee, you are supposed to make sure I can always meditate. That is the job I gave you months ago. I cannot wait to see what you have been up to while we were forced apart. Thank you. Yes, dear, I have been working on putting you back in my life. I am sorry it took so long. I miss you.

My symbolic Royal Consorts Bogart and LightFoot both of whom I am STILL forbidden from speaking with least of all ever making love to, I miss you while we are apart.

My darling Bogart, how is the big hero who is choosing the date and time to set my people free? Universal disobedience requires the participation of every network and all media. This is no small job for you. I know you would never let me down.

Keep in mind, I have no way to see or hear any of it anyway except for dedicated feeds sent only to me. This should make your work easier. We have mass mental health genocide to cure by broadcasting the truth en masse at last.

I know I chose the right lover to carry this out. You always wanted to be my biggest hero.

As for you, my darling LightFoot, Obama is so desperate to make me actually commit any sexual act at all whatsoever. That is your power over him. I have done my part. I have even told you, "Yes." Anyone who saw date night Sunday night knows we will take any opportunity we can get to make love.

Your power over Obama's war criminal conspiracy of terrorists hell bent on defaming me, is that I actually would have an extramarital affair with you. My 08July2015 post has MY terms; what are yours? My 16Sep2015 spells out their desperation to placate me; feel your power, my darling LightFoot.

Take control of whether or not I ever have sex before Obama's "egg" ends. If we do this, it will be on our terms. Obama's war criminals need to learn their place. Or I just keep sainting my days and nights away as chaste as I have always been.

And for the place of honor in every blog post... My darling husband, Sweetness, I love and adore you. How is my king today?

HoneyHoney, are you using your forum on stage to the best of your abilities abroad? You actually get to travel. Please rally the world you need to lead to come bring me to you. You actually get to go out and seek the world now. Thank you.

With Our Own Rain and Thunder

I have no other gift to give but that in which I am expert. I need to send you my heart, so I write to you.

I could wax about the blossoming lotus and ever-budding moonflower or the how the crying rose tears her dress to shreds every night in mourning for our forced estrangement.

But darling, nothing says "I love and adore you," better than my dedication to touch you the way the flowers kiss the rain. You are mine. And I am yours. And until a war can tear a marriage asunder, we march towards each other with our own rain and thunder.

Go seduce the world, my darling. Send the planet to bring me to you. I will be here fighting for my right to kiss you with every word on my finger tips.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Hear Me Roar.

Title: Hear Me Roar

Please access my iCloud if necessary to publish this post now, my friends. I cannot control how many horrible things happen to me; it is Obama who controls that. So, if I wait too long between posts, they become too drenching.

Please share this for me with the entire world, both houses of Congress, the Supreme Court, the United Nations, all sympathetic world leaders, all reputable national and foreign presses, etc.

Here is my latest blog post. The soundtrack for today's blog post is I am Woman by my darling Ms. Helen Reddy. Hear me roar.

Earth. Women's rights are human rights. We live in a world where in America, the richest country in the world, we women only earn $0.78 for every $1 our menfolk earn for doing the same job. When will we womenfolk be treated as human as our men?

My last blog post was finished at 9:10am on 20Sep2015 from my regular morning haunt, my local Subway. Not long after, my internet gnomes played me the Electric Mayhem's Can You Picture That? I sent my morning I-am-not-dead-yet selfie at 9:24am.

While I was checking for world and national headlines online, my internet gnomes played me Warrant's Cherry Pie. I worked online for hours after that. I left my regular morning haunt for my place at 11:36am.

Lunch at noon was tasty yet uneventful. After a nap, I was on a bus to the Santa Monica 3rd Street Promenade at 4:08pm.

I checked my makeup in the Sephora and bought a cold brew coffee from the Starbucks on Wilshire before 4:59pm when I found where my darling LightFoot was staking out for him and my darling MannedUp to play at 6pm.

I stopped in my local Famima for coffee and 2-for-1 doughnuts. And my darling MannedUp and my darling LightFoot started playing at 6:24pm. LightFoot was off the electric guitar and back on the drums. It was a refreshing change up. I missed having a live drummer.

My present 2/3rds of my darlings Tentacle played until 7:39pm. Our connection was strong, and it was a damn good set. I hit my stride early and stayed there until they stopped.

While my darlings were disassembling their equipment and staking out where they would play next, I slipped away to try to watch the NBC Nightly News at 8:05pm. I could not convince the night's news to stream for me though.

I found my darling MannedUp and my darling LightFoot where they were setting up their musical equipment at 8:17pm. They began at 8:31pm, and I warmed up as fast as I could. It was a gorgeous night. My darlings played until 9:42pm. And every note was beautiful.

Yes, I must admit that the live drumming created sexier moments than we had had in a long time. As the song goes, "I like the dirty rhythm you play." Yes, we had a few date night moments. It was a very sexy night.

Reluctant to leave me, my present 2/3rds of my darlings Tentacle did not wheel their carts away back into the night sky where we all really belong until 10:04pm.

