Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Sleeping Time Less than 5 Hours Endanger the Heart

If the quantity of sleep less than five hours a day, including naps, would increase the risk of suffering from  coronary heart disease, heart attack, and stroke.

Karin Zeitvogel study was conducted at the Faculty of Medicine, West Virginia University and is written in the journal "Sleep"-published by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) and the Sleep Research Society, the Sunday edition (eighth) in Washington, USA.

Karin said, the age group at greatest risk are under 60 years who slept five hours or less a night. Their risk of developing cardiovascular disease are three times more than people who slept seven hours.

David Dinges, chief of Sleep and Khronobiologi Unit at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania found, 142 adults who slept for five days is very limited, slower to react and difficult to focus.

"One or two extra hours of sleep in the morning after a period of chronic sleep loss is useful for the recovery of alertness," said Dinges.

Parties AASM recommends: adults sleep about seven to eight hours each night so as not exposed to the risk of heart disease

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