Thursday, June 30, 2011

Goodbye Insomnia.!

Difficulty sleeping can be very annoying when this happens constantly, or what we call insomnia. In fact, there are a hundred ways to get quality sleep. Begin by changing your diet before bed. Want to know how the next?

* Think about the select snack before bedtime. The combination of carbohydrate-containing tryptophan, such as a bowl of cereal with non fat milk, will make us sleep more soundly, instead of only eating one type of food. Carbohydrates will help release chemicals in the blood that cause sleep disturbance, and will convey signals to the brain that your body is ready for a break.

* Eat fruit cherry. At night, try eating some cherry fruit. The experts found that the cherry jam fruit has the same function with melatonin, a hormone released by our bodies that will keep your sleep patterns.

* Tomb of seafood night. Dinner with seafood, like fish, can make sleep more soundly. Cod, tuna, snapper, halibut, and shrimp, contain tryptophan excellent for helping you sleep soundly. The amount is comparable with the turkey.

* Avoid consumption of chili. Far-Far be it from hot pepper if you want fast asleep. Because eating spicy foods before bedtime can raise body temperature and prevent you from falling asleep, and also increases the heart rate.

* Do not eat Chinese food. Chinese food, canned vegetables, soups, and other fast foods, famous for using a lot of seasoning (MSG). MSG can cause headaches and insomnia for most people. First check the labels on canned food if you eat them at night.

* Choose a tea rather than coffee. Caffeine is known as a substance that helps us to stay awake. Examples of coffee. Replace these drinks with a cup of tea. Tea contains only half the caffeine of coffee. Tea also helps us to let go of stress. If you can not stand black tea, try to substitute with green tea.

* The smell of lemon mint. Add the aroma of mint and lemon in your drink or food. Mint and lemon have a substance that can relieve breathing.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Should I Get A Dog For My Kids?

Chldren play with dogs, talk to and laugh with them, walk with them, do their homework with them and even share their strongest feelings and deepest secrets with them. Dogs love children unconditionally and never yell at or punish them for not doing their homework or chores or for not cleaning their bedroom. Kids and dogs - you just can’t beat this winning combination!

Kids learn compassion and responsibility by learning to share life with and feed and care for their pets. They learn to value and appreciate all living creatures. They learn a lot about life itself, getting sick or old, living in the moment, sharing companionship and friendship– and also the care and commitment an animal companion requires and deserves.

When is it appropriate for a child to have a pet? It truly depends on the child’s family situation and his own maturity. As a parent, know that you are ultimately responsible for the care and well-being of your family pet. Children are well-intentioned and may promise that they will take care of the pet on their own. But we, as parents, know, that children are easily distracted and preoccupied with their own responsibilities such as school, extracurricular activities, human friendships and social obligations. They may be very well-intentioned, but lack the maturity to assume full responsibility for another living being.

Before adopting a pet into your family, it is very important to have serious discussions about the obligations and responsibilities associated with pet guardianship or “parenthood”. Your child must thoroughly understand that a pet is a sentient, living creature who may be shorter lived than he, who may get sick and require veterinary care, who depends on humans for his regular food, water, grooming, exercise and overall wellness. He is a vulnerable creature who depends entirely on his human caregivers. You must also decide which type of dog best suits your family’s personality and lifestyle and to whom which responsibilities of the pet’s daily needs will be delegated.

Much thought and deliberation of each family member is required to determine if a pet is appropriate for you. Consider that the pet should be spayed or neutered, receive his vaccinations and regular visits to the vet to make sure he is in good health, have a nutritious and healthy diet, daily exercise and playtime, frequent interaction with his human family, and receive socialization and obedience training. Each member of the family must understand that the pet requires a lifetime commitment to keep him as happy and healthy and comfortable as possible. If you do not have the time, space or budget to provide a healthy life for a pet, please do not adopt one. There are countless homeless animals who have been surrendered to animal welfare organizations and shelters and ultimately euthanised simply because their owners did not take the time to conduct research as to the time, space, activity level and money associated with keeping a pet or consider how much attention, interaction and care an animal companion requires. A pet has the potential of becoming a loving, devoted, loyal, unconditionally loving and beloved family member. If he is neglected, he can become sick, bored and destructive. Whether or not to get a dog for the kids is an extremely important decision. Take the time and make the effort to determine if a pet is in your child’s future!

