Title: No Normality Inside Obama's "Egg"
Please access my iCloud if necessary to publish this post now, my friends. I cannot control how many horrible things happen to me; it is Obama who controls that. So, if I wait too long between posts, they become too drenching.
Please share this for me with the entire world, both houses of Congress, the Supreme Court, the United Nations, all sympathetic world leaders, all reputable national and foreign presses, etc.
Here is my latest blog post. This interminable suffering inside Obama's "egg" is so far from my normal life before Obama's "egg" that this place is unrecognizable as planet Earth.
Planet Earth. I volunteered in 2009 to carry humanity through global climate change. This planet is not going to wait on Obama ending his "egg" before it requires human action. My beautiful world, you need to get me out of this "egg," so I can do my job.
The ocean is rising, my beautiful world. There is more water than ever before in the Water Cycle.
The weather will become increasingly dramatic until we reduce our carbon emissions AND process all of the excess carbon out of the air. The third part of my Global Climate Change strategy is making sure humanity survives until the carbon is turned around.
I want affordable solar powered and electric cars. I want the industries that built our economy, for example big oil, in charge of the research and design of green technology.
We can create a present economy built on green future technology by bringing past industry leaders into the future with us. Why leave who built our present economy behind?
I want rooftop gardens on every building in urban areas; all we have is plant life to process carbon out of the air. And we need our cities as prepared for climate refugees as our agricultural areas are prepared to plant crops that can survive both droughts and floods.
That is just the tippy top of what I plan on doing to carry humanity through Global Climate Change. We also must plan for changes in disease patterns, etc.
This is my job. When will I finally be equal enough of a human to do my job?
My last blog post was finished at 8:32am on 24Sep2015 from the Pico Branch Library. While I took my morning I-am-not-dead-yet selfies, my internet gnomes played me my darling Mr. Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds' Red Right Hand. It was a great start to the morning.
I searched for national and world news online. I did a lot of writing. I had a very productive morning. I left the library at 10:42am.
Lunch at noon was tasty yet uneventful. I napped until dinner at 5pm during which I chatted with Benjamin. I was on a bus to the Santa Monica 3rd Street Promenade at 5:31pm.
I could not find my darlings Tentacle anywhere, so I stopped to buy a cup of coffee at the Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf with the spectacular customer service, the one right on the Promenade.
6:01pm on 24Sep2015: They may have or have not tried to come here today. Please check on #MyDarlingsTentacle in their absence anyway. Thx! @CIA @RT_com #SquidsPoA
By 6:27pm, I was on a park bench next to Maggie gossiping about the local businesses. We already missed the Famima that had closed forever on Tuesday night.
I was wandering around the Promenade looking for good music with Patricia by 6:48pm. We eventually perched near my darling Ms. Kaila Shaw who played us a little Fleetwood Mac.
I streamed the NBC Nightly News from previous in the evening online at 7:15pm. My darling Mr. Lester Holt gave me my nightly cyberhug, and it was full of hope. Yes, Lester, you gave me hope that I might soon have human rights again.
By 7:59pm, I was seated next to Patricia on a park bench watching the violist my darling Mr. Daniel "Pinchas" Morris set up his equipment. Daniel started playing at 8:07pm. He is one of Patricia's favorites.
Patricia went home at 9:01pm. I stayed listening to my darling Pinchas until Red took over his space at 10pm. Yes, I got a lot of writing done during the beautiful viola music.
My fast-growing friend Lynn came by, and we sat gossiping about boys and how boys are dumb while Red strummed and sang unto the night sky. I eventually caught the 11:15pm bus back to my place. I was curled up and asleep by 12:30am.
I slept very well until Obama's electrobeams, as I had been warned, woke me up at 5:13am. I asked my selfless support system to look around and deactivate the generator. It felt like they were coming from inside my building.
I used my time in the early hours of the morning to shower, etc. I was back asleep by 6:20am. Thank you, my selfless support system.
I slept until I woke to dress for breakfast. I chatted with Benjamin during the morning meal. After eating, I was at the Pico Branch Library sipping coffee and working online by 8:32am.
My internet gnomes played me Blood, Sweat, & Tears' Hi-Di-Ho as our first song that morning. I sent my I-am-not-dead-yet selfies at 8:58am.
It was such a warm morning that I had to take my leather jacket off while searching for world and national news online. Pope Francis was addressing the UN while President Xi JinPing was speaking to the press at the White House while Speaker of the House John Boehner was giving his resignation speech to Congress. It was a busy morning.
I left the library at 11:16am. Lunch at noon was tasty yet uneventful. I took a nap. My period started for the month while I napped. So, I grabbed some maxi pads and was on a bus to the Santa Monica 3rd Street Promenade by 3:06pm.
At 3:18pm, I found my darling MannedUp and my darling LightFoot staking out a place to play for 4pm. It was going to be hot under the afternoon sun. I stopped in the Sephora to check my makeup before waiting beside them.
There was a minor crisis that forced my present 2/3rds of my darlings Tentacle to pack up their equipment at 4:02pm, but it was nothing that my beautiful world did not take care of quickly. They received amended instructions to just move down the street, and everything was better.