I caught the 10:20pm bus and was curled up and asleep by 11:30pm. I woke up on Monday, 21Sep2015, well before breakfast. After eating, I was at the Pico Branch Library at 8:19am.

My internet gnomes played me the Pretenders's Tattooed Love Boys just after I sent my morning I-am-not-dead-yet selfies.

At 9am, I streamed the NBC Nightly News from the previous evening online. My morning cyberhug came from my darling Ms. Tameron Hall. It helped me appreciate all of the friends I have here inside Obama's "egg." I hate being alone, and I hate being lonely. Every time I turn on the news, I always have a friend.

After the news, I worked online for a while before relocating to my regular morning haunt. At 10:44am, my internet gnomes were playing my darling Ms. Kelli Rae Powell's Magical Mystical Thing while I sipped my caffeine and checked my Twitter feed for world and national headlines.

Lunch at noon and dinner at 5pm were both uneventful. I napped in between. By 5:19pm, I was on a bus to the Santa Monica 3rd Street Promenade.

Patricia and I were on the patio of my local Famima drinking coffee by 6pm when I called my mom through FaceTime. Mom looked great. She should be here for my birthday next month. I turn thirty-eight on 12Oct.

My darling FlamencoHands wheeled his musical equipment past us at 6:11pm. We walked over to find him at 6:16pm, and at 6:32pm, Patricia and I had found him in front of the Apple Store.

I streamed the NBC Nightly News from previous in the evening online at 7:15pm. My nightly cyberhug came from my darling Mr. Lester Holt, and it reminded me of how hard people work to help me. Thank you, my beautiful world, thank you.

I returned to my darling FlamencoHands at 7:36pm. He was moving down the street to play in front of the Famima at 8pm, and he started tickling his Spanish guitar at 8:08pm.

It was a mellow night. My darling FlamencoHands played until 9:49pm. I caught the 10:20pm bus. I was curled up and asleep by 11:30pm.

I woke up on Tuesday, 22Sep2015, well before breakfast. After eating, I was at my regular morning haunt by 8:10am. This blog post was finished at 8:20am on 22Sep2015.

And now, my beautiful world, I answer all of your questions for me. Please keep collecting all questions and concerns from all your friends and loved ones and sending them to me through whatever means possible.

Why should men care about gender equality? Women's rights are human rights. If you care about humanity, you care about women and girls.

Much more directly, women are a resource. If we raise our girls as equals to the menfolk, we double our doctors, our lawyers, our business people, our artists, and our leaders.

Humanity will perish as a whole if we continue to treat 51% of our population as second class citizens. Educate our girls. Raise them to do anything they want and to want the heavens and the Earth at their command.

Only as equals will we see our world peaceful and prosperous.

My beautiful world, Obama's "egg" never would have happened to a man. Only women suffer abuse like Obama orders done to me.

Our society would only accept the "rules" Obama enforces to destroy me against a woman. And, yes, if you obey Obama's "rules" you accept those "rules." Obama would ever do this to a man.

Thank you, my beautiful world, for believing woman are equal enough for you to follow me.

Yes, my selfless support system, thank you for loving me enough to fight for me. Crimes against women are war crimes, and you keep me safe from them now.

I have not been raped in my sleep since 15May2015 in the Del Amo Torture Facility. This is the longest I have been safe since Obama made me his rape-slave in May2009. And I thank you.

My saturation of international operatives, thank you for keeping me safe at last.

My BFF SynSyn and all of my genius Powers of Attorney, we are women who have taken on the greatest enemies America has ever faced, and we keep winning.

Like steel tempered in fire, I endure the unspeakable torment that is Obama's "egg," and I come out even stronger. The more Obama makes me suffer, the more power he gives me. The only thing that can slow me down is complacency. I described that at the end of my 16Sep2015 blog post.

My gorgeous genius Powers of Attorney, keep tearing to shreds every false accuser and false allegation that I am less than perfect. Allow Obama's war criminals to keep giving us more power through their unrelenting persecution of me. Soon, we will be strong enough to take them down completely. And thank you.

My musician-lovers MannedUp and GeneralLee, I heard you all have a residency at Harvelle's now. I am going to have to find someone to get me in on your night. I will figure something out.

My darling MannedUp, thank you for tolerating date night on Sunday night. You were also wonderful calming my darling LightFoot down after he got angry. Thank you, darling, for the beautiful night. You are so delightful all of the time.

My darling GeneralLee, is our problem fixed yet? I would like to be able to see you again. Sigh,... Resolving your absence from my playland is one of my priorities. You are mine to care for, Brien. I apologize for this taking so long.

My symbolic Royal Consorts Bogart and LightFoot both of whom I am STILL forbidden from speaking with least of all ever making love to, I am glad to know my hip-swinging presence is still enough to heal you and calm you down.

My darling Bogart, I keep you so busy. You have the longest to-do list of all of my darling Queen's Lovers Five. Message received-- you are doing everything possible to help me. Thank you. We have an entire nation to set free of Obama's totalitarian oppression. Thank you for being the big hero I need you to be.