About The Author:
Dr. Diane Pomerance is an author, animal rescuer and pet expert. She also created the Pet Grief Counseling Program for the SPCA of Texas which incorporates grief support groups and counseling.

Visit Diane at

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Antibiotics and Immunity System of Children

Reviews about the importance of rational use of antibiotics to children has been frequently discussed. But the side effect was discovered only limited effects of germ resistance. In fact, overuse of antibiotics can lead to chronic disease.

"The use of antibiotics that are not rational thought to be a trigger many cases of obesity, type 1 diabetes, allergies and asthma, which now number more than doubled," says Martin Blaser, professor of microbiology from New York University Langone Medical Center, USA.

Humans are also often called meta-organism, because of the large number and volume of microbes that live in our bodies. They live in the intestines, skin, and even the navel.
Research shows that these microbes provide many health benefits, such as helping the body get the vitamin K, energy, and prevent the onset of autoimmune diseases.

Meanwhile, an antibiotic that is derived from the anti and bios (life), means a substance that can kill and weaken a living creature, ie, micro-organisms such as bacteria, parasites, or fungi. But he did not kill the virus.
Antibiotics are wonder drug and it has contributed to improving human life expectancy. Unfortunately, doctors often prescribe antibiotics easily, including for diseases caused by viruses.

Blasser decades researching the bacteria found, the irrational use of antibiotics to give a greater impact but less recognized, namely changing the microbial community in the body.

Allegations were corroborated by studies in 2010 that found antiotik cause changes in gut microbial populations drastically and will never be back to normal. Other research suggests antibiotics causing superbugs in the body that can last up to 3 years.

According Blesser, in the 21st century, the bacteria that had been living in the intestines of humans thousands of years ago now the number is less than 6 percent. The study was conducted in children in developed countries like the U.S., Sweden and Germany.

Research shows the use amoxilin, could eliminate 20-50 percent of bacteria H.pylori. The effect, colon cancer is now rarely found. But diseases such as cancer of the esophagus and reflux increased drastically.

"It had something to do with the actual reduction in H.pylori bacteria protect the esophagus. Impaired balance of these bacteria also cause a person more susceptible to asthma and allergies," he said.
Women born in the 1940s, populations of bacteria in the body is still normal because at that time only known two kinds of antibiotics. If they had a daughter, possibly slightly reduced the amount of good bacteria, but the grandchildren and great-grandson, dwindling again.

"Every generation has a fewer number of bacteria. I am not suggesting that being anti to the antibiotics but physicians should be wise to look at the benefits and disadvantages of prescribing antibiotics," he said.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Limit the Use of Antibiotics

Carelessness doctors or health workers in delivering antibiotics to treat various infectious diseases have made a lot of people with pneumonia resistant to antibiotics.
In fact, in some cases in Indonesia, immunity has reached the final stage so that there was no medicine that can be used to heal.

Professor of Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia, Hadiarto Mangunnegoro in Jakarta, Saturday (12/11/2011), affirmed, not all diseases caused by bacteria require antibiotics for treatment.

Giving antibiotics should take into account the patient's disease history experienced before. Consumption of antibiotics patients should also be considered, such as type, dose, and time of administration of antibiotics. Antibiotics should be given based on laboratory tests are complete.

"Many antibiotics are given only on the basis of experience so often given antibiotics did not match the type of bacteria," said Chairman of the Association of Physicians Pulmonary Indonesia, Arifin M Nawas.
Giving antibiotics carelessly done it many general practitioners. Consequently, when the disease progresses and specialist physicians treated, antibiotic immunity has occurred so that it becomes difficult to handle.
The condition is exacerbated by poor understanding of the community in taking an antibiotic. They are often times not to take it to its conclusion because he felt the body's condition has improved. In addition, poor supervision of the sale of drugs would also create a society free to buy antibiotics.

Martahan Sitorus of the Sub-Acute Respiratory Infection Control, Ministry of Health, acknowledged the low ability of physicians, especially those served in centers, in complying with the rules of administration of antibiotics.

A number of health workers have received training in the use of antibiotics. However, because the control of health workers on local governments, many health workers have been trained to move its position was optimal training benefits.

Cause of death Pneumonia is one type of pneumonia can be caused by viruses, bacteria, or fungi. Because the cause is bacteria, the primary treatment need to use antibiotics. Symptoms of this disease are similar to normal influenza such as fever, headache, cough, chest pain, to muscle pain.
This disease affects many children aged under five years old (toddlers) and the elderly. Pneumonia is also a lot of the comorbidities of heart disease, diabetes and some cancers.