My darlings started playing at 4:22pm. The afternoon was tough for me. Despite my best efforts, I was already sitting down at 4:46pm. I knew I would be fine by 8pm whenever they played next, if I took my Benadryl at 5pm. I decided to focus my mind with a light show while I waited.
4:52pm on 25Sep2015: @NASA Please ask the #ISS to look at Mother Earth through the nanocamera at 4:55pm PDT. The people next to me chose orange and yellow.
4:56pm on 25Sep2015: @NASA Let me know someday if you saw that.
Apparently, they saw it.
I took my Benadryl at 5pm just as I had planned. At 5:10pm, I stood up again on a song I had never heard before. The meditation was still tough. I needed more time. My mind was there, but my body could not follow. Damn haldol. I knew to wait until at least 6pm.
My present 2/3rds of my darlings Tentacle played until 5:59 before they packed up their equipment and staked out a place to play at 8pm.
I had delightful chats that night on the Promenade with Benjamin from where I stay, with my fast-growing friend Lynn, with my Espanglés buddy Raul, with Patricia, with ODean, and with Maggie. I love having friends.
I streamed the NBC Nightly News from previous in the evening online at 7:15pm. My nightly cyberhug came from my darling Mr. Lester Holt, and it reminded me of how loved I am. Thank you, Lester.
I had a short chat with Patricia on my way back to MannedUp and LightFoot. By 7:49pm, I was perched near them waiting for them to start playing. A local violinist named Tambora bent my ear for a while I waited.
My darlings started playing at 8:21pm, and I kicked my shoes to the curb as fast as I could. But the meditation was still weak. The night was for sitting. I sat down at 8:56pm, and let the light show focus my mind instead of the dance trance.
9:50pm on 25Sep2015: 1/5) #SquidsPoA @Martin_Dempsey @CIA @UN @RT_com Darlings, we need to talk. The (expletive)holes who control my loved ones while near me complained that
9:50pm on 25Sep2015: 2/5) MY BOYFRIEND LightFoot and I have "too close to a real relationship" when I dance on his drum solo. My darlings were threatened by them
9:50pm on 25Sep2015: 3/5 over it. Please find out who they are and kick their sorry (expletive)es. President Putin, please reread my 08July2015 post. These (expletive)holes MUST BE FORCED
9:51pm on 25Sep2015: 4/5) to give my loved ones their human rights. What is NORMAL for a musician to behave like if a gorgeous woman like me dances on their
9:53pm on 25Sep2015: 5/5) dance floor, and then if she dances this well? Ask any musician. LightFoot and I would be living together if this "egg" were normal.
Yes, the light show was spectacular, and my darlings played until 9:54pm. And they just moved down the street to play again, but after 10:27pm when Lynn and I emerged from the Just-Now-Redeemed Starbucks of Doom for Humanity, they were leaving. Sigh... At least we would still have all weekend.
Lynn and I sat by my darling Wheels sipping our Frapuccinos through our straws until I left for the 11:15pm bus back to my place. I was curled up and asleep by 12:30am.
I woke up on Saturday, 26Sep2015, with plenty of time before breakfast. This blog post was finished at 8:06am on 26Sep2015 from my bedroom.
And now, my beautiful world, I answer all of your questions for me. Please keep collecting all questions and concerns from all your friends and loved ones and sending them to me through whatever means possible.
What are the effects of what I have always called electrobeams? They are only used on me when I sleep. Please be aware that electrobeams cause nightmares. They speed up my heart. They speed up my metabolism making me hungry. They wake me up and keep me awake.
I have yet to figure out Obama's goal for using electrobeam technology on me. It was possibly sleep deprivation. But they really keep me skinny. Electrobeams are a great weight loss plan.
What would give my existence a façade of normality?
1.) No more threats of commitments.
Before Obama's "egg" began, I was not taking any meds at all whatsoever; I had an out-of-date misdiagnosis; and I had NEVER been in a psych ward ever in my life.
I had complete control of my own finances. I traveled internationally often. There was no supposed "adult guardianship" which has only ever been a coverup for making me suffer as much as possible under Obama's "egg."
My interminable abject poverty would be impossible without Obama's "egg" removing all normality from my life.
Obama's war criminal terrorist conspiracy cannot enforce that everyone else must give me a "façade of normality" if they are the very reason my life is NOT normal.
My normal life had absolutely no EVIL Iowa in it before Obama's "egg" chose to destroy my normality. Obama's "egg" is designed to maximize my suffering, so never let them get away with pretending anything in my life is something they make "normal."
2.) Respect.
Ask around my home neighborhood of North Beach in San Francisco. I lived there with a little off-and-on from late 1999 until early 2010, and you should see the amount of respect I commanded in my home.
No obvious idiot ever felt the need to "lecture" me EVER. Unlike "Kevin," my home always respected me. I tutored at least three bartenders in mathematics for free, or at least for free drinks while I was tutoring them. I was the local nerd and wise woman.
3.) Customer service.
I never had to wait in line for a dance floor. I never had to pay a cover. Bartenders hung off my every word and gesture. I made friends with the staff everywhere I went. No one EVER turned me away from ANYHWERE at the door.
