Monday, December 27, 2010

Beware Stress Symptoms in Children

Breaking for children are needed to give him a chance to feel comfortable, relaxed, and relax without the routine activities that should he live. Conversely, if too burdened by routine activity at home and school, the children could under stress.

Actually, on a scale of mild, stress is a natural response that arises, either from within ourselves when there is pressure, demands, or threats of attack, either physical or psychological. However, if it is heavy to disrupt the child's activity, then the stress must be overcome.

There are two types of stress, eustress and distress. Eustress good impact because addressed by turning it into something positive. For example, children are not afraid to pass the exam, then he is overcome with active learning. The distress has a negative impact because it addressed a negative way. For example, the child afraid of the teachers who are grumpy and then he broke down the school.

Point your child to be able to manage stress well so that he can turn distress into eustress. In life, problems would always arise: at school, home, a playground, and others. If not taught, then the child can not cope with stress. Distress may emerge. Labile emotion turmoil and ultimately affect the activities of daily life.

Stress can be known through the symptoms that arise from the attitude, academic achievement, writing, and others. The symptoms were, among others,

* Restless and uncomfortable
Look at the children's behavior, whether he was restless and uncomfortable? Usually this is indicated by the attitude of moody, cranky, crying easily, decreased appetite, not excited, easily annoyed, likes to rebel, and others.

* The value decreased lesson
Take a look at the value of subjects. Usually there is a tendency that this decline because the spirit of learning decreases. He had difficulty concentrating because of homework burdened many minds.

* Shown through pictures and writings
Children are experiencing pressure or stress, while he could not cope. This is usually indicated also by drawing / writing children who are not as neat as ever. Usually drawing / writing children looked rumpled and messy.

If there are symptoms as above, then approached the child and with whom he communicates. Maybe he was sick, having problems at school, lack of rest, felt compelled to follow lessons, and others. If it turns out there is a problem that made him depressed, then we must give a response. Make him feel comfortable to strengthen his heart so there is a new passion, then take the appropriate solution to the case. For example, if the school there is a problem with a stern teacher, then we strengthen child care, "He is not grumpy if you study hard!" Then work with the school to discuss this issue.

If the problem is he depressed because he did not participate les interested, then try to dig again what exactly is the desire of the child. If it is true he was not interested, then do not force the child. Find other activities which indeed she likes.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Soy milk, Suitable for Healthy Diet

Soy milk is not less nutritional value than cow's milk, even cheaper. Another advantage is not fattening and can be consumed by those who can not drink cow's milk. Soy milk is also an excellent source of phytoestrogens for women.

Soy milk or nut milk is also known as the beverage is not foreign to us. It is unfortunate if the soy milk until now only used as a release thirst.

In fact, the nutritional value of soy milk is not less than cow milk. As prices soar cow's milk, many people who prefer to stop the consumption of milk rather than replace them with alternatives such as soy milk.
Drinking milk must be a habit. At least a day we should consume a glass of milk.

Soy milk can be a solution for those who can not consume cow's milk with a variety of reasons, such as allergies, lactose intolerance, or because of economic factors. Soy milk can also be a substitute for cow's milk variety menu to avoid saturation. One thing is for sure, the nutritional value of soy milk is not less than cow milk.

Not Ordinary Drink
Soy milk is highly nutritious beverage which was originally developed in China. This drink is known in the 2nd century AD From China, soy milk and then evolved into Japan. After World War II, soybean milk became popular in Southeast Asia, including Indonesia.

In Hong Kong, soy milk is better known by the name vitasoy. In Singapore and Malaysia, soy milk is familiar with vitabean. In both countries, soy milk has been cultivated commercially since 1952. In the Philippines, popularly known as philsoy. In Indonesia, soy milk was originally sold on the roadside flora. In recent years, soy milk in cardboard boxes or bottles, many in the market.

