Monday, July 20, 2015

Working Class Princess

Title: Working Class Princess

Please access my iCloud if necessary to publish this post now, my friends. I cannot control how many horrible things happen to me in one day; it is Obama who controls that. So, if I wait too long between posts, they become too drenching.

Please share this for me with the entire world, both houses of Congress, the Supreme Court, the United Nations, all sympathetic world leaders, all reputable national and foreign presses, etc.

Here is my latest blog post.

The World. The shooter in Chattanooga wanted to hurt America. Our young adults are socialized into a world trained to hate America and to hate the West.

We must raise our children to find something to love instead of reasons to hate. We must socialize our children to love each other. And we must arrest Obama and all who enforce his rules, so the world including Americans can love America again.

My last blog post was published at 9am on 18July2015. After which, I quickly queued my music and sent my I-am-not-dead-yet selfies. I had a very productive morning. I had meditated the night before, so I just let my third eye stay open to see what I could see of the world.

I stood up to return to my place at 11:10am. I spent lunch at noon with Hannah and Benjamin. By 12:47pm, I was on a patio near my playland caffeinating myself. I ran some errands at 1:20pm after which I found myself sheltering from rain with many others under the same canopy.

By 4:29pm, I was in a restaurant window eating dinner and watching the rain. The problem with rain is that it keeps street musicians away. Other than that, I love a good rain.

With my darlings Tentacle having no way to see me, I hopped on a bus and went to visit FlamencoHands. By 6:39pm, we were uncorking a 2009 Brunello di Montalcino. The conversation was delightful, and we just hung out.

It rained all day and into the night. I was actually surprised it was 9:17pm before the music came out. He took me back to my place at 10:24pm. I was curled up and asleep by 11pm.

I woke up on Sunday, 19July2015, with just enough time to make it to breakfast and was at my regular morning haunt at 9:03am. It was a little slow as a Sunday morning typically is. I sent my morning I-am-not-dead-yet selfies very quickly.

I stood up to return to my place at 11:26am. Lunch at noon was tasty yet uneventful. I was already on the bus to my playland by 12:29pm.

I found LightFoot and MannedUp at 12:48pm out under the hot California sun. Yes, 2/3rds of my darlings Tentacle were able to show up. I was elated. And I warmed up almost instantly in what shade from the sun I could find.

Rarely if ever do I dance with my hair in a chignon, but it really was that hot out. They broke to relocate at 1:41pm, so I went to look for FlamencoHands while waiting for my darlings Tentacle to play music again.

FlamencoHands was out under the hot sun playing Spanish guitar not too far away. I sat with him until 2:10pm when I went to locate LightFoot and MannedUp again. FlamencoHands was not going to play again.

My darlings Tentacle had found a spot with shade. It was wonderful. Yet, after their gorgeous music began, they were interrupted at 2:51pm with a torture facility alarm.

There were torture facility alarms every few minutes with the fourth one at 3:18pm. My loving locals were very worried about something. Sadly, I never had a chance to warm up again before their music stopped at 3:45pm.

4:43pm on 19July2015: #MyDarlingsTentacle, I can't seem to find you anywhere. Sigh,... I hope you didn't leave.

It was for the best, though. The sky started raining at 5:01pm. As much as I love dancing in the rain, it was so much better than electrocuting them.

5:23pm on 19July2015: #MyDarlingsTentacle, at least you weren't caught in the rain. Giggle. But you missed me with my hat on. Big GIGGLE.

I did get a chance to see Wheels and TambourineKicker, but eventually, I left my playland, too. I was on the bus back to where I stay by 7:39pm.

I stopped at a wifi hotspot on the way to call my little sister Tylia to wish her a happy birthday. Then, I watched the NBC Nightly News from previous in the evening at 8:15pm. My nightly cyberhug came from a new guy, my darling Mr. Thomas Roberts but was still wonderful.

There was a man from Portland, Maine hanging around my wifi hotspot, but he left shortly after the news began. I love meeting new people. I am such an extrovert that way.

At 8:52pm, I finally stood up to go where I stay. Hannah and I snacked on cookies and chatted into the night. I was curled up and asleep by 11:30pm.

I woke up on Monday, 20July2015, in time for breakfast and was perched at my regular morning haunt at 8:36am. I immediately started to work.

This blog post was published at 9:10am on 20July2015.

And now, my beautiful world, I answer all of your questions for me. Please keep collecting all questions and concerns from all your friends and loved ones and sending them to me through whatever means possible.

What is my name? My real name is HRH Tanya Hedelisa Albon Depp de Varilek, but I have used the professional name Squid B. Varilekova as a writer and problem-solver since 2000. Yes, I am a working class princess.