Director General of Disease Control and Environmental Health, Ministry of Health, Tjandra Yoga Aditama said, pneumonia is the cause of death of 13.2 percent of children under five and 12.7 percent of children in Indonesia. Indonesia Health Profile 2010 put pneumonia as the cause of death inpatients in hospitals by 7.60 percent, much higher than deaths due to injury.

According Hadiarto, increasing the life expectancy of Indonesian society and the development of non-infectious disease that began attacking many productive age group make a number of patients with pneumonia continues to swell. Many groups of adults who suffer from pneumonia makes economic burden to be borne high.

"If antibiotics are administered properly, according to the dosage, type, and patterns of bacteria in each area, without the complications of pneumonia can be cured in just 5-7 days," he said.
After three days post-antibiotic treatment, the physician should see the response given antibiotics. If appropriate, antibiotics lived completed next two to five days.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Chitosan- Curcumin Killing The Cancer Cells

Researchers Faculty of Pharmacy, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia in 2003 obtained a patent Pentagamavunon-0 in the United States, which is an inhibitor curcumin compound modified cancer cells. Now the developed chitosan nanoparticles to carry curcumin to more effectively target cancer cells.

This (modified curcumin) to anticancer drugs in combination with curcumin in the overlying chitosan nanoparticle size, "said the lecturer and researcher at the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Gadjah Mada, Ronny Martien, Thursday (23 / 6), after receiving the award and research grant from Indonesia Academy of Sciences (AIPI) in Jakarta.

Ronny is one of four other young researchers who were given grants of research funding by the  AIPI. Ronny proposed Biodiversity Utilization of research fields.

Title research "Utilization of Chitosan in Improving Bioavailibilitas Compounds Pentagamavunon-0 (PGV-0) as-inflammatory Analgesic Drugs with Nanoparticles Formulations".
PGV-0 is a derivative analog of curcumin derived from turmeric and ginger rhizome. According to Ronny, PGV-0 researched UGM in cooperation with the Netherlands.

Then, PGV-0 patented in the U.S. with Patent No. US-6777. 447B2. It's given a lot of research done in this country and curcumin has resulted in several patents as well. Curcumin was obtained from turmeric and ginger are widely exported to the U.S.

PGV-0 proved to have the ability to inhibit the enzyme cyclooxygenase (COX-2) are found in cancer cells. Expression of COX-2 enzyme tends to increase in the cancer cells so it must be inhibited for the healing process.

"PGV-0 as anticancer drugs also have drawbacks in the form keterlarutan level in water is low so it needs to be combined with chitosan with keterlarutan in high water," said Ronny.
Ronny argues, anticancer drugs with nanoparticle technology is pursued through the encapsulation of curcumin with 2-5 nanometer-sized chitosan. Availability of raw materials for curcumin and chitosan thus likely to be abundant cheap drugs.

"There are two ways to make chitosan and curcumin has a size of nanoparticles," said Ronny.
Both methods include the top down and bottom up. Top-down method using principles of physics with homogeniser equipment that does not exist in Indonesia and the cost becomes relatively expensive. Bottom up method in principle reached by the chemical process of mixing the chitosan and curcumin.
"Currently there is no industry that says it wants to work together to develop this research and produce the medicine in the future," he said.

According to him, the abundance of raw materials is a major capital development of the drug in the future. PGV-0 easily derived from curcumin, turmeric and ginger rhizome that have suitable habitat in the tropical regions in Indonesia.

Chitosan is made from chitin contained in the shells of crustaceans, including crab shells. Shells of shrimp, for example, estimated to cover 30-70 percent of the shrimp body itself so that the shell becomes abundant waste.

Through the process of purification, the shells will produce chitin as the compound capable of binding aminopolisakarida 4-5 times the weight of fat rather than weight chitin itself. To make chitin as chitosan, taken through the process of chitin hydrolysis by acids and bases.
Chitosan is chitin that has been removed asetilnya group, then leaving a free amine group makes chitosan is polikationik or positively charged ions.

"Because of this positive charge chitosan can be affixed with the negatively charged curcumin," says Ronny.
Anticancer drug with a combination of chitosan and curcumin-more precisely is the PGV-O-nanoparticle size is inserted orally into the patient's body.