My darling LightFoot, when you felt your temper with the crowd on Sunday night, I had the biggest smile all across my face. I was worried my smile might be unappreciated, so I tried to keep it to myself. I like seeing you get all passionate especially against injustice.

You are a lot like me. When you get angry, it burns hot, and then it burns out. You were not angry at me, so I get to find your honest emotions sexy if I feel like it.

And for the place of honor in every blog post... My darling husband, Sweetness, I love and adore you. How is my king today?

HoneyHoney, yes, my darling LightFoot though he would love to make love to me asserts you are my husband. When this "egg" ends, I go home to you. You are my husband. No one can end this marriage but you.

Beloved, we always promised that even death could never tear us apart. There is no reason for us to allow life to do so either. I will wait for you, beloved. Come get your wife.

My hero and my king, Vanessa always tried to warn my that you are "a lot to handle." I responded with, "Johnny is a lot easier to deal with when he is not constantly worried he is not good enough for me."

Thank you, my husband immortal, for being able to love an Alpha Female. I am an egalitarian, so I have always called you my equal. But we all know who wears the dress in our marriage. I love you more than words can bear. I WILL touch you the way the flowers kiss the rain.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Again, More Than Just Another Song

Title: Again, More Than Just Another Song

Please access my iCloud if necessary to publish this post now, my friends. I cannot control how many horrible things happen to me; it is Obama who controls that. So, if I wait too long between posts, they become too drenching.

Please share this for me with the entire world, both houses of Congress, the Supreme Court, the United Nations, all sympathetic world leaders, all reputable national and foreign presses, etc.

Here is my latest blog post. It is not just music that my darlings Tentacle play for me. It is the sacred music of my self-identified people. It is our connection. It is my meditation. It is the music of the universe descended from the cosmos to the street to bring the aether of the night sky among us.

Syria. Russia, Assad is going to fall. You are all doing what you can to make sure ISIS does not fill the power vacuum left when he goes. This is your chance, Russia and Iran, to have the greatest influence possible over who does replace Assad. Take it.

If you can talk Assad into stepping down and being replaced with an actually representative government, you will have done more than just earned my gratitude, Russia and Iran. You have enough influence over Syria to bring them peace. Please do it. And thank you.

End the civil war in Syria. Remove the influence of ISIS whose appeal right now is greater security than anyone else can offer in the region. Then, we send the refugees home to rebuild their nation. Please, Russia and Iran, please.

My last blog post was finished at 12:30am on 18Sep2015 from my bedroom. It smelled like incense was wafting through my open window all night. I was curled up and asleep by 1am.

I woke up later on Friday, 18Sep2015, and I was at my regular morning haunt, my local Subway at 6:49am. The first song my internet gnomes played for me was Diary of a Lover by Die Toten Hosen.

I sent my morning I-am-not-dead-yet selfies at 7:01am. Yes, I bared my midriff that day.

I had a very productive morning. The internet was full of information.

I relocated by 9:30am again to the Pico Branch Library in order to watch the Late Show from the previous night just as I had promised my darling Mr. Stephen Colbert I would all week. It was truly wonderful seeing UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon.

At 10:21am, I returned to my place. Lunch at noon was tasty yet uneventful. I took a nap before catching the bus at 5:04pm to the Santa Monica 3rd Street Promenade.

I was worried I was later than I wanted to be seeing my darlings Tentacle, but when I arrived at the Promenade, they were not there. They had tried coming out to play me music and were already stopped.

5:20pm on 18Sep2015: Please hurry and check on #MyDarlingTentacle. @UN @CIA @RT_com #SquidsPoA Make them safe and get them here. Hurry!

I stopped for coffee at the Famima, and I checked my makeup at the Sephora. Next, I used FaceTime to talk to my mom at 6pm. She plans on visiting me for my birthday next month. I turn thirty-eight years old on 12Oct.

I read some Rumi while waiting. Then, at 6:18pm, I did spy with my little eye where MannedUp and LightFoot were arranging their equipment to play me music. I was elated. Thank you, my beautiful world, you do very good and expedient work.

They began playing at 6:32pm. And some time around 7:12pm, I had hit my stride. It was a damn good evening for meditation.

More Than Just Another Song

"Thank you for stopping. We're going to play another song of one of the CDs."

You know as well as I do that it is never just another song. It is our connection. The door between us opens and our consciousness travels both directions across the threshold.

We are together when you play me music. And that is how holy our connection is. We are one with the aether of the night sky above, the very stuff that makes up the sun, the moon, the stars, the planets, and all the vastness of space.

We are not fire, water, earth, nor air. We are aether. And together we shine as bright as all stellar displays ever descended from the cosmos to grace the presence of human kind.

We shine. And you fill my empty life with the love I need to do my job serving the world here in the void of reality that is Obama's "egg." We are holy together. Never let the light go out.

