Wednesday, August 31, 2011

What You Should Know About Rescue Dog Training

Once a dog is provided with a brand new home the initial task will likely be how you can start the rescue dog training. A number of men and women will choose to obtain a dog in this manner simply because they will demonstrate to the owner a great deal of gratitude. Even though to a certain extent this can be true every dog is deserving of a great home with a routine and quality training from their owner.

At times the dogs may have problems and trouble getting along with other animals or children due to what they have been through. To find out if this is the case the brand new owner could talk to the foster home where the dog might have stayed. The previous guardian could possibly be able to shed some light on what level the dog was trained at and how they react to small children and cats.

With the understanding of what the dog has encountered and also their temperament it is now possible to monitor their behavior and work out the ideal program. The very first thing that must be tackled by rescue dog training is getting the animal to trust people once again. Usually whenever a dog is abused or badly treated they will find it hard to trust other people.

While walking your dog in the park it is a good idea to introduce them to other people and offer them a treat to show they're harmless. Should the dog seem to be nervous gently pat their head and chin to reassure them that they're okay. It is actually not a good idea to force your dog into doing anything they appear not comfortable with; people must take their time and try to remember they still have tomorrow.

If the dog can't sit at command already this must be taught right away. Whenever the dog meets others tell him to sit and that should additionally stop him from jumping up. When on walks make certain the dog sits at the curb and as a form of encouragement give them a treat for performing as they are told. Even at meals be certain the dog sits before they eat; by doing this they are going to become a really obedient animal and always realize that the owner is the boss.

A crate is a good bit of equipment to have to start with especially because the person will not know how the dog will react when left on his own. To get them used to the crate the owner could toss toys in there and offer them their meals in it to show it's a fun place to be. Not all dogs will need this because some will have had rescue dog training to a high degree already.

Are you wondering if you dog is appropriate for rescue dog training? Find out if your dog is a good match. STOP your dog behavior problems and make him WANT to follow your every command! Click here now to download your FREE report (a $27 value):

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Best Dog Food For Allergies

Food is one of the leading causes of allergies in dogs. When your dog develops an allergy towards a certain food, you need to remove it from the diet and look into other alternatives to find the best dog foods for allergies. Two of the most common alternatives are commercially produced hypoallergenic pet food and homemade dog food.

The important thing to remember is that the ingredient causing the allergy needs to be completely removed from the animal's diet. Increased exposure to the ingredient will only intensify your dog's suffering.

Dog food allergies are not predictable. It is entirely possible that your pet may suddenly develop an allergy to a food that it has been eating for a long time. Some of the most common foods found in many different commercial and homemade pet foods and which can cause an allergy include meats such as chicken, lamb and beef. Canines can also develop allergies to fish, wheat, soy, corn, eggs and other dairy products.

There are some commercially produced dog foods that you could give your pet if it is suffering from any form of food allergy. These are usually sold through veterinarians and are known as hypoallergenic pet food. They will not cause your pet any further distress as they exclude all of the most common allergens (ingredients which may cause allergies). The difficult thing with these foods is getting your pet to eat it as they are usually bland and tasteless, not flavoured with extra fat the way regular pet foods are.

These hypoallergenic foods are better for your pet than most commercial canine foods are as they contain no added chemical preservatives, colourings or flavourings, all of which can be very harmful to your dog's health. However, make sure that they contain all the necessary nutrients that your dog needs in order to be happy and healthy.

Homemade dog food allows you to remove the cause of your pet's allergy from the diet, thus removing all the discomfit that the symptoms cause your dog. It also enables you to watch the ingredients that go into your pet's food, and to make sure that they receive all the necessary nutrients that their bodies require.

Anybody can make homemade dog food as it is made using ingredients found in any kitchen. You don't need to be a rocket scientist to make delicious nutritious meals for your pet. In fact, it is so easy that even kids can do it!

To learn more about how to give your dog the best food and nutrition possible, visit

Friday, August 26, 2011

Does Eating Quickly Trigger Obesity?

Overweight was not only triggered by the amount and type of food we eat, but also the way we eat. Some say, people who used to eat fast fat easier.

