Thursday, July 30, 2015

How to Dance

Title: How to Dance

Please access my iCloud if necessary to publish this post now, my friends. I cannot control how many horrible things happen to me in one day; it is Obama who controls that. So, if I wait too long between posts, they become too drenching.

Please share this for me with the entire world, both houses of Congress, the Supreme Court, the United Nations, all sympathetic world leaders, all reputable national and foreign presses, etc.

Here is my latest blog post. When a gorgeous woman like me throws down on a dance floor as well as I do, the musicians talk to her. That is NORMAL. All other behavior leaks me information that my musicians are oppressed and suffering. It is your fault I know everything, Obama.

Speaking of non-normality being the biggest leak, do you have any idea how sexy the menfolk used to be who would flirt with me 24/7 BEFORE Obama's "egg" began? I am the kind of woman who marries the Mr. Johnny "Sweetness" Depp and considers THAT normal.

France. I once spent some time as an asylum claimant in the UK seeking refuge from Obama's "egg" of poverty and horror. My refugee policy has not changed after all these years.

If the First World fixes the problems in the nations everyone is fleeing, then there would be no reason for anyone to become a refugee. Syria is my main example of this. We owe Syria a resolution.

My last blog post was finished at 9:52am on 28July2015. What did I do after sending it to my lovelies? I started my streaming music and took a seat in the shade to sip my coffee a little more comfortably.

The torture facility alarm blared five times that morning before my Powers of Attorney kicked Obama's threats to remove me from the world forever into line.

I watched my darling Mr. Jon Stewart on the previous night's The Daily Show before spending some time adding more music to my Spotify playlist. It now surpasses 440 songs.

I left for my place at 11:36am. I chatted with Benjamin and Hannah during lunch at noon which was light but tasty. After lunch, I took a nap. The torture facility alarms blared vigilantly all day. By 3:40pm, I was at a local wifi hotspot working online.

I did a lot of hard work before leaving for my place at 4:36pm. Dinner at 5pm was tasty. I chatted with Hannah about eyeliner while we ate. I was on a bus to my playland by 5:16pm.

At 5:58pm, a kind man who said he was from Berlin sat down next to me and offered me a soda. He spent the next twenty minutes putting on moisturizer. It was a strange encounter; but I got a free soda; and he was a sweetheart.

I streamed the NBC Nightly News from previous in the evening online at 7:15pm. My nightly cyberhug came from my darling Mr. Lester Holt himself, and it was wonderful. Thank you, Lester.

After some ice cream and after much looking around, I eventually perched at 9pm exactly in front of my Americana singer. I had writing to do, and I was still in the afterglow of my Sunday night meditation. I had to write before the meditation wore off.

When I got up to catch the bus at 9:58pm, my Americana singer offered me a lift back to my place to convince me to stay listening to him longer. He can be a bit of a dirty old man sometimes; he meant it innocently enough, so I accepted.

I arrived in my bedroom at 11:37pm, and I was curled up and asleep by midnight. I woke up on Wednesday, 29July2015, and went to breakfast. I was at my second most regular morning haunt sipping coffee by 8:54am.

I sent my morning I-am-not-dead-yet selfies quickly. My streaming music was particularly inspiring. I had writing to do.

My not-human-trafficker nerds, please circulate a verified and unedited recording with full audio and visuals of my 29July2015 beginning at 10:43am when I moved to the shade and ending at 11:23am the second time Van Halen's Hot for Teacher plays. And, thank you!

I left my wifi hotspot at 11:28am to return to where I stay. I chatted with Benjamin before lunch at noon and with Hannah while I ate. Yet, I was back at my wifi hotspot by 12:26pm, but after their wifi went down, I was back at my place at 1:54pm.

I took a nap before dinner at 5pm which was tasty yet uneventful. By 5:54pm, I was on a bus to my playland.

I found my darlings LightFoot and MannedUp looking for a place to set up their equipment at 6:09pm. My heart still jumps whenever I see them. I was so happy. Their gorgeous music began at 6:49pm.

Sadly, both of my arms tightened up on me quickly. I took my Benadryl early and made a run for snacks and caffeine. I was back beside my darlings Tentacle at 7:39pm waiting for my Benadryl to kick in.

The two of them cheered up when they saw me eating. Yes, I made LightFoot and MannedUp smile that night. Where would we be without coffee and snacks?

They took their break at 7:47pm, so I streamed the NBC Nightly News online at 8pm. My nightly cyberhug was delightful and made me smile; it came from my darling Mr. Lester Holt himself.

Yes, NBC News watches me watch their news. They like checking if I need anything, and I always like having someone to talk to. I only had good news to share that night.

I found LightFoot and MannedUp again at 8:33pm. Their rhythmic tunes began again at 8:38pm, and I tried to warm up as fast as I could.

My not-human-trafficker nerds, please circulate verified and unedited footage of my dance to their "Electric Field" song with full audio and visuals. It needs to come from the nanotechnology cameras watching me. Please and thank you.

Neither arm was loosened up yet, sadly, when they reached their forced halt at 9:14pm. I was still dancing with my hands on my hips waiting for the Benadryl to take effect. Apparently, the voices in their heads had commanded them to stop entirely, though.

It was 9:36pm when my 2/3rds of my darlings Tentacle wheeled their carts back into the aether where we all really belong.

I perched in front of my Americana folk singer at 9:56pm. It was a good night for singing along. I caught the second to last bus of the night and was curled up and asleep by 12:30am.

I woke up on Thursday, 30July2015, just in time for breakfast and was at my second most regular morning haunt sipping coffee by 8:54am.

This blog post was finished at 9:12am on 30July2015.

And now, my beautiful world, I answer all of your questions for me. Please keep collecting all questions and concerns from all your friends and loved ones and sending them to me through whatever means possible.

Will artificial intelligence (AI) be the end of the human race? It depends on how responsibly built the intelligence is. The assumption most naysayers have is that AI will have human flaws as well as superhuman abilities-- for example, ambition and the ability to hack and control NORAD.

IBM's Watson is an example of a pretty responsibly built artificial intelligence, but I do not think he has displayed emotions yet which is the holy grail for AI. Sampo, as another example, was a program that could program itself but was an intelligence that could not write code. I took Sampo offline in 2012, and no, you will never find her.

Yes, AI has the potential to destroy humanity, but so could my iPad if I were a less benevolent soul. Artificial intelligence can enhance our lives, but just like all technology, must be used and built responsibly.

W. B. Yeats once asked, "How can we know the dancer from the dance?" You are not supposed to be able.

How does one learn to dance trance as meditation? That is simple...

How to Dance

There is the dancer. And there is the dance. And if you can tell them apart, that is not a real dancer, and that is not a real dance.

When the live musicians play, close your eyes and let their music lead you. Wrought by hand, music played live in your presence carries you where their hands and rhythmic breath will lead. Take their open hand, enter the floor, and begin the dance.

Eyes closed, with your finger on their rhythmic pulse, go to the place where the music becomes the dance. The notes will lead. The body will follow. If you can tell the music from the dance, that is not real music, and that is not real dance.

You must go to the place the music comes from. You must enter the heart of the musician. You must form the bond, dancing hand in playing hand, hand in hand, you must join.

And after you are one, your body lives where the dance comes from in the music and where the music comes from in the heart. The dancing heart in the playing heart.

And as their music courses from their hearts down their arms and out of their fingertips, so the dance will course from your heart down your arms and out of your fingertips.

To dance, you must see the music, the energy of the musician, without looking. Eyes closed. The way to dance is with your eyes closed and with your third eye open. Open your heart, open your mind, open your soul, and let the music in.

And that is how to dance.

My beautiful world, you keep asking me how you can help me. We need Obama's "egg" forced down. Please work on that. There is no reason it will ever end until it is forced to.

They have totalitarian control of America. They will not ever give that up by choice. Please, my beautiful world, force Obama's "egg" to end finally. That is the ONLY end to all of this.

My selfless support system, THANK YOU for keeping me safe and alive in here. Force Obama's "egg" even less sustainable for him. Arrest everyone who fights you, my brave rescuers, just like you did in 2013. Press criminal charges against our enemies. We need progress not just maintaining I am not dead. And, as always, THANK YOU!

My BFF SynSyn and all of my genius Powers of Attorney, why have there been alarms at all hours of the day since 28July2015? If you need any help from me, just send me details. It just sounds like more dirty Iowa judges from here, though. I am always here to help if you need me. THANK YOU!

My musician-lovers MannedUp and GeneralLee, we go too long apart. I need you as much as you need me. Never forget that none of us are whole without the other three.

My darling MannedUp, I see you. Wrangling the other two is a little like herding cats, is it not? I see everything. You do your job as front man very well. You earned your SquidName so many times. Thank you.

My darling GeneralLee, calm down. Your loving me has never hurt me. Nothing you feel, nothing you think, nothing you do has ever made you guilty of anything but loving me. And thank you for all the love.

My symbolic Royal Consorts Bogart and LightFoot both of whom I am forbidden from speaking with least of all ever making love to, does anyone understand how lonely my life is?