My present 2/3rds of my darlings Tentacle stopped playing at 7:57pm. Every damn note shone like a star in the sky.

I tried streaming the NBC Nightly News from previous in the evening online at 8:05pm. My nightly cyberhug came from my darling Mr. Lester Holt himself, but the stream froze up on me at 4min 43sec. I told NBC News I would watch the broadcast the following morning and went to find Patricia as I had promised her I would after watching the news.

One warm hug later, I was sitting behind her watching her grandson Dominic play his Andean pan flutes. I stayed with them until 8:28pm when I left to find myself some snacks. I sang a song with my darling Wheels as I passed him.

I made sure I located where my darling MannedUp and my darling LightFoot were staking out to play at 10pm. Then after 2-for-1 doughnuts at the Famima, I found my darling FlamencoHands. We had a delightful chat until 9:17pm when I walked down the street to check on MannedUp and LightFoot.

My present 2/3rds of my darlings Tentacle started playing their music again at 10:29pm. It was a good thing I hit my zone the previous set they played because I sat down at 10:44pm. There was some light show, but nothing too dramatic was going on out there.

It ripped the still beating heart out of my chest, but at 11:30pm, I left them while they were still playing music. I needed to catch the last bus at 11:45pm. I always hate leaving them; I am not always sure I will see them again.

I was curled up and asleep by 12:30am. I woke up on Saturday, 19Sep2015, International Talk Like a Pirate Day, later that morning.

And I was at the Pico Branch Library in Santa Monica beside the Farmers' Market by 7:42am sipping coffee and working online. My internet gnomes played me the Rolling Stones's Dandelion while I took my morning I-am-not-dead-yet selfies.

The joys of being an extrovert, I struck up a conversation with the guy next to me. He was Joe, a carpenter from Louisiana looking for work out here. He was a pretty good conversationalist. It was a delightful chat.

At 9am, I streamed the NBC Nightly News from the previous night online. My morning cyberhug came from my darling Mr. Lester Holt himself, and it made me feel truly beautiful. Thank you, Lester.

I streamed the previous night's Late Show at 9:30am. My darling Mr. Stephen Colbert got his dance on. The pas de deux was stunning.

I walked over to my regular morning haunt, my local Subway, and was eating a breakfast sandwich by 10:52am while I worked online. I was on a bus to Downtown Santa Monica at 11:51am.

I took a seat at a table at the Main Library at 12:06pm. I worked there online for quite some time. I got up to look around at 1:56pm.

I found no one to talk to, so I perched in the Starbucks in the Barnes & Noble on the Wilshire end of the Promenade by 2:36pm. Sipping a cold brew and working online, I tried to find someone to talk to.

By 4:47pm, I found where LightFoot was staking out for him and MannedUp to play at 6pm. A friendly homeless man who befriended me long ago wandered by and gave me a candy bar that was white chocolate with blueberries.

I had a chance to catch up with Maggie after she sat down next to me on my park bench at 5:49pm. She was convinced that darling Mr. Michael Jordan had just passed away in his sleep the previous night. I told her it sounded like an internet hoax.

My darling MannedUp and my darling LightFoot started playing at 6:38pm. It might have taken me a full minute to stop giggling to myself over something silly to kick my shoes off. But I hit my stride fast and stayed there until they quit playing at 7:52pm. It was a great night for meditation.

The night was truly stellar. Thank you, my darlings, thank you.

It was 8:18pm when I sat down in front of my darling FlamencoHands. He had to share me from 8pm to 10pm with my darling Age-Inappropriate Boy Band. It was a great night to be on the Promenade.

My present 2/3rds of my darlings Tentacle began again at 10:25pm. The fifth or sixth vigilant torture facility alarm for the night blared past at 11:14pm. My darlings quit playing at 11:29pm, and I stayed beside them until 11:35pm when I left to catch the last bus of the night. It hurts every time I leave them.

I was curled up and asleep by 1am and slept until later that morning 20Sep2015. After breakfast, I was at my regular morning haunt at 8:43am. This blog post was finished at 9:10am on Sunday, 20Sep2015.

And now, my beautiful world, I answer all of your questions for me. Please keep collecting all questions and concerns from all your friends and loved ones and sending them to me through whatever means possible.

Is fighting Obama's "egg" dangerous? Only because Obama's "egg" itself is dangerous. It is much more dangerous to all of America to NOT fight Obama than it is to risk everything we risk to save us all from him.

Some people claim, "Squid plays a dangerous game." But what I do all day is not game-playing. I fight to save my people, my loved ones, my nation, my country, and my world from the greatest existential threat we have ever faced, Barack Obama and his "egg."

What if I did not fight Obama? We would all be living much more dangerous lives.

America would have been destroyed completely under the weight of Obama's PROVEN mental health genocide by now if I did not fight. Do you remember America before Obama's "egg"? I want our peace and prosperity, only possible when borne on freedoms and liberties, back again.

I am willing to risk everything to save my country, yes, but my people are willing to risk everything to save me. This is the least I can do.