The link between eating with weight gain has long been studied. In a new study published in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association, researchers found those who ate quickly indeed fatter than people who eat slowly.

The study was conducted on women aged 40-50 years 1.6000 in New Zealand. The respondents were faster rate than their eating habits. The experts also asked the respondents health data such as age, weight and other habits.

Half the respondents said they eat in a normal speed and 32 percent said they ate quickly, while 15 percent claimed to belong to the people who eat slowly.

So far known to people who fall into eating quickly group had higher body mass index. This research was still ongoing and will be analyzed next two years to measure the amount of weight gain that occurred in each group.

Other studies that have been reported in TIME magazine suggests people who eat a big spoon instead mengasup less food. Meanwhile, studies conducted in Japan in 2008 mentions people who are accustomed to eating quickly has the risk of obesity three times greater than people who eat slowly

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Maintaining healthy kidney

 People living in today's arguably susceptible to various diseases. Many people overlook the little things because they are busy. One of the important human organs to be maintained is the kidney. The kidneys are part of the urinary tract. The main function of this complex organ system is to remove excess fluid and waste products from blood. The kidneys also function as endocrine glands, which produce hormones that are important to the formation of red blood cells and regulate blood pressure in our bodies, as well as the process of bone formation. To keep your kidneys healthy always, there are some things we can do. to maintain kidney health here are some tips to maintain healthy kidneys
1. Set the daily diet
Choose whole grains, fruits, and vegetables organically. Avoid processed foods, limit salt intake, replace full-fat meat with fish or white meat without fat.
2. Take care of digestive
Add the consumption of probiotics, prebiotics, and fiber-rich foods. It is also a good way to reduce the adverse effects of pesticides on food.
3. Try to Stop Smoking
The study, published by the American Physiological Society in 2007 concluded that nicotine is the main factor that can cause kidney disorders.
4. Avoid beverages containing alcohol
Excessive alcohol consumption can increase blood pressure, one of the problems that can lead to renal impairment. Also make people urinate frequently so that the risk of dehydration.
5. Expand water and also arrange to Sports
Drink water at least at least 6-8 glasses of water a day. Do not be lazy to exercise. Walking 4-5 times a week is enough to help maintain a healthy heart rate, which is also good for your kidneys.

Bonding With Your New Dog

You did it. You went out and found the perfect new dog for your home, and now Sparky is sitting in the middle of the kitchen looking at you like you've just landed from the planet Venus, which we all know is full of cats, and you can't decide if he's licking his chops because he'd like to swallow you whole, or he wants a kiss. The false assumption most people make is that dogs and people bond automatically and all you have to do is bring Sparky home, and everything will work out perfectly. For some lucky people that's the case, but just as often, the new dog owner is left standing in the middle of the room wondering if they should run, or give Sparky a big hug.

Puppies vs. Older Dogs

People often believe that they must get a puppy because bonding will be automatic with a young dog. That is not necessarily true. The truth is that a young dog will feel more dependent on everything from you, possibly, more than an older dog, but a lot of that will depend on how the puppy was raised from birth until you bring him home. Puppies who come from a stable, loving environment that provides a safe place, how secure their life was in that home might affect how a puppy sees the world. Indeed the people around them can have a big effect on how quickly they bond, and what type of bonds they form with humans for the rest of their lives.

How hard it is to bond with an older dog is complicated as well. The experiences your new older dog has had in his life will reflect how he feels about people, and how quickly he will bond with you as his new "person." The fact is that any dog can adjust well to a new home, and love the people around them, but some may take more time and work than others. It helps greatly to know as much about your new dog's background as possible.

Steps to Help Create a Great Bond with Your New Dog

Keep things Positive. Remember first that dogs do not think like people do, and they don't see the things that they are doing as "bad." Punishing, screaming and yelling at your dog will only confuse and scare him whether he's young or old. The better solution is to avoid all possibilities where your new dog can get into trouble. Make sure you walk Sparky often. Young or old, when you first bring a new dog into your home, treat him as if he were a young pup who can't hold his body functions long. Take him out every hour, and praise him profusely when he does what he's supposed to do.