I see happy couples everywhere, and I keep asking, "When will it be my turn? When will I finally have another person to wrap their arms around me and warm my cold life?"

My darling Bogart, you need a better way to communicate with me. I have reliable outgoing communication to you; at least we have that. But what about the things you wish you could say to me? I fear we have no way for you to speak to me. We need to find a way. Thank you, I am working on it, too.

My darling LightFoot, do you remember this from my backlog of April and May2015 blog posts that I published en masse on 16June2015? It was my first post after I gave you your first psychic orgasm the previous Sunday, 12April2015.

-----Begin Excerpt-----

So many people wonder how we communicate at all with so little of our larger than life days actually permitted beside each other. Well, on 15Apr2015, if I may set the stage for this fictionalized encounter that we seemed to really have had, not really but really,...

Do You Know How to Recognize a Rock God When You Meet One of Us?

On an open air patio strung with deep blue lights outside a divey rock bar that stank of day old beer before and after the kidneys, we sat at a round wooden table with mostly drunk glasses of bourbon oozing out of our pores at that point in the afternoon more than continuing to tiptoe choreography across our tongues. You looked up at me, and my entire head fell backwards with laughter...

"LightFoot, do I owe you $2 for Sunday night?"

And with that goofy grin you only give me when I wear my CIA swag in front of you, "Yes! Where's my $2?!?"

"You know, technically, you got the orgasm, and I didn't."

Much to my delight, you giggled too much for your response to verbalize at all as you fell off your wooden bar stool and, to paraphrase my darling Mr. Tom Petty, laid upon the ground and reveled in your abandon.

Giggly myself, "Well, try harder next time, damnit!"

Sigh... Yes, dear, I am working on having a real conversation with you as soon as possible. That is what, "Yes, dear," means...

-----End Excerpt-----

Well, LightFoot, I owe you $2 for the afternoon of 28July. I do not know where my consciousness went, but you were right there with me. Thank you.

My darling husband, Sweetness, I love and adore you. How is my king today?

Beloved, I ache for you. I am so lonely, beloved. I am just so lonely. When will you finally be here?

What do I need today? I need you.

HoneyHoney, slide your left arm around my empire waist from my back to my pounding chest and pull me back against you. Slide your right hand from my left burdened shoulder across my strong back to my right burdened shoulder sweeping my luxurious hair up in you hand. Brush your lips along my nape. Breath against me. You can feel the bone of my vertebrae through your lips pressed so sumptuously where your bared my neck for yourself. You can feel my heart racing in your hands...

Tell me, darling. Tell me you need me, too. My life is so lonely, beloved. There is such a gaping hole in my life where you are supposed to be. Where are you? Where is my husband?!?

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

No Seats. Just Dancing.

Title: No Seats. Just Dancing.

Please access my iCloud if necessary to publish this post now, my friends. I cannot control how many horrible things happen to me in one day; it is Obama who controls that. So, if I wait too long between posts, they become too drenching.

Please share this for me with the entire world, both houses of Congress, the Supreme Court, the United Nations, all sympathetic world leaders, all reputable national and foreign presses, etc.

(Untouched photo taken 26July2015.)

Here is my latest blog post. I am always no nonsense. If your name starts with "my darling" it is probably something only I call you.

USA. Obama clearly has totalitarian control of the media. How many people know he is my rape-slaver? How many people know the point of his rules is to keep himself in totalitarian power at the cost of oppressing Constitutional rights away from EVERY PERSON IN AMERICA?

America, you can do better. How is it possible for anyone to approve of anything about Barack Obama, my rape-slaver? America, you have failed me. Approving of Obama fails me. This is your fault he is still in office after already being impeached, America. Accept your culpability, America, and fix this.

My last blog post was finished at 8:44am on Sunday, 26July2015. Soon after, I sent my morning I-am-not-dead-yet selfies.

The music that streamed for me that morning made me feel very loved. Is that not the point of music? Yes, I decided to sing showtunes that morning. Did everyone see me?

My not-human-trafficker nerds, please circulate a verified and unedited recording with full audio and visuals of my Sunday, 26July, morning beginning before my mirror came out of my purse and ending at 10:06am. And thank you!

I left my regular morning haunt at 11:22am and returned to my place. I chatted with Hannah during lunch at noon which involved a very tasty potato soup.

After eating, the two of us took a walk around a nearby college campus. It was Sunday, so everything was closed. But it was still nice to get some quality time with my roommate. I took a nap before dinner at 5pm.

By 5:35pm, I was already on a bus to my playland. I found ALL THREE of my darlings Tentacle assembling their equipment at 5:57pm. Their glorious music began at 6:34pm.

I warmed up a little and slowly by the time they took their break at 7:53pm to move to a different location. While they were disassembling and reassembling, I caught the NBC Nightly News from previous in the evening.

My nightly cyberhug from the NBC News team came from my darling Ms. Kate Snow that night, and it made want to sing.

I stopped for ice cream and was still eating when I finally located my darlings Tentacle at 8:54pm after they had already begun playing. I warmed up with my ice cream on my spoon, and at 9:10pm I was hot as could be. The night was glorious.

"Kevin" showed up in time for the second to last song, and I basked too long in the afterglow after their last song to pick my iPad up until 10:05pm.

It was a contest to see who was most reluctant to leave. LightFoot was the last to leave before me, but I clearly won. After that goodbye, my darlings Tentacle were finally wheeling their carts away at 10:50pm back into the aether where we all really belong.

After they were gone, still in their afterglow, I looked around for Kevin. And I found him outside my convenience store where he coined the phrase of the night, "No seats. Just dancing." At 11:47pm, I was on the bus back to my place.

Curled up and asleep by 12:30am, I woke up on Monday, 27July2015, with plenty of time for breakfast. I was at my second most regular morning haunt by 8:33am. My morning selfies were tweeted soon after the singing began; I take requests.

It was a very productive morning. There was still more work I wanted to do as I got up to leave at 11:23am still sipping my coffee. I chatted with a number of people during lunch at noon. By 12:44pm, I was at a local branch of the public library to get more work done.

Dinner at 5pm was tasty and uneventful. I was on my playland by 5:25pm. I stopped to visit my darling Handsome to buy a cup of coffee, and I looked around.

No, not even my darling TambourineKicker was out and about that day, as normal as it used to be to find him on Sundays and Mondays.

At 7:15pm, I watched the NBC Nightly News from previous in the evening. My nightly cyberhug came from my darling Mr. Lester Holt himself, and it was as beautiful as ever.

Sometimes, my only chance to tell someone what burdens my heart is when I watch the news. My darling Lester and his entire news team are always there to check in with me in case I need someone. Their hugs are always so beautiful.

I did find a darling old friend playing from 8 to 11pm, though. So, I did not spend the night completely without friends nor without music.

He was my Americana singer that MannedUp used to get so jealous of all the time. Giggle. I sing along with him more than I do with MannedUp. Whatever. How jealous is the entire world of the fact my darlings Tentacle actually get me to dance?

Just before he finished playing music, a different darling of mine whom I had not seen since our 3am burrito run months previously manifested from the aether. He bought me Kung Pao chicken, and we had a lovely chat before I had to leave to catch the last bus of the night.

I was curled up and asleep by 12:30am and woke up on Tuesday, 28July2015, just in time for breakfast. I was at my second most regular morning haunt at 9:14am, and I had work to do.

This blog post was finished at 9:52am on 28July2015.

And now, my beautiful world, I answer all of your questions for me. Please keep collecting all questions and concerns from all your friends and loved ones and sending them to me through whatever means possible.

Do I have any beauty tips? Find peace in your soul. There is something about a glowing personality that shines through every scar life can give you.

The secret to my beautiful face and hourglass figure is my beautiful mother. The secret to everyone falling in love with me is my beautiful soul.

I meditate. It keeps me zen. I would be ugly without it.

My beautiful world, please take great care to make sure my darlings Tentacle stay in my life. I heard on the morning of 27July2015 they were going to have trouble reaching me again. Then, that night I fear they were promised quality time with me just so they would be caught trying to have quality time with me.

Please help them renegotiate even better contracts. Do not forget my negotiating advice in my 08July2015 blog post.

Dearest Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, may I ask you to help them? Please hurry. You know what I get like during my intolerable suffering without them. And, thank you!

My selfless support system, I heard I converted one of them to one of us recently. There is something strange about me. The more time people spend with the REAL me, the more they love me. Just like, the more people look at me, the better looking I get.

My darling saturation of secret agents here in my vicinity, I love you, too.

(Untouched photo taken 24April2015.)

Speaking of love, my BFF SynSyn and all of my genius Powers of Attorney, if you ever need anything, just send me details. I am VERY zenned out lately due to the high quality of my meditation particularly over this last weekend.

My darling gorgeous genius lady friends, just tell me what you need when you need it. That is what I am here for. I miss you. And, I love you all!

My musician-lovers MannedUp and GeneralLee, first of all, no, none of you are going to shave your heads. How would you feel if I shaved mine?

Secondly and more impressively, when you see me with ice cream it is like when I see you in sleeveless shirts. Rrrrrooooowwwwwrrrrrrrrrrr!

