Saturday, January 15, 2011

Garlic, the sources of antiobiotic

Garlic is a broad spectrum antibiotic, killing a wide variety of bacteria. Many pharmaceutical antibiotics kill only a narrow range of these germs. Dr. Tariq Abdullah, a prominent garlic researcher stated in the August 1987 issue of Prevention: “Garlic has the broadest spectrum of any antimicrobial substance that we know of — it is antibacterial, antifungal, antiparasitic, antiprotozoan and antiviral.”  This property belongs to the garlic constituent allicin, which is released when you cut a garlic clove. This is the chemical that gives fresh garlic its strong biting flavor, and you need to use fresh garlic to get a reliable antibiotic effect. Commercial powders and other products will not work for direct applications. Garlic appears to have antibiotic activity whether taken internally or applied topically — researchers found that the urine and blood serum of human subjects taking garlic had activity against fungi
Some bacteria, viruses, fungi, mold, and parasites killed or inhibited by garlic or its constituents:
Acinetobacter calcoaceticus
Aspergillus flavus
Aspergillus fumigatus
Aspergillus parasiticus
Aspergillus niger
Bacillus cereus
Candida albicans
Candida lipolytica
Cryptococcus neoformans
Debaryomyces hansenii
Escherichia coli
Hansenula anomala
Herpes simplex virus type 1
Herpes simplex virus type 2
Histoplasma capsulatum
Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV)
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
Human rhinovirus type 2
Influenza B
Kloeckera apiculata
Lodderomyces elongisporus
Parainfluenza virus type 3
Vaccinia virus
Vesicular stomatitis virus
Micrococcus luteus
Mycobacterium phlei
Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Paracoccidioides brasiliensis
Pneumocystis carinii
Proteus vulgaris
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Rhodotorula rubra
Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Salmonella typhimurium
Salmonella typhimurium
Shigella dysenteriae
Shigella flexneri
Staphylococcus aureus
Streptococcus faecalis
Torulopsis glabrata
Toxoplasma gondii
Vibrio parahaemolyticus
(Sources: Adetumbi et al 1983, 1986; Anesini and Perez 1993; Appleton and Tansey 1975; Borukh et al 1974, 1975; Chen et al 1985; Conner and Beuchat 1984; Dankert et al 1979; Didry et al 1987; Fletcher et al 1974; Fliermans 1973; Fromtling and Bulmer 1978; Ghannoum 1990; Gonzales-Fandos et al 1994; Johnson and Vaughn 1969; Kabelik 1970; Kumar and Sharma 1982; Mahajan 1983; Moore and Atkins 1977; Sandhu et al 1980; Sharma et al 1977;Shashikanth et al 1984; Tynecka and Gos 1973, 1975)
Resistant bacteria
A major problem with pharmaceutical antibiotics is that they can promote the development of resistant strains of bacteria. Initially the antibiotic kills most of the bacteria being attacked. With repeated exposure, however, those few bacteria that by chance are genetically resistant to the antibiotic begin to multiply. Eventually a recurring infection becomes completely resistant to that antibiotic. After a half century of the massive use of antibiotics, and the indiscriminate over-prescription of them in North America, potentially serious medical problems exist from resistant strains of bacteria. Garlic does not seem to produce such resistant strains, and may be effective against strains that have become resistant to pharmaceutical antibiotics. European researchers in the late 1970s tested garlic juice against a group of ten different bacteria and yeasts (Moore and Atkins 1977). They found that garlic was effective against all of them, and also found a “complete absence of development of resistance.” In an Indian study of garlic for dysentery, the researchers specifically selected four bacterial strains that were resistant to multiple antibiotics (Chowdhury et al 1991).
Garlic is effective against specific bacteria that are notorious for developing resistant strains, such as staphylococcus, mycobacterium, salmonella, and species of Proteus.
Antiviral activity
A weakness of conventional antibiotics is that they are not effective against viral infections. That’s why they won’t work against the common cold or flu. They also won’t work against some serious viral infections like viral meningitis, viral pneumonia, or herpes infections. Garlic or its constituents will directly kill influenza, herpes, vaccinia (cowpox), vesicular stomatitis virus (responsible for cold sores), and human cytomegalovirus (a common source of secondary infection in AIDS.) Garlic will also cure or improve the symptoms of a variety of viral diseases in humans or animals. In one animal study, researchers first fed a garlic extract to mice. They then introduced the flu virus into the nasal passages of the animals. Those animals that had received the garlic were protected from the flu, while the untreated animals all got sick. The researchers postulated that garlic’s effect was due in part to direct antiviral effects of garlic, and in part to stimulation of the immune system (Adetumbi and Lau, 1983)