Remember, your home is unfamiliar territory when you first bring Sparky home. It's no wonder he's sitting in the middle of the kitchen eyeing you suspiciously, and licking his chops. Gently take him around, show him where he can sleep, as well as where the water and food bowls are.

Introduce Others Carefully. If you have other animals, especially other dogs in the house, try to introduce them to each other in a neutral place where they can get used to each other before they have to compete for food and water in your home. If Sparky is chewing on your favorite slippers when you get up in the morning, instead of flying off the handle, take them away firmly, say "no" and then happily offer him a better alternative.

When you find Sparky eliminating on the living room rug, don't go crazy. That will frighten and confuse him. Never, by the way, rub your dog's nose in an accident, or hit him for any reason what so ever. In fact, avoid acting negatively in any way. If Sparky is eliminating on the carpet, what you can do is get really, really mad - at yourself. If you are taking him out every hour, it's very unlikely he'll have anything left in him to do on the floor. If Sparky is chewing up your brand new loafers, take them from him, tell him "no," give him something appropriate to chew on (bone, chew toy, etc), and smack yourself with the slippers for leaving them out where he can find them before you've had enough time to establish ground rules in the home.

Things that Encourage Positive Bonding between You and Your Dog

Take Sparky out for a run, or walk around the block during playtime. Toss a Frisbee in the yard, or play ball. Lots of good, old-fashioned playing will do you both a world of good, and develop bonds of trust.

Enroll in a local training class (if Sparky is a baby, enter a puppy class when he's old enough). It doesn't have to be an obedience class, but basic obedience is very important and possibly life saving in dangerous situations. Any type of class will give you and your dog a positive focus on a constructive activity. Consider classes like agility, fly ball, or even dock diving. Whatever you find that you think both you and your dog will enjoy will encourage a great bond, and give your dog positive motivation and the confidence from learning to please you, and be active at the same time. Remember, a pooped Sparky isn't likely to be one who is going to be looking for things to get into at home.

About The Author:

Puppy City has been around for over 50 years, we pride ourselves in being the home for quality puppies for sale in Brooklyn, New York. We also have all of the supplies you will ever need, from dog food, to wee wee pads, to all the treats you will ever need in a lifetime. Visit us at

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Heart Disease Patients Need to Train Leg Muscles

A heart attack is not only associated with heart muscle damage alone. Damage to the leg muscles is also associated with the severity of heart attack heart disease so that patients are also advised to exercise the leg muscles.

Various studies have shown, conditions weakened leg muscles is closely related to the severity of symptoms in patients with heart disease. Similarly, on the contrary, a severe heart attack is often followed by a weakening of the muscles in the legs.

Because of weakened, patients who had experienced heart attacks often neglect exercise to train the leg muscles. If anyone wants to practice it, usually get tired and bored and ultimately not used to exercising.

But experts from the University of Leeds revealed, exercise to train the leg muscles are very important for patients with heart disease. The benefit will be felt if one day the disease relapses, symptoms will be milder than if his leg muscles remain weak.

The key lies in the heating, which at times is often overlooked when doing exercise to train the leg muscles. Warm enough in this section will improve oxygenation or oxygen supply, so the muscles will not feel tired.

The benefits of warming evidenced by scientists through scanning by an infrared laser beam and fired into the leg muscles. From the observation, the movements heating proved effective in improving oxygenation and muscle strength so that it can exercise longer.

"Patients complain of chronic heart failure leg stiff so it is not used for sport. The essence of this research to show that with proper warm-up, patients can improve oxygenation in the leg muscles," said Dr Harry Rossiter, who led the study as quoted from Indiavision

Thursday, August 18, 2011

The Importance of Pet Beds

Pet beds are a necessity, for any pet lover. There's a misconception that if your pet sleeps in your bed, they don't need pet beds. This couldn't be further from the truth. Think for a moment about the last time you walked around your house without your socks on. If this happened during the winter months, your feet were sure to be freezing. When you leave for school, work, or any other activity during the day, your dog is left in your home. During the day, your dog will lay down on the floor. The same cold floor that caused your feet to freeze is the daily resting place of your dogs. This chilling possibility is removed, when you purchase pet beds, because pet beds provide a warm and cozy location for a nap.

