Saturday, December 25, 2010

Soy milk, Suitable for Healthy Diet

Soy milk is not less nutritional value than cow's milk, even cheaper. Another advantage is not fattening and can be consumed by those who can not drink cow's milk. Soy milk is also an excellent source of phytoestrogens for women.

Soy milk or nut milk is also known as the beverage is not foreign to us. It is unfortunate if the soy milk until now only used as a release thirst.

In fact, the nutritional value of soy milk is not less than cow milk. As prices soar cow's milk, many people who prefer to stop the consumption of milk rather than replace them with alternatives such as soy milk.
Drinking milk must be a habit. At least a day we should consume a glass of milk.

Soy milk can be a solution for those who can not consume cow's milk with a variety of reasons, such as allergies, lactose intolerance, or because of economic factors. Soy milk can also be a substitute for cow's milk variety menu to avoid saturation. One thing is for sure, the nutritional value of soy milk is not less than cow milk.

Not Ordinary Drink
Soy milk is highly nutritious beverage which was originally developed in China. This drink is known in the 2nd century AD From China, soy milk and then evolved into Japan. After World War II, soybean milk became popular in Southeast Asia, including Indonesia.

In Hong Kong, soy milk is better known by the name vitasoy. In Singapore and Malaysia, soy milk is familiar with vitabean. In both countries, soy milk has been cultivated commercially since 1952. In the Philippines, popularly known as philsoy. In Indonesia, soy milk was originally sold on the roadside flora. In recent years, soy milk in cardboard boxes or bottles, many in the market.

Viewed from the nutritional value, soy milk is not less than cow milk. Therefore, soy milk can be used as a substitute for cow's milk. Two glasses of soy milk consumption has been able to meet 30 percent of the daily protein requirement. In 100 grams of liquid soybean milk contained 3.5 gram of protein, whereas in cow's milk is only 3.2 grams per 100 gram.

Quality protein, soy milk no less than cow milk. Quality protein, soy milk in the form of a single food is 80 percent of cow's milk protein quality. This can be seen from the PER (protein eficiency ratio) of soy milk that is not much different from cow's milk.

PER value of 2.3 soy milk, whereas cow's milk 2.5. PER value of 2.3 means that from every gram of protein consumed will result in weight gain of 2.3 grams in standard experimental conditions (usually done with the animal experiments). That the higher the PER value indicates the better quality protein.

Essential amino acids in soy milk contained in the composition is almost complete and harmonious. Compared with cow's milk, the composition of amino acids in protein, soy milk with less in terms of methionine and cysteine. The main advantage of soy milk has the amino acid lysine is high enough. Thus, soy milk can be used to improve the nutritional value of protein from rice and other cereal foods.

Not to Make Fat
Soy milk good for those who want to diet, but still supplying the needs of protein in sufficient quantities. One of the advantages of soy milk compared to cow's milk is low fat content.

Fat in soy milk can not cause obesity because most are in the form of unsaturated fatty acids. Meanwhile, the fat in cow's milk is a potential animal fats cause the body to be elastic because they contain saturated fatty acids is quite high. Another advantage, soy milk contains no cholesterol.

Although soy milk contains carbohydrates are good enough, only 12-14 percent that can be used in a biological body. Carbohydrate group consisting of oligosaccharides and polysaccharides class. Class consisting of oligosaccharides and raffinosa stakiosa soluble in water, whereas erabinogalaktan group consisting of polysaccharides and cellulosic materials are not soluble in water, and can not be digested.

In general, soy milk has a good content of vitamins, especially A and B complex, except for vitamin B12. Other vitamins contained in considerable amounts is vitamin E and K. Not wrong when during the many people who argue that drinking soy milk to make the body younger. Vitamin E and A is an antioxidant that can prevent premature aging.

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