Nanoparticle drug is then easily absorbed and enter the blood vessels and tissue cells. Drug will work when the encounter cancer cells, particularly inhibiting the enzyme COX-2 in cancer cells.

"Curcumin in this case as a drug or medicine who wish to transfer with chitosan nanoparticles," said Ronny.
In later development, the drug can be altered according to what the patient needs. Drugs with nanoparticle size will reduce the dose, but Ronny admits, his research has not reached the target precision.
"The pharmaceutical researchers in the world right now is pursuing methods of achieving the target precision of disease to be treated with this nanoparticle drug," Ronny said.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Women are More Often Insomnia than Men

 There are many factors that cause insomnia or trouble sleeping. In addition to psychological factors, such as stress or depression, insomnia is also associated with the influence of estrogen and progesterone. That is why women more often experience sleep disturbances compared with men.

There are women who experience premenstrual insomnia, others complain of difficulty sleeping during menopause. According to the explanation Dr.dr.Nurmiati Amir, Sp.KJ (K) of the RSCM Jakarta, near the menopause estrogen production begins to decline. This makes most women more often awakened at night because of heart palpitations or complaints arising burning sensation in the chest (heartburn).

In pregnant hormonal changes occur that can disrupt sleep. As well as the enlarged uterus and bladder urgency so that pregnant women often awakened at night to urinate.

In women, in addition to hormonal factors, sleep disorders also frequently occur due to psychological stress. Call it a problem with your partner, work issues, child affairs, breakups, until financial problems. Statistically, women more often experienced this, perhaps because women are more sensitive.

According dr.Nurmiati, decreased cognitive function in menopausal women experiencing insomnia insomnia worse than in men. That is why insomnia should be addressed.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Does Insomnia Cause of Death ?

There have been many accidents and health problems occur because of sleep disorders. Studies in rats in laboratory experiments constantly forced to get up eventually die within two weeks. However, is it true sleep deprivation in humans also leads to death?
According to medical records, the longest a human survive without sleep is 11 days. That was evidenced by Randy Gardner, 17 years old teenager who in 1967 kept awake for 11 days for a competency dance. As long as he does not suffer from sleep no pain and still be able to follow the competition. Finished the competition, he then slept for 14 hours and energy recovered as usual.
However, the example is a lack of sleep, which is very different from insomnia. "It is not unusual when someone can not sleep for several days because of insomnia," said Dr. Michael Thorpy of the Sleep-Wake Disorders Center, USA.
There is a very rare case of insomnia, which is caused due to genetic factors, that is fatal familial insomnia (FFI). The disorder affects only 40 families worldwide.
As a result of FFI, a person will suffer from panic attacks, hallucinations, decreased body weight, demenisa, and sometimes death. The sleep disturbance causes a decrease in nerve function in the brain. FFI usually occurs in middle-aged people and ended with the deaths during the period of one or two years.
Thorpy explained, in most people, chronic insomnia does not directly cause death. However, lack of sleep can lead to serious health problems that increase the risk of death.
"Sleeping less than seven hours per day associated with reduced cognitive function, especially loss of concentration, impaired memory, and koornidasi hands and eyes," said Thorpy.
The study also showed that people who suffer from insomnia more at risk of depression and anxiety. Insomnia is also associated with risk of heart disease and hypertension, obesity, diabetes, breast cancer, and headaches. That is why, people who suffer from insomnia must obtain a doctor's care.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Sleeping Time Less than 5 Hours Endanger the Heart

If the quantity of sleep less than five hours a day, including naps, would increase the risk of suffering from  coronary heart disease, heart attack, and stroke.

Karin Zeitvogel study was conducted at the Faculty of Medicine, West Virginia University and is written in the journal "Sleep"-published by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) and the Sleep Research Society, the Sunday edition (eighth) in Washington, USA.

Karin said, the age group at greatest risk are under 60 years who slept five hours or less a night. Their risk of developing cardiovascular disease are three times more than people who slept seven hours.

David Dinges, chief of Sleep and Khronobiologi Unit at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania found, 142 adults who slept for five days is very limited, slower to react and difficult to focus.

"One or two extra hours of sleep in the morning after a period of chronic sleep loss is useful for the recovery of alertness," said Dinges.

Parties AASM recommends: adults sleep about seven to eight hours each night so as not exposed to the risk of heart disease