When you're searching for pet beds there are a few simple steps to take. For starters, look for a pet beds source that offers comfort and style. Pet beds are going to be part of your home décor. If you wouldn't pick just any color couch, don't just pick any style pet beds. Pick the pet beds that match the decorative style of your room. There are awesome pet beds available. Pet beds that are fun, like a puppy car bed, and pet beds that are practical like the cloud cushion bed.

Pet beds are affordable, practical items. If you catch your pet sleeping in multiple rooms, you should purchase multiple pet beds. This not only improves your dog's comfort, but it gives you more creative options. You can purchase fun pet beds for a child's bedroom and more formal pet beds for the kitchen. There are plenty of options.

Pet beds are great, because they not only look great, they feel great. In the same way a quality human bed can improve posture, and enhance the quality of rest, quality pet beds can accomplish this for our pets. Dogs are incredible pets. They deserve to be treated with love. So, Whether your dog sleeps in your bed or not, treat your pet today, with some high quality pet beds.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Signs of Rabies in Cats

Rabies in cats is a deadly disease condition that is lethal to cats as well as to man if the disease is transmitted from the cats. Yeah. You have to be careful about Rabies in cats.

Signs of rabies in cats comprise many like aggression, anorexia etc. However, among these various signs, the suddenly aggressive cats have to be watched further for any intensified aggressive activities that persist in the cats.

The clinical symptoms of rabies in cats have to be coupled with history of any known dog bite incidence. In these cases, one can be able to draw a concrete opinion for the presence of rabies disease in the affected cats.

The cat that has been obeying well to the commands or the actions from the owners may stop all these activities and suddenly the one with this disease may have some abnormal behavior.

There are incidences wherein the cats with this disease may start licking the ground or the chain or the rope that helps to control them. The cats may try even to make attacks and may bite you also.

So, if you don't want your cat to reveal any such sign or symptom of rabies, it is better to have a vaccination against this disease.

This is a must if the area is endemic for rabies. Yeah. We need to be very careful because rabies is one of the zoonotic and deadly diseases and the therapy of rabies-infected cats is more difficult in general.

The affected cat many times tries to escape and may try to attack even the visitors in addition to the dogs or other cats.

You may wonder on how this cat has become so courageous in nature, all of a sudden. You come across changed behavior in the affected cats.

The cat may start using paws or digits more in order to make more pronounced scratch marks on the body of the persons handling. You may get stunned no seeing such changes in the routine activities of your cat.

The affected cat may not take adequate amounts of food materials in addition to water. There may be a change in the voice it produces and there may be symptoms equivalent of pharyngitis.

The look of the rabies-affected animal may not be a normal one. The appearance of such animals may often be aggressive ones.

Some times, the cat may be so dull indifferently. In dumb form of rabies in cats, aggression may not be seen many times in the affected cats. Rabies in cats is to be taken as a serious issue in general by the cat owner.

For more facts and info on Cat Health Care or a full list of cat diseases take a look at this:

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Why Do Cats Purr?

Understanding why cats purr something that people have wondered about for a long time. The basic reason is that when a cat purrs is content and happy with its surroundings.

There are of course other reasons that it will do this such as when it is a kitten and noticing it is telling the mother cat everything. In most cases the mother cat will also back up again and let them know they are safe and out of danger. Most kittens can purr when they were only two days old and this helps them to communicate with their mother.

There are other reasons that cats purr and in the wild it is very common that a cat will purr when they are injured. This lets other cats know that they are in distress and they need help. A cat will let you know when they are happy and when they are not because they have a lot of emotion. If you for example accidentally put your cat's tail they usually will snap at you at this let you know they are not happy. When you bet your cat and a beginning her this is a sign they are communicating with you and letting you know they enjoy what you're doing to them.

Remember that it is very common for cats to put her and this is a way they can communicate with you and other animals. The basic reason for preferring is to let people know they are content and happy. Kittens also will purr when they are nursing because they are communicating with their mother that they are getting a proper nutrition. it is also very common that the mother cat will purr back at the kitten to let them know everything is okay and there is no danger.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Stop Dog Barking With These Tips

Is placing a dog in a crate mean? Canines, being den animals, may in fact like being kept in a den. Dogs at times once burrowed in the ground out in the wild if they wanted to sleep. The question that should be asked is why they bark and whine when in the crate. The simple reason might be that the pet is not accustomed to the crate. He believes that by barking, you'll let him out. You could potentially stop dog barking by making the crate or any other habitat for the animal pleasant and comfortable.