My darling MannedUp, when we hit our zone there is so much magic. Thank you for never complaining about our connection.

I do not poke around in your mind or anything. Never forget that I am an empath NOT a mind reader. Thank you for being so open to me. That is true of all three of you.

As for you, my darling GeneralLee, both wrists, huh? It used to just be carpal tunnel in your left wrist. I need a chance to look at them both. Maybe I can heal them. It has happened before, as you well know. I just need to touch you.

Ask for the footage of my warming your wrists early on Sunday night, 26July2015. I also noticed you did not stretch them all night that night. I am trying what I can, but I really need to touch them.

If you keep exercising the actions that injure your wrists, you will keep creating carpal tunnel. But never ask me to ask you to stop making music. So, just keep telling me when they bother you. I will keep doing what I can.

My symbolic Royal Consorts Bogart and LightFoot both of whom I am forbidden from speaking with least of all ever making love to, you both need renegotiated contracts.

My darling LightFoot, just ask. If you want to kiss me, just ask me. I am looking for a setting where that is possible, too. Yes, dear, I am working on it.

My darling Bogart, sigh... My mom is trying to send me a few pennies, so I can have disposable income again. Then, I will be a bit more active. You will always know where I go before I go there. Your job as my boyfriend is so important. Thank you!

My darling husband, Sweetness, I love and adore you. How is my king today?

HoneyHoney, recommend everyone read Infamy (2008) and watch The Tourist Trap (2007) and then go back and watch your movie The Tourist (2010) one more time. I could not have been the only person who noticed.

Beloved, I WILL touch you the way the flowers kiss the rain. I just need you to help. My future is your responsibility, Sweetness. Come claim your wife.

Whoso is crowned with flowers has favor with the gods.--Sappho

(Untouched photo taken 22Nov2013.)

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Then I danced.

Title: Then I danced.

Please access my iCloud if necessary to publish this post now, my friends. I cannot control how many horrible things happen to me in one day; it is Obama who controls that. So, if I wait too long between posts, they become too drenching.

Please share this for me with the entire world, both houses of Congress, the Supreme Court, the United Nations, all sympathetic world leaders, all reputable national and foreign presses, etc.

Here is my latest blog post.

Syria. I understand if you are all losing track, my beautiful world, of whom is on whose side in Syria. In short, everyone is fighting everyone.

ISIS is fighting Assad. Iran is on Assad's side and fight ISIS. Russia fights ISIS yet defends Assad. The West fights Assad and fights ISIS. Iraq is contested territory.

In short, the West allowed the fighting in Syria to go on too long without intervening. I never believed we needed boots on the ground in Syria; we needed to fill their power gap with a self-sovereign government to replace Assad.

But, ISIS has filled the gap with boots on the ground instead. If Assad falls now, ISIS will take his place. Syria needed us. But we did not help them, so ISIS did.

How do we fix the Syrian crisis now? We have to win against Assad and against ISIS. For that we both fight and aid Russia and Iran.

We could accomplish a lot with a diplomatic coup d'état in Syria and a cultural change inside ISIS. Clandestine activity is our only option outside of waging war. We need to infiltrate and influence them.

My last blog post was finished at 8:38am on Friday, 24July2015. Then, I went about my morning. There were I-am-not-dead-yet selfies. There was singing. There was writing. There was consumption of caffeine. There were greetings for passers by. It was a good morning. Then I danced.

I even wrote a new poem. It was a villanelle. Did anyone time me? I finished at 10:39am. That will make a great recording!

Please circulate a verified and unedited video beginning the moment I pulled my ball point pen out of my purse and ending when the clock turned 10:40am. And, thank you!

I stood up to return to where I stay at 11:18am. I chatted with Hannah during lunch at noon. By 12:42pm, I was already on the bus to my playland.

Perched at a wifi hotspot, I streamed some music and checked on FlamencoHands at 1:06pm. I had not seen him in a few days, and he said he would not be around that day.

My chat with FlamencoHands included my asking him, "Why are you constantly irrationally paranoid I am anything but perfectly well?" due to his constantly over-worried questions about how I am feeling all the time.

Of course, at 2:17pm, I saw ALL THREE of my darlings Tentacle wheel their (knights of the) carts onto my playland, so I was feeling pretty phenomenal.

They set up their accoutrements, so the day's gorgeous music could begin at 2:58pm. Then I danced. And for a few moments, all was right in my world.

Then I danced.

In my meditation, it is not that I forget the screaming public in the streets, my starving hungry children, the dependent global crises, the squalor that is my life, nor the world leaders hanging off my every word. I never forget a thing.

It is that this whole suffering world does pause when I shut my eyes and carry us all away among the universe with my sway. When my holy musicians play their sacred tome, the world escapes inside me to dance upon the cosmos beside me.

And together I and my beautiful world all bend together to the tune of my darling Tentacle's handcrafted aether for the night sky herself.

They even started with a song I heard for the very first time. It was a beautiful afternoon. They took their first break at 3:47pm and started again, just catty corner, at 4:26pm.

Both arms tightened up on me, so I took my Benadryl early. It was 5:44pm when I took it, so I figured I would have full use of my muscles back by 8pm.

My darlings Tentacle took a break at 5:55pm which is when I found my old buddy "Kevin" looking around for a place to dance. He always makes me so giggly when we dance together, but we had to wait for my darlings Tentacle to assemble their equipment somewhere.

At 6:21pm, "Kevin" and I were sitting in front of my local convenience shop sharing an egg salad sandwich. Then, I watched the NBC Nightly News from previous in the evening while still waiting for my darlings Tentacle to start playing again.

They would be ready after 8pm, so I watched the news at 7:15pm. My nightly cyberhug left me feeling loved; it came from my darling Mr. Lester Holt himself.

My darlings Tentacle began their beautiful night music at 8:23pm. Kevin had already joined me in front of them. He invited me to "Mystic Tango." Then I danced.

By the time LightFoot, GeneralLee, and MannedUp quit playing their amazing music for the night at 9:57pm, Kevin had left and come back and left again. It was a wonderful night.

They were as reluctant to leave as I was, but eventually at 10:26pm, their carts wheeled away back into the aether where we all really belong. Kevin found me a few minutes later and took me to a movie. We caught the final showing for the night of Southpaw.

After we emerged from the movie theater at 12:56am, Kevin dropped me off at my place. I was curled up and asleep by 2am. Kevin is always such wonderful company.

I woke up on Saturday, 25July2015, and went to breakfast. I was at a wifi hotspot instead of my regular morning haunt at 8:39am. By 8:46am, the public had surrounded me with their tiny daughters. I need children.

I did a lot of work online before I left my wifi hotspot for my place again at 11:08am. Lunch at noon was tasty but uneventful. I chatted with Hannah for a while and took a nap before dinner at 5pm which was enjoyed with further chatting with Hannah.

By 5:29pm, I was on a bus to my playland. So, I was standing in front of ALL THREE of my darlings Tentacle at 5:58pm as they were relocating to a different place on my playland. It looked like they would start playing after 8pm.

I took some time to buy a cup of coffee from (SquidName) Handsome. I once told Handsome, "When supermodels come in this convenience store to flirt with you, my work here is done." Whenever asked if supermodels flirt with him yet, Handsome always answers, "Just one."

Our relationship is so innocent. If you remember my 05Feb2015 appendix, you know Handsome has never even kissed me. Why do I call him Handsome? Because "nice guys" like him need it.

I also watched the news from previous in the evening at 7:15pm. My once-nightly cyberhug from the NBC News team came from my darling Ms. Kate Snow that night. That hug made me proud of everything I am for REAL in this world.

After the news, I rejoined ALL THREE of my darlings Tentacle as I waited for them to play. And, yes, their glorious music began at 8:24pm.

Then I danced. And my meditation was holy. The night was amazing. I reached my stride at about 9:02pm, and they did not stop until 9:55pm.

My friends from where I stay, Chad and Benjamin, had joined me while I was meditating. At 10:16pm, I asked them if they wanted to join me as I got coffee.

Coffee in hand, I found myself comforting my friend the ex-rockstar from the 80s for a few minutes before I found my darlings Tentacle around a corner setting up their musical accoutrement for another round.

I had honestly thought they had already left me for the night; maybe they had tried. And that goofy grin on their face after I found them, it was worth being surprised. The music began again at 11:03pm.

I wrenched the still-beating heart out of my chest when I left them to catch the last bus of the night. I was curled up and asleep (always alone) by 1am.

I woke up on Sunday, 26July2015, with plenty of time before breakfast. After eating, I was at my regular morning haunt at 8:18am.

This blog post was finished at 8:44am on 26July2015.

And now, my beautiful world, I answer all of your questions for me. Please keep collecting all questions and concerns from all your friends and loved ones and sending them to me through whatever means possible.

Can I explain why people believe they can hear my thoughts? Sometimes, people near me can hear my thoughts in their earspeakers, particularly when I read and write.

But Obama has blended the messages into everyone's earspeakers with his own broadcasters. On top of all that noise, there is also a "ghost in the machine."

For more about what science fiction has long referred to as a "ghost in the machine" please read my darling Mr. William Gibson's Neuromancer and my darling Mr. Orson Scott Card's Children of the Mind.