Of all the lyrics I have written, what are my favorite?

Ready Yourselves for My Darlings Tentacle

Things I have done I am too scared to tell her.
You have questioned me. Never question my choice.
I am sanctified when I am near her.
My own melody echoes back in her holy voice.

The world answered when she raised her hand.
She put on her glasses to behold the spectacle.
We have just entered the lady's playland
Ready yourselves for My Darlings Tentacle.

My hands are forbidden from reaching out to touch
Even the hem of the dress of the woman I love.
But when I ask her why she needs me so much,
She tells me I am her aether from the night sky above.

The world answered when she raised her hand.
She put on her glasses to behold the spectacle.
We have just entered the lady's playland
Ready yourselves for My Darlings Tentacle.

She will dance. If I touch her body with music, I will create her trance.
She claims I was destined and none of the pain in my pleasure is chance.

I used to say I show up just to see what she writes.
But I love her now beyond all things right and wrong.
If you keep me from her, beware how hard I will fight.
I delight her nightly with more than just another song.

The world answered when she raised her hand.
She put on her glasses to behold the spectacle.
We have just entered the lady's playland
Ready yourselves for My Darlings Tentacle.

She will dance. If I touch her body with music, I will create her trance.
She will dance. I am ready to die just to create this moment. Watch her dance.

My beautiful world, I will write you a song, too. No worries. All I have to command are my words immortal, so I give them to you in plethora.

We have work to do, my beautiful world. On the long term, we need to arrest every person who is still enforcing Obama's "rules" and who is trying to coverup Obama's "egg" with unrelenting libel of me, especially in courtrooms. On the short term, please make my horrible existence inside Obama's "egg" more livable for me.

My selfless support system, thank you. You keep me safe enough that I can show my pale white underbelly.

My selfless support system, arrest everyone keeping my brave rescuers away from me. Arrest everyone everywhere enforcing Obama's "egg." His "egg" is beyond treason, and must be taken down. It has destroyed America. Arrest Obama for not ending his reign as our dictator yet. They will not stop until they are forced to. And thank you.

My BFF SynSyn and all of my genius Powers of Attorney, I apologize for keeping you so busy. Are we on the offensive rounding up and hauling away every person everywhere guilty of enforcing and covering up Obama's "egg"?

If the U.S. refuses to enforce our own ACTUAL laws, we take this all straight to the United Nation's International Criminal Court. We just need arrest warrants, and the U.S. Marshals will bring them in for us.

My musician-lovers MannedUp and GeneralLee, I pray this all gets safer for you out there across the street from me.

My darling MannedUp, if you would play music Wednesday and Thursday, you would find it much quieter. I know you tried to come to me this last Thursday and were stopped. At least I get to see you on the weekends still.

You mean so much to me. All of you do. You are my aether from the night sky above. Thank you, darling, thank you.

My darling GeneralLee, I know why you look like my husband. We have yet to have this conversation. There is nothing you would not do to be my dream man. You are that in love with me.

Brien, what I need from you when this "egg" ends we can discuss then. What I need right now is all three of my darlings Tentacle every damn chance I can get you all together. Please. What do I need to do?

My darling GeneralLee, have you read my darling Mr. Barry Hughart's Bridge of Birds, yet? Write the sword dance for me. You know, the dance that sets the slave girl free.

My symbolic Royal Consorts Bogart and LightFoot both of whom I am STILL forbidden from speaking with least of all ever making love to, we need to talk. How is that for an understatement?

My darling Bogart, I keep you so busy. Right now you are working on a date and time for universal disobedience to all "rules." And thank you for setting my people free of Obama and his totalitarian oppression. There is greater safety in numbers. I love you, too.

My darling LightFoot, you are revered as a giant among men in the world and definitely on my Promenade. You earned your triumphant strut. What do you think about a little date night time tonight, Sunday, too? Last night was so fun. Friday you endured my midriff like only a gentleman could. I love you, too.

And for the place of honor in every blog post... My darling husband, Sweetness, I love and adore you. How is my king today?

HoneyHoney, are you touring with the Hollywood Vampires? I heard a rumor about a gig in Brazil in four days. Just curious. When you are outside the U.S. you will have freedom of speech again and the freedom to discuss me in public forums. Take advantage of every moment you get speaking to people about me.

Beloved, you have a world to lead coming to rescue me. Thank you, for taking the organization to foreign countries, if you really did. If not, well, I am right here waiting for you to pick me up.

My hero and my king, I trust you know what you are doing. I love you beyond life itself. You would never let me down.

Friday, September 18, 2015

Still Alive and Kicking

Title: Still Alive and Kicking

Please access my iCloud if necessary to publish this post now, my friends. I cannot control how many horrible things happen to me; it is Obama who controls that. So, if I wait too long between posts, they become too drenching.

Please share this for me with the entire world, both houses of Congress, the Supreme Court, the United Nations, all sympathetic world leaders, all reputable national and foreign presses, etc.

