Monday, December 27, 2010

Beware Stress Symptoms in Children

Breaking for children are needed to give him a chance to feel comfortable, relaxed, and relax without the routine activities that should he live. Conversely, if too burdened by routine activity at home and school, the children could under stress.

Actually, on a scale of mild, stress is a natural response that arises, either from within ourselves when there is pressure, demands, or threats of attack, either physical or psychological. However, if it is heavy to disrupt the child's activity, then the stress must be overcome.

There are two types of stress, eustress and distress. Eustress good impact because addressed by turning it into something positive. For example, children are not afraid to pass the exam, then he is overcome with active learning. The distress has a negative impact because it addressed a negative way. For example, the child afraid of the teachers who are grumpy and then he broke down the school.

Point your child to be able to manage stress well so that he can turn distress into eustress. In life, problems would always arise: at school, home, a playground, and others. If not taught, then the child can not cope with stress. Distress may emerge. Labile emotion turmoil and ultimately affect the activities of daily life.

Stress can be known through the symptoms that arise from the attitude, academic achievement, writing, and others. The symptoms were, among others,

* Restless and uncomfortable
Look at the children's behavior, whether he was restless and uncomfortable? Usually this is indicated by the attitude of moody, cranky, crying easily, decreased appetite, not excited, easily annoyed, likes to rebel, and others.

* The value decreased lesson
Take a look at the value of subjects. Usually there is a tendency that this decline because the spirit of learning decreases. He had difficulty concentrating because of homework burdened many minds.

* Shown through pictures and writings
Children are experiencing pressure or stress, while he could not cope. This is usually indicated also by drawing / writing children who are not as neat as ever. Usually drawing / writing children looked rumpled and messy.

If there are symptoms as above, then approached the child and with whom he communicates. Maybe he was sick, having problems at school, lack of rest, felt compelled to follow lessons, and others. If it turns out there is a problem that made him depressed, then we must give a response. Make him feel comfortable to strengthen his heart so there is a new passion, then take the appropriate solution to the case. For example, if the school there is a problem with a stern teacher, then we strengthen child care, "He is not grumpy if you study hard!" Then work with the school to discuss this issue.

If the problem is he depressed because he did not participate les interested, then try to dig again what exactly is the desire of the child. If it is true he was not interested, then do not force the child. Find other activities which indeed she likes.

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