Monday, December 13, 2010

The Positions is Determine Sleep Soundly

You often feel as sleep disturbance, whether it's never slept soundly, snoring, or difficulty breathing? Chances are, you choose the wrong sleeping position. Because, according to research, certain sleeping position will affect your medical condition.

There are six most common sleeping position, and found that some of them turned out to affect health.

Leaning with curled position
This is the most common sleeping position, which is done by 41 percent of the 1,000 people involved in the survey. However, the position of tilt to the left was mentioned can cause stress on your vital organs, like liver, stomach, and lungs. If you really like your side, try to tilt to the right.

However, if you experience heartburn due to eating fatty foods or eating too late, skewed to the left position was better. When experiencing heartburn, stomach acid sometimes rises up into the esophagus, causing the occurrence of insomnia. Because when you sleep on your left, this is to keep the union between the stomach and esophagus in the upper levels of stomach acid.

On his back with arms at your sides
You sleep with your back against the mattress, his hands outstretched to the side of the body. Research shows, supine sleeping position such as this can make you or your husband's snoring, difficulty breathing, and sleeping soundly through the night. Is ngoroknya husband make you awake all night? Ask him to sleep on his stomach, so you both can sleep more soundly.

On his stomach with both hands on the head
Your sleeping position is with the chest and stomach stuck to the mattress, the head facing to one side, while both hands around his pillow over your head. Sleep in style freefall like this, or any position that makes your face facing down, highly recommended. In this position, gravity makes the contents of the stomach remains in place, so good for digestion.

On your back with both hands resting on the pillow

It also includes favorite sleeping style, where you sleep on your back with both hands in a circle on its head in the pillow. As another supine position, the force tends to make you sleep snoring and having trouble breathing while asleep. As a result, so do not sleep soundly tonight.

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