Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Sleep Position are Explain Their Personality

Some sleep researchers about health in the UK find out what one's relationship to sleep position with our personality. It turned out pretty closely related. Here are 6 of the most common sleeping position of some 1,000 respondents and their personalities.

Fetal. This position is the highest position with 41 percent of respondents said they use this position during sleep. People who sleep in this position to sleep curled up, like a baby inside the womb. Generally, sleep on one side of the body, both legs bent close to the stomach. Both arms bent in front of the body. Personality of people who sleep in this position generally look tough on the outside, but inside it is actually sensitive, too shy. This type is also easily and quickly relaxed, not too long confusing problem.

Log in or as a beam of wood. As many as 15 percent of respondents said the sleep study with this position. Like the wooden beams, log type body position usually sleep with a rivet on one side of the body, legs and arms straight, not bent. People who like this type of sleep is suspected to have a personality that is relaxed and easy socializing. Very easy to trust a stranger. However, unfortunately sometimes easily deceived by promises of others.

Yearner or one who yearns. Reasonable people who want to hug, sleep with a rivet type yearner one side of the body, straight leg not bent, but the hand seemed to want to reach. Arms lying straight, as if to reach. This type usually have an open personality, but still has the easy cynicism and suspicion. This type is also slow in reaching decisions and difficult to change the stance and opinions.

Soldier. This position occupies the fourth position. Like the soldiers who are always in a state of alert, the position is the position of those soldiers who slept with the situation neatly. Body in a state of supine, legs straight in the state, each arm is on the body, is also straight. Usually, people who sleep with this body is a quiet and shy person, not like the noise. This type also has a high standard of assessment.

Freefaller. As many as 7 percent of respondents said the sleep study with this position. This position is sleeping with the state of his stomach. Usually, people with this type tend to be careless sleep position, tergapah-rushed, too sensitive, but has a fairly high confidence. Unfortunately, it is difficult to accept criticism.

Starfish. For those who slept with his arms flexed position and placed on the side of the head, they are suspected to have high social personality. Typically, those who sleep with the position held 5 percent of these respondents have a personality that is easy to make friends. Ready to listen to others and easily offer assistance. This type also has a humble nature, therefore not too fond of the limelight.

However, researchers are also reminded, as whatever your sleeping position, the most important is that you get enough sleep, also slept soundly. Lack of sleep and other sleep problems can cause health problems.

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