Monday, June 13, 2011

Women are More Often Insomnia than Men

 There are many factors that cause insomnia or trouble sleeping. In addition to psychological factors, such as stress or depression, insomnia is also associated with the influence of estrogen and progesterone. That is why women more often experience sleep disturbances compared with men.

There are women who experience premenstrual insomnia, others complain of difficulty sleeping during menopause. According to the explanation Dr.dr.Nurmiati Amir, Sp.KJ (K) of the RSCM Jakarta, near the menopause estrogen production begins to decline. This makes most women more often awakened at night because of heart palpitations or complaints arising burning sensation in the chest (heartburn).

In pregnant hormonal changes occur that can disrupt sleep. As well as the enlarged uterus and bladder urgency so that pregnant women often awakened at night to urinate.

In women, in addition to hormonal factors, sleep disorders also frequently occur due to psychological stress. Call it a problem with your partner, work issues, child affairs, breakups, until financial problems. Statistically, women more often experienced this, perhaps because women are more sensitive.

According dr.Nurmiati, decreased cognitive function in menopausal women experiencing insomnia insomnia worse than in men. That is why insomnia should be addressed.

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