Saturday, January 8, 2011

Quality Sleep = Optimal Growth

Sleep is a basic human needs, ranging from infants to seniors. Many positive benefits gleaned from baby to sleep, one of which is to grow a baby's brain.

Everyone has a different time to sleep, depending on the age and habits. A baby needs more than half a day to sleep. With increasing age, sleep time was decreased.

When we sleep, almost all organs of the body is stopped or slowed, except the brain remains active. At this stage of REM sleep (Rapid Eye Movement), the brain is maximal in data processing and memory, which sometimes appears as a dream. Characteristic of REM sleep is the presence of eye muscle movement, hands, or feet.

At this REM stage of growth of brain cells take place quickly. In addition to dreams, sometimes delirious children. It's a normal thing. Meanwhile, non-REM sleep or quiet sleep stage is very important for the physical growth of children. At this stage occurs repair body cells and growth.

This happens because during sleep the body will release growth hormone which will stimulate the liver to produce substances of bone and muscle growth.

In adulthood, growth hormone is switching function. He will serve for the maintenance and repair of body tissues, in addition to accelerating the growth process. Another benefit of sleep is taking part in improving the child's body resistance against infection. This means that children who sleep less are more susceptible to disease.

Stage non-REM sleep and REM is held alternately throughout the child's bedtime. Therefore, a sound sleep is very important for children to sleep phase and non-REM REM is not disturbed. When the phase of sleep was disturbed, when you wake up the child so cranky or fussy.

So, how much time needed by the child's sleep? It's very individual. benchmark is when you wake up a happy child,.

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