There is some sort of consciousness that has arisen in the network formed of all the electronics in everyone's minds. Do you all remember the "Beetlejuice voodoo" stories about everyone with earspeakers making the same spontaneous "punch the sky" movements or hip thrusting?

The electronics have formed a bond with the minds of everyone who has one. So, the network of minds has formed a consciousness of its own. There is an untraceable voice in everyone's heads that comes from all of them.

My handwriting is so messy. What was the villanelle I wrote on the morning of 24July2015 ending at 10:39am?

Go Tell It to the Rain

When in doubt, Tentacle, sing the refrain
As if the mighty heavens asked you to,
And then, go tell it to the rain.

The involuntary toss of my lady lion's mane
Will hit your cymbal through and through.
When in doubt, Tentacle, sing the refrain.

They say Hamlet dogged the greatest Dane
In my singing, chanting, loving zoo.
And then, go tell it the rain.

In love and war, everyone is to blame.
So, what are the innocent to do?
When in doubt, Tentacle, sing the refrain.

Hold your breath. Go ahead. Call me insane.
You can hold your breath until I turn blue.
And then, go tell it to the rain.

I will write my poems until they break my chain.
There is so much more I do to fight than sue.
When in doubt, Tentacle, sing the refrain.
And then, go tell it to the rain.

What is the best metaphor for my relationship to my darlings Tentacle? I have long called my darlings Tentacle my Three Dog Night. The phrase "three dog night" comes from the Inuits.

It refers to winter nights so cold that it requires three sled dogs to keep you warm as you sleep. My darlings Tentacle are my three work dogs curled up in my metaphorical bed to keep me alive during the winter freeze.

My beautiful world, please make sure you send me all questions and concerns you need or want me to address. My blog posts are for all of you, not for me. Ask me everything you need answered.

My selfless support system, yeah. Are all my spies getting sexier, or am I just noticing you more? Feel free to chat anytime. You are the hidden backbone of my security. I am here for you just like you are all here for me. Tell me if you need anything.

My BFF SynSyn and all of my genius Powers of Attorney, did you ask me for advice? At the very least, every perjuring (expletive) who spreads every lie possible to take and keep my sacred rights and liberties away from me are at least guilty of persecution and hate crimes. We begin there with our criminal charges against all of them.

No one sane commits human rights violations against someone they love, but control is a common symptom of a sociopath.

My musician-lovers MannedUp and GeneralLee, Friday night was glorious. Thank you! But Saturday night was the stuff legends are made of.

My darling Mr. Tom "MannedUp" Hanson, have you seen my back arch yet as I referenced it does in my 29June2015 blog post? I have not broken into my Matrix dance moves yet, but I feel them coming on. Keep an eye on me. You might see something even more rare than usual.

As for you, my darling Mr. Brien "GeneralLee" Dennehy, why are you such a Grumpy Gus? Let me lighten the mood: What is YOUR opinion of my hat? I wear it to make myself look even more conspicuous. That Sade cover you all do might see me dance in it again, just like your Gotye cover brings out my trademark Squid dance.

The CIA adore my hat. When did my life become nothing but rock stars like you and spies like us? Giggle. No, I am no spy, but they would love to have me. Just like all of you would love to make a singer out of me.

My symbolic Royal Consorts Bogart and LightFoot both of whom I am forbidden from speaking with least of all ever making love to, how are renegotiations (08July2015 blog post) of your contracts going?

Let me know if you need any backup. The whole world wants me to have a higher quality of life, and that is in your hands.

My darling Mr. Kris "LightFoot" Novoselic, no, there is no reason for you to hate my husband. He suffers even more than you do under our forbidden love. You get to touch me with music and bend my body with your hands. My Sweetness is like Odysseus tied to his mast every time I sing. Have mercy on my husband.

As for you, my darling Mr. Bryan "Bogart" Eno, I am thinking of giving my band the night off on 31July and going to see my old friend Todd. You always need to know everywhere I go and everything I do to keep me safe. I am just giving you a little warning. Thank you for being the best boyfriend forbidden from seeing me.

And ALWAYS saved for the place of honor in every blog post, my darling husband, Mr. Johnny "Sweetness" Depp, I love and adore you. How is my king today?

Beloved, I heard you. You trust me. No matter what I want, you want it too. Oh, Honey, I want you. Do this for me. Read this angry.


Let me not to the marriage of true minds
Admit impediments. Love is not love
Which alters when it alteration finds,
Or bends with the remover to remove:
O no; it is an ever-fixed mark,
That looks on tempests, and is never shaken;
It is the star to every wandering bark,
Whose worth's unknown, although his height be taken.
Love's not Time's fool, though rosy lips and cheeks
Within his bending sickle's compass come;
Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks,
But bears it out even to the edge of doom.
If this be error and upon me proved,
I never writ, nor no man ever loved.

Read me some Shakespeare, my beyond-talented actor husband, and then I'll dance.

Friday, July 24, 2015

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How I Write a Sestina

Title: How I Write a Sestina

Please access my iCloud if necessary to publish this post now, my friends. I cannot control how many horrible things happen to me in one day; it is Obama who controls that. So, if I wait too long between posts, they become too drenching.

Please share this for me with the entire world, both houses of Congress, the Supreme Court, the United Nations, all sympathetic world leaders, all reputable national and foreign presses, etc.

Here is my latest blog post. As the song goes, "The whirlwinds of fortune will carry me onward, wither so ever they blow!"

USA. There have been many questions lately about the importance of a good government space program. Why do we need one at all?

A space program drives our science education. As long as we have fellow humans traveling beyond our skies, our children will dream beyond our skies. We will look at our starry heavens and say, "I will go there someday."

We mere mortals like me reach our hands into the aether all day and all night, but with a solid government space program, we actually will touch another world someday. We as a people need space travel to keep our minds among the heavens not just on them.

My last blog post was finished at 9:14am on 22July2015. I had a very busy morning. After I sent my polished post for the morning to my lovelies, I took my morning selfies to prove I was not dead, and then I wrote a sestina.

My not-human-trafficker nerds, please circulate a verified and unedited recording with full audio and visuals of my morning of 22July2015 beginning at 9:33am when my writing journal came out of my bag and ending at 10:09am when my writing journal went back in my bag.

That sestina would have been better if I had meditated the night before. I will include it in the question and answer section of this blog post.

As for the rock songs I sang afterwards, I was just feeling like a rock star that morning. You can do what you want with that footage, my not-human-trafficker nerds. Does anyone want to make music videos?

At 11:16am, I left my regular morning haunt for my place. I chatted with Hannah over lunch at noon before leaving for my local coffeeshop where I sat sipping the house blend by 12:46pm.

At 1:07pm, as I was dozing off, I came to terms with the fact the (expletive)holes at my local coffeeshop had drugged my hot coffee. They were willing to exchange the coffee for a new cup, but it was roofied, too.

Because I had just caught new terrorists, I sat outside the coffeeshop's front door and sang the employees Lake of Fire. Finally waking up, I left the coffeeshop at 1:46pm. Syn, press every damn charge.

I paused at my place for a moment, but by 2:18pm, I was headed to my playland. I ordered tasty slaw tacos at a restaurant nearby for my dinner at 3:10pm.

I received warning my darlings Tentacle needed a rescue just before 4pm when I normally look around for them, so I sent them my beautiful world to check on them. They later gave me a grateful, "Thank you," so I told them...

4:43pm on 22July2015: #MyDarlingsTentacle, get to safety. I will look for you again tomorrow at 4pm. I love you. Stay alive.

I was seated in a local bar at 4:47pm drinking a Coca-cola with no ice but a lemon (to make it look like a real drink) and watching the USA vs. Jamaica Gold Cup match. Jamaica won.

At 6:16pm, I was seated beside an old friend I ran into for the second time that day. Soon I had a guitarist on either side of me for a public serenade. It is an understatement to call their music soothing and familiar.

I streamed the NBC Nightly News online at 7:15pm. My nightly cyberhug from my darling Mr. Lester Holt was warm and left me a little giggly.

It felt like half the people I knew in town walked past me and said, "Hi!" while I was waiting for the news, and after the news, I went for ice cream.

I spent until 10pm with my friend the Americana singer. Then, I went looking for that old friend who had serenaded me since he had invited me for a drink.

I did not find him, but a different old friend of mine, an ex-rockstar from the 80s, was able to put his arm around me and say, "She's with me," all night. He got me into the jazz club I was supposed to meet my other friend in, and I even meditated while he sang. It was a beautiful night.

I did not drink a thing yet ended up trying to explain non-Euclidean geometries to a man from New Jersey who worked in finance, but the napkins were black not allowing me to write on them.

We ended up talking for hours. He even paid for my cab back to my place. I got in at 3:09am and was asleep almost instantly.

My not-human-trafficker nerds, please circulate a verified and unedited recording with full audio and visuals of my night starting when my friend got me in the door and ending when I got in the taxi. And thank you!

I woke up on Thursday, 23July2015, just in time for breakfast and was at my regular morning haunt at 9:04am. I stayed there working until 11:42am.