In the event the barking persists, there are actually additional approaches it is possible to employ to stop dog barking. Attempt to ignore him. Did you know that barking is actually their method to get attention? When they bark persistently and you come to him each time it only encourages the dog to keep on barking. The dog will soon realize that is the method to get attention and will consistently continue to bark anytime he feels he's not getting ample attention. When you pay no attention to the dog's barking he will ultimately give up on it.

Attempt to keep the dog busy with his favorite blankets, chew toys and various other preferred items when the dog is inside the crate. The objective here is to help the dog relax and help make him stop trying to get attention since he'll be busy with himself. The toys should be better positioned at the back of the crate far from the door. Just remember to not include toys that may bring harm such as rawhide. They can present the danger of choking your dog.

To stop dog barking the crate with the dog should be put in a room which has activity with other people. This might be in the corner of the dining room, kitchen or living room giving the dog sight of you. The dog in these kinds of conditions can feel a lot less isolated or less ignored. In case you put your dog inside a crate during the night it would work best to place the crate close to your bed where your dog will see you. The dog will see you sleep and know it's time for him to sleep also.

Acclimate the dog to the crate. Dogs who are not used to crates need to be introduced slowly to the crate until eventually they get adapted. That's when you will be able to leave him there for lengthier times. This can be started out by placing him inside a brief time every day to a couple hours per day as days pass.

Your dog must be made to exercise before being placed inside the crate. A dog that is exercised feels tired. This will make the dog lie down to sleep the instant he is placed in the crate. A dog that hasn't had some activity to do the whole day would like to come out and play and therefore resorts to barking to get the point across.

Are you looking for the best way to stop dog barking? STOP your dog behavior problems and make him WANT to follow your every command! Click here now to download your FREE report (a $27 value):

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Signs of Dog Cancer - What You Should Know

Cancer is a very alarming disease. It is life threatening so it is good to have it diagnosed as early as possible. Cancer doesn't affect only humans; it can also cause danger to our pet dogs. If we really are a dog lover and if we don't want to lose our pet, we must be aware of the different signs of dog cancer.

Cancer can affect different parts of the body so signs of dog cancer may vary depending on its type. But there are also general signs wherein we can observe and we can consider as the warning signs of cancer in dogs.

So we must be aware and conscious about these changes in order to immediately give the appropriate treatment to our dogs before it progress to the late stage wherein we cannot afford to see them suffer too much. These include the following:

1. Any lump or mass that increases size, grows very fast, has irregular shape and unusual color.
2. A sore that doesn't heal.
3. Having difficulty in swallowing as well as eating.
4. Loss of appetite resulting to weight loss.
5. Irregular bladder and bowel habits resulting to difficulty in urination and defecation.
6. Bleeding and discharges in stool, urine and other body openings.
7. Breathing difficulty.
8. Cough, vomiting, diarrhea.
9. Swollen abdomen.
10. Strong odor arising from the body and bad breath.
11. Limping and stiffness.

Signs of dog cancer when classified according to types include the following:

1. Presence of lumps and masses in skin cancers.
2. Vomiting, diarrhea and lethargy in lymphoma.
3. Breast lumps in mammary cancer.
4. Abdominal enlargement, paleness, weight loss and weakness in abdominal tumors.
5. Lames and stiffness in bone cancer.

Life is so precious that we need to give extra care for it. Cancer is one of the illnesses that can be prevented if we know certain measures and are knowledgeable enough to apply it. But sometimes if it's already malignant or has not been diagnosed earlier, chemotherapy is the basic answer to it.

However, there are also certain remedies such as the ES clear that promotes boosting of immune system and gives comfort and protection to the liver and health of our dogs. Signs of dog cancer are easily detectable if we are keen enough to observe the changes that happen to our pet.

