Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Sleep It Must Dream

Many people complain of tired though just got up. They sleep less because they do not know how to sleep properly. In fact, the less sleep and poor quality can cause many diseases. Then, a little known fact is that sleep must be dreaming. Sleep this dream seems to have had links with the intelligence and ability to concentrate.

Dreaming is important. Loss if people sleep without dreams. There are times when we forget the dreams that occur during sleep. Still, a few people who clearly remembered his dream. Well, if you remember your dreams, try to record. It as a material reflection for us. Additionally it was also useful for self-development.

Pent-up emotions
Many artists produce masterpieces by pouring the contents of his dream into a post, such as Mary Shelley's Frankenstein. From the same dream one can get inspiration to answer the problem at hand.

Dreams are subconscious way while it is resting. Dreams are also a manifestation of all the emotions that can not get out when someone in a conscious condition. Therefore, the nature of this dream is very personal.

Freud believed that dreams are a safety channel for pent-up emotions that can not be expressed in while awake. Emotions or feelings are suppressed during waking may be released in a healthy manner through a dream.

Dream by many researchers called sleep mentation, for example, is closely linked with emotions. This means the quality of a dream influenced by the emotional state prior to sleep.

Someone who is anxious frequent nightmares to disturb the sleep and wake up at night. Someone who often have nightmares do not necessarily suffer from depression or excessive anxiety. This could be due to his hobby of watching a horror movie.

What happens in dreams that are strange and unreal. However, emotions are going really real. For example, if the dream of meeting a lover, when awake, your heart will flowered. Conversely, if the dream to meet a terrorist, when you wake up, heart still pounding.

Memory consolidation
From examination of sleep known that dreams come from the brain called the pons are located at the base of the brain. From there it spread to the brain waves of some parts of the brain. Interestingly, the examination found that the brain is activated to perform a task during waking dream re-activated current. This means sleeping dream role in memory consolidation.

The process of memory consolidation occurs selectively during sleep. The  rapid eye movement sleep (REM)-or eyes moving quickly in conditions of closed-plays a role in memory consolidation or visual and emotional memories. While non-REM sleep more on the thoughts without visualization.

In order to know one's dream or not, carried out an EEG recording during sleep. When research subjects are in REM phase of sleep and awakened him, generally he would remember if you are dreaming. In the meantime, if someone woken at other stages of sleep, memory of the dream is not so good.

Unlike the fetus is 100 percent are in phase of REM sleep and a newborn that 50 percent of sleep in REM phase, the adult phase of REM was only 20-25 percent. REM sleep in this phase is very important for the growth and development of infants and children. Because in his sleep, growth hormone is important will be issued.

REM phase is also important for adults. So important that the REM phase so that when someone is lack of sleep and then sleep, the brain directly into R sleep stage, without passing through proper sleep architecture. Condition is called sleep-onset SOREM or REM.

Fit when you wake up
Sleep quality and fit are marked feeling fresh when waking up. If that happens the opposite, you feel sluggish when you wake up in the morning or sleepy all day even though had had enough sleep, it's a sign that your sleep is not quality.

How to assess your sleep enough and qualified or not is to look at skin health. People who sleep enough and the quality better due to skin cell regeneration process goes well.

Immune system will work well and increase when we get enough sleep.
The average time it takes an adult to sleep about 8 hours per day. If this amount is not met, any lack of sleep going into debt. His name is debt, it will be a burden for the body. To pay it off can get around bedtime.

It is common when people fall asleep on the train, bus or other vehicle. That means, they used the time well to sleep. It is strongly encourage adults to take a nap. Nap for adults was normal. Just 15 minutes. It was able to reach one sleep cycle so that when the body feels awake more refreshed.

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