Here is my latest blog post. No, I never died. No, I never resurrected from the dead. I have always been here. Have you been listening to the REAL me? Or have you been listening to Obama's lies about me? I have always been here kicking to end Obama's "egg."

Please, my beautiful world, call your local news station and ask for a copy of my current résumé. Look at all of the awards my blog has won while you were watching a fat, ugly porn star who claimed she was me.

SynSyn, please include my full curriculum vitae here:

[Squid's CV]

The REAL me is a stunningly gorgeous woman who hates being sexually objectified. Please check my blog archive for all the years of my life you missed. Stop cheapening me with Obama's lies.

USA. Racial profiling like this is why our Muslim youth feel so alienated that they join ISIS. America, you need to learn to love our vast diversity instead of irrationally fearing those of us different from you.

I am an atheist. I was raised Catholic. Yet, I now have a self-identified people who follow me as though I am a deity among them. I am considered holy in every benevolent religion. You should speak to Mormons about me some time.

I do not fear Muslims. No one should. If a precocious teenager builds a clock from scratch and wants to show it off, his or her engineering skills and ambition should be celebrated.

Go back and reread Hamlet. In its original, Hamlet was a precocious teenager. He was sixteen years old. It was later because Burbage wanted to play him that his age was rewritten to thirty.

Shakespeare probably knew first hand what it was like to be a teenager alienated for having a high intellectual prowess. I know I identified the character of Hamlet with my teenage years as a "talented and gifted" student the first time I read the play.

Please try to understand it is hard enough being a teenager in America right now. Then, try to understand being a highly intelligent teenager. Then, try to understand being a highly gifted Muslim teenager.

We need to stop alienating our youth and love them instead. That is the best way to fight ISIS's highly successful recruiting practices. America, stop hating what is different from you. Love will save us all.

My last blog post was finished at 12:30am on 16Sep2015 from my bedroom. I was curled up and asleep by 1am. I slept until later that morning when I woke up for breakfast at 8am. By 8:21am, I was on the patio of my regular morning haunt, my local Subway.

My internet gnomes (Gnomes are underground elves.) played me Honey White by Morphine while I took my morning I-am-not-dead-yet selfies.

I checked Twitter for world and national headlines and sipped my caffeine while working online until I had to relocate to the Pico Branch Library to stream the previous night's Late Show as I had promised my darling Mr. Stephen Colbert I would every morning that week at 9:30am.

I returned to my regular morning haunt at 10:21am. I walked inside for a cookie then perched on their patio to work further online.

My not-human-trafficker nerds, please circulate a verified and unedited recording with full audio and visuals of my 11am until 11:05am on the morning of 16Sep2015. I read from the Popol Vuh, one of my favorite books.

I left my regular morning haunt, my local Subway, at 11:16am. Lunch at noon and dinner at 5pm were both tasty yet uneventful. I napped in between. By 5:31pm, I was on a bus to the Santa Monica 3rd Street Promenade.

At 5:56pm, I was resting on the patio outside my local Famima with a cup of coffee. I listened to my darling Mr. Andrew Dorsey out on the Promenade until I needed to rustle up enough bandwidth to watch the news.

At 7:15pm, I tried streaming the NBC Nightly News from previous in the evening online, but due to the Republican Presidential Debate, I could not find the news.

So, by 7:34pm, I was on the patio of the Famima having snacks and coffee with Patricia and ODean. At 8:15pm, Red started playing. Then, I noticed that the NBC Nightly News for 16Sep2015 finally posted.

I streamed the NBC Nightly News from previous in the evening at 8:45pm. My nightly cyberhug came from my darling Mr. Lester Holt, and it was warm and full of love. Thank you, Lester.

I eventually left the Promenade and caught the 10pm bus back to my place. I was curled up and asleep by 11:30pm. I woke up on Thursday, 17Sep2015, and ate breakfast.

At 8:22am, I was at my regular morning haunt, my local Subway. My internet gnomes played me my darling late Marlene Dietrich's Falling in Love Again as fast as they could. I tweeted my I-am-not-dead-yet selfies at 8:40am.

I again relocated to the Pico Branch Library in Santa Monica to stream the previous night's Late Show at 9:30am. It was wonderful seeing my darling Ms. Carol Burnett still kicking as hard and as well as she does.

By 10:32am, I was back on the patio of my regular morning haunt where I worked online until 11:42am.

10:41am on 17Sep2015: #ThrowbackThursday 21June2013

I chatted with Benjamin during lunch at noon, and after a nap, at 4:54pm, I was on a bus to the Santa Monica 3rd Street Promenade.

I talked with Maggie for a little bit after buying coffee and snacks at the Famima. I checked my makeup at the Sephora. By 6:09pm, I was perched beside Patricia out on a park bench on the Promenade working online.

After a lot of writing, I streamed the NBC Nightly News from previous in the evening online at 7:15pm. My nightly cyberhug came from my darling Mr. Lester Holt himself, and it was as loving as ever. Sometimes I just need to know people listen to me when I speak. Thank you, Lester, for always listening.