Where am I from? After being born there, I lived the first 9.25 years of my life in Duluth, Minnesota. Thus, my attachment to the song.

Then very traumatically for me at the time, when I was in the middle of 4th grade, my family moved to Iowa. I lived there for 7.5 years moving away to Texas to go to college when I was 17 years old.

After college, in 1999, I moved to San Francisco where I lived off and on until 2010. I took some time away from my home of San Francisco for graduate school at Johns Hopkins in 2001 and to be with Syniva in 2008 during her health crisis.

But I pretty much lived in San Francisco for over 10 years of my life. It is the place I have lived the longest, so, in full honesty, I always tell people I am from San Francisco. The beautiful City by the Bay is my real home.

Do I like it in Southern California? The locals here are wonderful. I have so many friends. If I would have fled ABSOLUTELY EVIL Iowa for my life on 01May2014 for San Francisco instead of for Los Angeles, the same life would have befallen me. SF and LA are both my home now, and both stand up for me. That makes all of California my REAL home.

My selfless support system, I have already felt your increased presence around me keeping me safe. During our close call on 19July, I heard you say, "Yeah, just try to pick her up, (expletive)holes." Giggle. I know love when I feel love. And I know protection when I feel protection.

Thank you, my beautiful world, for sending me so much protection. I also heard you say you want to do more to help.

On the short term to make my life more livable, I need quality time with my darlings Tentacle. On the long term, I need everyone arrested who enforce Obama's crimes against America he mislabeled "rules."

My BFF SynSyn and all of my genius Powers of Attorney, I left my husband some hefty instructions in my last blog post. Please help him arrest everybody.

My gorgeous genius friends, you were amazing during our close call on 19July2015 when the world was close to losing me FOREVER. Now, make sure everybody who caused the world the terror of possibly losing me gets arrested. And thank you!

My musician-lovers MannedUp and GeneralLee, yes, sleeveless shirts. Purrrrrr... When all three of you are together, I admit I probably should have named you Beefcake instead of Tentacle.

Yes, my handsome, manly darlings, it is almost a paradise just being near you. Please try to spend more time with me.

MannedUp, I think I might be emotionally attached to your honey bear. Giggle. No, really, sometimes when you play, I find myself staring at your honey bear.

I thought he was your stand in for GeneralLee for a while until I saw you actually squeeze him for honey for your tea one day. Needless to say, I am a fan. Thank you for the honey.

GeneralLee, I wrote the lyrics in my last blog post. Now, you write the song. I could not resist giving it a bridge. Giggle. You have been asking me for lyrics almost since we re-met in Dec2014. Now make all of our musical dreams come true.

9:53am on 18July2015: @INXS GeneralLee,I have spent my entire life dancing to you. Accept your fate. You exist for me. You always did. Do you remember us in 2009?

My symbolic Royal Consorts Bogart and LightFoot both of whom I am forbidden from speaking with least of all ever making love to, stop being jealous of FlamencoHands. He is a platonic friend.

LightFoot, I heard a rumor you get to finally ask me on a date. I figured if that were true, you would have asked me by now.

But YOU are the one, Kris, who needs to create the agreement with whomever controls you to be able to spend quality time with me. Just tell me what you need to accomplish this.

As for you, Bogart, your depression worries me. The only cure for your depression is your actually spending time with me. It is environmental. You are in love with someone whom you are forbidden from being with.

Your depression is not caused by a chemical imbalance in your brain. For your own health, you need to be permitted to be in my healing presence. That is true of all of you, especially my husband Sweetness.

Sweetness, I love and adore you. How is my king today? We have proven I heal. When do I get to heal you?

HoneyHoney, yeah, we can add my healing your PTSD to the list of things Obama and all who enforce his crimes against America forbid us.

How the hell does anyone justify using such human rights abuses against EVERY HUMAN IN AMERICA as acts of war? Or does Obama deny his rules exist to keep him in power? He was already impeached in 2013.

Darling, I am not going to say, "Calm down, everything will be fine once I reach you." Nor will I say, "Get angrier, nothing will be fine until I reach you." I think your natural emotional reactions to everything that happens are just fine.

Sweetness, just finally make sure we arrest EVERYONE that commits the human rights abuse of keeping us apart. It enforces I live in Iowa-wrought poverty. It enforces Obama's totalitarian control of the media. When was the last time you saw literal news about me in a national broadcast?

It enforces Obama's proven mental health genocide. It enforces Obama's war. It enforces Obama's rape-slavery of me stays covered up that I am some sort of fat, ugly, male, insane, White hooker; none of which is true.

Beloved, you are my hero and my king. My entire future is yours. Go claim it. Arrest ALL of those lying (expletive)holes who keep us apart, especially Obama himself.

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