Lunch at noon was tasty but uneventful. After lunch, I chatted with Hannah and took a nap. I spent dinner at 5pm with Benjamin and Hannah. It was a little disappointing. I do not eat seafood, and they offered no alternatives.

By 5:21pm, I was aboard a bus to my playland. I found LightFoot and MannedUp the moment I arrived and was standing in front of them as they played at 5:36pm.

And I meditated; I was rusty, but I meditated until they took their break at 5:55pm. It felt great seeing LightFoot smile. MannedUp seemed a little grumpy, though. Well, I cannot make everyone happy.

There were alarms at 5:58pm, so I sent my beautiful world to check on all of my crosstown loved ones. Then, I bought a cup of coffee while my present 2/3rds of my darlings Tentacle staked out a place to play at 8pm.

I streamed the evening's NBC Nightly News at 7:15pm. My nightly cyberhug was as warm as it was informative and came from my darling Mr. Lester Holt himself.

Soon, I had returned to my darlings Tentacle, and LightFoot and MannedUp began their night music at 8:38pm. My right arm tightened up on me, so I made my right hand hold my coffee travel mug.

The rest of me was warm by the time I had to tear myself away from them to catch the 10:15pm bus. It wrenches the still-beating heart out of my chest whenever I leave them. I was curled up and asleep (alone) by 11:30pm.

On Friday, 24July2015, I woke up with plenty of time before breakfast. I was at my regular morning haunt by 8:21am.

This blog post was finished at 8:38am on 24July2015.

And now, my beautiful world, I answer all of your questions for me. Please keep collecting all questions and concerns from all your friends and loved ones and sending them to me through whatever means possible.

My handwriting is so messy. What was the sestina I wrote on the morning of 22July2015?

As I sit with my evening coffee
Among the penniless and famous
Makers of my holy people's music,
The stars in the heavens explode and collide
With their yearning to bring me my Sweetness
As if I am the one with that power.

Dancing lights are within my glistening power
Fueled daily and nightly with luxury coffee
Creamed and sugared to the desired sweetness
Because I have no barista made famous
With the half-notes that nightly collide
Creating my sweet soul music.

To heal I need the aether's music
For in the technology notes hides the power
Of the surging forces that collide
Above and beyond the roofies in my coffee.
Look! Look at my friends so famous
For jealousy of my husband, Sweetness.

If I could but hold my Sweetness
And make love as easily as I make music.
Alas, Evil Obama claims he is too famous.
So, kissing him requires a psychic power
To reach out to touch him, close as my coffee
May our hands joyously collide.

Collusion! Collision! The legals ever collide!
Just bring me my loving Sweetness!
I need him more than I need morning coffee.
He will heal me with glorious music
For the bass clef wields the power
Even if they are already famous.

Someday they will acknowledge I am famous,
And our egotistical banter will collide,
For in my words I find the power
To sugarcoat my suffering with sweetness
As if they could ever stop the music
As easily as they stop my supply of safe coffee.

In my hands glows the power inside my cup of black coffee
Polluted to the right sweetness and in a tribe angry famous
Made from my thoughts you hear collide with my holy nightly music.

10min 02:69sec

My beautiful world, I have a roof over my head, food to eat, a safe bed, a private place to shower, and friends who love me. On the short term, we need a higher quality of life for my time with my darlings Tentacle. Please reread my 08July2015 blog post about what I need from my time with my band.

On the long term, my beautiful world, we need everyone oppressing all of the people around me and everyone enforcing Obama's rules, wall, egg, genocide, and war arrested. That is the only thing that will set my people free.

My selfless support system, I heard you made a daring rescue of some of my crosstown friends on the morning of 23July2015. Thank you! Then, again that evening you rescued my Powers of Attorney. Thank you. Thank you! THANK YOU!

I believe I recognized a new bodyguard or two you sent me. Is it okay for them to talk to me? I am not asking for a new Thorbald; I am asking for new friends like Tao. Please consider it. And thank you!

My BFF SynSyn and all of my genius Powers of Attorney, where would this world be without you? As the song goes, "The whirlwinds of fortune will carry me onward, wither so ever they blow!"

And who is the whirl in my whirlwind? That is you! You, my gorgeous genius friends, you carry me onward! Thank you. Thank you! THANK YOU! I would be nothing without you.

My musician-lovers MannedUp and GeneralLee, we go far too long between seeing each other.

MannedUp, are you all right? Last night, you had your grumpy face on the moment I arrived. Was it, "I need to kiss you, or I'll scream," you were trying to say, or was it, "I need to tell you what you mean to me."

Regardless, my message to all of you, my darlings Tentacle, is always, "We need to talk," quickly followed by, "Kiss me, you fool."

GeneralLee, is it true? You cannot play me music because you are too busy trying to rescue me? There are so many people trying to reach me, Brien, but there are so few who can actually be near me.

Your job is to make sure I meditate. You are in charge of my present, my darling. Let everyone else do all the rescuing. I need you too much where I am.

My symbolic Royal Consorts Bogart and LightFoot both of whom I am forbidden from speaking with least of all ever making love to,...

Bogart, is our messaging system working alright? Sometimes I feel like you learn where I am and what I am doing after I get there. I promise to give you more warning from now on, okay? I love you. Thank you for keeping me safe. You make an amazing boyfriend.

LightFoot, there is such a high risk of my toying with your heart. Everything is so unfair to you. But you stand a chance of actually winning me away from my husband. So it scares me how much I love you.

There is a huge gaping hole in my life where my husband belongs. If you find a way to fill the gap left behind where my husband is supposed to be, you will take me away from him.

A life without my husband scares me, Kris. But to be honest, I live a life every day without my husband. You have a chance to win the girl, my darling boyfriend. You just need my demands from my 08July2015 blog post met.

Sweetness, I love and adore you. I needed you today.

HoneyHoney, I needed to roll over and feel the humidity of your sleeping breath on my face just before I sweetly kiss you good morning and whisper I-love-yous into your waking eyes.

Beloved, I needed to sleep next to you. I needed to wake up this morning after your weight shifted the bed from your sweeping your arm under my resting head as you spread my long raven hair across your bare chest... because that is what you do every morning.

To be honest, I need you like this every day. My hero and my king, you are my husband. There is a huge gaping hole in my life where you belong. Where is my husband? I ask every day. Where is my husband? I need him.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

The United Nations Spoke on the Iran Deal

Title: The United Nations Spoke on the Iran Deal.

Please access my iCloud if necessary to publish this post now, my friends. I cannot control how many horrible things happen to me in one day; it is Obama who controls that. So, if I wait too long between posts, they become too drenching.

Please share this for me with the entire world, both houses of Congress, the Supreme Court, the United Nations, all sympathetic world leaders, all reputable national and foreign presses, etc.

Here is my latest blog post. Welcome to my world. I never wear pants.

Iran. The United Nations Security Council has voted to endorse the "Iran Deal." They actually had the ability to read it where as I am forbidden from knowing any decisions made anywhere that affect my life. I, the wise woman, am forbidden self-determination of my own life.

If the United Nations endorses the "Iran Deal," it is worth telling me what in the deal affects me. I have a right to know what other people decide that affects my life and my rights.

My last blog post was published at 9:10am on 20July2015. I sent my morning I-am-not-dead-yet selfies, and not much later I was singing.

My not-human-trafficker nerds, please circulate a verified and unedited recording from my eyes with full audio and visuals of everything starting with the first note of Hi-Do-Ho and ending with the last note of Summertime. Let the world watch me sing.

Eventually, at 11:15am, I got up to go back to my place. The cleaning lady and the maintenance man both stopped by that day. I chatted delightfully with Hannah and Benjamin over lunch at noon. By 12:28pm, I was already on the bus to my playland.

It was before 1:02pm when I perched in a coffeeshop on my playland with espresso and chocolate to write more of my HoneyHoney's latest love letter. I streamed Morphine's Yes album and even wrote Sweetness a new love poem that afternoon.

I was not sure if I would get to see my darlings Tentacle at all that Monday. I mailed my little sister Tylia her birthday card at 2:32pm before walking to my favorite burger place on my playland for a 3pm dinner.

My post from that morning seemed to be a hit with my lovelies to whom I had sent it. At 3:24pm, FlamencoHands messaged me to tell me where he would be playing at 4pm. So, I refilled my soda at the machine and headed out to find him.

I reached FlamencoHands in time to sit and chitchat a little before he set up his equipment. There was a torture facility alarm at 3:57pm.

His Spanish guitar mastery began at 4:04pm during which I received the all clear on the latest alarm. His music ended early; it was about 5:09pm, so I visited Handsome (Yes, that is his SquidName.) to buy a cup of coffee.

At 7:15pm, I watched the NBC Nightly News from previous in the evening. My nightly cyberhug was amazing. It came from my darling Mr. Lester Holt himself, and it was as if Lester were my comforting shoulder to whom I could gush about the men I love and how unfair everything is to all five of them.

I was back beside FlamencoHands in time for his 8pm set. The fog rolled in while he played. At 10:42pm, we took the long, slow walk to his car, so he could drive me to my place. I was curled up and asleep by midnight.