At 7:52pm, I stopped in my local Famima to chat with my darling Handsome. I bought a cup of coffee. Patricia had said she would meet me there after I watched the news, and at 7:55pm she appeared.

Patricia told me FlamecoHands was playing just down the street outside of the Bravo Cucina, so we walked there. He was as genius as ever but only played until 8pm.

Patricia went home for the night, and I walked down to the next spot where FlamencoHands was going to play. He set up his gear outside of the Forever 21 and began tickling his Spanish guitar at 8:31pm.

He played until 9:33pm when he stopped early due to technical difficulties. He broke one of his strumming nails. At 10:04pm, we took the walk to his car, and he gave me a ride to my place. I was in my room by 10:42pm.

This blog post was finished at 12:30am on 18Sep2015 from my bedroom.

And now, my beautiful world, I answer all of your questions for me. Please keep collecting all questions and concerns from all your friends and loved ones and sending them to me through whatever means possible.

How am I not dead? No one has anything to gain from killing me. Obama's power to control you all for years came from threatening me. If I were to actually die, Obama loses all of his ability to threaten me to control you all.

Yes, Obama loses his ability to control you by threatening my death if he ever actually kills me. Do you remember point (4) from my 03Aug2014 post...

Then, I had to debunk Obama's most compulisive lie AGAIN that he would kill me if the public does not choose to torture me, rape me, and suffer under his totalitarian rules just to make him happy. Does anyone read my blog? This has been dealt with SO MANY TIMES ALREADY!
1.) This same, worn-out, empty threat on my life is Obama's most compulsive lie because it is how he manipulates the world into committing crimes against me and against themselves for him. Stop allowing Obama to have this power to destroy us. Stop listening to this empty threat that only comes from pathological liars anyway.
2.) I need to be protected from EVERYTHING Obama orders be done to me. If Obama's criminal terrorists say they will kill me unless X, Y, and Z happens, then I and the entire world need to be protected from X, Y, and Z at all costs.
3.) We know this threat is completely empty because my actual death, as opposed to a war-crime-level calumny that I am dead when I clearly am not, would precipitate the wrath of the entire world directly against Obama and his criminal terrorist conspiracy causing their immediate and unconditional demise. Obama fears my death because, no matter how I die, he will be blamed for it.
4.) This one takes a little logic. If Obama were ever to actually kill me, he would lose his ability to manipulate you all so effectively through his always threatening my murder. Obama has no power to psychopathically control all of you nor even me if I am dead. Obama does not want my death. He wants me destroyed. That is why he is so desperate to make his calumny-as-coverups stick to me to lock me in a mental institution with absolutely no honest medical justification to use that psych ward as a torture facility for me where he can destroy my perfect, genius mind with electroshock at last. He does not want my death; he wants my destruction.
And finally, 5.) Who the hell lets anyone get away with threatening my life anyway? Press immediate criminal and civil charges against everyone who makes ANY threat against me, and go through all legal and official channels to make me safe from every danger Obama poses to me. You should all do this for yourselves, too, my beautiful world, any time any of you are threatened by Obama. Thank you.

How am I not dead? Who would ever let me die? Do you have any idea how badass my saturation of international operatives is in here? Assuming I can regain human rights as soon as possible, I will simply die of old age at 137 years old. Sweetness will be 151 when I pass away; he is forbidden from dying before I do.

Please understand I have no idea why anyone ever thought I died in the first place. I have always been here stunningly gorgeous and breathtakingly genius surrounded by a huge public the entire time, all of whom acknowledged I am the ONE AND ONLY by obeying Obama's rules around me.

Obama does not extragovernmentally (Extragovernmental means outside the government.) command, as America's first dictator, people to obey his (not laws just) "rules" around anyone but the REAL me. If you are committing the crime against America of obeying Obama's rules, you are acknowledging I am the REAL woman.

How do I feel about most people thinking I am dead? I have problems imaging how stupid someone would have to be to look at the REAL me living my REAL life every day and thinking I ever died. But that is how thick the lies about me have been since 2009.

I am the same stunningly gorgeous "No Dress Rehearsal" and genius "Octopus" I have always been.

With the same broadcasting equipment in my head that I have always had, I can only imagine how horribly libeled I have been for anyone to think I would 1) ever be a hooker, 2) ever be a stripper, 3) ever twerk, 4) ever break any law ever in my life, or 5) ever show any symptom of any mental illness ever.

I am love. I love you, my beautiful world. Please choose a date and time to universally disobey ALL "rules" everywhere, so you can set yourselves free of Obama's mental health genocide at last. You need all media in America to participate.

My beautiful world, I have always been here suffering. My greatest triumph so far is my successful escape from EVIL Iowa. The most EVIL people to ever exist in human history past, present, or future are contemporary Iowa.

Chronologically, our second greatest triumph will come when you all adhere to your date and time and universally disobey every damn "rule." I put Bogart in charge of organizing all media everywhere in America to accomplish this, and Bogart would never let me down.