Parasites and fungi
The medical missionary Albert Schweitzer brought some fame to garlic earlier this century when he used it successfully to treat amoebic dysentery in his patients in equatorial Africa. Subsequent experiments have shown garlic to be effective not only against the parasitic amoebas that cause dysentery, but against other organisms such as toxoplasma, cryptosporidia, and pneumocystis, all of which cause disease in humans.
Parasitic infections are a common problem in AIDS patients. Dr. Subhuti Dharmananda, Director of the Immune Enhancement Project in Portland, Oregon, regularly treats AIDS patients with such opportunistic infections. The main antibiotic therapy he uses in garlic, at about nine cloves a day for active infections, and he finds it effective to prevent or treat these infections, even when conventional antibiotics have failed to do so. Note that he started out trying to use an encapsulated form of garlic standardized for its allicin content — one of the better products. He found, however, that even doses of twenty-seven capsules a day had no effect on the infections. When he switched to raw garlic at the same dose, he got the desired result (Dharmananda 1995). Recent research supports use for intestinal parasites in AIDS (AIDS Research Alliance 1996; Deshpande et al 1993).
Yeast infections
If you’ve ever had athlete’s foot, you know how stubborn a yeast or fungal infection can be. A garlic wash can be very effective against fungi externally, but garlic can also treat systemic fungal infections. Researchers from the University of New Mexico demonstrated that garlic was effective both in the test tube and in animals against infection with the fungus Cryptococcus neoformans. Chinese researchers also have shown that garlic as a intravenous extract can be effective against cryptococcal meningitis. The blood and cerebrospinal fluid of the patients in that trial was twice as effective against the fungus as before treatment with garlic.
How to use garlic
To use garlic as an antibiotic take it internally and, if appropriate, apply it directly to an infection. For internal use, try one of the following forms:
Garlic infused wine. Chop or crush garlic, cover with wine, and let it sit overnight.
Garlic vinegar. Same as above, but use vinegar instead of water.
Garlic honey. Same as above, but with honey. No added water is needed. This makes a great antibiotic cough syrup.
Garlic/carrot juice. Blend three cloves of garlic up in six ounces of carrot juice. Let it sit for four to six hours.
For external application, use caution putting crushed garlic directly against the skin, because it can cause burns. Here are some forms you can use for direct application of garlic as an antibiotic:
Blend up three cloves of garlic in a quart of water and apply as a wash. Make a larger amount of this mixture and use it as a sitz bath or foot bath for infections of the feet or pelvic area.
Crush garlic, and dilute the juice with ten part of water. Use it as nose drops or a gargle.
Garlic and the immune system
Although garlic attacks bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms directly, it also stimulates the body’s natural defenses against these invaders. Garlic’s remarkable and legendary power against infectious diseases is due to a combination of both these properties.
Garlic or its constituents activate phagocytes, B-Cells, and T-cells — all three levels of the cellular immune system. For instance, diallyl trisulfide, a constituent of garlic, was found to activate natural killer cells and macrophages directly, and indirectly to increase B-cell activity to make antibodies. It did this in lab experiments at concentrations of as low as one microgram per ml — the equivalent of a tiny pinch of salt in about 30 gallons of water. The macrophages in this trial were then tested for their activity against cancer cells, and the diallyl-trisulfide-treated cells were more active than regular macrophages, indicating that not only their number but their activity was increased (Feng et al 1994). This same effect has been reproduced in other experiments.
This effect is not limited to trials in a test tube. Dr. Abdullah experimented with garlic in AIDS, giving the equivalent of two cloves a day of garlic to ten patients for six weeks, and the equivalent of four cloves for another six weeks. Three of the patients could not complete the trial, but of the seven who did, all showed normal natural killer cell activity by the end of the trial — activity which had been depressed at the start of the trial. The patients’ opportunistic infections — chronic diarrhea, candida infection, genital herpes, and a chronic sinus infection — all improved. The patient with the chronic sinus infection had gained no relief from antibiotics during more than a year of treatment before the garlic trial (Abdullah 1989).
In one trial, immune parameters of the blood were measured after subjects — elderly patients — took a garlic powder preparation for three months (Brosche and Platt, 1993, 1994). The dose was only 600 mg of the powder per day, the equivalent of less than one-third of a garlic clove. Blood tests showed an increase in phagocytosis of the white blood cells, and also increased numbers of lymphocytes, responsible for cell-mediated immunity. Other trials have shown that garlic can increase the activity of natural-killer cells in healthy volunteers

Friday, January 14, 2011

Soy milk, a Source of Healthy Diet

According to the recent researches, cow's milk is not better in nutritional value than soy milk. Either cheaper than cow's milk, soy milk is not fattening and can be consumed by those who can not drink cow's milk because lactose intolerant reason. Soy milk is also an excellent source of phytoestrogens, the essential enzim for women.

In fact, the nutritional value of soy milk is not less than cow milk. As prices soar cow's milk, many people who prefer to stop the consumption of milk rather than replace them with alternatives such as soy milk.
Drinking milk must be a habit. At least a day we should consume a glass of milk.

Soy milk can be a solution for those who can not consume cow's milk with a variety of reasons, such as allergies, lactose intolerance, or because of economic factors. Soy milk can also be a substitute for cow's milk variety menu to avoid saturation.

