Saturday, June 18, 2011

Limit the Use of Antibiotics

Carelessness doctors or health workers in delivering antibiotics to treat various infectious diseases have made a lot of people with pneumonia resistant to antibiotics.
In fact, in some cases in Indonesia, immunity has reached the final stage so that there was no medicine that can be used to heal.

Professor of Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia, Hadiarto Mangunnegoro in Jakarta, Saturday (12/11/2011), affirmed, not all diseases caused by bacteria require antibiotics for treatment.

Giving antibiotics should take into account the patient's disease history experienced before. Consumption of antibiotics patients should also be considered, such as type, dose, and time of administration of antibiotics. Antibiotics should be given based on laboratory tests are complete.

"Many antibiotics are given only on the basis of experience so often given antibiotics did not match the type of bacteria," said Chairman of the Association of Physicians Pulmonary Indonesia, Arifin M Nawas.
Giving antibiotics carelessly done it many general practitioners. Consequently, when the disease progresses and specialist physicians treated, antibiotic immunity has occurred so that it becomes difficult to handle.
The condition is exacerbated by poor understanding of the community in taking an antibiotic. They are often times not to take it to its conclusion because he felt the body's condition has improved. In addition, poor supervision of the sale of drugs would also create a society free to buy antibiotics.

Martahan Sitorus of the Sub-Acute Respiratory Infection Control, Ministry of Health, acknowledged the low ability of physicians, especially those served in centers, in complying with the rules of administration of antibiotics.

A number of health workers have received training in the use of antibiotics. However, because the control of health workers on local governments, many health workers have been trained to move its position was optimal training benefits.

Cause of death Pneumonia is one type of pneumonia can be caused by viruses, bacteria, or fungi. Because the cause is bacteria, the primary treatment need to use antibiotics. Symptoms of this disease are similar to normal influenza such as fever, headache, cough, chest pain, to muscle pain.
This disease affects many children aged under five years old (toddlers) and the elderly. Pneumonia is also a lot of the comorbidities of heart disease, diabetes and some cancers.

Director General of Disease Control and Environmental Health, Ministry of Health, Tjandra Yoga Aditama said, pneumonia is the cause of death of 13.2 percent of children under five and 12.7 percent of children in Indonesia. Indonesia Health Profile 2010 put pneumonia as the cause of death inpatients in hospitals by 7.60 percent, much higher than deaths due to injury.

According Hadiarto, increasing the life expectancy of Indonesian society and the development of non-infectious disease that began attacking many productive age group make a number of patients with pneumonia continues to swell. Many groups of adults who suffer from pneumonia makes economic burden to be borne high.

"If antibiotics are administered properly, according to the dosage, type, and patterns of bacteria in each area, without the complications of pneumonia can be cured in just 5-7 days," he said.
After three days post-antibiotic treatment, the physician should see the response given antibiotics. If appropriate, antibiotics lived completed next two to five days.

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