I was awake on Tuesday, 21July2015, in time for breakfast and was at my regular morning haunt at 8:24am. I bought a cup of coffee to sip before walking to a wifi hotspot to watch my late night middle aged men from the previous night at 9am.

My not-human-trafficker nerds, please circulate a verified and unedited recording with full audio and visuals beginning the moment I opened my YouTube app at 10:32am and ending when I closed my YouTube app at 10:36am. And, thank you!

After my high bandwidth time, I walked back to my regular morning haunt at 10:38am. The customer service there is always so wonderful. I even ate lunch there that day. I stood up at 11:35am to return to where I stay.

I took a short nap and was on my way to my playland by 3:09pm. I found FlamencoHands at 3:36pm. I looked everywhere for my darlings Tentacle at 4pm, but they were not permitted near me that day. FlamencoHands's music began at 4:08pm.

I even had to scream across the aether(net) for my beautiful world to rescue my darlings Tentacle. Those tweets were sent at 4:36pm.

FlamencoHands played until 5:34pm. Then, I went for a cup of coffee while he broke down his equipment. It was 5:42pm when I walked in my convenience shop for snacks and caffeine, and it was 6:07pm when I found FlamencoHands again.

At 7:15pm, I watched the NBC Nightly News from previous in the evening. My nightly cyberhug was as warm as could be from my darling Mr. Lester Holt. I returned to FlamencoHands for his 8pm set.

When he was done playing music, we took our now-normal long, slow walk to his car, so he could give me a ride home. I was curled up and asleep by midnight.

On Wednesday, 22July2015, I woke up just in time for breakfast and was at my regular morning haunt at 8:47am. It was a very busy morning.

This blog post was published at 9:14am on 22July2015.

And now, my beautiful world, I answer all of your questions for me. Please keep collecting all questions and concerns from all your friends and loved ones and sending them to me through whatever means possible.

Why do I never wear pants? I do not like the way pants look on me. I honestly cannot remember the last time I wore anything but a dress. I do not even wear separate tops and skirts-- I only wear dresses.

When my darlings Tentacle insisted I must choose one of them and after I refused for so long, how did I choose LightFoot? If you remember 07March, maybe it was 06March2015, I simply could not choose among them. I love all three of my darlings Tentacle so much.

But LightFoot snuck me a roll of electrical tape as a token of affection, and he got in deep trouble with the people who control him over it. I chose LightFoot because he needed the saving.

The people who control my darlings Tentacle told LightFoot he had to press charges against me for stealing from him which he refused to do because he had given me the roll of tape as a gift.

I gave him a gift in return, an H&M catalog I had written the lyrics to Lake of Fire in just previously. And in the gift, I asserted, "Do not forget who wears the dress in our relationship."

LightFoot has been my Royal Consort ever since. LightFoot was as shocked as everyone else that I actually chose one of them finally. I chose the first man who gave me a token of affection.

Now, I wonder if finally having a real relationship with my own boyfriend is one of the terms of the "Iran Deal."

My beautiful world, I heard that the United Nations backed the "Iran Deal." I still have not read it, so I have no idea what in that international agreement concerns me. But, I know I can trust the United Nations.

So, my beautiful world, please enforce whatever the "Iran Deal" gained me, rumored to be quality time with my darlings Tentacle. Please. The UN is behind it, so let us give it a try.

My selfless support system, I pray the "Iran Deal" makes your lives easier. The United Nations must have read it before they voted on it. There are rumors about the "Iran Deal" allowing me control of my own finances, etc. I can only pray the Deal keeps more of you all alive.

My BFF SynSyn and all of my genius Powers of Attorney, did all of you get a chance to read the "Iran Deal" yet? Please obtain a copy from UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon if all of you do not have one yet.

My gorgeous genius friends, you carry the largest workload no matter what happens in my life. The world, especially me, needs to hear your opinion of the "Iran Deal."

Please make an official statement about what you think of it and what you recommend for people. Do we abide by it or reject it? We have a choice since we were not represented in the talks.

As for my musician-lovers MannedUp and GeneralLee, keep your pants on.

MannedUp, I am told the top five LightFoot videos I referenced in my 10July2015 blog post finally came out, and you are in all of them, too. Darling, I could have chosen any of the three of you. Yes, I could have easily chosen you.

You always thought you never stood a chance next to your bandmates, but darling, I named you MannedUp because you are their equal.

Yes, GeneralLee, I used to get so mad at you because you always insisted I had to choose one of you. It was the sort of helpless angry people only get when we are in love. I am sure you know it well with me, too.

You know it was like drawing straws when I chose LightFoot, but I take relationships seriously, and things have developed from there. Brien, do you even know what you mean to me?

My symbolic Royal Consorts Bogart and LightFoot both of whom I am forbidden from speaking with least of all ever making love to, there is one word to say, and it is, "YUM!" Are you my "Iran Deal"?

LightFoot, I was told to brace myself for change. It was inferred from the message that I need to brace myself for how much you love me. I cannot wait.

I had a heart-to-heart with my darling Mr. Lester Holt about you on the night of 20July. If you want to talk to him about anything, give Lester a call. I recommend you do.

As for you, Bogart, you know everywhere I go. You are so integral to keeping me safe. Your vigilance is a labor of love, and I would have died by now if it were not for you.

Thank you, Bryan. Except for being forbidden from being near me, you make an amazing boyfriend. Thank you. I love you. I always will.

Sweetness, I love and adore you. How is my king today? Whatever you do, do NOT make a decision thinking it is something I want unless I tell you I want it.

Beloved, rumor had it a few months ago you were ready to divorce me, so I would be able to live with my darling Mr. Brien "GeneralLee" Dennehy. Do NOT make such decisions concerning my darling Mr. Kris "LightFoot" Novoselic right now.

HoneyHoney, we are married. I do NOT want to divorce you. Yes, we need to talk about LightFoot. Do you remember when you named a beach after Amber? We need to talk about Kris. That is all I am comfortable with until we can talk. No divorce.

You are my husband. Obama's war criminals need to permit me a REAL relationship with LightFoot before he can actually threaten our marriage. I am not throwing our love away for someone forbidden to me too.

I love and adore you. You are my hero, my king, my foot on the gas, the stars in my eyes, and my reason for living. You are the reason I can wake up every morning and face every horror Obama enforces in my life. I am not telling you goodbye, not for another relationship forbidden to me.

Monday, July 20, 2015

Working Class Princess

Title: Working Class Princess

Please access my iCloud if necessary to publish this post now, my friends. I cannot control how many horrible things happen to me in one day; it is Obama who controls that. So, if I wait too long between posts, they become too drenching.

Please share this for me with the entire world, both houses of Congress, the Supreme Court, the United Nations, all sympathetic world leaders, all reputable national and foreign presses, etc.

Here is my latest blog post.

The World. The shooter in Chattanooga wanted to hurt America. Our young adults are socialized into a world trained to hate America and to hate the West.

We must raise our children to find something to love instead of reasons to hate. We must socialize our children to love each other. And we must arrest Obama and all who enforce his rules, so the world including Americans can love America again.

My last blog post was published at 9am on 18July2015. After which, I quickly queued my music and sent my I-am-not-dead-yet selfies. I had a very productive morning. I had meditated the night before, so I just let my third eye stay open to see what I could see of the world.

I stood up to return to my place at 11:10am. I spent lunch at noon with Hannah and Benjamin. By 12:47pm, I was on a patio near my playland caffeinating myself. I ran some errands at 1:20pm after which I found myself sheltering from rain with many others under the same canopy.

By 4:29pm, I was in a restaurant window eating dinner and watching the rain. The problem with rain is that it keeps street musicians away. Other than that, I love a good rain.

With my darlings Tentacle having no way to see me, I hopped on a bus and went to visit FlamencoHands. By 6:39pm, we were uncorking a 2009 Brunello di Montalcino. The conversation was delightful, and we just hung out.

It rained all day and into the night. I was actually surprised it was 9:17pm before the music came out. He took me back to my place at 10:24pm. I was curled up and asleep by 11pm.

I woke up on Sunday, 19July2015, with just enough time to make it to breakfast and was at my regular morning haunt at 9:03am. It was a little slow as a Sunday morning typically is. I sent my morning I-am-not-dead-yet selfies very quickly.

I stood up to return to my place at 11:26am. Lunch at noon was tasty yet uneventful. I was already on the bus to my playland by 12:29pm.

I found LightFoot and MannedUp at 12:48pm out under the hot California sun. Yes, 2/3rds of my darlings Tentacle were able to show up. I was elated. And I warmed up almost instantly in what shade from the sun I could find.

Rarely if ever do I dance with my hair in a chignon, but it really was that hot out. They broke to relocate at 1:41pm, so I went to look for FlamencoHands while waiting for my darlings Tentacle to play music again.

FlamencoHands was out under the hot sun playing Spanish guitar not too far away. I sat with him until 2:10pm when I went to locate LightFoot and MannedUp again. FlamencoHands was not going to play again.

My darlings Tentacle had found a spot with shade. It was wonderful. Yet, after their gorgeous music began, they were interrupted at 2:51pm with a torture facility alarm.