Not Ordinary Drink
Soy milk is highly nutritious beverage which was originally developed in China. This drink is known in the 2nd century AD From China, soy milk and then evolved into Japan. After World War II, soybean milk became popular in Southeast Asia, including Indonesia.

In Hong Kong, soy milk is better known by the name vitasoy. In Singapore and Malaysia, soy milk is familiar with vitabean. In both countries, soy milk has been cultivated commercially since 1952. In the Philippines, popularly known as philsoy. In Indonesia, soy milk was originally sold on the roadside flora. In recent years, soy milk in cardboard boxes or bottles, many in the market.

Viewed from the nutritional value, soy milk is not less than cow milk. Therefore, soy milk can be used as a substitute for cow's milk. Two glasses of soy milk consumption has been able to meet 30 percent of the daily protein requirement. In 100 grams of liquid soybean milk contained 3.5 gram of protein, whereas in cow's milk is only 3.2 grams per 100 gram.

Quality protein, soy milk no less than cow milk. Quality protein, soy milk in the form of a single food is 80 percent of cow's milk protein quality. This can be seen from the PER (protein eficiency ratio) of soy milk that is not much different from cow's milk.

PER value of 2.3 soy milk, whereas cow's milk 2.5. PER value of 2.3 means that from every gram of protein consumed will result in weight gain of 2.3 grams in standard experimental conditions (usually done with the animal experiments). That the higher the PER value indicates the better quality protein.

Essential amino acids in soy milk contained in the composition is almost complete and harmonious. Compared with cow's milk, the composition of amino acids in protein, soy milk with less in terms of methionine and cysteine. The main advantage of soy milk has the amino acid lysine is high enough. Thus, soy milk can be used to improve the nutritional value of protein from rice and other cereal foods.

Not to Make Fat
Soy milk good for those who want to diet, but still supplying the needs of protein in sufficient quantities. One of the advantages of soy milk compared to cow's milk is low fat content.

Fat in soy milk can not cause obesity because most are in the form of unsaturated fatty acids. Meanwhile, the fat in cow's milk is a potential animal fats cause the body to be elastic because they contain saturated fatty acids is quite high. Another advantage, soy milk contains no cholesterol.

Although soy milk contains carbohydrates are good enough, only 12-14 percent that can be used in a biological body. Carbohydrate group consisting of oligosaccharides and polysaccharides class. Class consisting of oligosaccharides and raffinosa stakiosa soluble in water, whereas erabinogalaktan group consisting of polysaccharides and cellulosic materials are not soluble in water, and can not be digested.

Generally, soy milk has a good content of vitamins, especially A and B complex, except for vitamin B12. Other vitamins contained in considerable amounts is vitamin E and K. No wrong when during the many people who argue that drinking soy milk to make the body younger. Vitamin E and A is an antioxidant that can prevent premature aging.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Sleeping and the Body Immunity

Consuming high doses of vitamin C is a popular way to increase endurance to avoid the influenza. In fact, having adequate sleep is much more effective.
Sleeping and immunity of the body are closely linked. Research shows mammals sleep takes more to produce disease-fighting white blood cells. Researchers  also shows, a species more sleep have a higher resistance against pathogens that cause disease. Species that more sleep duration showed increased immune system and more protected from the disease.

A new study shows that lack of sleep and vulnerable influenza have positive correlation. The experts even argue enough sleep is the most powerful way to increase endurance.

In the study the researchers looked at 153 men and women for two weeks to determine the quality and duration of their sleep. Then, during the 5 days of the respondents are quarantined, and exposed to the flu virus. Apparently those who slept less than 7 hours every night 3 times more vulnerable to illness than those who sleep at an average of 8 hours.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Want To Have Good Sleep? Dim the Light


Good sleep is important to support healthy life. There are some tricks to make our sleep is more soundly.

1. Ready to sleep. This preparation is not limited to drowsiness, but drowsy and relaxed. So, 15 minutes before bed, do the activities in a relaxed and fun.

2. Dim the lights.
Lights should be dimmed, given the biological clock is very sensitive to light. So going to bed, room lights should be turned off. Melatonin is produced naturally by the body when a dark atmosphere. Why should the dark? Because melatonin is a regulatory system that is in the center of the brain, above the optic nerve.

3. Do not watch television.
Bright light from the television will disrupt your sleep preparation. Not to mention if the event which is seen even make your stress or vent emotions. Sleep will not be quiet, can arise even uneasiness.

4. Meditation or yoga.
For those who are used, do meditation before bed are also very helpful.

5. Drinking camomile tea. If accustomed to sipping tea before bed, just select the camomile. Avoid tea earl gray. Also avoid coffee because it is a stimulant that actually will make you awake all night.

6. Turn on aroma therapy.
Fragrant lavender can help you become more relaxed and ready to sleep.

7. Use a night cream. Night cream or spray a little perfume before sleep can calm as well as fun.