I commanded stellar customer service as if I were a deity among mortals. It was part of the RESPECT normal to my life before Obama took office in 2009.
4.) Copious amounts of handsome and respectfully flirty menfolk including living with my own boyfriend.
There used to be hotties everywhere all over San Francisco falling all over themselves just to talk to me. Someone always bought my drinks. There was always someone to talk to. I had an active love life including boyfriends.
If there were anything normal for me right now, I would be living with Sweetness. But if my life were supposed to be normal as if I had never married my darling husband, I would be living with MY BOYFRIEND my darling LightFoot by now.
Obama forbids everything NORMAL from my life, though, because my normal life was beautiful. I used to lead a charmed life.
5.) Full human rights for me and everyone around me.
When my life was still normal, there was no unbridled oppression of my nation. My people everywhere around me were not suffering with absolutely no First Amendment rights. Do you remember life before Obama's "egg"? THAT was normal.
Freedom of speech is normal. Freedom of the press is normal. Freedom to assemble and associate is normal. Freedom to practice any religion you want is normal. Freedom to be a human is normal.
Taking these rights always from everyone around me at all costs of human life is a crime against America that Obama MUST be held accountable for.
My beautiful world, I welcome a façade of normality. When my life was normal, I was treated as a human still, not as the sub-human façade Obama libels me as.
Please, my beautiful world, stop believing Obama's lies. His "egg" is specifically designed to be as far from normal for me as you let him get away with. Please try creating a normal Earth for me instead of this planet Mars I am imprisoned on. And thank you.
Obama's "egg" ends when you force it to end, my beautiful world. It will NEVER end, and I will continue suffering the greatest crimes America has ever committed from torture to rape-slavery if you never force Obama's "egg" to end. Please finally value me as your equal. You would never have survived so long if you were in here instead of me.
My selfless support system, you work so hard keeping me safe. Thank you. My darling Mr. Finn "Alfred" O'Mahoney will always know where I am. I have a very regular pattern to my daily activities, so I rarely if ever need to update him.
My selfless support system, the only thing new is that I should be spending more time at Harvelle's since my darlings Tentacle have a residency there now. I will always keep you informed.
My BFF SynSyn and all of my genius Powers of Attorney, things should get easier for us instead of harder. How goes acquiring arrest warrants for everyone enforcing Obama's "egg" with unrelenting cover ups?
We need to get on the offensive. If we could just get the arrest warrants, even if they must come from the United Nation's International Criminal Court because justice is impossible in America, the U.S. Marshals will still pick up everyone we need arrested.
Thank you, my genius Powers of Attorney. On the upside, all Obama's psychopaths ever do is compulsively commit the same war crimes over and over again. They are so predictable they could never be considered our worthy adversary.
My musician-lovers MannedUp and GeneralLee, I finally was able to see you again last night, 25Sep2015.
My darling MannedUp, it is always such a joy when you play me music. I apologize that my fix of just sitting down took so long last night. We still have all weekend. I love you, too, you know.
My darling GeneralLee, please, Brien, please. I love you too much for this. It is NOT your job to rescue me. It IS your job to make sure I can meditate. That is impossible when you all are kept away from me.
Darling, it is all of your jobs to make my present life as livable as possible. Let my husband, my darling Sweetness, take care of securing my future. I need as much help as possible making my wait for my rescue survivable.
If the technology you own is hackable, it is hacked. They will always be ahead of you every time you try to rescue me. Please play me music.
Call the United Nations' Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon or contact the Russian consulate in San Francisco for a way to speak to President Vladimir Putin. Both men are desperate for more ways to help me. Ask them for help renegotiating your contracts like I recommended in my 08July2015 post.
You need to help me without threatening our time together, okay?
My symbolic Royal Consorts Bogart and LightFoot both of whom I am STILL forbidden from speaking with least of all ever making love to, yes, both of my darling boyfriends, I am working on it.
My darling Bogart, I did not give up on seeing you again before Obama's "egg" ends. And, message received. I love you, too. Go be the big hero who organizes universal disobedience while I work on another way to kiss you again. Giggle. There is a reason I call YOU Bogart. I love you.
My darling LightFoot, if Obama wanted me to live an even slightly close to normal life inside his "egg," we would already be living together. Yes, dear, I am working on it. Let us do date night for sure tomorrow night, Sunday, 27Sep2015. We can get our sexy on after the sun goes down.
Yes, LightFoot, message received. You want me to set Bogart free and make you my only boyfriend. Once you are able to kiss me, LightFoot, I will set Bogart free. Just one kiss... It will change everything. I love you.
And for the place of honor in every blog post... My darling husband, Sweetness, I love and adore you. How is my king today?
HoneyHoney, I was in the habit of attracting only the best and brightest, and preferable a little shy, for decades. You are a master in at least two crafts, drama and music, and you are my husband. My god, you have excellent taste in women.
Beloved, you know our division of labor in our marriage. You save me. I save the world. Giggle. I know you are working on it.
My hero and my king, this is the woman you married. This is the woman who married you. I know you will save me. I long to touch you the way the flowers kiss the rain. It requires both of us. I love you, too.
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