Viewed from the nutritional value, soy milk is not less than cow milk. Therefore, soy milk can be used as a substitute for cow's milk. Two glasses of soy milk consumption has been able to meet 30 percent of the daily protein requirement. In 100 grams of liquid soybean milk contained 3.5 gram of protein, whereas in cow's milk is only 3.2 grams per 100 gram.

Quality protein, soy milk no less than cow milk. Quality protein, soy milk in the form of a single food is 80 percent of cow's milk protein quality. This can be seen from the PER (protein eficiency ratio) of soy milk that is not much different from cow's milk.

PER value of 2.3 soy milk, whereas cow's milk 2.5. PER value of 2.3 means that from every gram of protein consumed will result in weight gain of 2.3 grams in standard experimental conditions (usually done with the animal experiments). That the higher the PER value indicates the better quality protein.

Essential amino acids in soy milk contained in the composition is almost complete and harmonious. Compared with cow's milk, the composition of amino acids in protein, soy milk with less in terms of methionine and cysteine. The main advantage of soy milk has the amino acid lysine is high enough. Thus, soy milk can be used to improve the nutritional value of protein from rice and other cereal foods.

Not to Make Fat
Soy milk good for those who want to diet, but still supplying the needs of protein in sufficient quantities. One of the advantages of soy milk compared to cow's milk is low fat content.

Fat in soy milk can not cause obesity because most are in the form of unsaturated fatty acids. Meanwhile, the fat in cow's milk is a potential animal fats cause the body to be elastic because they contain saturated fatty acids is quite high. Another advantage, soy milk contains no cholesterol.

Although soy milk contains carbohydrates are good enough, only 12-14 percent that can be used in a biological body. Carbohydrate group consisting of oligosaccharides and polysaccharides class. Class consisting of oligosaccharides and raffinosa stakiosa soluble in water, whereas erabinogalaktan group consisting of polysaccharides and cellulosic materials are not soluble in water, and can not be digested.

In general, soy milk has a good content of vitamins, especially A and B complex, except for vitamin B12. Other vitamins contained in considerable amounts is vitamin E and K. Not wrong when during the many people who argue that drinking soy milk to make the body younger. Vitamin E and A is an antioxidant that can prevent premature aging.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Natural Hormone Therapy? Use Soy Milk

Not many people who like to drink milk made from raw soybeans. The reason can vary, among other unpleasant odor and taste that is not tasty, let alone soy milk has no calcium as cow's milk.

But wait! Soy milk also has many advantages compared to cow's milk. One of them, soy has estrogen-like compounds called phytoestrogens.

Drinking soy milk once a day together with the natural estrogen hormone therapy. Drink soy milk regularly can prevent bone loss or osteoporosis symptoms. Even so with sore complaints in women approaching menopause and post-menopausal.

In fact, soy milk can also prevent arthritis. Understandably, soy milk contain vitamin Bl, B2, and niacin in an amount equivalent to cow's milk. Soy also contains vitamin E and K, which is useful as a source of anti-aging or aging inhibitors.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Cholesterol-Free Soy Milk

Although small shape, soybean can be processed into various food products, one of which is soy milk. Composition of soy milk is similar to cow's milk, soy milk and therefore can be used as a substitute for cow's milk, especially for those who are allergic to cow's milk lactose.

Another advantage of soy milk rather than cow's milk is contain no cholesterol at all.Cholesterol content of cow's milk is still relatively very low when compared to other animal food. Because it does not have to worry about drinking cow's milk.

Quality protein, soy milk is similar to cow's milk protein quality. Protein eficiency ratio (PER) of soy milk is 2.3 whereas cow milk is 2.5 PER. PER 2.3 means that every gram of protein eaten would result in weight gain of 2.3 grams. Thus, the higher the PER value reflects the better quality protein.

In general, soy milk contains vitamins B1, B2 and niacin in an amount equivalent to cow's milk or breast milk, and contains vitamins E and K in considerable amounts.

However, soy milk does not contain vitamin B12 and minerals, especially calcium, less than cow milk. Therefore, soy milk is usually produced at the factory are always supplemented with minerals and vitamins.