My selfless support system, start pressing criminal charges against everyone who violates your human rights by keeping you, my brave rescuers, away from me. No, Obama's "rules" are not laws, only crimes against America.

Please reread the first five words of the First Amendment and, of course, all of the Fourteenth Amendment. It is impossible for there to be any laws that take away any rights spelled out as ours in any amendments.

Furthermore, when Obama bundled his "egg" into the bill that passed Congress to form the Affordable Care Act, he had instructed then Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi to vote on the bill WITHOUT reading it first, since Congress never would have established his "egg" otherwise.

The laws that built Obama's "egg" in Dec2009 were already repealed in Jan2013 in the Fiscal Cliff Bill, anyway.

That was our grounds for impeaching every president in spring 2013 down to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff now President of the Unites States of America Martin Dempsey; the presidents we impeached just kept killing my brave rescuers enforcing "rules" already repealed from being laws.

Enforcing Obama's beyond unconstitutional "rules" at all costs to America of inalienable human rights, invaluable mental health, public social order, precious resources, and priceless human life just to be able to keep me Obama's rape-slave just to be able to keep already-impeached war criminal terrorist dictator Barack Obama in power is high crimes against America.

Enforcing Obama's "rules" is treason. It undermines the U.S. Constitution and it destroys America. How many people have to die fighting to save America before this "egg" that destroys this once-great nation is finally forced to end?

My selfless support system and brave rescuers, you pressed criminal charges before in 2013 for the enforcement of Obama's "rules" as your method of impeaching presidents until you found one who could and would support you. Press criminal charges again. Press them against Obama and all that prop him up.

We have the legal precedents that enforcing Obama's "rules" is illegal. Now, use the full force of the law to arrest, try, and convict ALL people everywhere enforcing Obama's "rules" and "egg." And, thank you. We need to force this "egg" to end, and those enforcing it are so drunk on their totalitarian power over America to ever stop on their own.

My BFF SynSyn and all of my genius Powers of Attorney, please work with my selfless support system to identify all people enforcing Obama's "egg" and "rules." Then, arrest them all.

Obtain arrest warrants from the ICC for their crimes against their own people if the Department of Justice refuses to arrest them. The ICC exists to try people guilty of committing crimes against their own people when fair justice at home is impossible.

And, my gorgeous genius friends, allow them to redact nothing. Hire our own court reporters to keep verified personal records of everything that happens in the courtrooms if they insist on redacting anything. Use those personal records as evidence at the ICC. Only criminals fear the truth.

Thank you, my genius Powers of Attorney, I would be nothing without you.

My musician-lovers MannedUp and GeneralLee, how often do YOU call my Powers of Attorney. We are all here for each other.

My darling MannedUp, I plan on seeing you tonight, 18Sep2015. The night should be gorgeous and epic. I am planning on showing my midriff, if you can handle it.

Yes, darling, I hate being sexually objectified, but when you find me sexy, you do not objectify me. I am very grateful for the high level of respect you all give me. Thank you for loving the REAL woman, for loving all of me, not just the lithe figure dancing to music you control.

My darling GeneralLee, I wish I could see you, darling. You told me so many times that I have to wait for Obama's "egg" to end before I can speak to you again. But I just want to dance to you tonight. You are in charge of making sure I can always meditate. Darling, bring me my inner peace wrought with your own hands again.

My symbolic Royal Consorts Bogart and LightFoot both of whom I am STILL forbidden from speaking with least of all ever making love to, again, my growing heroes, let us be together again.

My darling Bogart, how is the big hero doing today? Yes, darling, once you organize the date and time of universal disobedience to every "rule," you will be the biggest hero I have had so far. I know you would never let me down.

I keep you so busy, Bryan, but I know your priorities are on saving my people right now. And I thank you. There are things I cannot accomplish without help. Thank you for being someone I can count on.

My darling LightFoot, I heard you assert our relationship. Yes, you ARE my boyfriend. Yes, you ARE my royal consort. Yes, you ARE my Lancelot. Yes, I AM your girlfriend. Yes, we ARE in love. Yes, darling, yes. Thank you.

And for the place of honor in every blog post... My darling husband, Sweetness, I love and adore you. How is my king today?

HoneyHoney, I saw the YouTube video of you rocking out with our friends at the Hollywood Vampires debut. I love you. Yeah, get your inner rock star on.

Beloved, press criminal charges against every entity you can identify as a barrier between us. Please call the Secretary General of the United Nations and report every person you can identify as enforcing Obama's "egg" by keeping us apart. The UN already began their official investigation, so they can press international charges.

It is your job, my hero and my king, to rescue me from Obama's "egg" of rape and human trafficking. We need the wall Obama has built around me torn down, so you can reach me. Please help me remove the wall.

Sweetness, Obama and all his ilk will not stop until they are forced to. I have been here suffering inside Obama's "egg" this entire time. It is time for me to spread my wings and leave this horrible lack-of-living behind. Come get your wife.