There were torture facility alarms every few minutes with the fourth one at 3:18pm. My loving locals were very worried about something. Sadly, I never had a chance to warm up again before their music stopped at 3:45pm.

4:43pm on 19July2015: #MyDarlingsTentacle, I can't seem to find you anywhere. Sigh,... I hope you didn't leave.

It was for the best, though. The sky started raining at 5:01pm. As much as I love dancing in the rain, it was so much better than electrocuting them.

5:23pm on 19July2015: #MyDarlingsTentacle, at least you weren't caught in the rain. Giggle. But you missed me with my hat on. Big GIGGLE.

I did get a chance to see Wheels and TambourineKicker, but eventually, I left my playland, too. I was on the bus back to where I stay by 7:39pm.

I stopped at a wifi hotspot on the way to call my little sister Tylia to wish her a happy birthday. Then, I watched the NBC Nightly News from previous in the evening at 8:15pm. My nightly cyberhug came from a new guy, my darling Mr. Thomas Roberts but was still wonderful.

There was a man from Portland, Maine hanging around my wifi hotspot, but he left shortly after the news began. I love meeting new people. I am such an extrovert that way.

At 8:52pm, I finally stood up to go where I stay. Hannah and I snacked on cookies and chatted into the night. I was curled up and asleep by 11:30pm.

I woke up on Monday, 20July2015, in time for breakfast and was perched at my regular morning haunt at 8:36am. I immediately started to work.

This blog post was published at 9:10am on 20July2015.

And now, my beautiful world, I answer all of your questions for me. Please keep collecting all questions and concerns from all your friends and loved ones and sending them to me through whatever means possible.

What is my name? My real name is HRH Tanya Hedelisa Albon Depp de Varilek, but I have used the professional name Squid B. Varilekova as a writer and problem-solver since 2000. Yes, I am a working class princess.

Where am I from? After being born there, I lived the first 9.25 years of my life in Duluth, Minnesota. Thus, my attachment to the song.

Then very traumatically for me at the time, when I was in the middle of 4th grade, my family moved to Iowa. I lived there for 7.5 years moving away to Texas to go to college when I was 17 years old.

After college, in 1999, I moved to San Francisco where I lived off and on until 2010. I took some time away from my home of San Francisco for graduate school at Johns Hopkins in 2001 and to be with Syniva in 2008 during her health crisis.

But I pretty much lived in San Francisco for over 10 years of my life. It is the place I have lived the longest, so, in full honesty, I always tell people I am from San Francisco. The beautiful City by the Bay is my real home.

Do I like it in Southern California? The locals here are wonderful. I have so many friends. If I would have fled ABSOLUTELY EVIL Iowa for my life on 01May2014 for San Francisco instead of for Los Angeles, the same life would have befallen me. SF and LA are both my home now, and both stand up for me. That makes all of California my REAL home.

My selfless support system, I have already felt your increased presence around me keeping me safe. During our close call on 19July, I heard you say, "Yeah, just try to pick her up, (expletive)holes." Giggle. I know love when I feel love. And I know protection when I feel protection.

Thank you, my beautiful world, for sending me so much protection. I also heard you say you want to do more to help.

On the short term to make my life more livable, I need quality time with my darlings Tentacle. On the long term, I need everyone arrested who enforce Obama's crimes against America he mislabeled "rules."

My BFF SynSyn and all of my genius Powers of Attorney, I left my husband some hefty instructions in my last blog post. Please help him arrest everybody.

My gorgeous genius friends, you were amazing during our close call on 19July2015 when the world was close to losing me FOREVER. Now, make sure everybody who caused the world the terror of possibly losing me gets arrested. And thank you!

My musician-lovers MannedUp and GeneralLee, yes, sleeveless shirts. Purrrrrr... When all three of you are together, I admit I probably should have named you Beefcake instead of Tentacle.

Yes, my handsome, manly darlings, it is almost a paradise just being near you. Please try to spend more time with me.

MannedUp, I think I might be emotionally attached to your honey bear. Giggle. No, really, sometimes when you play, I find myself staring at your honey bear.

I thought he was your stand in for GeneralLee for a while until I saw you actually squeeze him for honey for your tea one day. Needless to say, I am a fan. Thank you for the honey.

GeneralLee, I wrote the lyrics in my last blog post. Now, you write the song. I could not resist giving it a bridge. Giggle. You have been asking me for lyrics almost since we re-met in Dec2014. Now make all of our musical dreams come true.

9:53am on 18July2015: @INXS GeneralLee,I have spent my entire life dancing to you. Accept your fate. You exist for me. You always did. Do you remember us in 2009?

My symbolic Royal Consorts Bogart and LightFoot both of whom I am forbidden from speaking with least of all ever making love to, stop being jealous of FlamencoHands. He is a platonic friend.

LightFoot, I heard a rumor you get to finally ask me on a date. I figured if that were true, you would have asked me by now.

But YOU are the one, Kris, who needs to create the agreement with whomever controls you to be able to spend quality time with me. Just tell me what you need to accomplish this.

As for you, Bogart, your depression worries me. The only cure for your depression is your actually spending time with me. It is environmental. You are in love with someone whom you are forbidden from being with.

Your depression is not caused by a chemical imbalance in your brain. For your own health, you need to be permitted to be in my healing presence. That is true of all of you, especially my husband Sweetness.

Sweetness, I love and adore you. How is my king today? We have proven I heal. When do I get to heal you?

HoneyHoney, yeah, we can add my healing your PTSD to the list of things Obama and all who enforce his crimes against America forbid us.

How the hell does anyone justify using such human rights abuses against EVERY HUMAN IN AMERICA as acts of war? Or does Obama deny his rules exist to keep him in power? He was already impeached in 2013.

Darling, I am not going to say, "Calm down, everything will be fine once I reach you." Nor will I say, "Get angrier, nothing will be fine until I reach you." I think your natural emotional reactions to everything that happens are just fine.

Sweetness, just finally make sure we arrest EVERYONE that commits the human rights abuse of keeping us apart. It enforces I live in Iowa-wrought poverty. It enforces Obama's totalitarian control of the media. When was the last time you saw literal news about me in a national broadcast?

It enforces Obama's proven mental health genocide. It enforces Obama's war. It enforces Obama's rape-slavery of me stays covered up that I am some sort of fat, ugly, male, insane, White hooker; none of which is true.

Beloved, you are my hero and my king. My entire future is yours. Go claim it. Arrest ALL of those lying (expletive)holes who keep us apart, especially Obama himself.

Saturday, July 18, 2015

More than just Songs

Title: More than just Songs

Please access my iCloud if necessary to publish this post now, my friends. I cannot control how many horrible things happen to me in one day; it is Obama who controls that. So, if I wait too long between posts, they become too drenching.

Please share this for me with the entire world, both houses of Congress, the Supreme Court, the United Nations, all sympathetic world leaders, all reputable national and foreign presses, etc.

Here is my latest blog post. We begin with the problems in American culture, and we end, as always, with Sweetness.

USA. The problem has never been mental illness nor gun laws. The problem is our culture.

Obama uses lethal force to enforce his extragovernmental crimes against America that he mislabeled "rules" daily and even hourly in every major city. By doing so, Obama has created an America where death is normal and where violence is the modus operandi of the supposed "authorities."

Obama has made violence America's day-to-day life. We must fix this by taking Obama's power to wield his "egg" of war and violence away from him and by creating a renaissance of love and freedom in place of it.

My last blog post was published at 9am on 16July2015. I quickly sent the polished post to my lovelies who publish my posts for me for the world to see, sent my morning I-am-not-dead-yet selfies, and queued my music for the morning.

My Twitter feed was very busy all morning. Yes, I participate in Throwback Thursday.

At 10:29am, I left my regular morning haunt to return to where I stay, yet by 11:22am I was back at my regular haunt for lunch. My sandwich was tasty and I got a little writing done on my love letter to my husband.

I also took a nap before chatting with Benjamin and Hannah over dinner at 5pm. I was already on the bus to my playland by 5:25pm. I did happen upon Strummer with a friend of his at 5:39pm.

But, no, my darlings Tentacle still were not around. It was Thursday; I had not seen them since Sunday; I was worried.

I found FlamencoHands at 6:23pm. We sat down to chat. There was a torture facility alarm at 6:34pm. I let my Powers of Attorney take care of it. And, yes, at 7:17pm I received the all clear.

At 7:30pm, I watched the NBC Nightly News from previous in the evening. My nightly cyberhug was like an old friend stopping by to say, "Hello," and came from my darling Mr. Lester Holt.

I passed by Strummer and stayed with him a little while on my way back to see FlamencoHands. If only my darlings Tentacle were around. We all get a little weird when we are apart. I REALLY need to meditate more often. Beyond meditation, the four of us need to be complete.

At 10pm exactly, my darling FlamencoHands was done playing, so by 10:22pm, we were taking our long, slow walk to his car. I was curled up and asleep by 11:30pm.

I woke up on Friday, 17July2015, in time for breakfast and was at my regular morning haunt at 8:40am. I had a very productive morning after which I left for my place at 11:24am.