Is your dog suffering from cancer? Discover what you can do to help your pet eases pain and discomfort with an effective dog cancer treatment. Your dog can have a better health and improve its immune system. People who read this article also read:

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Tubers Can Prevent High Blood Pressure

At fast food restaurants, french fries are often considered one of the least healthy menu for the heart and blood vessels. However, if cooked properly, potatoes and other tubers can actually prevent high blood pressure.
Tubers, especially potatoes and sweet potatoes contain a lot of so-called cholinergic acid compounds. For the heart, these compounds can prevent the increase in blood pressure which is one risk factor for stroke and heart attack.
In a study at the University of Scranton, potatoes and root crops are proven to prevent hypertension in 18 patients with overweight or overweight. As you well know, someone who is overweight is more at risk of developing high blood pressure.
The study, led by Joe Vinson PhD is done by replacing the diet of the participants of rice or bread into the tubers. During the month, the participants ate the bulbs as much as 2 times a day with the portion that has been set.
Having observed the change, participants' blood pressure dropped an average of 3.5 to 4.3 percent. Compared with participants in the control group who still eat rice and bread, participants who regularly consumed the tubers have a healthier heart.
"These preliminary results indicate that especially tubers and red colored Putin can lower blood pressure. Peneltiian Need more information to be sure," said Professor Vinson as quoted from, Saturday (03/09/2011).
In addition, if cooked properly it is potatoes and root crops have a lower glycemic index than rice. A lower glycemic index suggests that these foods make the stomach feel full longer so it does not make fat.
One of the tubers Jard sometimes unhealthy because one cook is potatoes. According to Prof Vinson, potatoes would be healthier if cooked without butter, oil and course salt because salt can actually increase blood pressure

Monday, August 1, 2011

How to Raise The Good Cholesterol (HDL)?

 A 38-year-old woman doing a routine two-yearly health exam. After receiving the results, it appears that levels of "good" cholesterol, HDL, below the line below normal, at 39 mg / dl. For women, the lowest level is 50 mg / dl.

In fact, the task is to destroy cholesterol HDL cholesterol from the body before the cells have a chance to hamper the smooth arteries. Figures should be higher HDL to reduce cardiovascular disease.
Fortunately, kolestreol levels of "bad" or LDL cholesterol levels close to the ideal of 101 mg / dL, whereas triglycerides 93 mg / dl. Thus, total cholesterol level is 169 mg / dl. The best limit cholesterol levels of less than 200 mg / dl.

How to calculate the total cholesterol: HDL LDL + (Triglycerides / 5)
All are racing to get the total cholesterol below 200 mg / dl. However, certainly the more important to maintain the ratio of LDL and HDL as low as possible.
According to an article published in Current Medical Research and Opinion, LDL and HDL ratio higher than 8.0 could potentially lead to coronary heart disease.

The trick to getting the balance ratio is lower LDL or raise HDL levels. For the case of women at the top, she should raise the HDL levels as much as possible without drugs, such as Niacin.
Many medical studies show omega-3 fatty acids are very effective for raising HDL levels. Omega-3 is normally present in fish, like salmon. It is better to add the pumpkin seeds into the oatmeal at breakfast. Pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds also contain high concentrations of omega-3, as much as that contained in fish. Grains could be an alternative for those who can not eat fish.

Another alternative is to get the omega-3 supplements can be obtained through the various pharmacies. Proven effective supplements to raise HDL. Other foods are green tea and dark chocolate. Supplements of vitamin D also has a positive effect on increasing HDL.
Then, anyone who does not like orange juice? Well, the latter being one of them serves to raise HDL.

cholesterol levels

* Total

Below 200 mg / dl = the best

200-239 mg / dl = border into high

240 mg / dl to above = high


Below 70 mg / dl = best for those who have a higher risk of heart disease

Below 100 = best for those at risk of heart disease

100-129 mg / dl = close to the ideal

130-159 mg / dl = border into high

160-189 mg / dl = high

190 mg / dl to above = very high


Below 40 mg / dl (men) and under 50 (women) = bad

50-59 mg / dl = good

Above 60 mg / dl = the best

* Triglycerides

Below 150 mg / dl = the best

150-199 mg / dl = border into high

200-499 mg / dl = high

500 mg / dl to above = very high