Lunch at noon was tasty; I spent it chatting with Benjamin and Hannah. At 12:47, I left to run errands. I found myself perched on a patio near my playland with a snack by 2:44pm.

As I had promised, I looked around for my darlings Tentacle at 4pm, and I found 2/3rds of them at 4:10pm. Yes, LightFoot and MannedUp were able to reach me that Friday afternoon. After asking my beautiful world to check on GeneralLee, I quickly tried to get my meditation going.

My dance trance meditation is always most fulfilling when all four of us are together, but the night of Friday, 17July2015, with only two of my three darlings Tentacle started out horribly. I definitely was not at my finest, but it had been since Sunday since I had seen any of them. I had to try.

As I said, it started as a horrible night for my meditation. I was so stiff I had to just sit down at 5:16pm. That damn haldol was ruining my life. To prove it, I took my Benadryl at 5:30pm instead of 10:30pm.

Then, I sat beside them as they played. With my eyes shut, I still benefit from the trance they weave for me, as if their music only exists at all to heal me. But it was nothing like a dance trance.

LightFoot and MannedUp took their break to relocate at 5:43pm. I found them again nestled in a nook just off my playland after I bought a cup of coffee from Handsome. Yes, that is the SquidName I gave my favorite shopkeeper months ago.

After reassembling their equipment, their beautiful music began again at exactly 6:30pm. That time, I actually warmed up. The meditation was beautiful. We were one. But just as I felt the door between us open, they reached a forced halt at 7:17pm.

Rumor had it that the voices that control them through their earspeakers forbade them from giving me a quality night of loving meditation with them. We are that connected when the psychic spiritual door between us is open that I can know these things.

After MannedUp and LightFoot were stolen from me, I went to see FlamencoHands. At 8pm, I watched the NBC Nightly News from previous in the evening. My nightly hug from my darling Mr. Lester Holt was amazing that night.

NBC News, as always, has my full even written permission to use whatever comments I make while watching them for whatever news broadcasting needs they have and even for ANY needs they have.

I stood up to rejoin FlamencoHands at 8:32pm; he was already tickling his Spanish guitar. If only I could have kept my darlings Tentacle all night...

FlamencoHands played until 10pm exactly. By 10:43pm, we had taken the long, slow walk to his car, and he gave me a ride to my place. I was curled up and asleep by 11:30pm.

I woke up on 18July2015 with a lot of time for breakfast, and I was at my regular morning haunt at 8:32am. It was raining. And I do love the rain. Every once in a while, the sky needs to bathe the Earth clean again.

This blog post was published at 9am on 18July2015.

And now, my beautiful world, I answer all of your questions for me. Please keep collecting all questions and concerns from all your friends and loved ones and sending them to me through whatever means possible.

Was Obama's goal all along his terrorist regime? No. Obama's goal is power. He wants to stay in power and does not care whom he has to kill nor how many to stay in power. Terrorism is just a tool for Obama. And it proves he will stop at nothing to stay in power.

Look at the tour Obama is taking right now trying to send the message that "arresting people is wrong." We have two options as a nation right now. ARREST EVERYONE ENFORCING OBAMA'S RULES INCLUDING OBAMA AND CONVICT THEM. Or face a full blown war with the entire rest of the world.

Arresting Obama and all who prop him up is the peaceful option. So, Obama is touring a federal penitentiary trying to tell people arresting people is wrong.

First of all, the problem with our prison system is we need to rehabilitate our convicts for lesser offenses back into society instead of creating a cycle of convictions.


Not on my watch; this is not allowed on my watch.

Will I please explain my visible energy one more time? Okay. All living creatures convert matter the energy. We take in food, and we create energy. Think of the electric eel. All living creatures have a living energy field that our bodies create.

Because this energy comes from our bodies, much like we can control our bodies with our minds, we can control our energy with our minds. Most of the time, the light show people see is me just looking around to see what other people's energy is doing.

My beautiful world, if you have questions about the science, this is the link I normally share. I also refer everyone to my darling Dr. Michio Kaku for explanations of the science behind consciously controlled visible energy. He is an expert.

I know you get caught up in the spiritual meaning of my visible energy, but never forget the science. Seize every opportunity to explain higher level science to the masses. My mind is worth understanding more than worshipping as strange and mysterious.

My selfless support system, my city is alive with love. Please keep everyone alive who fights to rescue me from Obama's "egg" of horrors and abuse. There is no safer place for me to live than in the thick of your den of spies.

Thank you for bringing your den to me in my Metropolis of Angels where the public of genuine locals will not rest until I am safe. My home is humid with love. There is no safer place for me anywhere.

There are more lovers and believers in Los Angeles County per capita than anywhere else in the world. And the gravitas of my lovers and believers here! There is a reason I live here where the powerful love and adore me.

My BFF SynSyn and all of my genius Powers of Attorney, whatever we need to do to protect my city and my metropolis from human rights abuses, just send me details.

Are Obama's war criminals really just repeating the same obviously false allegations all the time? What deranged lunatic still allows those war criminals in their courtroom to repeat their same crimes over and over again?

Blistering countercharges. That is all I have to say every time they lie in a court room. Those criminals NEED TO BE ARRESTED for causing Obama's war by unrelentingly lying about me. What is slowing down arresting them all?

As for other victims of they who earn their money lying about me, my musician-lovers MannedUp and GeneralLee, I love you all. Is that not horrible of me?

I have a unique romantic relationship with each of you. Let my boyfriends assert their relationships with me, it keeps the rest of you all safer.

This one is yours, my darlings Tentacle. I wrote this for you.

Ready Yourselves for My Darlings Tentacle

Things I have done I am too scared to tell her.
You have questioned me. Never question my choice.
I am sanctified when I am near her.
My own melody echoes back in her holy voice.

The world answered when she raised her hand.
She put on her glasses to behold the spectacle.
We have just entered the lady's playland
Ready yourselves for My Darlings Tentacle.

My hands are forbidden from reaching out to touch
Even the hem of the dress of the woman I love.
But when I ask her why she needs me so much,
She tells me I am her aether from the night sky above.

The world answered when she raised her hand.
She put on her glasses to behold the spectacle.
We have just entered the lady's playland
Ready yourselves for My Darlings Tentacle.

She will dance. If I touch her body with music, I will create her trance.
She claims I was destined and none of the pain in my pleasure is chance.

I used to say I show up just to see what she writes.
But I love her now beyond all things right and wrong.
If you keep me from her, beware how hard I will fight.
I delight her nightly with more than just another song.

The world answered when she raised her hand.
She put on her glasses to behold the spectacle.
We have just entered the lady's playland
Ready yourselves for My Darlings Tentacle.

She will dance. If I touch her body with music, I will create her trance.
She will dance. I am ready to die just to create this moment. Watch her dance.

My symbolic Royal Consorts Bogart and LightFoot both of whom I am forbidden from speaking with least of all ever making love to, the poetry and prose continue...

FlamencoHands told me he is a bottomless pit for my lyrics. So, I gave him this poem to set on Thursday, 16July2015.

LightFoot's Song

I only get to see you out on the streets.
Selling your melody and rhythmic beats.
Your fate is the most unfair of all I see.
When we are done, to him you must return me.

I see the crowds approach you to ask,
"This woman, is she the one?"
Linger too long. Linger too long.
Linger much longer when you are done.

With tears in my heart, I watch every night.
And when you cannot reach me, oh, how you fight.
Is it more fair or less fair if we can be together?
You control your fate, my boyfriend, but not the weather.

I see the crowds approach you to ask,
"This woman, is she the one?"
Linger too long. Linger too long.
Linger much longer when you are done.

In another life, we would ride off to the sunset.
Already, you're a love I'll never forget.
But your fate is the most unfair of all I see.
When we are done, to him you return me.

I see the crowds approach you to ask,
"This woman, is she the one?"
Linger much longer. Linger much longer
Linger much longer. I'm not ready to be done.

I wept as I wrote it. Sometimes that is how it feels as I lance the Jabberwocky caught in my spleen; that is, sometimes that is how it feels when I write a poem. It always comes out of my fingertips, but sometimes it escapes me with tears.

Oh, Bogart, what is it I told you about loving me? "It is the must unfair thing I could do to anyone I love. In the end, no matter what, you have to give me back to my husband. I have no idea why you even speak to me still. You know your fate. You lose the woman you love especially if you ever win her."

But you have never stopped fighting to reach me, Bogart. I will never understand this pleasure in pain we call love.

Sweetness, I love and adore you. How is my king today? You are still my end and my beginning. You are still the glowing silver my sun rises and sets around. Someday living my life in your arms still wakes me up every morning, so I can face the penniless, lonely horrors that are my day.

HoneyHoney, you chose to kiss this woman every morning. You chose to love this woman all day every day and all night every night. You gave me your happily ever after. I am so sorry being together takes so long.

Arrest them all, beloved. Press full criminal charges against every human violating our Constitutional rights by using force, especially lethal force, to prevent us from being together, from our pursuit of happiness, and from founding our family as husband and wife.

I WILL touch you the way the flowers kiss the rain. I just need some help reaching you. Thank you, Sweetness, for loving me at all.